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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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I also feel like now is the perfect time for us to grab a new apprentice. we've waited long enough and have done a lot of research as well.
Look on the bright side. Now that there are 4 other runelords in the hold we might not have to do everything ourselves. They are at least moderately competent or we would not have put their names forward.

Things like banners or future building runes can thankfully be made by them, so we can all concentrate more on our specialties.
Rune lords keep secrets and have their own pride and stuff to do.
Those are just two of the reasons that its likely to be extremely hard and expensive to get help like this, keep in mind that we literally got a trait because the ability to organise regular Rune Smiths is so unusual, and Rune Lords will be turning that up to 11.
On top of that stuff like the Rune Metal side branch we will still need to complete because someone else being skilled enough to make Gomril chains doesn't mean that we will be.

People pay Snorri to do work regularly. If he wants to, he can commission other runelords to make things if he wants. More importantly, the King and other VIPs can give them commissions rather than coming to Snorri. Taut

In terms of trading knowledge, Snorri has pretty decent Standing here. Collaboration may well be possible. We even have Standing 6 with most of the other northern Ruenlords like Valma, which is hopefully enough to open up an opportunity for trade or things like prod for a prod.

Runemetal is something he has to do himself, but things like the Movement and Mind of Things he may be able to get assistance with.
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"Fifty-Fifty, Zornish don't tend to leave the plateau without good reason. So either she's an exception or she's capable of getting used to it."

"Young, bold, skilled…" Jorri mutters quietly.

You stare at him questioningly, but Jorri won't speak on it for the rest of the night.
Jorri's definitely out here shipping.

It's only been," you look at the newly installed time teller, recently approved by the Engineers Guild after an enterprising youth attempted to recreate Morgrim's own invention. Took him about four centuries if you remember rightly, "seven months!
I note that Snorri uses the clock to tell time in months. That's a chunky clock, to track that far up. Also timing section breaks mark year after pillars now, which is neat.

He who Flies with Iron Wing, render of foes, warden of the peaks, girder of clutch of and kin, who saved the life of He who Girds the Many for the fifteenth time."
Hey, at least Dolgi is remembered first for his armormaking and second for his high-risk lifestyle, rather than the other way around.
People pay Snorri to do work. If he wants to, he can commission other runelords to make things if he wants. More importantly, the Ming and other VIPs can give them commissions rather than coming to Snorri.
? :l you realise that your argument is inconsistent.
If we care about people coming to us with commissions then we can't outsource that.
If we don't because I was specifically talking about research rather than actions then the second point is irrelevant.

We can't outsource a lot of the research even if it was an option. Nobody but Snorri could have followed up on his visions, no one can do an understand action on his behalf. And even if we could, what would we offer in return? Adamant for actions isn't a bad trade but it will mean that we never get to use the heart because we'll insist on waiting for the highest possible ingredients.
So, Ancestral Approval:

Grimnir Yes
Grungni Yes
Valaya Yes
Morgrim Yes
Thungni Yes
Smednir No
Gazul No

Five down, two to go. Completing runemetal may gain Smednir's approval, but I'm not sure about Gazul. Warding a Tomb?
Sure fire way to meet Gazul and get his approval. Wait until Neferata raids the Silver Pinnacle and raises all the Dawi as her thralls. Then Snorri joins or puts together a Throng to kick her shit in.

Note, high chance of death. Hence meeting Gazul.
Sure fire way to meet Gazul and get his approval. Wait until Neferata raids the Silver Pinnacle and raises all the Dawi as her thralls. Then Snorri joins or puts together a Throng to kick her shit in.

Note, high chance of death. Hence meeting Gazul.
Well... hmm those lines of vamps can get resistance to holy.

Clearly we need to find out about it and create the master rune of 'T#sg! this line of vampires in particular and there vaunted holy resist can shove it!' as an act of vengeance.
A bit earely to worry about Neferata, I'm pretty sure the Nehekarans haven't figured out city building yet, though they may have agriculture unlike most humans of this time period.
I kinda want to get the previous apprentices together and give them some new knowledge, especially Snerra because I remember she was a once in a lifetime talent and an expanded knowledge base would be good for her.

Also we can probably hire the apprentices to help with these commissions if need be
I kinda want to get the previous apprentices together and give them some new knowledge, especially Snerra because I remember she was a once in a lifetime talent and an expanded knowledge base would be good for her.

Also we can probably hire the apprentices to help with these commissions if need be
Only possible once they're masters. Before that? We can't do shit for them. It's the rules.
Rune lords keep secrets and have their own pride and stuff to do.
Those are just two of the reasons that its likely to be extremely hard and expensive to get help like this, keep in mind that we literally got a trait because the ability to organise regular Rune Smiths is so unusual, and Rune Lords will be turning that up to 11.
On top of that stuff like the Rune Metal side branch we will still need to complete because someone else being skilled enough to make Gomril chains doesn't mean that we will be.
It's actually not quite like that? Runelords collaborating is like a trade; you're both benefiting in equal and fair measure. If you're both conducing a research project together, that means that you're both learning the same thing that you wouldn't have been able to learn as well/easily alone. In essence, because both Runelords are just as ignorant, and both are learning just as much, it's more like an equal ground for two peers.

By contrast, coordinating and organizing a bunch of runesmiths as a Runelord is more of a superior-commanding-subordinates type of thing, which is obviously a whole different can of worms, since Runelords only really order runesmiths around during times of emergency/urgency, like war/battle/imminent troubles.
If I have the timeline right, even Settra won't be a thing for another 1,500 years or so.

God, imagine our meeting with him.


Snorri: 'Gazul's dour beard, spare me of this torment.'

*30 minutes later*


Snorri: 'Finally!!! Salvation!'

Snorri: "'Tis a great task you have set me, King of Man. One's that I do not take for granted. Speak of your desired effect and I shall set my price, I swear by my beard!"

And thus, a most unlikely of friendship has started...
... wait. We've got a rune that can combine and separate beams of light now... can we do the runic equivalent to fibre optic transmissions?

Sure it isn't going to have as much bandwidth as our current ones, but even having a map where a beam from each hold illuminates its position would be hugely valuable. If a hold 'goes dark' unexpectedly you know there's a problem to look into.
Hmm. We could probably do semaphore towers and transmit data by frequency of the Rune emittting+ the color of its light. Knowing Dwarfs, the towers would probably double as ranger/patrol redoubts and locations where Griffins can seek secure lodging.
Hmm. We could probably do semaphore towers and transmit data by frequency of the Rune emittting+ the color of its light. Knowing Dwarfs, the towers would probably double as ranger/patrol redoubts and locations where Griffins can seek secure lodging.
Kind of like surface equivalents to Under-inns I figure is how they'd probably end up, just tower shaped.