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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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@soulcake I do not know how the rest of the tread feels about it, I found Boneys work to be pretty terrible as a warhammer fanfiction, in my 100% personal opinion yours is better than some bl authors and keeps in a lot more with the universe.
Also with all the combat bonus from omake we didn't use since now we only roll sometimes I am fairly confident we will win.
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@soulcake I do not know how the rest of the tread feels about it, I found Boneys work to be pretty terrible as a warhammer fanfiction, in my 100% personal opinion yours is better than some bl authors and keeps in a lot more with the universe.
Also with all the combat bonus from omake we didn't use since now we only roll sometimes I am fairly confident we will win.
Uh, as it happens, we don't use omake bonuses in any Combat Round rolls since the system was first implemented during the Greedy Troll fight's later parts (the first parts had a more simplistic system).
If this all now goes according to plan, I wonder how much damage Snorri will do. Hopefully his dynamic entry through the ceiling and subsequent lithobraking means that he has a substantial initial advantage over the Meargh and her court which means he'll defeat them, but it's the broader effects I'm curious about. I don't think we've seen how big and intense his pyroclastic storm can get, so we don't know how much of the city it will engulf when he's in the centre. If we're lucky, it will envelop most of the area inside the walls, devastating the fimir and beastmen trying to hold it.

If we're very lucky/good Snorri could effectively solo the city. The chance of this may depend on the interaction between deep magic and Waystones/the geomantic web. It's possible but by no means certain that Snorri's runic set can pull up more energy when standing on a Waystone (Nexus?), which may in turn result in a stronger storm.

Depending on how well this goes, there could be political implications as well. Vragni presumably isn't the only conservative runesmith who disapproves of the apparent wastefulness of the storm, but this would demonstrate that it's more of a strategic rather than tactical weapon. It needs to be so big and apparently unfocused because it's 'designed' to cover targets on the scale of cities rather than make you better at fighting on an individual or even unit level. Rather than being flashy and inefficient, it now looks prescient.

Something else to consider. This is probably the first time dwarves have ever besieged a surface city like this. Even during the bad old Pre-Ancestor days, when the dwarven clans fought each other, they'd be attacking each other's minor underground holds, or they'd be fighting what were effectively civil wars within Zorn itself. After that, they were fighting monsters and beastmen and the odd nomadic greenskin tribe that had wandered far from home. None of them build cities that would need to be besieged.

When we say undermining is a standard dwarven tactic, that probably means there are distant records from the time of the very oldest living dwarves of the use of mining tunnels to bypass fixed defences and penetrate into the interior of enemy dwarf settlements. It's not something any of the dwarves on this campaign would ever have seen and even those records would be in a very different context.

Essentially, there isn't a traditional way to assist a surface city, those traditions are being established right now. And one of those traditions is likely going to be a gromril rain of drop dwarves.

Changing the subject significantly, I've realising that we've possibly been under-utilising our elven employee. Given the time scale we're operating on, why aren't we paying her to do research on our behalf. For example, if we're interested in Arcane Fulcrums or Elementals, could we pay her to return to Ulthuan with enough gold to buy things and dwarven craftworks to use as 'gifts' and spend a couple of years investigating, buying relevant books and talking to specialists in the field, before returning and presenting the results back to us?

It's win-win, as she'd also learn interesting things and get chance to spend her earnings to learn things to advance her personal studies. Now, we'd have to avoid certain subjects like Waystones, as asking about magical monoliths would be a bit of a give away, but several of the topics we're interested in aren't secrets. We could learn a lot more this way than we can from books, particularly if she can do things like demonstrate elemental summoning in front of Snorri, or buy an elven golem, elven alchemical equipment or products, or relevant elven magical items.
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About making a new artifact, I will agree on it depending on the coming figth, if it goes very well then probably no, if we somehow struggle then sure.
Deep magic steroid armour next to a corrupted waystone being used for a dark ritual, with anti magic too.

Alright, I have no idea what's going to happen but it'll either be very good or very bad.
Its a shame that all Dawi siege-craft knowledge comes from besieging their own homes in counter offensives. Like really the dawi haven't actually fought a peer civ in living memory.
Its a shame that all Dawi siege-craft knowledge comes from besieging their own homes in counter offensives. Like really the dawi haven't actually fought a peer civ in living memory.

I think the only civilisation the dwarves have ever fought before is themselves. The elves were the first civilisation the dwarves met, and they were co-belligerents and they lived across the ocean. The Fimir are the first and perhaps only hostile civilisation that exists in the world at the moment.
Usually when ritual of this magnitude is disrupted, magic kills casters in backlash.
Happily for Fimir, magic was removed.
Unhappily for Fimir, Snorri Klausson removed magic.
Usually when ritual of this magnitude is disrupted, magic kills casters in backlash.
Happily for Fimir, magic was removed.
Unhappily for Fimir, Snorri Klausson removed magic.
Magical backlash kills the casters, but skilled casters might save themselves.
Snorri removes the magic.
But he also removes the possibility of "saving themselves"

They can try to run.

And fail :V
Snorri deepstrikes into the city, regrets his choices on the way down
Lands on the monolith, ritual immediately destabilizes
Barak Azamar realizes it's near a well of magic and it's high energy runesmithing time
Starts pulling from the waystone in a positive feedback loop
Snorri: Oh no not again

Storm becomes even stronger
Meargh explodes from high energy runesmithing to the face, takes the monolith with it
Whole ritual site goes up in an explosion
Snorri gets yeeted out of the city

Stormsong off in the distance: Very very smug bird
....Is it time for some adhoc runesmithing with another storm of magic? Perhaps fixing the waystone with or magic fixit rune hammer?
Snorri deepstrikes into the city, regrets his choices on the way down
Lands on the monolith, ritual immediately destabilizes
Barak Azamar realizes it's near a well of magic and it's high energy runesmithing time
Starts pulling from the waystone in a positive feedback loop
Snorri: Oh no not again

Storm becomes even stronger
Meargh explodes from high energy runesmithing to the face, takes the monolith with it
Whole ritual site goes up in an explosion
Snorri gets yeeted out of the city

Stormsong off in the distance: Very very smug bird
Snorri gets yeeted out of the city, last feet first in front of dawi army.
pretends it was all part of the plan and walks back to his tent grumbling about slow ass beardlings.
Changing the subject significantly, I've realising that we've possibly been under-utilising our elven employee. Given the time scale we're operating on, why aren't we paying her to do research on our behalf. For example, if we're interested in Arcane Fulcrums or Elementals, could we pay her to return to Ulthuan with enough gold to buy things and dwarven craftworks to use as 'gifts' and spend a couple of years investigating, buying relevant books and talking to specialists in the field, before returning and presenting the results back to us?
Menlinwen was hired as a tutor. Not a gopher/secretary. Also to be clear she WAS the source of several books your intermediaries brought you, either selling her own copies or by directing them to those who possessed them. This is ignoring potential the hit to her pride depending on how you sell it, reminder that in the update that while she did tell her Dwarf contacts that she was looking for cash she explicitly veto'd tutoring and other tasks she deemed beneath her notice. It was only by sheer volume of gold did her Ravnsvake contacts think it was worth at least passing it along and even then she didn't immediately agree even after seeing the money you were willing to offer.

To be clear, the action itself, that is getting Menlinwen to be on the lookout for neat books that you'd be interested in when she returns to Ulthuan, isn't a no-go. I'm just telling you that treating her like an employee to boss around will not get you that. She's not a peer, but she's not a subordinate. It's like ordering the accredited math professor you hired to teach you high-level mathematics to look out for neat knick-knacks while they spend their vacation at home for you.
Depending on how well this goes, there could be political implications as well. Vragni presumably isn't the only conservative runesmith who disapproves of the apparent wastefulness of the storm, but this would demonstrate that it's more of a strategic rather than tactical weapon. It needs to be so big and apparently unfocused because it's 'designed' to cover targets on the scale of cities rather than make you better at fighting on an individual or even unit level. Rather than being flashy and inefficient, it now looks prescient.
I mean, there's the time when we deployed the Silver Wyrm Banner during the Incursion... Dwarfs are going to recall the day he unleashed the Ancestral Aegis and 'realize' that was why we went for Strategic tier runecraft, because there will always be a time when no amount of tactical bullshit is going to be enough to deal with a limitless horde of enemies.
I mean, there's the time when we deployed the Silver Wyrm Banner during the Incursion... Dwarfs are going to recall the day he unleashed the Ancestral Aegis and 'realize' that was why we went for Strategic tier runecraft, because there will always be a time when no amount of tactical bullshit is going to be enough to deal with a limitless horde of enemies.
I used to be a tactical runesmith just like you ... but then I took a great incursion to the face :V

Edit: There's also the "I head a vision after Headbutting a Troll-almost demon prince off a cliff"
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To be clear, the action itself, that is getting Menlinwen to be on the lookout for neat books that you'd be interested in when she returns to Ulthuan, isn't a no-go. I'm just telling you that treating her like an employee to boss around will not get you that. She's not a peer, but she's not a subordinate. It's like ordering the accredited math professor you hired to teach you high-level mathematics to look out for neat knick-knacks while they spend their vacation at home for you.

I was more thinking of hiring her to do research for us including back on Ulthuan if she thinks that's best and then presenting the results back to us. Not a gopher/Secretary but as a researcher taking grants for projects.

Of course, whether Snorri can sell that…
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I was more thinking of hiring her to do research for us including back on Ulthuan if she thinks that's best and then presenting the results back to us. Not a gopher/Secretary but as a researcher taking grants for projects.

Treat her as a Runesmith equivalent from a foreign polity, and you're on the right track about how to interact with her.

Mages don't have as much freedom as Runesmiths, but aren't bound by as much secrecy.
Hey, just noting a few things.

First, I just managed to get up to this point after a month or two of reading, really nice work.

Second, I hope what seems to be the latest trend of taking about a month to post the next segment continues, Because I have something that is going to take a few days at least, and I really hope I can show it before we drop onto their heads.
...i just realized something
if we crit the drop,
would snorri land right on top of the enemy boss' head?

dwarf shaped mass of pure gromril + equipment falling at terminal velocity

+enemy suddenly finding all their magic defenses and buffs gone/weakened

= very much flatter and shorter enemy and snorri considering going on a diet?
