Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
A friendly reminder to new questers to read the Informational threadmarks and FAQ specifically before asking a question. Links below:

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Here is the Detailed Rune List

On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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I know dwarven engineering is great and all but it seems to me like it would be quite likely that a lot of those prosthetics aren't going to last forever. I mean an axe/shield/etc. that is only relatively rarely used is one thing but prosthetics are more or less constantly in use and probably suffer quite a bit of wear an tear over an average dwarven lifespan.
Turn 28
@soulcake I know that the Mind of Things part 2 (and Movement, and various others) don't have a sub-option that says "spend X Kraka Drakk/Brotherhood favor to get 1/1d2/etc progress" on it, but can we do so anyway? Spend 10 Kraka Drakk or Brotherhood favor in order to finish off the last single point of Mind of Things part 2, so our fourth action point is free to be spent on campaign or grudge-venging or something?
Not that lucky I'm afraid. No one in the brotherhood has that kind of experience sadly.
@soulcake: care to weigh in?
Bungie's math is right by my reckoning.

As for beard length you guys have it right enough.

.183 A.P.​

The hold is in a flurry of activity, the Throng prepares to march out in force while priests and crafts dwarfs prepare a massive convoy of material to be sent in after them, destined to kickstart the rebuilding efforts of several newly restored settlements.

Nothing is ever truly free of course, as the Kings have sworn themselves to a myriad of agreements and deals amongst themselves to facilitate this massive exchange of material and dwarf labour.

But on a more exotic note, a smaller, but still substantial convoy of more luxury goods is preparing to head south to Ravnsvake to partake in trade with the recently arrived tall folk from the sea. True to their word the Elgi have returned and continue to return these past few years. To such a degree that the arrival of an Elgi ship or two every few months has become a more common occurrence for the folk of Ravnsvake, while it's still a bit of a surprise to the more landlocked holds. Probing expeditions done at first by the..Thane you believe, of those initial two water wagons of theirs have led into more extensive trading efforts as the folk of Ravnsvake prove rather receptive to the goods they carry in their wagons. Something the merchants and traders of Kraka Drakk are all too keen to partake in, the skin and bones of beasts from the ocean proving to be quite the novelty to many a dwarf.

Frankly you don't see what all the hubbub is about. Sealsskins, Kraken or whatever misbegotten creature lurks in a place as foolish as the ocean ought to stay there. What's wrong with a nice Ice bear hide rug? Ambergristle or whatever it is the merchants say the Elgi call it smells nice aye, but you're people have done well enough with the scent of a few choice flowers or the smell of good strong ale for uncountable ages! Bah! Youthful indulgence and rebellion you must reckon.

But such thoughts are better left for more quiet times, your folk are currently in the business of slaying the bugger that dared assault your homes! A portion of the Throng already patrols and searches the depths, Brokk and his most elderly rangers all but running themselves ragged searching the depths for the foul creature.

Hmmph, you wish them well.


(Roll, The Hunt: 2)

"Trail's not gone cold, its downright blazing. Trouble is, the beast is much too clever to be corralled like its parent was," Brokk rumbles to the council.

"Any sign of its nest?" Otrek asks, taking the bitter news in stride.

"No noticeable pattern of its attacks, only attacks every few months before disappearing and reappearing somewhere completely different," he mutters, "Tunnels are winding, and efforts to explore them are hampered by the beast either attacking the scouting parties or collapsing them as it escapes back into the earth."

A round of indignant grumbling.

"Damn Vongarazi won't even fight properly," Gormark grunts, eyes squinted in bitter anger.

"Casualties are stable. Prince Gloin's efforts," Moira says with a nod towards the attending Dwarf, "have helped keep the youngsters' whits about them well enough."

"The tally grows slower than it could have but it grows all the same. But their sacrifice will not be in vain, each life brings us closer to our goal. Vengeance will be had. Hopefully soon, but we must prepare for the worst case scenario," Gloin rumbles, earning grunts of approval from all in the room, Moira included.

Every life lost in the pursuit, every bolt and rock used, every last scrap of material spent only added to the list on the Drakk's head. If it beggared the lot of you to see it dead, none would object.

To leave a Grudge unstruck for an extended period of time despite one's best efforts was one thing, for your people were a patient lot, but to leave it indefinitely? To, dare you think of such a...blasphemous idea, never bother trying to strike it out?


That'll be the day you shave your beard and start trying to fly.

There is not much else to the meeting after that, save for a round of grumbling about these Elgi from a few more mercantile Guildmasters. There is vengeance to be had, and vital these meetings may be, they don't do as much to strike out the Grudge as a good old fashioned hunt would!


You stand quietly, an imposing pillar of beard and metal, behind Nain and Karstah as they work on the Rune of Waking, each inscribing it on a copy of a simple mechanical contraption that you've tested enough times to know the exact speed and force a proper Rune ought to be capable of producing on each part.

Of course you could tell from their shoddy attempts at striking and hammering alone, but these contraptions weren't meant for your use. Instead, they served your bumbling charges well as a good guide to see just how badly they'd bungled their work.

Something you'd learned after teaching Konna, then found the same with Dolgi, and now with Karstah and Nain, was that they performed better when they had a more physical display of the sheer disparity between their half baked monstrosities and a true, proper, Rune. Something that grounded their knowledge to tangible effect and phenomena. Of course, it required the right kind of example, to make sure the lesson did not impart some falsehood or misconception into their foolish little heads. All of your other students, Fjolla and Snerra especially, grasped the concept well enough through simple lecture, which wasn't a mark of their comparative talent, but simply one of the many differences that youngsters had, that any decent Master ought to figure out to best draw out their talents.

Some would argue that there was only ever one proper method of teaching, but Valaya certainly had never made such a statement. Aye, there was always a single or perhaps few, proper, ways to do things, but not, in our opinion, a single proper way to teach a beardling that method.

Learning, after all, was a never-ending process and the way one learned best was different from individual to individual. Only now, with the experience of having a multitude of students, do you believe you have gotten rather good at teaching if you do say so yourself. So good in fact, that with a great deal of reluctance on your part admittedly, you fully believe that you were capable of taking on three bumbling idiots at once.

Ancestors help you, it would likely drive you mad, but you most certainly could do it.

But the question remains, why on earth would you dare subject yourself to such horror? It wasn't as if you could drink yourself to blissful drunkenness to survive such an ordeal, lest you teach them something incorrectly after all. Buzzed, aye you could do that, but full out piss-blind drunk? Not at all possible, not if you didn't wish to shame yourself as a teacher and Elder both!.

Damn these hypothetical youths, they'd drive you dangerously close to sobriety!


She stares down at the metal, once a source of great wonder but now it is only a source of consternation. A decade of work and she feels nowhere close to an answer. Halfway there, by her reckoning, but it yet feels so distant from the answer Bara is searching for.

The armour gleams like silverine snow.

There is nothing for it, she won't falter in the face of something so mundane as this. After all, the rewards would doubtlessly be sweeter for it, more filling than the finest ales should she succeed.

Bara gets up and stretches, spine cracking after having been bent over for….half a decade by her reckoning.

"BRONN!" she rumbles, doubtlessly spooking the boy, "we're headed for the archives."

She's already putting on her coat by the time her great-grandson has gotten his act together.



The forge flames roar, a bellowing chorus of creation. The thunder of his hammer on singing metal the beat to which they follow like a choir. The blows are so fierce that the great many banners, writ full with saga and song and hung like a curtain wall from his stout rafters, flutter with each strike.

Dwalin sings the songs of his Ancestors, his bass deep tones like the roar of Falls that feed the Black Water. The ancient tune guiding his hand like a minecart's rail guides the wheel. Over and over the sonorous hymn echoes through the cavernous halls of his domain.

The work of a decade's turn, countless years until now the final piece, the final song comes to its glorious end.

Beneath him the hammer rises and falls a final time, and the scintillating glow of power bound to pleasing form arises before him.

"HAHAHA! WONDROUS SUCCESS!" he roars, a deep belly laugh now flooding the domicile.

Behind him, far gone from his attention, and drowned out by the sound of hearty laughter the idol of the blessed Ancestor thrums with power.

Grumblings and Goings:

- [3 Turns] until the campaign for Karag Dum. Dwarfs flock to the Runelord's banner, oaths and vows exchanged to join her on the expedition. The most prestigious of these early entrants being none other than Lord Dwalin himself.
- The Drakk is a clever one, striking like lightning and never staying long enough for your folk to beat its fool head in! Brokk and his rangers have had little success in finding its lair so far, but with Gloin now active and capable of leading from the front once more there is a faint hope that the Grudge will be struck out sooner rather than later. Because it will be struck out one day, if not by Gloin's hand then his son's and his son's sons, and so on and so forth until the world's ending.
- Despite the setbacks that the North continually throws in the form of great rumbling hordes of beasties and such, the Reclamation continues apace. Dwarf stubbornness only grows stronger in the face of such fierce opposition after all! And as Kings are the pinnacle of Dwarfen virtues, it is only sensible that they have grown downright unbreakable in the seeming face of nature itself rising against them!
- Elgi from the distant Karaks of ...Kothik? Cothiqe? Cothique? Really? Are you up to some mischief beardling? Well, it just sounds downright foolish to have two vowels next to each other...Bah! Fine. Fine. Cothique(wazzock of a word), have begun to trade with the dwarfs of Ravnsvake and to a lesser extent the rest of your region through them. News is sparse, but from the sounds of things the brana have been tasked with soothing over the very obvious cultural differences between your peoples.
- Your charges are now at an age where its feasible for you to do as you've done before with Fjolla and Dolgi, taking on a new apprentice or set of apprentices without disrupting the learning of either.

- Trait Gained:
-- Master of Many: 1 action can now teach up to 3 apprentices for [12 turns]. Length of teaching 2 apprentices reduced to [10 turns]. 2nd apprentice action now unlocked at [5 Turns], and can now be used to teach up to 2 apprentices. You have personally taught enough bumbling youths, and been around enough of them to have a deep understanding of just how the maddening foolishness that is the Beardling/Plaitling mind functions better than most. Indeed you are rather hip with the kids as they used to say back in your father's day.

You have (5 -1) =4 actions this turn and 2 apprentice actions.


[ ] Odd Places 7/10: [Cost: 1 action] Can be taken multiple times., roll for usefulness. Look on Master Yorri's map and try and discover one of his marked locations. The locations will certainly be odd, but whether they'll be useful will remain to be seen.

[ ] Apprentice Hunt: [Cost: 1 action] Master of Many will proc. Apprentice Vote after Turn Results. Go out and trawl through the local and regional populace to find a beardling or two worth your time. No stone unturned, no clan unchecked, no record unread, even the Foundling Wards!

(*Updated*)[ ] Campaign: [Cost: 1 action] 2 Turns remaining. Can be taken multiple times, roll for loot + ???, will add bonus to search roll. This turn: Drakkazi. Go out and aid the throng every so often during the next phase of the reclamation. Normally you're only ever really called if things have gotten serious and you're of a similar mind, but this time it seems like the beasts of the North will not bow easy to Dwarf efforts to claim it. More importantly, the sheer number of beasties gives you a chance to go hunting for things and collect their most useful parts for your Runes.

(*Updated*)[X] Teach your apprentices: [Cost: 1 action] Master of Many will proc. Locked in for 5 turns.


Denote which simple request will receive the Apprentice Action in your plan.
[ ] [Simple] Apprentice work: [Cost: 1 apprentice action] Can be taken multiple times. Roll for usefulness. Your young charges are now of an age you feel it acceptable for them to do a bit of exploration. Send your apprentices out into the hold and pick up a few tasks from whoever offers it to them. Give them a bit of experience for their upcoming trial as journeymen and let them build a reputation in the hold. You'll of course critique their work and use it as a learning experience as any good master ought to.

[ ] [Simple] Arm them, Literally: [Cost: (6 +3 -2) =7 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. You've been intermittently making prosthetic arms and legs for the Karak's veterans in the decades since the siege. Yet more remain. Your work has been sporadic and otherwise unorganized fashion. For many this is entirely within the remit and expectations of most Runesmiths. However you are not most dwarfs, by Grungni's beard you are a Runelord and you should be able to do more than that. Most of the work will be in designing a system that lets you find the dwarfs who need replacement limbs, work to find the best possible product for them, then go about making the limbs in question.
- [ ] Clerical Aid: [Cost: 30 Favour] Gain 3 progress. None are as experienced, and therefore respected, in the art of healing dwarfs than the Clergy and adherents of Valaya. See if they'd be interested in coming to an arrangement with you. In essence you'd be leveraging both the Cult's status and reach to find those who may be looking for a replacement limb, and use their trusted position and administrative experience to speed up the entire process of organizing the entire ordeal. Giving you more time to actually work with the clients and make the limbs in question, and giving them another way to fulfill one of Valaya's oldest strictures.
- [X] A Long Term Solution: [Cost: Add 3 actions]. Dwarfs are martial by virtue of the world being unwilling to leave you be, the North especially. There will be more lost limbs in the future, so figuring out a way to keep this practice going in the long run, and maybe even involving your apprentices should they so wish, has some value as well. Furthermore it'd mean that if you discovered some way to restore other senses the framework would already be in place.

[ ] [Difficult] A Princely Panoply Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] a multi-work project. If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional Rune Ingredients here. Choose 2. Otrek has come to you with a minor request, seeking your expertise in armouring the scions of the King of the Skies in fine Gromril armour capable of keeping the Griffon's legacy alive as a gift to be given. He who Thinks and He who Remembers have different philosophies over the kind of armour they want. The former wants to retain his speed and dexterity while the latter wishes to improve his already formidable endurance and toughness.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] Function: Give a function or effect for the item in question and the type of equipment. (I will do my best to fulfill the desired effect, if impossible or requiring materials I will alert you. I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] [Difficult] Write in, A Matron's Banner Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional Rune Ingredients here. While recuperating from your latest visit to Moira the depth of how much trouble you've caused the elderly matron hit you, much like her pan did. But dammit your work is necessary! If you could make a powerful banner to aid ones healing and stamina which could be displayed in the Temple of Valaya or carried out with the army to bolster their healing and vitality you'd save a great many lives and ease her burdens. - [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] Function: Give a function or effect for the item in question and the type of equipment. (I will do my best to fulfill the desired effect, if impossible or requiring materials I will alert you. I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] [Difficult] Write in, The Valiant Ancestor Golem Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional Rune Ingredients here. Since returning from the campaign you've been reflecting on Grimnir and how he fought, twin axes flashing. And now, He is gone. Grimnir's departure will be forever seared into the hearts and minds of the Karaz Ankor, of that you have no doubt. But what about His life? Unlike most, you are one of the honored few to have met Him in person, to have spoken with Him. You shall make a gronti to remind the world and all future generations of His deeds, of His glorious life. The size of a Bloodthirster, a living altar of Pure Gromril clad in everlasting Adamant, eternally guarding the Everlasting Realm.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] Function: Give a function or effect for the item in question and the type of equipment. (I will do my best to fulfill the desired effect, if impossible or requiring materials I will alert you. I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] [Difficult] Write in, War Panoply of The Valiant. Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional Rune Ingredients here. Choose 3.The gronti is done, but your work isn't. While its skin is made in the image of His warplate, such an homage to Grimnir would never been complete without His characteristic mighty axes. Two to wield in melee, one on its back to reach foes beyond the earth, made of the purest Adamant.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] Function: Give a function or effect for the item in question and the type of equipment. (I will do my best to fulfill the desired effect, if impossible or requiring materials I will alert you. I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] [Difficult] Write in, Regalia of The Valiant. Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional Rune Ingredients here. Choose 2. He is armed and armored, but more than a fighter, Grimnir was the finest general your people have ever, and will ever, have. A leader like no other, He strikes fear into the hearts of His foes, His brilliance unmatched, His presence unmistakable. A banner and a crown you shall create, at last, to tell of His deeds during the Coming of Chaos and remind stout dawi of who fights for them. What matters if the enemy is an army of Greater Daemons, a tide of corruption that blots out the skies and swallows the land? The Ancestors are on our side, and that's all we will ever need.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] Function: Give a function or effect for the item in question and the type of equipment. (I will do my best to fulfill the desired effect, if impossible or requiring materials I will alert you. I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] [Difficult] Write In Pt. 1: [Cost: 1 action] If a rune you want requires special ingredients that you don't have access to I will alert you. Apply optional Rune Ingredients here. You've had an idea! This is the template for write in item request! Please put down the name, description and type of equipment/item you want made. Pt 2 of the item will cost differently depending on the number of items and potentially the size of it as well. A base guideline for Pt. 2 costs will be at the bottom of the post.
- [ ] Choose: choose three runes you want on the weapon.
- [ ] Theme: write in a theme for the weapon. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] GM: Leave it to the GM. (I will roll to see if you find a new combo)
- [ ] Function: Give a function or effect for the item in question and the type of equipment. (I will do my best to fulfill the desired effect, if impossible or requiring materials I will alert you. I will roll to see if you find a new combo)

[ ] Suneater's Brain: [Cost: 4 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. What could you do with this cursed thing? While untainted, you can only shudder at the atrocities it has seen and ordered. Fitting then that it's ultimate will be aiding the very people he saw to destroy.

[ ] Chimaera Autopsy: [Cost: 4 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. Damn things are odd monstrosities, three heads, two hearts, four brains. Neither one is entirely alike. A part of you wonders how much of this is usable and how much more is tainted krut. You'll have to wear some protective gear when dealing with these bodies that's for sure.

[ ] Silverwood: [Cost: (4 -1) = 3 actions] Student of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. An entire forest odd silvery Wutroth is now under your ownership. While a large profit driver as you are well aware, there's an odd feeling in your belly when you look at the stuff. Beautiful like nothing else, and stronger than regular Wutroth as well. You know a few runes that require Wutroth to make, but maybe this has something special to it as well?

[ ] Hearthstones: [Cost: 4 actions] Student of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. This deep orange gem glows with never-ending heat, never enough to boil water, but enough to sleep comfortably at night and keep a bowl of stew warm long after it's left the stove. You have a few theories about how useful the material will be, but you can't ever be sure. At least it's likely to be a profitable resource when you can get some actual production going though.

[ ] Odd Horns: [Cost: 4 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. You bought these two titanic horns from Fingrod's shop during your trip to Karaz a Karak. They are massive and look nothing like the horns of a dragon nor the tusks of a mammoth or stonehorn. Whatever they are, mayhaps they'll be useful or perhaps something more mundane. Who's to say?

[ ] Spring Water: [Cost: (4 -2) =2 actions] Student of the Odd will proc and Soul of the Earth will proc. The Springs of Valaya, which is certainly less offensive than calling them her "vents", is a source of rejuvenating water useful for the recuperation of injured dwarfs. They're fine with you taking samples to study to see if they're good for a potential Rune. Easier to just grab a barrel and bring it to the temple there instead of digging through muck and filtering it you suppose.
- [ ] Church Commission: [Cost: +3 actions to cost] Student of the Odd will proc. The Clergy of Valaya is very interested in understanding how useful the water is on its own. They've confirmed the basics, that it's safe for dwarfs to use, it works etc, but they're far too busy with other tasks and duties in the wake of reconstruction and managing the wounded from the campaign to devote time towards it. They're willing to reimburse you for the time to figure it out yourself.

[ ] Durazkul: [Cost: 4 actions] Student of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. The tubers sit in your home right now, waiting to be tested. You've at least confirmed that they do in fact provide a useful amount of improved healing. Combining the effects with Valaya's spring does not do as much as you'd hoped, but it does increase a dwarf's natural healing more than if they had only used one of either method. Perhaps there's more to it than you think?
- [ ] Guild Expertise: [Cost: 20 favours with Kraka Drakk] Gain 2 progress. Can be taken without actions. The Farmers Guild is a smaller institution, average in all quantitative respects. But Dwarf farmers serve an important role in society, after all they grow the stuff your people make into fine brews and ales. While they can't help you find out how useful the material is in Runes, if it is at all, they're certainly willing to offer their expertise in more mundane research.

[ ] The Secrets of Light Pt. 2: [Cost: 8 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. The Rune of Refraction has proven you can at the very least manipulate the power of light. Versatility is no longer an issue, but power, useability and overall purpose remain unclear to you. You're sure something will come in time, and there's certainly a way

[ ] Diction Direction Pt. 2: [Cost: 8 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. You have a few ideas about where to take this Rune. A universal translator for one, rather than just Khazalid. Not entirely sure how such a thing could be done, but it's definitely possible. Master Yorri's Rune of Sound gives you a few ideas at the very least.

[ ] The Movement of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -6) =2 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. The Rune of Waking or Animation as some would call it is a rare rune. How Master Yorri knows both the regular and Master Rune could be explained by either a harrowing adventure full of terror, beasties and treasure or by something as mundane as asking a friend, you could never be sure with the man. Yorri's given you a few pointers but something he said nags at you. Why is it that only bipedal golems work for the Master Rune of Waking? And, could you find a way to incorporate the Rune of Direction or even an improved version of it with the Master Rune of Waking.

[ ] The Mind of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -7) =1 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. You can now see the rough path that Master Yorri took to get to the Rune of Prosthesis, you think at least. A bit more retracing of his steps perhaps, but figuring out what method he used to create a Rune so much more sophisticated than the regular Rune of Waking should provide a great deal of information, and a few more Runes, to work with. More than that, you wonder if there was even a possibility that you could induce actual sensation in the limbs, or even something as difficult or sight or hearing.

[ ] The Rune Metal Pt. 5: [Cost: (12 -1) =11 actions] Student of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. You've done it. Adamant is now, slowly, being made from your forge! It is an achievement of your lifetime by the reckoning of most dwarfs, but yet the glittering white, purer than the freshest snow on the most isolated Mountaintop, stays in your mind. There is more still.
- [ ] Brotherhood Expertise: [Cost 10 favour] Gain 1d2 progress. Can be taken multiple times and without actions. Call upon the expertise of the Brotherhood to aid in your research.

[ ] The Rune Metal Pt. 1b: [Cost: 8 actions] Student of the Odd and Soul of the Earth will proc. Grungni is the only dwarf in recorded history to have the skill and talent to make Gromril into a fine chain. While lesser than plate, Gromril Chainmaille can at the very least, make a dwarf even more difficult to kill for comparatively less cost, and there are of course other uses for chains of such size. Of course there is also the prestige in such an achievement.
- [ ] Brotherhood Expertise: [Cost 10 favour] Gain 1 progress. Can be taken without actions. Call upon the expertise of the Brotherhood to aid in your research.

[ ] Understand Valaya's Runes: [Cost: 12 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. On the basket that bears her Master Rune, Valaya or perhaps some other Runesmith put down two other Runes. You can make a guess as to their purpose, but aren't too sure. One bears a similarity to the Rune of Load-bearing, the other the Rune of Healing.

[ ] Understand a Master Rune: [Cost: Variable with a max of 16 actions] Student of the Odd and/or Soul of the Earth may proc. The same idea as studying any rune in theory, in practice it takes a lot longer and there's often a large chance of explosions. The action cost is dependent on a variety of factors, but the amount of similar Master Runes you know, your specialties, and even if you made the Rune being worked on can reduce the cost.

[ ] Compress a Combo: [Cost: Variable with a max of 10 actions] Student of the Odd and/or Soul of the Earth may proc. A Master Rune is in essence a series of Runes condensed down into a greater, more powerful, and compact form. Having such an option is particularly valuable to many a Runesmith most obviously because it effectively opens up two new Runes to be used on an item. Master Rune will be for the equipment type of the Combo.

Order: You can only Order 1 new item a turn freely, but can have as many orders ongoing as you want. Don't hoard mats.
[ ] ORDER: Write-in
- [ ] Kingly Expedite: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order, can be taken multiple times. You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process.

[ ] Kingly Authority: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, or Buradarr depending on tier] +1 Order. You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to order something for your use.
- [ ] Kingly Expedite: [Cost: 5,10,15, Favour from King Otrek, depending on tier] -1 turn taken on order, can be taken multiple times. You may petition King Otrek to flex his political muscle to expedite the process.

(*Updated*)[X] Princely Hunting: [Cost: 5, 10 Favour from Prince Gloin depending on tier] +1 Order of T2 or T3 monster mats only. This turn: Drakkazi. It would be ridiculous for you to ask your King to go gallivanting around the North to find something for you to make a Rune out of, but a Prince or Princess? Well, that's just you helping them build their legend through the slaying of monsters and aiding their elders. The harder or rarer the monster, the longer it may take the Prince but the greater the reward.

Write in Equipment Action Costs:
1 Action - 1 standard piece of equipment.
2 Actions - Multiple pieces of equipment or Large individual items
3 Actions - Very Large individual items or a full/near full set of items.

How to vote on Multi-Piece Difficult Requests.
[Y] Difficult Request Pt. 1
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM/Function: For Item 1
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM/Function: For Item 2
- [Y] Choose/Theme/GM/Function: For Item 3

Adamant Costs, General Guideline:
1 Piece of equipment or hypothetical Rune requiring Adamant - 1 bar
1 Suit of Armour for a Dwarf - 3 bars
1 Suit of Armour for a Human or Elf sized being - 4 bars
1 Piece of Ogre sized Gronti equipment - 2 bars
1 Suit of Ogre sized Gronti armour - 6 Bars
Anything larger just ask me, it will also appear in applicable actions.

Khazalid Trivia:

Vongarazi - Raider.
Wazzock - One who has exchanged gold or a valuable for an item of no worth; a foolish, gullible Dwarf; an insult.

Remember to vote by plan. There will be a two-hour moratorium for discussion.

AN: So some housekeeping. Princely Hunting is tied to T2 and T3 items and the monsters (native to or present in Norsca) that drop said items. Of course, certain monsters are easier to hunt than others, but the harder to hunt/larger ones would reward more mats upon successful rolls. Like a Dragon drops more loot than a singular giant spider obviously, but that spider is way easier to find. So apply a bit of common sense there, apologies for not making that clear when I first added the option in...turn 19? Wow, that's a long time ago. On a different note, Dragon hunting rolls aren't helping you out, but at least you got MoM! Speaking of which, I've added the 2 action cut to your existing charges, and to be clear you can't use 1 apprentice action to teach one apprentice. It has to use 2 apprentice actions, but now you can teach up to 2 apprentices when you commit that action. Anywho, thanks for waiting for this update. Don't forget to C&C, hope you enjoy reading. :^)
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Can we make the prince a anti-dragon spear using one action and the grudge bonus? This is getting embarrassing.
She stares down at the metal, once a source of great wonder but now it is only a source of consternation. A decade of work and she feels nowhere close to an answer. Halfway there, by her reckoning, but it yet feels so distant from the answer Bara is searching for.

The armour gleams like silverine snow.
Ooooh, Brotherhood material, perhaps? Probably fifty years off.
Can we make the prince a anti-dragon spear using one action and the grudge bonus? This is getting embarrassing.
Bad idea IMO because he isn't trained in a spear and a spear isn't a dwarf weapon anyway.

She stares down at the metal, once a source of great wonder but now it is only a source of consternation. A decade of work and she feels nowhere close to an answer. Halfway there, by her reckoning, but it yet feels so distant from the answer Bara is searching for.

The armour gleams like silverine snow.

There is nothing for it, she won't falter in the face of something so mundane as this. After all, the rewards would doubtlessly be sweeter for it, more filling than the finest ales should she succeed.

Bara gets up and stretches, spine cracking after having been bent over for….half a decade by her reckoning.

"BRONN!" she rumbles, doubtlessly spooking the boy, "we're headed for the archives."

She's already putting on her coat by the time her great-grandson has gotten his act together.



Beneath him the hammer rises and falls a final time, and the scintillating glow of power bound to pleasing form arises before him.

"HAHAHA! WONDROUS SUCCESS!" he roars, a deep belly laugh now flooding the domicile.

Behind him, far gone from his attention, and drowned out by the sound of hearty laughter the idol of the blessed Ancestor thrums with power.
Hahahahahahah Dwalin my dwarf, he's gotten some attention I see! Good goood!

- Trait Gained:
-- Master of Many: 1 action can now teach up to 3 apprentices for [12 turns]. Length of teaching 2 apprentices reduced to [10 turns]. 2nd apprentice action now unlocked at [5 Turns], and can now be used to teach up to 2 apprentices. You have personally taught enough bumbling youths, and been around enough of them to have a deep understanding of just how the maddening foolishness that is the Beardling/Plaitling mind functions better than most. Indeed you are rather hip with the kids as they used to say back in your father's day.
Ahhh hey!


[] Plan A Re-armed Hold Once More
-[] [Simple] Arm them, Literally: [Cost: (6 +3 -2) =7 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. You've been intermittently making prosthetic arms and legs for the Karak's veterans in the decades since the siege. Yet more remain. Your work has been sporadic and otherwise unorganized fashion. For many this is entirely within the remit and expectations of most Runesmiths. However you are not most dwarfs, by Grungni's beard you are a Runelord and you should be able to do more than that. Most of the work will be in designing a system that lets you find the dwarfs who need replacement limbs, work to find the best possible product for them, then go about making the limbs in question. 3 Actions + 2 Apprentice Actions.
--[] Clerical Aid: [Cost: 30 Favour] Gain 3 progress. None are as experienced, and therefore respected, in the art of healing dwarfs than the Clergy and adherents of Valaya. See if they'd be interested in coming to an arrangement with you. In essence you'd be leveraging both the Cult's status and reach to find those who may be looking for a replacement limb, and use their trusted position and administrative experience to speed up the entire process of organizing the entire ordeal. Giving you more time to actually work with the clients and make the limbs in question, and giving them another way to fulfill one of Valaya's oldest strictures.
-[] The Mind of Things Pt. 2: [Cost: (8 -7) =1 actions] Student of the Odd will proc. You can now see the rough path that Master Yorri took to get to the Rune of Prosthesis, you think at least. A bit more retracing of his steps perhaps, but figuring out what method he used to create a Rune so much more sophisticated than the regular Rune of Waking should provide a great deal of information, and a few more Runes, to work with. More than that, you wonder if there was even a possibility that you could induce actual sensation in the limbs, or even something as difficult or sight or hearing. 1 Action.

This one is to finish everything up that we were working on last turn, and complete the Arm Them project in time for Karag Dum and dealing with the freaking Dragon. It also applies three actions worth of overflow on it.

There is also an option to go campaigning and still finish the Arm Them with one action of overflow on it if folks want, or doing some research. Depends really.
So. Odds of this being more than 1 wyrm?

Edit: Imagine Bara proudly imagining everything she could make with her discovered metal, Dwalin showing off the product of his decade long bout of Inspiration, then out comes Snorri casual as you please wearing our kickass armor.
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If you guys want to do the Grudge why not make a Grudge Thrower that's meant to hate on Shard Wyrms or whatever?

Not a personal weapon, but something to punch through that ridiculous defense in one go.
Movement of things takes two actions, mind of things takes 1. Think we could finish both and then put an action into arm them? It'd delay arm them by a bit, but it'd potentially make arm them quite a bit better when we finish it? Or do we want to finish arm them, and hope the long term thing we added to the action would mean us finishing movement of things next turn still upgrades it?
Wait, so does this mean we could do 4 apprentices at once by staggering our batches and allowing our senior apprentices to help teach the lesser 2?

Snorri: Apprentice Factory is a go go
If you guys want to do the Grudge why not make a Grudge Thrower that's meant to hate on Shard Wyrms or whatever?

Not a personal weapon, but something to punch through that ridiculous defense in one go.
I'd like to see us make a Grudge Thrower at some point, but if we're making war engines for killing a tough monster, better for it to be a Bolt Thrower. As I understand it, Grudge Throwers are for killing blobs.
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Would Snorri having to step into assist Gloin in killing the Wyrm, that Snorri asked him to kill*, shame Gloin? That seems like a dwarf attitude to take.

*not specifically, but Gloin was out to kill the strongest beastie he could
Wait, so does this mean we could do 4 apprentices at once by staggering our batches and allowing our senior apprentices to help teach the lesser 2?

Snorri: Apprentice Factory is a go go
I am not if we actually want that many apprentices unless they all happened to be above average.
Would Snorri having to step into assist Gloin in killing the Wyrm, that Snorri asked him to kill*, shame Gloin? That seems like a dwarf attitude to take.

*not specifically, but Gloin was out to kill the strongest beastie he could
If we make him a weapon it is just paying him in advance and inadvertently putting him further into our debt. Of course with the new weapon he would be in a better position to pay us back.
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If we were to do 2 actions instead of 3 on arm them, we'd still get 1 overflow on it.

Then with the remaining action plus the bonus from the grudge, we could get out a grudge weapon for the hunt this turn.
We could, but I don't see the point? The moment Gloin's rolls stop being ass, it will work out fine, and if they keep being ass it won't help. So I'm just like kinda eh on the whole prospect.

I just kinda want to leave it to him, its' not a problem that actually needs our help to resolve? It's just absolutely shite dice and what we can give is like at max a bonus of +15.

Why? Seriously, why have that much overflow?
Because that's the consequence of three actions into it. Put two actions in and it only gets one overflow. One reason it appeals to me is trying to work towards upgrading Productivity further, like we did with the Earthmover deed on the Underway.

If we can take a new apprentice, why not do it?
We lose the apprentice actions in following turns, and they're useful for if any simple requests come in again, like Arm Them did.

Also, I have concerns about character bloat at this point and don't want to take more.
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