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Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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Dont we need to take the research action with at least one prod to put a Yori prod on it?

In that case I want to do a prod for prod and take 3 research actions this turn. With destructive testing and a Yori prod we could finish Shogoth testing this turn plus a lot of progress on two more. I figure we could use what we find to wars the Aerie. I mean Shoggoth Brains are probable T4 Master Rune of Currents Reagents right?
We'll always have a lot to research. I'm pretty sure that's the nature of the game, that we'll always have more research than time to do it in..
Yeah I understand that but why do we need another apprentice we already trained three amazing apprentices in a short amount of time. And I'm not against getting another later but why so soon? We'll have hundreds of years before even the War of Vengeance kicks off if it happens at all more than enough time to train an new apprentice no need to rush it?
I want to hold off on aprentinces until our master leaves. As it is with one action for prods and then 2 to 3 needed to use the prods we gain cutting another action out for apprentince teaching leaves us tied up.

Secret of lights with 1 prod this turn seems like a must as that would finish. That would be 2 actions (1 for research and 1 for prod for prod) with 2 actions and 2 prods leftover. We could do hearth and wulfrost with 1 action and 1 prod each to get them close to finishing and those are not likely chains so they would shrink our research choices once done.
Not sure about 3 actions, but I would like to use two, and we've definitely got more materials than we know what to do with, so I'd be for using some of them for the Aerie of Kraka Drakk.
Yeah, but this is an opportunity to repay a great debt and be part of a magnificent structure's creation designed, as far as the basic architecture, by Morgrim himself.

I imagine Dolgi and the others will have it done before us if we don't do it immediately...heck, if we put (most of) our all into it they'd probably join. There's an opportunity for a new Legendary Deed here, and a structure so large we can put a lot of our reagent inventory (Including troll stuff easily gained) to good use.
Maybe 12 turns off apprenticing, and 12 turns training as Oni suggested?

We got a lot of other stuff to discuss so lets not forget about that either.
why do you plan to do boon from the sky now and not after we are done with the Dragon Ogre/Kholek research? i feel that taking his breast feathers and then researching instead of the other way round is kinda weird
To make a commitment to actually doing the armor.

I.e if I take the boon now we get it the heck out of the way so we no longer have to worry about it, and it encourages us to actually focus on doing the armor. Unlike what happened the past couple turns where we, just didn't because we couldn't decide on anything.

We work on Dragon Ogres and Combos now, we finish those up in a turn and then take the boon and start working on it Turn 23. Or we could take the boon now, do Dragon Ogres and Combos turn 22 and do the armor turn 23. Same either way in time it takes to finish it.

With taking the boon first though we make a commitment to actually doing it, more so than combo testing provides.
On one hand, it would be more efficient to research as much with Yorri as we can before he skedaddle. On the other I want want Yorri, Snorri, Apprentice shennanigans.
Dont we need to take the research action with at least one prod to put a Yori prod on it?

In that case I want to do a prod for prod and take 3 research actions this turn. With destructive testing and a Yori prod we could finish Shogoth testing this turn plus a lot of progress on two more. I figure we could use what we find to wars the Aerie. I mean Shoggoth Brains are probable T4 Master Rune of Currents Reagents right?

Why do destructive testing at all? it's incredibly wasteful. We can just gradually chip away at it without consuming what's literally a non-renewable resource. There are no more dragon ogres being born, after all.

Yeah I understand that but why do we need another apprentice we already trained three amazing apprentices in a short amount of time. And I'm not against getting another later but why so soon? We'll have hundreds of years before even the War of Vengeance kicks off if it happens at all more than enough time to train an new apprentice no need to rush it?

Because we live in a post-apocalyptic wasteland in the aftermath of the slaughter of huge numbers of runesmiths of various ranks.

By the same token, why do we need to rush doing any research? Why do we need to rush crafting anything? Why are you seeing teaching an apprentice as being some optional extra rather than a standard activity we should expect to be doing as the normal course of events? Having apprentices full time isn't rushing, it should just be the normal course of events when we aren['t interrupted by an apocalypse that we need to focus on.

I could very easily make the argument that as we did some research last turn, why shouldn't we wait a couple of centuries before doing any more? We've hundreds of years before the War of Vengeance kicks in and we might need those runes in anger. Runes don't make more runes, but apprentices makes more apprentices, so it's much more efficient to front load apprentices and back load everything else rather than vice versa, and benefit from the miracle of compounding.
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So, I like Conclave of Air, and it's near perfect to me. Well done, Bungie.

However, I'm not astoundingly interested in Apprentices, so. A slight alteration that moves the action to the Aerie. I'm also taking a bit of Voidstone there.

[] Plan Conclave of Air And Void.
-[] Boon from the Sky: [Cost: Start Request, [Difficult] Plated Skies Pt. 1:] A bundle of his crest feathers. In exchange, he expects a suit of armour.
-[] Prod for Prod: [Cost: 1 action] Gain x3 Yorri prods. 1 Action.
-[] The Grand Conclave/Rhunkalbrogg: [Cost: 1 action] 1 Action.
--[] Optional Write-in: Your Adamant bar and a furnace, and a shard of Voidstone.
-[] [Simple] Warded Aeries: [Cost: (2 -1) =1 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 3 Actions.
-[] [Simple] Vent Venting Pt. ?: [Cost: 2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc.
--[] Religious Donation: Gain 2 progress. if taken no action input required, but can add actions to overflow if desired. Lose rights to the land itself, Temple of Valaya will pay and provide material.
-[] [Simple] Cave Clearing Pt. 1: [Cost: 3 actions]
--[] Petition the Hold: [Cost: variable favours] Gain 1 progress per 10 favour, can be taken multiple times to autocompletion. 30 Favor.
Tell you all what. If three or more actions with free use of T3 and lower materials available on Warded Aeries win, I'll put my support behind getting an Apprentice from next turn onwards.
fair, but yeah i want to hold of on aprentices for a few more turns at least, 2 minimum where we can do some research and make the KOTS armour at least, then we can take on a new apprentice
Why do destructive testing at all? it's incredibly wasteful. We can just gradually chip away at ti without consuming what's literally a non-renewable resource. There are no more dragon ogres being born, after all.
We have ungodly stupendous amounts of corpses and we can make orders for more later if we want. Its fine to spend them and other wise it will take too long to actually get through them with all the Other research stuff we could be doing.

Like they are finite. But there are enough of them and the order system abstract enough that we honestly don't need to care that much.

I mean what the heck are we going to use 45 Dragon Ogre corpses for in the next two millennia? (this is rhetorical)
I am also taking suggestions for what to bring to the Conclave. I'm taking the furnace so we have proof of the Master Rune of Snorri Gift Giver in physical evidence. Bringing Adamant bar and a voidstone piece are sensible as well.
To me taking a bar and a voidstone make more sense. The Adamant to show, yes we know what we are doing and the stone to show how we did it.

Also how big is the furnace? Doesn't seem like something we can easily haul around.
Tell you all what. If three or more actions with free use of T3 and lower materials available on Warded Aeries win, I'll put my support behind getting an Apprentice from next turn onwards.
I can go for that, I agree with taking the chance to help the griffons with their Aeirie *and* working with Morgimm is a chance we *shouldn't* miss out on and gives us time to do other stuff as well before apprentice hunting.
So, I like Conclave of Air, and it's near perfect to me. Well done, Bungie.

However, I'm not astoundingly interested in Apprentices, so. A slight alteration that moves the action to the Aerie. I'm also taking a bit of Voidstone there.

[] Plan Conclave of Air And Void.
-[] Boon from the Sky: [Cost: Start Request, [Difficult] Plated Skies Pt. 1:] A bundle of his crest feathers. In exchange, he expects a suit of armour.
-[] Prod for Prod: [Cost: 1 action] Gain x3 Yorri prods. 1 Action.
-[] The Grand Conclave/Rhunkalbrogg: [Cost: 1 action] 1 Action.
--[] Optional Write-in: Your Adamant bar and a furnace, and a shard of Voidstone.
-[] [Simple] Warded Aeries: [Cost: (2 -1) =1 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc. 3 Actions.
-[] [Simple] Vent Venting Pt. ?: [Cost: 2 actions] Productivity Like No Other will proc.
--[] Religious Donation: Gain 2 progress. if taken no action input required, but can add actions to overflow if desired. Lose rights to the land itself, Temple of Valaya will pay and provide material.
-[] [Simple] Cave Clearing Pt. 1: [Cost: 3 actions]
--[] Petition the Hold: [Cost: variable favours] Gain 1 progress per 10 favour, can be taken multiple times to autocompletion. 30 Favor.
A patent waste of an action and the prods. You have no research option here and it's highly likely that Yorri leaves next turn.
i agree on the Aeries but currently i have no inclination to overspend on it, we have some research i really want to get through and using 3 actions on an action that takes 1 is not helpfull for that
Can we stop saying "next turn" on apprentices and instead pin it to Yorri's departure? That way, people won't keep on saying "we'll never do apprentices at this rate".

But the the boost to research that he gives is just too big to trade off an apprentice action.
To make a commitment to actually doing the armor.

I.e if I take the boon now we get it the heck out of the way so we no longer have to worry about it, and it encourages us to actually focus on doing the armor. Unlike what happened the past couple turns where we, just didn't because we couldn't decide on anything.

We work on Dragon Ogres and Combos now, we finish those up in a turn and then take the boon and start working on it Turn 23. Or we could take the boon now, do Dragon Ogres and Combos turn 22 and do the armor turn 23. Same either way in time it takes to finish it.

With taking the boon first though we make a commitment to actually doing it, more so than combo testing provides.

Out of curiosity: do you already have a firm idea on some combos you'd like to test, or is that still up in the air as far as you're concerned?
do destructive testing at all? it's incredibly wasteful. We can just gradually chip away at it without consuming what's literally a non-renewable resource. There are no more dragon ogres being born, after all.
Because honestly our store Dragon Ogre parts is bigger than our action economy for the next century. So at that point anything that gets it off the plate sounds good. One action from us, one destructive testing action and one Yorri prod could see it finished this turn.
A patent waste of an action and the prods. You have no research option here and it's highly likely that Yorri leaves next turn.
I don't see it as a waste simply because we don't end up using them. Yorri would go away with the information in hand and that has value in and of itself. Plus its not likely they just disappear forever into the ether, we'd likely be able to save them because dwarves remember their favors.
We're just asking for a single bundle of feathers from the skyking? Why not a claw or two as well, or something?