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Rhunrikki Strollar (Warhammer Fantasy Dwarf Runelord Quest)
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You play as a Snorri Klausson, Runelord of Kraka Drakk, in the earliest days of the Karaz Ankor, and through the Highs and Lows of the Canonical Golden Age.
Runelord of Kraka Drakk, The Gift Giver, Master of Khazagar, Burudin Member, Eldest Runelord of the Far North
The Greed Slayer, The Earth Mover, Shadowkiller, Hold Warder, Grimunbakazi a Dum (Unyielding Breaker of Darkness), Azrilgromthi a Vengryn (Silver Ancestor of Vengeance), He Who Gives Gifts and Quiets the Winds, Elder Windstiller, Chainwright, The Scarred, Aethyr-eye (Hidden).
Born c. -648 B.P.(Before Pillars), 1140 Years Old by Dwarf reckoning
Runes: General Rune Subset: Odd and Esoteric Runes (Mastered), Talismanic Runes, Engineering Runes, General Rune Subset: Power
Skills: Productivity (Savant), Alchemy (Exceptional)
Language: Khazalid (Native Speaker), Eltharin (Fluent-), Anoqeyån (Basic)
Traits: Crafting and Research
Master of the Odd [11/15]: Every 2 research actions used for [Odd] Runes and novel phenomena add 1 extra progress. If 3 research actions, instead add 2 extra progress. Understanding an [Odd] Rune has a 40% chance to produce extra research drip. Research gains from studying odd and novel materials improved. Mind for Constructs [8/15]: Every 2 research actions used for researching Engineering and [Construct] Runes add 1 extra progress. If 3 research actions, instead add 2 extra progress. Every 3 request or research actions that involve Constructs but not Runes add 2 extra progress. Possesses a deep understanding of Gronti and the mechanics of the Dwarfen form. Talent for Talismans [1/18]: Every 2 research actions used for Talismanic Runes add 1 extra progress. If 3 research actions, instead add 2 extra progress. Understanding a [Talismanic] Rune has a 40% chance to produce extra research drip. Soul of the Earth [0/?] : Every 2 research actions used for [Metal] Runes, and all geological material add 1 extra progress. If 3 research actions, instead add 2 extra progress. Every research action has a 40% chance to proc extra progress. Metalworking greatly improved. Peerless Production [12/?]: Every 2 request actions add 1 extra progress. If 3 request actions, instead add 3 extra progress. Every request action has a 60% chance to proc extra progress. Master of Many [0/9]: 1 action can now teach up to 3 apprentices for [12 turns]. Length of teaching 2 apprentices reduced to [10 turns]. 2 apprentice actions unlocked at [5 Turns], and can now be used to teach up to 2 apprentices. Aldrhunki: +2 to the total Specialty Modifier when researching Runes. Trollbane: Trolls will fear you and your works, the echoes of your deed filling their minds with terror. Chaosbane: Your works will burn the flesh of Beastmen and Daemon, driving fear and terror into the minds of the former as well. Windsight: [Rune of Windsight] Possesses visual Windsight, viewing the winds of Magic as bands/masses of coloured energy.
Hearth and Home: In defensive sieges or when directly protecting defenceless dwarfs, the army Snorri is attached to will gain [Unbreakable] and [Untiring] for the duration of the battle. Winds Denied: All Enemy Spells will suffer -35 automatically if Snorri takes the field. Karugromthi: +15 to [Living Ancestor] modifier, new Totals: 35 Rune Herder: +5 to other Runesmith rolls if Snorri takes the field. Citybreaker: Enemy armies suffer -10 to Combat if Snorri takes the field. Trollbane: +15 to Combat against Trolls Chaosbane: +10 to Combat against Beastmen and Daemons
Subjected to the Storm: Your body is covered in wounds that do not heal quickly, even while wearing Barak Azamar. Hysh, Aqshy, and Chamon are inextricably drawn to you.
Master Runesmith and Heir: Karstah Khazadsdottir of Clan Winterhearth
Karstah ~250
Heir of Klausson, Drakksdottir, Snorrisdottir, Firemane, Lenasdottir Age:
Born c. 103 A.P., 390 Years Old by Dwarf reckoning Specialties:
Productivity (Exceptional+), Armour Runes (Exceptional), General Rune Subset: Odd and Esoteric Runes, Weapon Runes Description:
A woman who wears a neutral expression at all times, though she is very well capable of being roused to truly terrifying and respectable anger of the Longbeard she is if pushed. Your efforts have borne fruit, turning all that pent-up energy and anger towards something productive, though she's got far less of the latter in her nowadays. She is always seen wearing the colours of Clan Winterhearth, though they are rather muted in comparison to others. Whatever it is your mother told her seems to have given her a great deal of comfort and a sense of belonging, because she devours the texts and stories of the Clan whenever she isn't learning under you or the rare times she's out drinking with the few friends she's begun to make. She wears a muted red cloak in very obvious imitation of someone. Reputation:
Normally polite if a bit gruff, years as a foundling have nevertheless marked her. She has few things she truly considers hers and guards them ferociously. Many still remember the terrifying tongue lashings of her youth, but it takes a bit more work to get her there nowadays. If asked about her Clan, she will quietly, but proudly, call herself a member of Winterhearth. There are a number of Runesmiths who applaud and criticize her for her work equipping the Dwarfs in the Black Mountains with Runecraft, noting her obvious efforts to follow in the footsteps of her master. Others murmur about the elderly Dwarf who follows after her, the last living Retainer of Morgrim Truthteller, and his motives. Allies/Retainers: Dreng Longaxe:An ancient Dwarf, last of Lord Truthteller's bodyguard. Bound by an oath sworn to his now fallen Lord that he shall observe whoever he had chosen in his final moments and see if they are worthy of his secrets. Equipped in Master crafted armour and weapons covered in potent Runes, he marches behind the girl who his Lord had saved at the cost of his own life. Deeds Epic Deed: Chimeraslayer
Epic Deed: Longslayer Traits
Master of the Odd [11/15]: Every 2 research actions used for [Odd] Runes and novel phenomena add 1 extra progress. Research gains from studying odd and novel materials improved. Productivity Like One Other [8/15]: Every 2 request actions add 1 extra progress. Master of Metal[7/12]: Every 2 research actions used for [Metal] Runes, and all geological material add 1 extra progress. If 3 research actions, instead add 2 extra progress. Work with all Gromril tiers will be improved. Wisdom with Weapons[1/6] Every 3 research actions used for Weapon Runes add 1 extra progress. Knack for Knick-knacks [3/6]: Every 3 research actions used for Talismanic Runes add 1 extra progress. Longbeard/Longplaits: +5 to Combat rolls. Beastbane: + 10 to Combat against Beastmen
Master Runesmith: Fjolla Igunsdottir of Clan Hrokisson
Fjolla ~350 - by @Renu Titles:
The Gemtouched, Firebrand, Goldy-Locks, Nimblefingers, Keen-eyed, Jewel-eyed, Glimmermaker, Age:
Born c. -113 B.P., 605 Years Old by Dwarf reckoning Specialty:
Runes: Talismanic Rune Subset: Gems and Crystals (Mastered), Talismanic Rune Subset: Light (Mastered), Talismanic Runes (Exceptional+), Banner Runes+.
Skills: Jewelry (Mastered +), Cloaks (Mastered) Description:
Your grandniece, a Living Ancestor who remains unbent by age and stands taller than most Dwarfs. She is either dressed casually, in an outfit that's largely similar to yours if far more ornate, or girded for battle in plate armour. You taught her to turn her burning enthusiasm into a focused flame that burns all the brighter for it. A long history of stellar work behind her, were it not for you, then the second a spot opens she would become a Runelord. She has cultivated a strong relationship with many of the colleagues, now friends, she made in Gunbad, and still speaks to the Hold's pre-eminent Runelord, Gemma Diamond Eyes. A mother to two Runesmiths, and teacher of two more, she isn't quite as ahem prolific as Dolgi, but that's still plenty more than most. Motherhood and Masterhood has not dulled her temper, it may have even made it worse actually, but they have also given her the mastery and wisdom to release it for exactly as long, and at the exact level as she needs. When out in public her plaits are replete with bands of silver and Brightstone, so much so that it dimly glows in the dark. When she wants to be more inconspicuous, she braids her hair more simply and dons a Ranger's garb. Her clothing has remained largely unchanged. Though it bears more fine silver detailing, it isn't enough to be considered ostentatious. More often than not these days, Dawi see her in more chainmail and plate than they do robes and more casual clothing. Her husband keeps to himself and prefers quiet and at most the company of his family and friends. Their relationship isn't as bombastic as Dolgi's and his wife's, nor does Fjolla want it to be, but one of peaceful quiet broken up by frequent moments of levity. Reputation:
As a Living Ancestor long known for her mastery of Talismanic Runes and Gemcraft, Fjolla has made a name for herself among the upper echelons of Dwarf Society as one of the finest makers of jewelry in the Far North. A fact that has given her many contacts among Thanes, Guildmasters, and Monarchs. An undeniable history of high-quality work borne from a long life and uncountable hours mastering her craft and herself make her work well sought after and her attention even moreso. To her quiet bemusement, time has been kind and let her age gracefully despite the punishing conditions and expectations she put herself through. Centuries of Runesmithing and long experience have given her a mean right hook, and a devastatingly quick leg, much to the fear of many a Dwarf. Due in large part to her desire for privacy and disdain of attention she has built the typical reputation of a recluse that many Rhunki end up getting. Though she is rarely seen in a public capacity, Fjolla does regularly leave her home, though like her master its usually in secret and under the hood of a Ranger's cloak. Allies/ Retainers:
Master Runesmith: Durrik Thorgromsson (Taken Turn 31, Trial Turn 45, Master Turn 56 ) Master Runesmith: Emlik Norgrimsson (Taken Turn 31, Trial Turn 45, Master Turn 56) Deeds: Epic Deed: The Queen's Raiment
Epic Deed: Spiteful Lady
Epic Deed: Primordial slayer. (here)
Master Runesmith: Dolgi Bolgisson of Clan Scorrilling
The Undaunted, Embermane, Ruby-head, Crank-arm, Sky-Armourer, Griffonfriend, Da, Branawongr (Brana Friend), He who Girds the Many Age:
Born c. -118 B.P. 610 Years Old by Dwarf reckoning Specialties:
General Rune Subset: Griffons (Mastered), Armour Rune Subset: Griffons (Exceptional), Weapon Runes, Engineering Runes. Description:
By the reckoning of the average Dwarf Dolgi the Undaunted is a legend in his own right. A Living Ancestor who survived the Great Incursion, he has seen the worst the world can bring to bear and survived it. His silver beard, three Dwarfs long, would trail behind him if he didn't loop it around his waist. You are proud to have helped shape the boy he was into the man he has become. Your teaching and time have beaten the shyness out of him, leaving a naturally quiet and hardworking individual. While he got off to a slower start than the others, he has arguably cemented his legend second only to Snerra. Diligence, hard work, and a long life compound upon his above average talents to make a sum greater than its parts. It seems he's taken more and more after you than you previously imagined as well. His Brana feather cloak is a heavy, thickly layered thing that wraps around his shoulders that almost drags along the floor, a dozen feathers, four each from three individuals, take a place of honour at the neck. Reputation:
Among the Dawi, he is known as a Living Ancestor, a student of Klausson. If he was roused to it, he could perhaps compete with the productivity of Lord Klausson and his heir. Though the nature of his work makes the need unlikely to pop up. To the Branakroki, he is renowned as "He Who Girds the Many", for his unparalleled mastery and long history of crafting fine plate armour and dangerous weapons that make them all the more deadly. What had started off as a simple repayment in his youth has blossomed into a legend, and more personally a bond between two families that now spans multiple generations. Both Dwarfs and Brana have long heard tales of the Undaunted, who fears neither danger or injury, and his undying devotion to his wife and family. Surely blessed by Thungni and Valaya, for all of the seven children he has fathered have gone on to become Master Runesmiths. For his deeds and acts, has earned he and his line the title of Branawongr, "Brana Friend," forevermore. No living Dawi can inspire more respect, and no Dawi period has earned the personal loyalty and friendship of as many Brana as he has. Allies/Retainers: Ironwing: A massive specimen of a Griffon comparable to the brood of the King of the Skies than most. Friend and ally to the Embermane, he wears the Skyguard Plate made for him, a set of armour so heavy that few others can wear it without being overly encumbered by the sheer weight. Stormrider: Mate of Ironwing, a Branakroki of above-average size with a proclivity for wreathing herself in a halo of lightning and ice before falling upon her foe in a screaming dive. Wears a suit of Gromril Armour inspired by Stormwrath. Deeds: Legendary Deed: Branawongr Epic Deed: The Arming of the Skies
Runelord: Snerra Magnasdottir of Clan Winterhearth
Snerra at 500
- by @Renu on their thread Titles:
Brightgrin, The Shining One, Banner-Maiden, The Smiling Smith, Thungni Chosen, The Last Age:
Born c. -35 B.P., 528 Years Old by Dwarf reckoning Specialties:
General Rune Subset: Casting (Mastered+), Talismanic Rune Subset: Fortitude and Healing (Exceptional+), Armour Runes (Exceptional), Engineering Rune Subset: Gronti (Exceptional), Weapon Runes, Banner Runes Description:
Your niece, a Living Ancestor whose grey hair, still stubbornly clinging on to streaks of color even after five centuries, reaches her feet and wraps back up around her waist thrice over. Never seen without a smile of some sort on her lips, with her dark brown eyes almost always twinkling with mirth. The energy and enthusiasm of youth of now centuries past are still invoked in everything she does, though only somewhat tempered by age and expectation. When at home, she's forgone her red and white dress for a more practical pair of dark brown trousers, tough sturdy boots, and a simple chainmail shirt overtop a long-sleeved dark red tunic with the white on red emblem of Clan Winterhearth emblazoned on her shoulders. Something she hasn't given up even as a Runelord, though nowadays there's just a tad more refinement to the patterns in her embroidery and a finer quality to the fabric and leather her clothes are made of. She's not one for ornamentation, and what little, though as a Runelord what constitutes as "little" is rather skewed, she wears incorporates gold, Hearthstones and rubies in equal measure. Her father's amulet is now matched by a set of hairpins, a bracelet and two rings, all made by her own hand or gifts from her family. There are those who whisper that in the firelight her eyes look like they glitter like Brightstone. After all you've seen in your life it may not be nonsense. Reputation:
Despite her age it still feels wrong to call Snerra old, cruel as it sounds she exudes a boundless joy to her. It is a long accepted, if unnerving, quirk that she is terrifying optimistic for a Living Ancestor, nai a Dwarf in general. Despite this, Snerra has proved herself a prodigy beyond compare in the eyes of many. Earning the acknowledge of Thungni as the youngest of the final four Master Runesmiths the Ancestor deemed worthy of the title of Runelord. Making works of art and equipment arguably centuries beyond what is expected of her. Her fine goods and kind nature have made her many allies, and her willingness to put others before her has, unintentionally, indebted many to her. Most famously, the entirety of Clan Bryggeroot, whose Longbeards have taken it upon themselves to act as her honourguard in and out of battle. Not that she seems to be doing so intentionally, too naive, or more accurately too kind, for it really. She has of course proven worthy of Thungni's regard in the century since her ascension to the House. Allies/Retainers: The Beerguard:A group of two hundred, majority Bryggeroot, Longbeards who have sworn an oath to repay her kindness towards their Clan by keeping her from harm. Snerra has slowly been gifting them fine equipment over the length of their service, simultaneously making them all the more deadly and further indebting them to her in their eyes. Her kind heart and helpful nature have earned her the undying loyalty and dedication of these Dawi. Snerra is aware, you're sure of it now, and does what she can to keep them alive and happy. She will not insult them by disregarding the debt they feel they owe, but she does wish they'd not be so willing to die for her sake. Master Runesmith: Jolla Klorahsdottir (Taken Turn 29, Trial Turn 42, Master Turn 50) Master Runesmith: Siggrun "Redhand" Klorahsdottir (Taken Turn 29, Trial Turn 42, Master Turn 50) Apprentice Runesmith: Gandazi Dorisdottir (Taken Turn 57, Trial Turn 70, Master Turn 78) Apprentice Runesmith: Andvari Ulthersson (Taken Turn 57, Trial Turn 70, Master Turn 78) Deeds: Mythical Deed: Thungni Chosen Legendary Deed: Mistbreaker Epic Deed: The Brewer's Banner
Epic Deed: The Healing Spring
Master Runesmith: Nain Kazzarsson of Clan Stoneplate
Nain ~350
Art by Sebastien Schmidt on Artstation Titles:
Gorltrommi (Goldenbeard), Lightfoot, Age:
Born c. 100 A.P., 393 Years Old by Dwarf reckoning Specialties:
Talismanic Runes (Exceptional), Weapon Rune Subset: Hammers (Exceptional), Weapon Runes Description:
A polite fellow, quiet, driven and eager to learn. He wears a simple but finely made sleeveless tunic, keeping his upper arms bare in more southern style and revealing the muscle he's gained from undergoing the Hammerspite's gruelling trials of worthiness. His silver-blonde hair is a rarity in the otherwise chocolate dark curls of his Clan, but it's not his only defining trait. His pale blue eyes are often covered by his hair, and his graying beard, styled in a noticeable and unique style, just reaches past his feet. He is often seen wearing a golden talisman and several rings all faintly glowing with Runes. Recently taken up walking around with a pipe near or in his mouth. Reputation:
Quiet, and introverted. The lad says nothing unless spoken to, but those who take the time to observe him will know he is as engaged as anyone else. Dependable, solid and about as interesting as plain Stonebread. He's developed a hobby for metalwork alongside his interest in talismans, rings and hammers though, so maybe Stonebread with a few raisins in it would be more accurate. Has struck up an odd and unexpected friendship with Borri Steelfist. In some circles, he is known as one of the Hammerhanded, those Runesmiths who proved themselves worthy before the uncompromising and cantankerous gaze of Gottri Hammerspite and reaped the reward for their trouble. Allies/Retainers:
Apprentice Runesmith: Tholinn Vikramsson(Taken Turn 51, Trial Turn 62, Master Turn 70) Deeds: ??? Deed: TheLift
The Hearth Guard
Group Formed c. 213 A.P., 280 Years Old by Dwarf reckoning Talent:
Steadfast Guardian: Provides morale bonus to nearby units. The Hearth Guard gain +Defence and Endurance when defending other Dawi. Utility Skills: Medical Expertise, Infrastructure Repair, Fieldworks, Artillery Capable, Funerary Rites, Search and Rescue++, Spelunking ++, Informal but sound Legal and Moral Advice, Monster Tracking Stats:
[Supreme+ Morale, Supreme Endurance, High+ Attack, Incredible Defence, Average+ Movement] Equipment:
- Rune Inscribed Pure Gromril Plate, Elder Frostwyrm Hide and Gromril Chainmail for armour. Horned helms and Ruby red cloaks trimmed with white fur.
- Rune Inscribed Pure Gromril and Azrilwut for weapons, tools and equipment
- Trollgut Bombs
- Valayan Brews and Medicines
- Azrilzhufgotten: [abilities]
- Zonbak: [abilities] Description:
Formed under the Gift Giver, this band of dwarf elders and Brana are united in the belief and desire to render aid to dwarfs and Brana around them. Not just through their skill at arms, but with the application of long honed experience at a myriad of skills as healers, scouts, tunnelers, and plain wisdom. They, more than most, know that more than just monsters and daemons threaten their kinfolk and each of these members has skills well suited to providing aid beyond their ability to slay foes. For good or ill, the first retinue to accept Branakroki into their number in the Karaz Ankor. Reputation:
Steadfast Guardians: Under my watch no ill will go untreated, no sorrow will go unsoothed, and no foe shall harm my charge.
Brana Open: Branakroki, as reckoned by the Eldest Runelord of the North, may swear the oaths and join his company. (First) Deeds: Aerie Aid: For saving the life of the children of He who Thinks and Ebonbeak, and continued aid in the building of their homes, those present for the event have been granted a boon, and their lord his esteem Brothers In Wings:The Brana have proven themselves, in blood spilt and oaths upheld, to be steadfast and true allies, and so I see no reason to bar them the chance to join in this tradition. Mine Sweeper:Every nest, every warren, every last Gnubbler that dared lurk in Ornsmotek's mines was exterminated with extreme prejudice. There shan't be hide nor hair of the foul things for centuries to come. Pillars in the Dark:For a people who have rarely seen any Dwarf over three hundred, the sight and sound of so many unshakeable fonts of wisdom and confidence instilled hope and surety where there was once anxiety and apprehension. Command Staff:
Company Commander/Hearth Lord: Rudil "Rubybrow" Donnarsson
Company Champion/Fire Keeper: Ylva Hearth Hands
"Head" Ranger: Norgrim Farwalker Regular Members:
x28 Former Huskarls, Characters of Note:
- Rudil "Red Plate" Donnarsson
x25 Former Valkyrie Guard, Characters of Note:
- Ylva Hearth Hands
x10 Longbeard Miners
x2 Krum Lodefinders [Miners]
x5 Watchers of Gazul, Characters of Note:
- Logain
x13 Masons of Grungni
x5 Priests of Grimnir
x47 Hearthwarden Rangers, Characters of Note:
- Kemli Imraksson [Minor Engineering Knowledge]
- Druin [Merchant]
x36 Master Engineers, Capable of running x12 Siege Weapons/Artillery (3 Engineers per piece of Siege Equipment/Artillery). Characters of Note:
- Balik Khazadsson
x5 Branakroki, each counts as 2. Characters of Note:
- Nightfeather/He who is One with Darkness
- Amberclaw/She who's Talons Hold Amber[Ghur User] (Bloodhunter)
- Rimesong/She who Sings Snow into Creation [Azyr User] (Stormcaller)
- Emberplume/He who has Burning Wings
- Still Wing/ He who Stands Vigil
Born c. 388 A.P., 106 Years Old by Dwarf Reckoning Description:
Three adult Shard Wyrms, each wears a Runic torc on their necks that allows them to speak Khazalid Journeywyrm Mage, Grimgal:
Riluzkuldrakk (The Bright Death) Description:
36.5 meters long, eyes that shift from natural gold colour to what looks like molten gold. A nimbus of Chamon sometimes flares out from behind her head. She has begun learning to wield Hysh and Chamon from the elven mage Menlinwen Ebonsea and the Branakroki. Refers to herself in the plural, which may or may not be more than a quirk of her personality. The most Draconic of the siblings, but there is an undeniable oddness to her that goes beyond that.
Master Smith, Zharrok: Description:
31 meters long, spines that look as if they were subjected to flames. Just below where his torc rests is a modified collar of his own design that he hangs various smithing tools from. Learning to become a smith from Branakroki Silverbearers, and Aqshy from Menlinwen Ebonsea. Gruff and the most stereotypically "Dwarfen" of the siblings, though still undeniably a Drakk.
Prospector, Izgrom: Description:
31.5 meters long, with beaten Gromril spines and copper flecked eyes. He also carries around trinkets and assorted odds and ends given to him by others, mining equipment, and a respectable layer of dirt and dust from his time underground. He enjoys digging and collecting wealth. If Snerra was a Dragon, she would be Izgrom. The least stereotypically Draconic sibling save for his hoarding, but that's not exclusive to Drakks.
Mythical Deed: This Far and No Further:
Among the many Karaks of the Karaz Ankor there was always a chance that the young and minor holds would fall, or at best be forced to hunker down under the mountains, shielded from the predations of the surface. None expected a hold of such youth to maintain siege footing against an innumerable foe for near two decades. None expected a hold so untested to stall the enemy and even push out against them. But you did. You stood, shoulder to shoulder, with thousands of other dwarfs on the walls of Kraka Drakk and in one voice roared for all the world to hear, "This far, and no further!"
Traits Gained/Upgraded: - Unyielding Really Old Grumbler: +10 to [Really Old Grumbler] modifier, new Total: 30 Upgraded - Winds Denied: All Enemy Spells will suffer -25 automatically if Snorri takes the field, -35 to roll if Snorri is actively trying to dispel it.
Mythical Deed: The Chainwright
You have gone beyond even your own wildest expectations; opening up the creation and usage of Gromril Chain to its greatest possible extent and then some, and because of it your people take one more step forward in their efforts to follow the example set by the Ancestors. In your own personal estimation such an act brings you one step closer to standing proudly beside the legends of old; Dwarfs who are second only to the Ancestor Gods in skill, deed and legend. Yours is a name given due acknowledgement for the advancement it has brought to all Dwarfkind.
You are not the first among Grungni's folk to discover the secret to finer Gromril manipulation, but you are the first to make it doable for the average Master Runesmith. Which is still a damn rare thing given how few Dwarfs actually have such a skill but compared to the handful of Dwarfs before it's many magnitudes more easily done and far more accessible. Despite the opinion of a very loud, but very small, minority, it is an achievement worthy of praise.
Traits Upgraded: - Soul of the Earth: Every 2 research actions used on all minerals, metals or other earthborn things add 1 free action's worth of progress. If 3 research actions, instead add 2 free actions. Work with all metals will be greatly improved.
- Soul of the Earth: Every 2 research actions used for [Metal] Runes, and all geological material add 1 extra progress. If 3 research actions, instead add 2 extra progress. Every research action has a 40% chance to proc extra progress. Metalworking greatly improved.
Mythical Deed, The Consternation Soothed
According to all known laws of biology, there is no way that a Dwarf should be able to perceive the Winds of Magic, thus the Gift Giver sundered it. You have done what Durin struggled to overcome all of his life. Fate turns and twists, as stone can now open its eyes.
Legendary Deed: The Gift Giver
Honouring an oath made in a drunken stupor, Snorri created thousands of masterwork toys over the span of two months. Creating enough to gift every last child in the hold twice over.
Traits Gained: - Productivity like no other: Every two actions spent on fulfilling requests will add one more free action of progress. Ex: A request takes 3 actions to complete, Snorri uses 2, it will count as 3 Upgraded
- The Debt of the Young: Snorri will be shown greater deference by youth and elderly, the former for the debt owed, and the latter for the sheer skill of the act itself. Mostly Narrative but a chance to proc in some scenarios.
Legendary Deed: The Shadow Killer
You were not the killer of dread Kholek Suneater, Ruiner of the North, but none can gainsay your part in the act. Your weapon dealt the final blow, Your armour girded the Dwarf who slew him. Your banner weakened his fel magic and protected uncountable lives from his blows, and it was your bolt and bolt thrower that weakened the terrible foe enough to let him be slain. And to dwarfs, the smith who made the weapon is only slightly less famed than the warrior who used it to slay the monster.
Traits Gained/Upgraded: - Chaosbane: Your deeds and your works, your banner especially, are the bane of the chaotic. Your works will burn the flesh of beastmen and daemon, driving fear and terror into the minds of the former as well.
Legendary Deed: The Greed Slayer
At the Battle of the Dragon's Maw, Snorri Klausson slew an innumerable horde of daemons and Trolls. Alone he faced the army, rallying dwarfs and holding back the tide. Single-Handedly fighting their master, a fel troll of titanic size who had grown strong from consuming enumerable daemons, The Greedy One. Longbeards speak of that titanic clash, worthy of the greatest sagas, as Snorri and the Troll clashed at the top of Trollbane Hill, the Runelord's relentless assault pushing the beast down the slope and eventually over a chasm into the superheated gas vents below. The resulting explosion created a crater large enough to swallow a hold.
Traits Gained: - Trollbane: Trolls will fear you and your works, the echoes of your deed filling their minds with terror. The terrible ruination you dealt upon the trolls this day marks your presence both in history and the metaphysical realm. - Winds Dispersed: All Enemy Spells will suffer -15 automatically if Snorri takes the field. The power of your amulet and your continuous use of it throughout the battle has imparted a part of itself to you, turning your natural immunity to magic into a tangible effect that can cripple enemy casters. Upgraded - +5 to [Really Old Grumbler] modifier, new Total: 25 Upgraded
Legendary Deed: The Earth Mover
Creating enough tools to equip the hold and doing twice the amount of work than the combined efforts of every other runesmith in the hold, the Gift Giver was instrumental in pushing the work on Kraka Drakk's Underway connection forward. Doing in one decade what was expected to take three or four.
Trait Upgraded:
- Productivity like No Other: Every 2 request actions add 1 free action's worth of progress. If 3 request actions, instead add 2 free actions. Upgraded
Legendary Deed: Grimunbakazi a Dum (Unyielding Breaker of Darkness)
Down down down into the depths of fallen Dum did the Gift Giver walk. He feared not what lurked within, for he carried cleansing fire and silver light, whose heat and luminance burned away the cold dark and brought salvation and vengeance to those trapped within.
Trait Upgraded:
- Winds Denied: All Enemy Spells will suffer -35 automatically if Snorri takes the field.
Legendary Deed: Millennial
The eldest of the elderly, the most stubborn of the stubborn. Few, so very few, reach this momentous milestone of life. Where some niggling doubt may have existed about your longevity before, almost all are now assured that your will has proven more stubborn than even the passage of father time. You have lived through the ancient history the youth are taught, you are a living relic of a bygone age, a link to the time of the Dwarf's Ancestors.
Traits Gained/Upgraded:
- Master of the Odd:Every 2 research actions used for Talismanic, Engineering runes or weird/odd concepts in general, add 1 free action's worth of progress. If 3 research actions, instead add 2 free actions. Research gains from studying odd materials improved.
- Peerless Production: Every 2 request actions add 1 free action's worth of progress. If 3 request actions, instead add 3 free actions. Every input request action has a 50% chance to proc another action, does not proc on free actions.
- Unyielding Really Old Grumbler > Karugromthi: +15 to [Living Ancestor] modifier, new Totals: 35
Legendary Deed: The Citybreaker
Where once stood three citadels of Fimir might now remain only rubble and ash. By the might of a unified north, and the fury of two Storms were they laid low. Though his part was limited, the Gift Giver's acts allowed his kin the time and freedom to conduct their sieges with little to impede their progress.
Traits Gained/Upgraded:
- Citybreaker: Enemy armies suffer -10 to Combat if Snorri takes the field.
Epic Deed: The Dragon's Hoard
Epic Deed: The Dragon's Spines
A large (for a dwarf) elder with an unbraided but exquisitely cared for beard that is as white as fresh snow with parts on the right side, under his missing eye, that are growing in as shimmering silver. The beard itself is over six dwarf lengths long that he keeps folded around his waist and looped over his belt. Wide in the arm from literal centuries spent forging Runes of power. Most often seen in a thick grey tunic, mail, dark red pants and a black belt with a hooded coat the same shade of red as his trousers over top when not at work. If one were to stare at his bare body they would see a great network of scars that traverse his form, converging and growing thicker on the right side of his body. They become so prevalent that his right arm is more scar tissue than unblemished skin.
Azrilgromthi, Chainwright, Gift Giver, these are only some of the names for the Far North's oldest Runelord. A figure to whom the Dwarfs of Kraka Drakk owe a debt that many think will never be adequately repaid. To the many Runesmiths of the Hold and the wider region, his shadow looms large; the penultimate example of what a Runelord ought to be in the minds of an entire generations of the Far North's population. There are almost no Dwarfs who live in the region that have not had some aspect of their lives touched by him. From the toys, tools and wonders he has released for the benefit of his people to the deeds of he and his stalwart company of Guardians, the Runelord has an almost universal presence in his home. The opinion of the wider realm varies from a mad radical to a utility obsessed hermit who spends his days either teaching, creating or going about solving some issue he finds, but all can agree that he is by far one of the more active Runelords alive.
A student of Yorri of Clan Thungnisson, famed for his monstrous productivity and odd demeanour. The Gift Giver, as he is most often called, is beloved in Kraka Drakk, awed throughout the north and respected everywhere else. Many of his deeds are legend, as is his seeming generosity. One is hard-pressed to find a Dwarf in Kraka Drakk that does not bear something he has made. To the Runesmiths he is a figure of intense confusion, yet undeniable honour. His intent and attention solely geared towards how useful he can be to his home, to a degree that (privately) impresses even the hoariest Living Ancestor. Those who fought alongside him in the Avenging of Karag Dum speak of his silver armour and the flaming hammer he used to break open its gates and sunder foes beyond the scope of most Dawi almost entirely on his lonesome.
Creating and managing your repertoire of Runes. These Runes will be useful in helping Snorri gain influence and favour amongst the Karaz Ankor. Runes and Runic combinations of sufficient utility increase utility.
Research(As a concept): Time is spent working on deciphering the Runes, figuring what exactly you want to be done and getting a basic list of ingredients/forging technique and overall time to make said Rune. Research is done on an action count basis. X Rune takes so many actions.
Ingredient Gathering: For most minor Runes this will be done in the background, but for new, major and or very important Runes, efforts or favours must be done or used to get the necessary ingredients yourself or finding a willing adventurer/band.
Rune Rules:
Three Runes are the max on 99.9999% of items.
One Master Rune.
(quest canon) Rune combos:
Runes of similar intent and purpose will resonate with each other, enhancing effect on the item they are inscribed upon, certain combinations may even unlock entirely new effects.
Runes with unharmonious intent cause odd effects. A Rune of Fire and a Rune of Frost will not so much cancel each other out but have consequences on the other. These effects may be beneficial or they may be disastrous.
When considering building a combo there are two main points, in my system, to keep in mind.
I'll term them Theme, and Effect respectively.
Theme is the aesthetic of a combo, its best seen in the name and flavour description itself. If we look at say, Trollslayer's combo, Meteorfall, for instance it's clearly a pretty direct and simple idea. Gather heat (Conduction), swing hard (Might), impact go boom (Impact). Yeah? When I used the term High Concept, I generally mean how easily understood the Theme of a Combo you're going for actually is. If you get very abstract and symbolic about a Theme it gets, not impossible per se, but much harder to make a combo. Similarly, making a very direct and blunt theme does not guarantee a Combo either. Why? Because of how it plays into Effect.
Effect is the actual mechanical effects of the Runes you're using. NOT their names, the actual description of what their mechanics are, and how that interacts with Theme generally decides a combo's viability. So if we look at Meteorfall again we can easily understand its Theme, a fiery impact of tremendous force is pretty straightforward after all. So straightforward in fact that you can arguably use a bunch of different combinations of Runes to meet the description of the Theme in some way, shape or form. However, say we have hypothetically have two ways of matching the criteria of the Theme for Meteorfall, I'm utlimately going to have ONE set of Runes that will make the Combo happen, and I'll be very picky about your accuracy.*
Theme informs and guides your direction, Effect must match Theme.
Having a difficult and abstract Theme in general makes it harder because there's room for differing interpretations. However, you could create a surprising and nonconventional combo whose Theme and Effect that don't immediately come to mind, but if I can go "Oh, okay I see that makes sense," after thinking about it for more than a few seconds that's also good. If you're not sure, describe your Combo's Theme and Effects to someone else and see if it requires explaining your points, if so, you're probably not on the right track.
*I don't think it needs to be said, but just in case, a Master Rune obviously has more relevance on Effect and how it matches Theme than a regular Rune
(quest canon) Set combos:
Combos writ large, and between multiple items. You need at least three items to make a combo but a set can have more than three items involved.
An individual dwarf has "five" item slots:
x2 Enchanted Items: Either two items that use Talismanic Runes, or one item that uses Talismanic Runes and one that uses Banner Runes.
x2 Hand slots: Two Weapons, a Great Weapon, a Weapon and Shield, or a Weapon/Shield and Runestaff.
The FAQ goes into more detail.
A turn is 10 years long. Snorri's actions are limited, as, by Dwarf reckoning, nothing worth doing is done quickly. You have a base 5 general actions to work with in a Turn.
Actions are the lifeblood of a turn, each turn you'll have 5 general actions to use on options. There are other, more specialized, types of actions with specific limitations about how they can be used. The action cost of something is exactly that, how many actions it will take to complete.
Below is the list of currently active action types:
Action Type
(General) Action
Can be applied anywhere unless specified.
Retainer Action
Can only be applied to options that specify it.
Heir Action
Can be applied to all requests and only to research with [Simple] tag.
Apprentice Action
Can only be applied to requests with [Simple] tag.
Traits, unless specified otherwise, will only proc with general actions.
Overflow: What happens when you apply, intentionally or not, more actions into an option than what is required. For options in the Request category overflow simply improves your end product unless it's part of a chain of actions, where the overflow is only counted at the end but in exchange, improves the whole chain. For options in the Research category, overflow is more tricky. Depending on what you're doing it may carry over to future research actions or it may end up doing nothing at all.
What you can do in a turn. Options are broken up into several categories, both for ease of reading and for delineating what actions can do what.
Requests fall into two types. [Simple] and [Difficult]. Both are done the same way, it's just that [Simple] requests for Runic items where I won't let you pick which Runes go on which item. Like, a simple request would be to fill an order of 100 Runic pickaxes, I'm sure you don't want to pick a list of three Runes for every last one yeah? Difficult requests are, more often than not, the singular custom pieces or sets of pieces. There's a bit of choice here. You can make the decision over which Runes to use, you can choose not to and let me decide, or give a theme or function you want me to follow. These are often for individuals and characters, but not always.
As with the Request category, Research is labelled [Simple] and [Difficult]. [Simple] Research is mostly material research, short and to the point and the start of Research trees, while [Difficult] Research usually consists of the later parts of long term research trees and more longform studies.
Rune Research:
As a Runelord of the Dwarfen Golden Age. You have a rune for almost any situation. That axe not cutting good enough? Rune. Is the armour not strong enough? Rune. Runes upon Runes upon even more Runes are at your disposal. For the sake of all our sanities and to minimize bookkeeping, it's all but assured you will have a rune for most mundane situations. Researching and creating new Runes then will be more limited by virtue of you having most everything already than it is your ability to think of new things. This, of course, doesn't apply to Master Runes. Further, there are runic "tech trees" if you will that I have been cooking up for some time, and depending on how things go you may be able to progress down those paths as well.
In short, unless it's a research option, you're likely to have a common Rune for that problem already, and if you don't, you need to unlock the problem first before you can get to solve it.
Speaking of those Master Runes, to work with them you will first need to understand that Master Rune. The way you can do this is through the traditional Understand a Master Rune option, but now, if you develop a Master Rune from your research, or compress a combo into a Master Rune that will also count as doing the Understand option. After you understand a Master Rune, you can then begin to create variants of that Master Rune, and even a Regular Rune version at a much cheaper cost than before. Of course not all Master Runes are the same, so now we move on to the method I'll be calculating the action cost for these new actions.
Learned Master Runes will have a Complexity Rating attached to them that will appear on the Rune List post and in Rune trades in the future. They start from 0 for "base" Master Runes like the Master Rune of Gromril for instance, and can theoretically go up forever all the way until Azamar. Putting a Master Rune into a combo raises the Complexity Rating, however Compressing a Combo into a Master Rune does not.
Spitestrike, the precursor combo for the Master Rune of Spite: Complexity 0
Compressing it into Master Rune of Spite: Complexity 0
A combo that involves the Master Rune of Spite: Complexity 1
Compressing that Combo into a new Master Rune: Complexity 1
And so on and so forth.
Relevant Specialty levels, and Traits*, reduce the Effective Complexity, which in turn makes the Understand option easier to do. This basically means a Talismanic (Savant) specialty Runesmith with a lot of traits around researching Talismanic Runes would have a far easier time than an apprentice with no specialty at all.
Specialty levels can reduce effective complexity by 1 (Base) to 10 (Savant)
* A trait description will need to specify that it improves a type of Rune Research for it to factor in though.
Other Research:
As a Runelord, you will always be looking for inspiration to devise new Runes and sometimes solve problems in more mundane, less fun, ways than with Runes. Any oddity or idea you may have will appear on here.
Epiphanies are moments in the quest where you realize something important about something. Some will simply be boosts to research, others will unlock entirely new tech trees. Epiphanies are triggered by certain actions you do and by rolls that I'm keeping track of in my master sheet.
Ordering supplies! Orders thankfully are pretty straightforward. If it's a material specific to a strong Rune you need for a request or Rune you're experimenting with I will note it in the cost, and it will consequently appear in the orders section of the turn/whenever you realize you'll need it.
Now you may ask, can we get it ourselves? Yes! You can totally go get it yourself, should you know a source for the stuff nearby. As the elder ice wyrm Kraka Drakk was named after is long dead and its materials long since used to make other shiny cool things, you can't find any natively in such a remote hold. Or well, YOU don't know of any Drakki lurking about. If you DO know where you can get some nearby, you can spend an action (unless its right outside the hold relatively speaking) to get it yourself. Note that this will Lockout the order option and vice versa. So it's a trade-off between costly expediency or free but delayed. High enough standing with an individual will allow you to spend favours you may have with that person to order higher tier material quickly.
Order length: is determined by two main things. Your circumstances, and the rarity of the item. In my master chart I've got a few things listed down as guidelines, but for your sake know there are only 4 tiers of rarity when ordering.
Tier 1: Mundane: bog-standard materials, stuff you don't have to worry about specifically getting at your age and level of wealth. Really you won't ever see these materials barring truly exceptional circumstances, but it's good to have a baseline. Tier 2: Uncommon: This is specialist stuff, and the majority of orders will be this tier most likely, dragon's blood counts here and so does Gromril, but as you'll note. You rolled well and got a natural seam of the stuff so you don't worry about it. Will otherwise take 1-2 turns to arrive depending on the circumstances of your hold. Before you ask, yes I would've waived the dragon blood fee if you had chosen that other deed at the beginning. Tier 3: Rare Stuff: Often refined uncommon materials or hard to come by stuff. Pure Gromril, for instance, requires a master black/Runesmith with a very specific set of gear. This will take 2- 4 turns to arrive. Less time if you're near a place like Karak Azul or immediately(within the turn, even though it would take years in-game time) if you have the native production here. Brightstone, Silverite or Ithilmar and stuff at that level of scarcity would count in this territory. Tier 4:Truly Rare: This is rare material taken up 10 notches. Things like the blood of an Elder Wyrm (Star or Moon Dragon), The Claw of a Dragon Ogre Shaggoth, Carnosaur's Bilesac, stuff like that. It's gonna be 3 turns minimum for this stuff. Getting some examples this material immediately would require burning favours. Tier 5: One of a Kind: Things that are so unique and powerful they lie in a rarity of their own. Trying to scale beyond this is ridiculous, but the strength of these ingredients while very powerful can vary greatly within this tier. A tip top tier example would be The Blood of Aenerion (as in the individual, not his descendants) or the finger bone of Nagash. A lower example would be the body part of an apex specimen of its species. You won't get to order things like this, almost guaranteed to be from you getting it yourself.
Sub Options:
These are sub-options within any of the actions in these categories. Most often they either provide a bonus to research or completion at the cost of something, usually favour, but there are a few who may add to research cost in exchange for getting more rewards. In terms of research/progress boosts, work under the assumption that the boost is a single time use and that you need to input an action into the research itself to use it. However, there is a list of modifiers that exist and will be applied on the action depending.
Some of these include:
Can be taken multiple/ X times: self-explanatory
Can be taken without actions: can complete with no action input
Can be taken multiple/ X times and without actions: self-explanatory
Basically, unless I tell you otherwise through those modifiers then treat those boosts as one-time things that you can't take on without putting in some work yourself.
Retainers are in essence dwarfs sworn to you through oaths and traditions that undoubtedly began in the earliest days of the Dwarfen people only to be later codified and refined by the Ancestors as they had with...effectively everything else in Dwarf society. The following choices will impact how the Retainers function and will be seen by other dwarfs, but regardless of your choices, your retainers will work under these baseline mechanics.
Firstly their interaction with the general action system. At the foundation of everything a retainer retinue effectively acts as a second free hunting option and depending on a variety of factors, this retainer action can be expanded to work in a few other select choices. Having a group of doughty Dragon Slayers opens up different avenues compared to a band of cunning rangers after all. The number of retainers too will change the number, availability and success of actions. You'll have 1 retainer Action to start, which will be limited to a simple hunting action in the Orders section of the turn and few smaller things, but with enough investment this action can either mean the hunting action has improved odds, offer the ability to hunt stronger monsters, or even branch out into other actions entirely depending on your choices below.
Retainer actions! Your retainers, these proud and steadfast dwarfs, are not apprentices you can send off to do base errands! These doughty dwarf elders have a level of trust that affords you the ability to do different sorts of tasks for them. Retainer actions can only be put on actions that say so in their cost section, as the reputation of the retinue grows and changes alongside the size of its membership these options can change. Once you've hit the 60 retainer mark, you will unlock your second action and get another action every 60 retainers afterwards. Once you hit that point, you'll keep the second action unless the company is reduced to less than 20 dwarfs from attrition or you permanently change the size to less than the required threshold for the additional actions. Actions or decisions to change parts of the retinue like in the original vote will come up when appropriate/after enough time has passed.
The fabric and stories regarding this particular band of stout folk. There are a few things that affect this. A group known to go about slaying beasts will undoubtedly draw honour and glory seekers, while a group of agents and envoys will draw long term thinkers and more diplomatic folk if that makes sense. Gear too will play a role in their reputation, as Dwarfs in master-crafted Gromril Armour have more impact than simple steel, whereas the leather and cloaks of a Ranger would be an entirely different beast.
Like with everything else your retainers can be tiered(as a unit) on a scale similar to the Rarity tiers to signify both their fame and effectiveness. Now as these are dwarfs acting as a unit, improving their rank is more than just improving their ability and outfitting them with good gear. An untested group of warriors will have a harder time increasing their rank compared to a more veteran group of dwarfs. So let's say you kit out your retainers with a bunch of high-quality items. They could all be T4 but if these dwarfs never go out and use those items or prove themselves worthy of such it means they'll be soft locked to a certain rank.
Your Retinue can gain traits that improve their stats or give them specialties as they and develop grow over time and/or traditions within the group begin to take root.
The final mechanic is gearing out the company itself. In this case, I'll now offer options to alter, improve or even give gear to the company. Now, instead of just giving you however many gear slots per dwarf in the group I'll instead treat your retainers as a single entity both for the sake of my sanity and stopping game-breaking shenanigans. For gameplay's sake you'll be able to individually craft the following for your dwarfs:
2 Hand slots as with individuals.
1 Armour slot.
UP TO 3 banner slots.
The armour, weapons and one banner will be worn by the leader/champion of the company while the other potential banners are held aloft by standard-bearers. Set Bonuses in this case would only involve the dwarf with the armour and weapon and Banner, OR between the three banners but not all together. Ergo you could have two set bonuses active, one for the champion and one for the banners and greater company, but not one mega bonus amongst all the items. Equipping the company wholesale will be done through simple actions (write-ins for this is still pending, I'm still considering) and impact the Retinue's stats which goes as follows, not including special traits like Unbreakable, Tireless, etc:
Shoddy/A literal Beardling*
Below Average
Average **
* Not something you'll see but it's good to have the bottom rungs known.
**This is based on Dwarf Standards, so like if you ranked an elf their mobility would be well above average and a human above average.
Standing and Favour:
As a Runelord you've achieved one of the pinnacles of Dwarf social standing and wealth. In layman's terms, you're rich and most monetary costs are truly outside the realm of quantifying (you still do of course because you're a dwarf Grungni damnit) and thus arbitrary. No, at your position the true cost will be in terms of social and political capital/currency denoted by "Favour" and "Standing".
Favour: is the currency by which you can interact with some of those contacts to improve/change or speed up certain actions. And most importantly, it's the most direct way of increasing your Standing.
Accumulating Favour to certain thresholds will permanently increase your Standing. Once the increase happens your Favour count can go well below the threshold, but your Standing stays where it is. Basically, if you accumulate enough Favour to reach Standing 5 then spend it all, you'd still be at Standing 5.
Gaining Favour can be done in a variety of ways. A common way of doing so will be through doing retainer actions and commissions in the Request section of the turn. Doing requests for contacts will provide large one-time bonuses while retainer actions provide a smaller but more consistent way of gaining Favour. Eventually, you'll reach a point where grinding Favour for Standing becomes sort of unfeasible, but have no fear there will be chances to improve Standing directly through commissions, requests and the like!
The Favour Thresholds are as follows:
Standing Change
Favour Threshold
-5 to -4
-4 to -3
-3 to -2
-2 to -1
-1 to 0
0 to 1
1 to 2
2 to 3
3 to 4
4 to 5
5 to 6
6 to 7
7 to 8
8 to 9
9 to 10
Standing: meanwhile, is a measure of one group or person's view of you, acting as the long-term general opinion of the entity in question. Standing scales from -5[Complete Unknown] to 10[Exalted]. Now, while Standing can improve by gathering Favour, doing something that goes against a contact's wishes is liable to potentially reduce your Standing.
Standing levels are important! Starting from Standing 0 you can spend accumulated Favours towards sub-actions, speeding along, altering or improving the original action itself. After Standing 5, you will begin to receive rewards as a mark of your improved relationship with the contact. These could range from:
Research boosts
Random Items
Turn reductions on item orders
Special recruit possibilities for your retainers
Secrets maybe
Though not all contacts may provide these rewards, serving only to inform you of where you stand with the wider community or individual in question. The most obvious examples being the "Conservative/Radical Runesmiths."
Obviously, the higher your standing the better these rewards become. Not all rewards are equal, and dependent on the contact. A wealthy Hold obviously has more to offer than a poor one for instance.
You will have opportunities to increase Standing on its own without needing to grind favour, but these are rarer.
Standing isn't equal and is sometimes solely meant to inform you of where you stand with the contact in question. Which is to say, a high standing in one group may be the bare minimum level in another.
New groups/people worth recording standing for that are encountered will have a new Standing level based on a variety of factors. Your beginning level of Standing will be affected by a variety of factors, from deeds, to your position as a Runelord, and the other person's or group's interpretation and understanding of such things.
The most common being specific Dwarf Holds or large institutions. These contacts will provide the more mundane type of rewards, but are easier to work with and grow comparatively.
Holds will have their own specialty, and improving Standing with that Hold will allow you to access rewards relating to that. For instance, a Hold known for being a major trade hub is liable to give you a bonus to ordering reagents, giving you insight or knowledge about new items never before seen, or even passing on rare items to you. Narratively it's a very complex system of obligations, oaths and simple barter going on to give you these rewards.
All contacts will have Standing, but not every contact has Favour. The main example of this will be in the form of special individuals inside a hold and more importantly for you otherRunelords, these fickle and capricious dwarfs operate on a slightly different system than the average Dwarf. For they are too proud to ask for aid and too secretive to offer knowledge without proof of competency. As such, you must prove your worth to them through Great Deeds and Great Works. Essentially, by doing things that a specific Runelord is interested in, you have a chance at improving your Standing with them, wherein you will start receiving rewards after a Standing of 5 like with every other contact.
So for instance, there's this Runelord known for making pots and pans. Doing great deeds will help prove that you're worthy of whatever pot and pan related knowledge this Runelord knows, and after reaching a Standing of 5 they may begin to occasionally feed you bits of information. Now, if you made an incredible example of a pot or pan that would be far more effective in improving your Standing as the Pot and Pan Runelord now has far more solid and concrete proof of your competence and worthiness of their secrets.
There are certain Figures of Legend, Runelords famed even within your august body, that will prove especially difficult to improve your Standing with. So high are their standards, so mighty are their deeds that only the greatest acts or most comprehensive body of evidence can sway their opinion. These legends do not offer regular rewards, but special rewards that may take some effort to solve or discover but are worth the trouble of figuring out.
After you've accumulated enough Favour you'll be able to use that favour to get certain items, expertise, etc from those places. (costs do scale with your standing) Note that favour being spent is almost exclusively for the truly exotic stuff, as a Runelord you can get most mundane stuff the old fashioned way by paying for it.
Group examples:
Conservative Runesmiths, Standing: 0
Radical Runesmiths, Standing: 0
Karak Noname, The Placeholder Hold, Standing 5, Favours 190
- Standing 5: Every so often you get some stuff or MacGuffin
Blanki Blankisson, Runelord of Karak Noname, Standing 2
Blanky Blankasdottir, Legendary Runelord of Karak Nonexistent, Standing 0
The Kingdom of [Blank], Ulthuan, Standing:-5, Favour 0
Named Character, Standing -5
Extra + Minor Mechanics:
Mechanics that aren't an everyday occurrence during turns, but are important regardless
Grudges, Dammaz, insults, stains on your honour. In your many winters, you've had your share of a few and blessedly enough, have so far kept them there no longer than a year or two. It will not last, you're sure that burning shame will find its way down your gullet once more, the only respite being the memory of how sweet the avenging of a Grudge can be.
Severity: A grudge's severity is ranked from 0 (Grumbling) to 5(Bellowing Agony)
Grudges will be, should be, rare for a Runelord. Someone in your position and power should be doing things so properly that no dwarf will find fault in your actions and leave no enemies alive to be worth declaring a grudge over.
But such things will happen, and so you must understand how they function. Firstly, having too many grudges will begin to impede on your ability to function as the sheer weight of shame and rage begins to impair your senses. These maluses will compound with age.
A fresh grudge will give you bonuses to completing it, keep them for too long and the maluses they incur will outweigh the benefit in question.
Narrative consequences for carrying grudges will happen. One or two is shameful but a dwarf that hasn't met somedwarf with a grudge is either blessed or a liar. Three to Five will make people look upon you unfavourably, for a dwarf that can't keep their grudges clear is a Dwarf who is failing. Don't go over Eight.
Character Moments:
There will be moments where you're asked for your opinion on something. These votes are less to convince anyone to your side of things but more to give what will be Snorri's in story beliefs on such topics. They'll be mostly narrative moments and are more meant to show who Snorri is, but there can and probably will be narrative consequences.
Aug. 17, 2021: Reformatted some stuff for readability + added research actions.
Jul. 18, 2021: Added in new and pertinent information.
Sep. 6, 2021: Added retainer mechanic
Sep. 13, 2021: Added retainer actions
Nov. 22, 2021: A great Reformating and added the overhauled Favour and Standing system.
Dec. 28, 2022: More detailed explanation of the workings behind Combos added.
Jun. 05, 2023: Added the updated Understand a Master Rune system
Sep. 19, 2024: Edited in the new Research system.
Brotherhood of Dron: Standing 7, Favours 0
- Standing 5, Letters among Peers: Chance to proc extra progress when doing Material Science research.
- Standing 7, Fraternity of Thought: Chance for actions researching Runes to proc extra progress, increased chance to to proc extra progress when doing Material Science research
Cult of Grungni: Standing 8, Favours 0
- Standing 5, Armourer, Defender: Masons of the Order of the Stone Wall added to potential recruitment pool.
- Standing 7, Lord of Deeps and Crafts: Retainer actions gain a bonus when doing tasks related to Grungni's domains. (Mining and Crafting)
Cult of Valaya: Standing 10, Favours 5
- Standing 5, Shieldmaiden, Defender: Valkyrie Guard added to potential recruitment pool.
- Standing 7, Healer, Brewer: Retainers now have access and ability to administer Valayan brews and medicine, + Medical Aid and Endurance
-- Examine Kradskonti: [Cost: 75 Favour with the Cult of Valaya] Gain ???.
-- Can substitute Favour cost from any Dwarf Hold or Institution with Favour held with the Cult of Valaya.
-- Retainers now have access and training to administer advanced Valayan medical procedures, and treatments safely. ++ Medical Aid and Endurance, new totals: Medical Aid > Medical Expertise, Supreme Endurance.
Cult of Gazul: Standing 6, Favours 120
- Standing 5, Watchers in the Dark: Watchers and Guardians of Gazul added to potential recruitment pool.
Kraka Drakk, "The Dragon Hold," Standing 10, Favours 40 [Null]
- Standing 5, Dragon Hold: Huskarls added to potential recruitment pool.
- Standing 7, Confluence of Trade: Chance to reduce turn timer on Karaz Ankor orders by 1. (minimum 1)
- Standing 9 (Special), Place of the Odd: Chance to gain 1-2 progress on Odd Places materials. (leaving a minimum 1 action)
- Standing 10, Gateway to the North: Reduce turn timer on Karaz Ankor orders by 1. (minimum 1)
- Gloin Otreksson, The Silver Drake, King of Kraka Drakk: Standing 10
- Kaggra " Redaxe" Briggasdottir, Queen of Kraka Drakk: Standing 10
- Gimli Gloinsson, Axehand, The Young Drake, Heir of Kraka Drakk: Standing 10
- Ladra Rinnasdottir, Princess of Kraka Drakk, Wife of Gimli: Standing 10
- Otrek Gimlisson: Standing 8
Kraka Ornsmotek, "The Eagle's Peak Hold": Standing 10, Favours 75 [Null]
- Standing 5, Warriors Without Peer: Monster Wardens added to potential recruitment pool.
- Standing 7, Mountainfull of Beasties: Chance to reduce turn timer on Monster Part orders by 1. (minimum 1)
- Standing 10, Here be Monsters: Reduce turn timer on native Far Northern Monster orders by 1. (minimum 1)
- Dorr Korrson, King of Kraka Ornsmotek: Standing 9
- Dorri Korrson, Monsterbane, Cousin of the King of Ornsmotek: Standing 10
Kraka Dorden, "The Thunder Hold": Standing 10, Favours 35 [Null]
- Standing 5, Karak a Endrini: More Engineers added to potential recruitment pool.
- Standing 7, Work of Morgrim: Bolt Hurler creation unlocked.
- Standing 10, Industry of the North: Once per turn, 1 retainer action adds 1 extra progress to "Expedition" options.
- Svarti Sindrisson, the Clever, King of Kraka Dorden: Standing 8
Kraka Ravnsvake, "The Raven's Roost Hold": Standing 10, Favours 0 [Null]
- Standing 5, Rangerhold, Traderhold: Raven Cloaked added to potential recruitment pool. Chance for Ulthuan orders to appear. (minimum 1)
- Standing 7, Bar a Varaz Ankor I: Chance to reduce turn timer on Ulthuani orders by 1. (minimum 1)
- Standing 10, Bar a Varaz Ankor II: -1 turn timer to on all Ulthuani orders (minimum 1), Chance for esoteric item orders to appear increases, cost of orders reduced.
- Villi Borsson, Ravenhaired, King of Kraka Ravnsvake: Standing 9
- Rinna Huldrasdottir, Queen of Ravnsvake: Standing 9
Karak/Kraka Krum "The Drumming Deep Hold": Standing 10, Favours 25 [Null]
- Standing 5, Delving Deep: Krum MIners added to potential recruitment pool.
- Standing 10, Deep Delving: Underground "Expedition" options gain a chance to produce mineral reagents when completed.
- Vikram Krumsson, Bittershield, King of Kraka Krum: Standing 8
Kraka Grom "The Unyielding Hold": Standing 10, Favours 110 [Null]
- Standing 5, No Deep Ignored: Dum Delvers added to potential recruitment pool.
- Standing 10, Nowhere too Deep: Retainer actions gain a bonus when doing tasks underground.
- Valka Brunnasdottir, The Defiant, Queen of Kraka Grom: Standing 10
- Gammur Oldorsson, Rockbrow, Head Advisor of Kraka Grom: Standing 10
- Siggrun Jorrasdottir, Hammerhand, Councilmember of Kraka Grom: Standing 10
- Grednir Grunsson, King Consort Slayer from Kraka Grom: Standing 9
- Vikki Valkasdottir, Eldest Princess of Kraka Grom: Standing 9
- Selda Valkasdottir, Twin Princess of Kraka Grom
- Grelda Valkasdottir, Twin Princess of Kraka Grom
- Standing 10, Paragon of the Peninsula: All [Region] Far North favour is now interchangeable. All individual Far Northern Hold favour converted to "Far North" favours.
Karak Ungor, "The Delving Hold": Standing 6, Favours 120
- Standing 5, Mineral Wealth: Reduce turn timer on Mineral orders by 1. (minimum 1)
- Buradarr Durabarrsson, The Younger, King of Karak Ungor: Standing 10
- Orra Stonehammer, Queen mother of Karak Ungor: Standing 10
Karak Vlag, "Desolation Hold": Standing 4
- Yorri Yarrisson, King of Karak Vlag: Standing 6
- Logazor Bonestrider, Head Ranger of Karak Vlag: Standing 9
- Snorri Grungnisson, King of Karaz-a-Karak and High King of the Karaz Ankor, Whitebeard, Eldest Son of Grungni and Valaya: Standing ?
Karak Brynduraz, "The Brightstone Hold": Standing -1, Favours 0
Karak Izril, "The City of Jewels": Standing -3, Favours 0
Bara Kormasdottir, Steelplate, Runelord from Kraka Drakk: Standing 7
- Standing 6, A Solid Foundation: Chance to proc extra progress when doing Rune research.
Dwalin Hugarsson, Thunderlung, Runelord from Kraka Drakk: Standing 8
- Standing 6, Battlepoet: Chance to proc extra progress when doing Banner Rune research.
- Standing 8, Rik a Flegg: Increased chance to proc extra progress when doing Banner Rune research.
Lorna Dernasdottir, Hammerfall, Runelord from Kraka Drakk: Standing 9
- Standing 6, : Chance to proc extra progress when doing Talismanic Rune research.
- Standing 8, : Increased chance to proc extra progress when doing Talismanic Rune research.
- Standing 9 (Special), Chatterbox: Rare chance to proc additional Runes when doing Talismanic Rune research.
Brynna Kargasdottir, Gildedeyes, Runelord from Karak Zorn: Standing 3
Vragni Svaltisson, Silverbrand, Runelord of Kraka Ornsmotek: Standing 4*
Igna Margasdottir, Metalheart, Runelord of Karag Dum Kraka Grom: Standing 8
- Standing 6, Metalheart: Chance to proc extra progress when doing Armour Rune research.
- Standing 8, Kvinn a Klad: Increased chance to proc extra progress when doing Armour Rune research.
Sven Hoggrisson, Baragmaker, Runelord of Kraka Dorden: Standing 6
- Standing 6, Baragmaker: Rare chance to proc extra progress when doing Engineering Subtype: Siege Engine Rune research
Valma Hilldasdottir, Stoneshaper, Runelord from Kraka Dorden: Standing 7
- Standing 6, Okri a Gronti: Chance to proc extra progress when doing Master Rune/Rune of Waking research.
Skegg Borsson, Runelord of Kraka Ravnsvake: Standing 6
- Standing 6, Axesson: Rare chance to proc extra progress when doing Weapon Rune research.
Skjoll Borsson, Runelord of Kraka Ravnsvake: Standing 6
- Standing 6, Shieldsson: Rare chance to proc extra progress when doing Armour Rune research.
Ogra Iggunsdottir, Runelord of Karak Krum: Standing 8
- Standing 6, Khaz: Chance to proc extra progress when doing Structural or Ancestor Rune research.
- Standing 8, Khazid: Increased chance to proc extra progress when doing Structural or Ancestor Rune research
Kraggi Cragsson, Steelback, Runelord of Karak Drazh, Member of the Brotherhood of Dron: Standing 4
Gorra Fallasdottir, Gromrileye, Runelord from Karak Varn, Member of the Brotherhood of Dron: Standing 3
Bogrin Hargrimsson, Azurehammer, Runelord from Karak Eight Peaks, Member of the Brotherhood of Dron: Standing 1
Magda Lenkasdottir, Copperlocks, Runelord from Karak Izril, Member of the Brotherhood of Dron: Standing 2
Modi Yannisson, Copperlocks, Runelord from Karak Izril, Member of the Brotherhood of Dron: Standing 2
Damin Sindrisson, the Stoic, Runelord from Karaz a Karak, Member of the Brotherhood of Dron: Standing 1
Gemlin Ragnisson, Steeleyes, Runelord of Karak Vlag: Standing 0
Orri Okrisson, Silverbrow, Runelord of Karak Ungor: Standing 1
Alric Thungnisson, Eldest living Son of Thungni: Standing ?
Special Individuals:
Yorri, Master Runesmith: Standing 10?
━<><>< Skarrenraz Ankor ><><>━
Drongkaraz, "The Stormpeak", Aerie of Kraka Drakk: Standing 8, Favours 160
- Standing 5, Branakroki: Brana added to potential recruitment pool.
- Standing 7, Far-Reaching Fliers: Chance for Branakroki to aid retainer actions in the Far North.
- He who Rules Above/ King of the Sky, Ancestor of the Branakroki, Lord of Air: Standing 5
- He who Remembers/ Branzagazi, Scion of the Sky: Standing 4
- She who Calls the Furious Cold/ Blizzardwing, Stormcaller of Drongkaraz: Standing 7
Karazbinvarr, "Mountain by the Sea", Aerie near Kraka Ravnsvake: Standing 6
- He who Thinks/ Brangandazi, Scion of the Sky, Future Lord of Karazbinvarr: Standing 6
- She who's Beak Shines Darkly/ Ebonbeak, Princess Consort of He who Thinks: Standing 8
Dwekaraz, "Triple Peak", Aerie between Ornsmotek, Grom and Dorden: Standing 6
- She who Rules Quietly, Grandscion of the Sky, Secondborn of Branzagazi: Standing 4 Individuals:
━<><>< Varraz/Elgaz Ankor ><><>━
Myrion Strandweaver, mage from Averlorn: Standing -1
Menlinwen Ebonsea, mage from Cothique, language tutor: Standing: 1
Note: Standing isn't a one to one thing across institutions. Ranks that would be [deeply honoured] for one group may be the barest standard to be respected for another.
* Doesn't mean he likes you.
━<><>< The Honoured Dead ><><>━
- Otrek Gornsson, the Dragon Breaker, The Adamant Wyrm, Founding King of Kraka Drakk (Entered the Halls of His Ancestors 323 A.P.): Standing 10
- Kraus Drausson, Elder of Clan Winterhearth, Uncle of the Gift Giver (Entered the Halls of His Ancestors 359 A.P.)
- Moira Anguzdottir, Kraka Drakk's High Priestess of Valaya (Entered the Halls of Her Ancestors 370 A.P.)
- Gormak Dronbarsson, Guildmaster of the Metalsmiths and Lord of Clan Ironjaw (Entered the Halls of His Ancestors 390 A.P.)
━<><><>< Khazalid Trivia ><><><>━
Karak a Endrini - Hold of Engineers
Bar a Varaz Ankor - Gate to the Realm of the Sea
Kvinn a Klad - literally "Lady of Armour"
Rik a Fleg - literally "Lord of Banners"
Okri a Gronti - literally "Craftsman of Gronti"
Skarrenraz Ankor - Endless Sky Realm/ Realm of Endless Skies
Branakroki - Intelligent griffons, literally "Smart/clever dark birds"
Brangandazi - Clever Discoverer
Branzagazi - Clever Rememberer
Varraz Ankor - "Sea Realm"/ Realm of the Seas
Elgaz Ankor - "Elf Realm"/ Domain of the Elves
Nov 22: Added Available Requests
Nov 27: Overhauled the Standing and Requests page as per the new system (circa Turn 32)
Less Rough Guideline of Grudge Rankings:
0 (Grumbling) Fools who have wronged us and refuse to pay recompense.
1 (Snide Remarks) Idiots that have knowingly harmed us in even minor fashion.
2 (Angry Shouts) Killers of innocent dwarfs.
3 (Indignant Yelling) Foes that have dealt a terrible loss to a dwarf community.
4 (Furious Rage) Individuals who have dealt a terrible loss to the Karaz Ankor. Grimgor Ironhide, Skarsnik, Queek Headtaker, Git Guzzler in general.
5 (Bellowing Hatred) the normal cap. A foe of all dwarfkind or a personal enemy who's wronged a dwarf so heinously that they'd eternally hunt them until one of them dies if they could. Bugman's personal Grudge against Git Guzzler, Kazador's Grudge against Gorfang. Elves in canon.
6 (Cold Silence) no peace, no mercy for those that offer none. A Grudge so ingrained that no amount of vengeance can truly sate it barring the absolute annihilation of the foe and anything related to them. If Grudges are a weight on a dwarf's back, this is effectively gravity. Something that will never truly disappear barring truly unlikely and mayhaps even impossible circumstances. Chaos, Skaven,URKS, Grobi.
━<><><>< DAMMAZ A RHUNRIKKI><><><>━
- Rank 2 Grudge(Angry Shouts): Trolls of the Northern Pass. For a grievous and unprovoked assault at a peaceful dwarf caravan, leading to the damage of property, the maiming of many a dwarf and the loss of 80 Dawi lives. The only payment shall be death.Actions toward settling this grudge gain +1 action worth of progress. +10 Bonus to rolls against Trolls. AVENGED TURN 3.
- Rank 4 Grudge(Furious Rage): Kholek Suneater. For the slaughter of an uncountable number of dwarfs, the destruction of a dozen minor dwarf holds, the personal sullying of thirty clan homes, and hand in eighty more, the pilfering of their wealth and the invasion of the Underway. The only recourse shall be death.Actions toward settling this grudge gain +1 action worth of progress. +5 to bonus on Man the Walls and Man the Tunnels rolls. +15 Bonus to rolls against Dragon Ogres. AVENGED TURN 19.
- Rank 2 Grudge(Angry Shouts): Haruzrildrakk. For the death of five percent of the Throng of Kraka Drakk, the illegal delving and mining of Dwarf property without permit and the assault upon the persons and works of Runelords Snorri Klausson, Lorna Hammerfall, Dwalin Thunderlung, Brynna Gilded-eyes, Bara Stoneplate and King Otrek Ironarm. The only payment shall be death.AVENGED JUST AS IT WAS STRUCK TURN 24.
- Rank 2 Grudge(Angry Shouts): The spawn of Haruzrildrakk. For the Injury of the prince and heir of Otrek Ironarm, the deaths of twenty Stout Huskarls, the decimation of the accompanying party of dwarfs and destruction of Dwarfen property. The only payment shall be death.Actions toward settling this grudge gain +1 action worth of progress. Prince Gloin Ironarm has sworn vengeance. +5 Bonus to rolls against this Dragon.AVENGED TURN 28.
- Rank 4Grudge(Furious Rage):Hogrimm Ironhand: For the continued magical assault upon the Throng, the indirect aid in the injury and death of many dwarf lives, the desecration of the hold of Karag Dum, the corruption of her inhabitants, and Betrayal on a level thought impossible, the only recompense shall be death.+25 Bonus to Breaching Roll. AVENGED TURN 31.
- Rank 3Grudge(Indignant Yelling):Hogrur: For the death of eighty-three Dwarfs, the Injury of a further one hundred and fifty-four, the crippling of Thanes Gorlbag of Clan Gorltrommal and Thane Algrim Emeraldeyes of Clan Bronzebrow, for aiding the enemies of the Dwarfs in the destruction of Karag Dum, BAH, and serving a prophet of the perfidious Hashut. The only payment is death. +15 Bonus to Rolls against Beastmen. AVENGED TURN 31.
- Rank 3 Grudge: The perfidious and muck-dwelling Fimir! For the loss of innocent Dwarf lives, the deaths of the venerable Elders and Hearthwardens Throggi Ironheart of Clan Ironarm and Barruk Gildedbeard of Clan Bronzefist, the corralling of the Beastmen into Dwarfen lands for nefarious purposes yet unknown. The only payment shall be death! Actions toward setting this Grudge have a chance to gain +1 action worth of progress. +10 Bonus to rolls against the Fimir.
- Rank 3 Grudge: The Shadow Hag, for the personal slaughter of eighty-seven Dawi and orchestrating the deaths of 3,534 Dawi as well as a sum total of 324,982 Gold and 245 Brass pieces in damage both material and emotional to the towns of Khazid-Vran, Durak's Claim, Mingol Ril, Migdhal S...
…and harm to the Holds of Kraka Krum and Kraka Grom, the sentence shall be death. Actions toward setting this Grudge have a chance to gain +1 action worth of progress. +5 Bonus to rolls against the Fimir and +10 Bonus to Rolls against the Shadow Hag. AVENGED TURN 58
As a Runelord there likely isn't a basic Rune you don't know with a few exceptions (notable things including Runes made during the or post War of Vengeance, and/or are noted specifically to be discovered by a different Dwarf other than Thungni or Grungni.) The only Runes that I will list will be Master Runes, Runes you've personally discovered, and specific runic combos. If a Master Rune isn't on there it's because of the above reasons. If you want clarification about your knowledge of a Rune, please ask me. its a good 50% chance I forgot it existed or didn't catch it.
Weapon Runes
Necessary Ingredients
Master Rune of Animation/Waking
[T2] Troll's Heart
Allows the weapon to follow orders or act under its own power, but is still subject to the laws of physics( so a sword won't levitate and a crossbow can't reload without an existing mechanism though a bit of engineering mitigates such issues.)
Master Rune of Breaking
[T2] Cockatrice's Eye
The weapon has a chance of outright destroying shoddier weapons it strikes.
Master Rune of Conduction/ (the future Master Rune of Kragg the Grim)
[T3] Magma Wyrm's Blood
Strikes impart extreme heat and force after a brief charge up period, the weapon grows hot enough to glow bright orange and can hold a greater amount of heat.
Master Rune of Currents
[T2] Griffon's Brain
The weapon cuts like the biting winds at the mountain's peak, faster, sharper and unblockable.
Master Rune of Everfrost
[T3] Frost Wyrm's Blood
Strikes absorb the heat energy from what it strikes, chilling and embrittling armour and flesh.
Master Rune of Flight
[T2] Great Eagle's Feathers
Weapons cannot be lost, and can be thrown at the enemy as if launched from a bolt thrower
Master Rune of Fraternity
[T2] Grimnirzan
User and nearby allies have greatly increased martial skill and improved coordination, they are all innately aware of their comrade's abilities and status for the duration of the battle while in range.
Master Rune of Grimnir
[T2] Griffon Feathers
The Bearer will fight as if channelling the Ancestor's will, unhindered by Injury or Hurt until either they or their quarry are killed.
Master Rune of Purification/Snorri Gift Giver
[T4] Voidstone
Strikes burn the target from the inside out, especially effective against wizards and magical entities and nearby magic is used up to increase the effect's potency.
Master Rune of Smiting
[T3] Stonehorn's Horns
Every blow by a weapon bearing this Rune strikes with force beyond reckoning.
The weapon crackles with barely controlled lightning that erupts in a massive burst of electricity that travels through nearby foes or can be concentrated at a lesser foe in a single strike.
Rune of Breakshot
Ranged Weapons and Warmachines gain magical, exploding ammo but slows rate of fire.
Rune of Echoblow
This weapon's blows will have a secondary phantom blow follow up behind it.
Rune of Fury
Wielder becomes enraged and more powerful by the memory of unfulfilled Grudges, multiple copies improves speed and damage they deal
Rune of Lightning
Strikes release current of electricity when they land, two copies improves strength of current, three copies allows weapon to periodically launch a lightning bolt
Rune of Paralysis
Saps physical strength from a foe struck by a weapon inscribed with this Rune, gradually slowing them and then preventing them from moving
Rune of Petrification
Strikes cause numbness and rigidity
Rune of Siphoning
Items inscribed with this Rune recharge at roughly half again more quickly than normal by drawing on Deep Magic, increasing for the duration of a battle until reaching roughly double the recharge rate. When fully active the Rune begins to glow gold rather than Teal. Superseded by Banner and Structural effects.
Rune of Strongarm
This weapon's blows will draw and absorb some of the strength of whoever it strikes and convey it back against them.
Combination Name
Component 1
Component 2
Component 3
Rune of Gottri Hammerspite
Rune of Echoblow
Rune of Strongarm
The user's blows ring like a gong, drawing strength from the foe they have struck, storing that energy and choosing whether to release it in one blast and/or have it rebound as a hit opposite of where the blow originally landed.
Rune of Grimnir
Rune of Brotherhood
Rune of Battle
Allies around the user have increased martial skill and greatly improved coordination, they are innately aware of their comrade's abilities and status for the duration of the battle while in range.
Creeping Cold
Master Rune of Everfrost
Rune of Petrification
Rune of Paralysis
Strikes sap both heat and energy. Strikes cause increasing frost build up, frostbite, and fatigue for the duration of a battle.
Master Rune of Conduction
Rune of Smednir
Rune of Thungni
The weapon's molten hot blows vaporize flesh, progressively weakening the armour and weapons it strikes, and outright burns or melts sufficiently poor craftsmanship. The tool guides the bearer who wields it so that his craft has improved toughness and durability while Runes struck with it last longer.
Fire, heat, flame, energy. Through it the Smith and his sons have made wonders no mortal mind can equal and weapons that are too terrible to behold. Creation and destruction in equal measure.
Master Rune of Conduction
Rune of Might
Rune of Impact
Blows from this weapon cause an expanding Bubble of energy that forces itself to expand despite whatever may be stopping it.
Strikes from this weapon hit like an object from the void striking the earth, an explosion of energy that expresses itself through heat, air and fire aimed solely at the enemy.
Master Rune of Flight
Rune of Impact
Rune of Breezes
The weapon cannot be lost, and when tossed at a target the weapon flies with force that is several times more powerful than a Bolt Thrower.
Rising Rancour
Master Rune of Smiting
Rune of Fury
Rune of Strongarm
Strikes hit with greatly increased force. The user's anger and every strike increases their strength, speed and force behind blows for the duration of a battle.
Armour Runes
Necessary Ingredients
Master Rune of Animation/Waking
[T2] Troll's Heart
Allows a suit of armour to follow orders or act under its own power, or aid the wearer.
Master Rune of Blizzards
[T3] Frost Wyrm's Blood/ Thundertusk's Blood
The armour is engulfed in a shield of freezing winds and ice that buffets away physical projectiles back towards the sender. Emits an aura of cold that slows enemies and saps their energy.
Master Rune of Dragonbreath
[T2] Dragon's Gas Sac
The wearer can breathe a gout of flame hot enough to deform steel with enough exposure, that can last as long as their exhale.
Master Rune of Featherweight
[T3] Pegasus' Wing Tendons
Armour bearing this Rune acts as if it is only 1/10th of its actual mass.
Master Rune of Galkarin
[T3] Pure Oathgold
A floating golden pane of energy can be created and manipulated by the user within three meters of their body. The shield can be expanded to double its base size but lose about a third of its strength in exchange, and can be moved independently by hand or with a mental command.
Master Rune of Gromril
[T3] Pure Gromril
The armour becomes near inviolate to battle damage, nothing short of the most titanic blows can force it to move or contort.
Master Rune of Infernos
[T3] Magma Wyrm's Blood
The armour is engulfed in a shield of flame that burns hotter than a Gromril forge. The protective bubble can be detonated in a wave of cleansing fire that can render foes to ash and leaves allies unharmed.
Master Rune of Purification/Snorri Gift Giver
[T4] Voidstone
The armour glows bright like heated metal and burns enemies that touch it, spells cast against the wearer are converted into heat energy and projected outwards as either a pulse or concentrated jet of flame from anywhere on the wearer's body.
Master Rune of Set-Galgrindal
[T4] Barazgal
A golden shield, seven layers deep, exists around the user, flaring into existence when hit by hostile intent or magic. The strength of the shields are largely the same, but the layers closest to the skin regenerate in seconds, while the ones farthest from the wearer may take several to a dozen minutes
Master Rune of Steel
[T2] Lodesteel
The armour will suffer no rust, no degradation natural or unnatural.
Master Rune of the Tireless
[T2] Mammoth's Tusk
The bearer will be tireless, fighting with all the vigour of a longbeard with not a hint of fatigue.
Master Rune of Unyielding
[T3] Stonehorn's Horn
The bearer will not tire, their flesh reknits, and their skin as strong as steel.
Master Rune of Valaya
[T2] Stone Troll's Blood
A more localized and yet more potent version of its banner counterpart's effect. Enemy magic will not harm the bearer, they grow weary less quickly and heal from minor scrapes faster.
The warmth of the hearth burns brightly.
Master Rune of Wyrmbreath
[T3] Elder Dragon's Gas Sac
The wearer can breathe a gout of flame whose power can match a Star Dragon for 15 seconds, duration is inversely related to its strength.
Master Rune of Zon-Dum
[T4] Elder [Any] Wyrm's Gas Sac and [T3] Flawless Solar Ruby
It must be inscribed on a Gemstone set into a piece of armour. After a brief charging period, the gemstone unleashes a beam of extreme heat powerful enough to melt Pure Gromril after a few seconds of exposure. The beam's duration is inversely related to its strength.
Rune of Adaptive Armour
The Armour becomes more resistant to the strikes of one weapon with every strike. Changing the chosen weapon resets the effect's progress. Can still be noticeably bypassed by magic.
Rune of Featherweight/ Bolgisson's Rune of Featherweight
Items inscribed with this Rune now interact with the world as if they weigh a fraction of their actual weight.
Rune of Fortitude
Wearer has increased toughness, two copies improve effect and convey it to armour, three copies can periodically reduce all damage dealt from one attack to a set, nonlethal, amount
Rune of Gildercoat
The armour begins growing golden scales reminiscent of fine scale mail until their armour is completely covered over the course of a few minutes, these scales absorb damage in the place of the armour beneath until they flake off and crumble into dust. Multiple copies improve the rate and speed of scale generation as well as the number of scales the armour can carry.
Rune of Impact
Adds momentum to wearer's charge
Rune of Lightspite
Blows struck against the bearer are reflected back as flashes of searing light. Does not affect allies.
Rune of Plaguebane
The armour burns away corruption it physically comes into contact with, hurting daemons but is especially potent against the taint of Nurgle. The wearer has increased resistance to Nurglite plagues.
Rune of Spellturning
The wearer has improved resistance to magic, and also has the chance of reflecting back spells at enemy casters. Multiple copies improve the odds of the reflection happening.
Rune of Stone
Improves general toughness
Combination Name
Component 1
Component 2
Component 3
Magic Breaker
Rune of Spellbreaking
Rune of Warding
Rune of Stone
Enemy Magic breaks down around the wearer, unmade by the swirling energies of the Runes.
Master Rune of Unyielding
Rune of Fortitude
Rune of Stone
The armour is made unbreakable, the user's durability more akin to a Gronti than a regular dwarf. Their body and mind are unaffected by fatigue or fear, most damage they suffer is often temporary, barring truly ruinous wounds, and painless.
Stories tell that the first Dawi were born from the ageless living stones of the Mountain, that the Ancestors were pebbles of the First Rock of the world.
Rune of Ironskin
Rune of Fortitude
Rune of Iron
The user's skin and bones become as hard as the strongest Azul steel, and thicker than armour with no loss in speed. Their body takes on a metallic sheen
Master Rune of Blizzards
Rune of Lightning
Rune of Grungni
The bearer is enshrouded in a layer of form blurring icy fog, while lightning crackles around them, attacking foes and vaporizing lesser projectiles into ash.
The Rolling thunderheads that swallow entire mountains are a common sight in the north in high summer, the old legends say that when Grungni first swung Drongrundum the skies, seeking to emulate him, created lightning and thunder in response.
Master Rune of Blizzards
Rune of Impact
Rune of Speed
The bearer can launch themselves forward at incredible speeds, forming a Gromril hard ice spike at a desired point on the armour.
Master Rune of the Infernos
Rune of Fortitude
Rune of Vitality
The bearer can spew a coat of flames around themselves that improves their natural regeneration, heals minor wounds and burns their foes.
Banner Runes
Necessary Ingredients
Master Rune of Amplification/Snerra Magnasdottir
[T3] Pure Gromril
4 Placeholder
Runesmiths under the effects of this Rune will have improved Rune Casting and dispelling attempts.
Master Rune of Fear
[T2] Giant Spider's Venom
Forces fighting under this Rune will appear larger, more dangerous, enemies facing them will feel a current of fear facing them.
Master Rune of Grungni
[T2] Oathgold
The winds of magic are taken, absorbed and made into an array that blocks physical projectiles.
Master Rune of Grimnir
[T2] Griffon Feathers
The Master Rune imbues Valiant Grimnir's endurance, will and martial prowess to all under its aegis.
Master Rune of Purification/Snorri Gift Giver
[T4] Voidstone
Enemy casters in range have a greater chance of miscasting, their miscasts instead mean the magic they wield is converted into heat within their body. Enemy enchanted items in range begin to glow as they are heated to the melting point of steel.
Master Rune of Taunting
[T3] Rumbler's Lung
Forces with this Rune will enrage the enemy into attacking them, their foes losing some of their prowess in the throws of their fury.
Master Rune of Traversal
[T3] Pegasus' Heart
Forces with this Rune travel over rough terrain with incredible ease, and at speeds that dwarfs don't often manage.
Master Rune of Valaya
[T2] Stone Troll's Blood
The Rune of Valaya emits an aura that negates the power of magic, weakening spells and improving one's natural magic resistance.
Rune of Dum-Denial
The Rune will attempt to show area in range as if it were not there when scried. Multiple copies improve chance of success.
Rune of Siphoning
Runes in radius of this Rune can draw from the Deep Magic and recharge far faster than normal. The potency of this effect increases the longer the Rune stays in the same place, topping out at double the recharge rate. Structural version has triple the range of the Banner. Structural effect supersedes the Banner, and they do not stack. Multiple copies improve range.
Combination Name
Component 1
Component 2
Component 3
Ancestral Aegis
Master Rune of Grungni
Rune of Valaya
Rune of Spellbreaking
Magic cast at the formation bearing this banner will be diffused, broken down and used to power a swirling field of Runic energy and wind that can withstand even the most ruinous of blows from sources mundane and magical, and burns the daemonic.
Valaya and Grungni, hearth and armour maker, protectors of Dwarfkind now and forever, gird us now and bring your fury upon the foe!
Master Rune of Valaya
Rune of Sanctuary
Rune of Determination
Roll to negate losing a battle roll to the enemy if they are a daemon
You will not run, you will not hide, you will not fail again. Daemon's burn in the presence of these Runes, their blows faltering as their very essence is assaulted.
Glittering Beacon
Rune of Spellbreaking
Rune of Spelleating
Rune of Thungni
Runesmiths feel an intrinsic pull to the banner, the effects of the Runes they cast grow in strength and their ability to deny enemy magic magnified.
Goruz-Kazak Rikkaz:
Master Rune of Traversal
Rune of Impact
Rune of Amber
Allies in range charge together in formation and deal increased damage upon contact with the enemy, the larger the formation the greater the speed and damage dealt. When charging they ignore most mundane obstacles.
Rune of Frost
Rune of Parrying
Rune of Sanctuary
A shield of frost and bitter winds buffets away physical projectiles and slows down enemies attacking the bearer. A weaker version of the effect can be extended over a formation.
The North winds blow fast, fierce and relentless, their chilling bite the doom of many.
Rune of Grimnir
Rune of Burning
Rune of Impact
The bearer is engulfed in a bubble of fire and heated air, detonating on command or when hit with sufficient force. The explosion burns and knocks back enemies. A weaker version of the effect can be extended over a formation.
Lo Valiant Grimnir charged, and before the furious heat of his onslaught, nought was left but ash and dead foes.
Storm Mantle
Master Rune of Grungni
Rune of Lightning
Rune of Fury
The bearer is surrounded by a whirling storm of gale-force winds and dark thunderclouds. Errant bolts of lightning randomly strike out from the mass of clouds, vaporizing incoming projectiles or striking nearby foes and empowering their blows with electricity. A weaker version of the effect can be extended over a formation.
Talismanic Runes
Necessary Ingredients
Master Rune of Amplification/Snerra Magnasdottir
[T3] Pure Gromril
4 Placeholder
The user's ability to cast Runes and dispel enemy magic is improved.
Master Rune of Animation/Waking
[T2] Troll's Heart
Allows talismans to act under its own power, activating effects on their own and under pre-set conditions with perfect control and timing without input.
Master Rune of Brotherhood
[T2] White Lion or Mammoth's Brain
Wearer temporarily assimilates the skills of allies in range, will improve the rate that the wearer permanently learns the greatest non magic skill known by one chosen ally.
Master Rune of Challenge
[T2] Dragon's Lung
The enemy who hears the wearer of this Rune challenge them must face them or flee.
Master Rune of Dismay
[T2] Troll's Stomach
The user emits an aura or wave that saps the wills of his foes.
Master Rune of Expurgation
[T4] Voidstone
Target is bound and surrounded by an inverted magical shield, their body burns from inside as nearby magic and spells cast against the user and target can be used to generate enough heat to vaporize them in a flash of light. Devastatingly effective against Magical entities.
Master Rune of Forgeflame
[T3] Magma Wyrm's Blood
Absorbing the ambient heat of a room, the item bearing this Rune will condense it down into a set space that can burn hot enough to melt steel and almost deform Gromril. The finer and smaller the space the hotter it can become.
Master Rune of Grungni
[T2] Oathgold
A more localized, and yet more potent version of its banner counterpart's effect. Projectiles are flung back at their source with twice the force.
Master Rune of Hearthward
[T2] Hearthstone
The user has greatly improved resistance to both mundane and magically induced fatigue and disease, while their body temperature remains relatively constant and feel comfortable regardless of most weather conditions.
Master Rune of Passage
[T2] Great Eagle's Feather
The wearer moves more easily through even the most difficult terrain.
Master Rune of Punishing Guardian
[T3] Great Taurus' Eye
Mundane and Magical damage the wearer suffers is returned at twice the strength and lit with magical, Hysh-infused fire. Spellcasters and magical entities have a chance of also releasing a small wave of Hysh-infused fire around them.
Master Rune of Purification/Snorri Gift Giver
[T4] Voidstone
User purges harmful magic from their body in the form of heat, either all at once or over a span of time. Casting the Rune lets the user periodically do the same to a target of their choosing while also intensifying the effect by drawing on ambient Aqshy
Used to create Adamant, the Rune flushes out impure magic in a way that produces enough radiant heat energy to melt the Pure Gromril bar.
Master Rune of Spite
[T3] Stonehorn's Eye
Whenever the wearer suffers damage their attacker suffers that damage twice fold.
Master Rune of Stabilization
[T2] Obsidian
Wearer's personal magic resistance is greatly improved, and creates a small aura that dampens magic around them as well.
Master Rune of Thungni's Presence
[T3] Pure Gromril and [T2] Dragon's Heart
Enemies suffer greater casting debuff, spells cast around the user are broken up and used to improve the casting of all Runes around the user.
Master Rune of Valaya
[T2] Stone Troll's Blood
Enemy magic is absorbed and the energy is used to create a defensive shell of energy around the bearer.
Master Rune of Wandering
[T3] Pegasus' Heart
The user traverses rough terrain incredibly easily, and runs at speeds that should be near impossible with Dwarf legs.
Rune of Ambient Light
Produces source-less light in its area of effect. Everything can be seen clearly with no shadows anywhere, and no light source to be seen. Favourite of master craftsman and sentries both.
Rune of Animation/Waking
Items inscribed with this Rune are able to have a limited range of motion.
Rune of Annealing
Metal run through an item bearing this Rune is weakened through heat and magic into a state of pliability. Strength correlates inversely with the size of the gap being run through.
Rune of Burning Light
Must be inscribed on a gemstone. The user can cast a concentrated ball of Hysh.
Rune of Brotherhood
Lets a dwarf temporarily assimilate skills used by close comrades allies in range.
[IMPROVED] Criteria broadened from close comrades > allies.
Rune of Dark Sight
Must be inscribed on lenses. Allows the user to see in incredibly low light conditions.
Rune of Defiant Stone
Improves general toughness. Wearer's endurance and durability increase proportionately to their willpower
Rune of Direction
Wearer can interface with Runes that would otherwise require verbal commands solely through thought. (You think, it sends that thought to a Rune. The Rune will act like that was a verbal command)
Rune of Earth's Burden
The wearer has increased strength so long as one foot remains firmly planted on the ground.
Rune of Ironskin
The wearer gains iron-hard skin.
Rune of Forgeflame
Heat absorbed by the wearer is instead taken by the Rune and discharged into the air over time.
Rune of the Furnace
Wearer has increased heat resistance, able to withstand being near roaring flame without any discomfort
Rune of Heat Sight
Must be inscribed on lenses. Allows the user to see differences in heat
Rune of Inner Courage
The wearer has increased bravery. They become generally aware of spells and items being used to negatively impact their mental state.
Rune of Lightfright
The user can send directed flashes of blinding light. Those affected will be afflicted with terrifying visions of their worst fears for a set duration. Does not affect allies.
Rune of Piercing Sight
Lenses inscribed allow user to see through skin, bone, muscle and/or organs on command
Rune of Prospecting
Gives its bearer a sense for nearby ores within a large area. Doesn't specify what sort of ore; just their presence.
Rune of Purification
Magic is converted into heat in some way shape or form.
Rune of Reflection
This Rune allowed Master Yorri to bend the angle of any light that hit this Rune towards a single point.
Rune of Refraction
Allows for very rudimentary manipulation of light that hits the Rune. Changing the direction, the colour, even splitting it into multiple weaker beams.
Rune of Repair
Items inscribed with this item can repair minor cosmetic damage done to them overnight. Does not work on flesh. Multiple copies of this Rune inscribed on an item increase speed but not potency.
Rune of Siphoning
Items inscribed with this Rune recharge roughly half again more quickly than normal by drawing on Deep Magic. Aesthetically causes related Runes to glow gold rather than teal. Two copies increase recharge rate to almost double. Superseded by Banner and Structural effects.
Rune of Sound
This Rune allows the user to propagate sound in the direction it was facing.
Rune of Speech
Bearers of this Rune have their speech converted into fluent Khazalid, though it does not aid them in translating Khazalid back into their language.
Rune of Stacking
Containers that bear this Rune can store multiple times their volume. Weight of extra volume half of what it should be.
Rune of Transcription
When placed on an appropriate apparatus, the user's words will be written down.
Rune of Translation:
This Rune allows for very limited communication between dwarfs and those who cannot speak Khazalid. The translation is very literal and has none of the nuance necessary for Khazalid fluency, but it's serviceable.
Rune of Thungni's Presence
Dispelled spells around the user are converted to improve the casting of Runes around the user.
Rune of Worldly Warding
Blows against the wearer cause the struck area to become increasingly resistant against that type of damage
Combination Name
Component 1
Component 2
Component 3
Master Rune of Purification/Snorri Gift Giver
Rune of Warding
Rune of Spellbreaking
Target is surrounded in an inverted magical shield, their body burns from inside as nearby magic can be used to generate enough heat to vaporize them in a flash of light. Devastatingly effective against Magical entities.
A Rune array whose sole purpose is meant to channel the titanic energy needed to purify Gromril to the point that it becomes Adamant without destroying the smelter itself. The cost is so exorbitant that the array must spend a decade recharging.
The bar grows bright as the energy is pumped through it, growing so bright that it becomes near blinding before settling down to a sheen of silver said to bring a tear to the eye.
Master Rune of Amplification/Snerra Magnasdottir
Rune of Thungni
Rune of Stone
Enemy magic is broken up and used to greatly improve the casting of all Runes around the user's person.
Rune of Spelleating
Rune of Spellbreaking
Rune of Warding
Failed enemy magic casts are transformed into a cushion when battle rolls are lost.
The spell is broken, the spell is eaten, the power is used to shield you.
Rune of Worldly Warding
Rune of Inner Courage
Rune of Defiant Stone
All buffs to general toughness and endurace grow in proportion to the wearer's willpower and bravery. Repeated/Continued exposure to spells and items that negatively impact their mental state cause them to become increasingly resistant to those effects.
Deep Gate
Master Rune of Thungni's Presence
Rune of Thungni
Rune of Siphoning
Enemies suffer even greater casting debuff and spells that are not dispelled are weakened around the user. The user's equipped Master Runes have one aspect of their effect improved.
Master Rune of Thungni's Presence
Rune of Thungni
Rune of Forgeflame
Magical and mundane flame fired against the user is absorbed and turned into Runic energy.
Guardian's Rebuke
Master Rune of Spite
Rune of Spellturning
Rune of Gazul's Flame
Mundane and Magical damage the wearer suffers is returned at twice the strength, spellcasters and magical entities are also set alight with magical fire.
Rune of Valaya
Rune of Warding
Rune of the Furnace
The bearer is more resilient to stress and ills, their vitality strengthened, forever warmed and soothed by the hearth's glow.
In the darkest and coldest nights, the Runes burn bright and warm, staving off the worst of it.
Mold the Metal
Rune of Might
Rune of Smednir
Rune of Forging
Metals are drawn through a drawplate more easily and do not suffer defects or snapping.
Relentless Pursuit
Master Rune of Wandering
Rune of Impact
Rune of Grimnir
The user can run at incredible speeds and jump the height of three average dwarfs with ease. Running towards the enemy further improves the user's speed. The user's first blow at the end of their charge deals a far greater amount of damage.
Tunneling Charge
Master Rune of Wandering
Rune of Cleaving
Rune of Impact
The user is largely unaffected by rough terrain and has enhanced speed. So long as the user maintains a dead sprint they can run through mundane stone and dirt like an oil bubble in water, parting material as they pass only for it to return to its original state behind them. Anything left in the space made will be crushed by the oncoming rush of matter attempting to return to its previous position.
Underworld Flame
Master Rune of Expurgation
Rune of Gazul
Rune of Gazul's Flame
Upon activation the user selects themselves, an ally or enemy as the target. If friendly they are protected by a shell of Hysh infused flames that absorb a set amount of magic. If an enemy they are immobilized by burning chains. In either case enemies in a radius around the target are caught alight by heatless flames that burn both their corporeal form and the magic that maintains them. The flames continue to burn even after the enemy has left the radius, and can only be snuffed out by dispelling them. Especially effective against the undead.
Valaya's Indignance
Master Rune of Spellspite
Rune of Lightfright
Rune of Lightspite
Spells cast against the user are broken down and the caster is burned and they forget how to cast the spell for a time. The magical energy is stored by the staff, and at the user's command, the energy can be fired back out as bolts of blinding, searing light, or be used to fuel terrible visions that can instill terror.
Engineering Runes
Necessary Ingredients
Master Rune of Animation/Waking
[T2]Troll's Heart
Used to animate Rune Golems/Ancestor Golems/Gronti Duraz. No longer limited to Bipedal/Dwarf body plans. Gronti are stronger, faster, and all-around better than standard Gronti.
Master Rune of Disguise
[T2] Invisible Diamonds
The war machine bearing this Rune will be almost invisible to enemies, aiming at it becomes difficult as minds are tricked into shooting in the wrong place.
Master Rune of the Eagle-Eyed
[T2] Griffon's Brain
The war machine's accuracy is improved by a considerable degree, as is, if to a lesser extent, the vision of her crew.
Master Rune of Immolation
[T2] Dragon's Gas Sac
The war machine bearing this Rune, when activated, will immolate. Exploding in a shower of flaming shards that burn as hot as dragon's fire.
The war machine bearing this Rune fires ammunition with thunderbolt level destructive power.
Master Rune of Purification/Snorri Gift Giver
[T4] Voidstone
Warmachines and Gronti can convert internal and nearby ambient magic into flames. Shots fired explode in a shower of molten rock, absorbing ambient magic to increase and prolong their liquid state.
Rune of Animation/Waking
Items inscribed with this Rune are able to have a limited range of motion.
Rune of Empowerment
When activated, Gronti and Prosthetics inscribed with this Rune or within range of the bearer will see improved performance for a moderate period of time, they become slightly sluggish for half the time afterwards.
Rune of Immolation
Items inscribed with this Rune, when activated, will erupt in an explosion correlating to the size of the item in question that can wound any in the radius of the explosion.
Rune of Waking Elements
Activating this Rune causes the inscribed keystone to draw in surrounding stone and soil to form a Dwarf sized humanoid construct. These persist until dismissed or they run out of magic to fuel themselves. These constructs can regenerate by pulling in new material so long as the keystone is intact.
Combination Name
Component 1
Component 2
Component 3
Empowered Waking
Master Rune of Waking
Rune of Empowerment
Rune of Siphoning
The effects of the Rune of Empowerment are improved, and recovery time is now a quarter of the time afterwards.
Master Rune of Disguise
Rune of Penetrating
Rune of Accuracy
The first strike from this weapon will deal far more damage, needing to be moved an appreciable distance or a long period of time between the next shot to reactivate the ffect
A ranger's greatest deeds are oft never seen. Entire battles won by a single bolt fired from somewhere no one expected, a well-timed avalanche, one crushing strike from beyond their perception.
Surge Protector
Master Rune of Purification+ [T4 Voidstone]
Rune of Worldly Warding+ [T4 Ancient Stone Troll Blood]
Rune of Thungni+ [T4 Adamant]
Excess Winds that would have entered the user are instead absorbed by the item. The item can then either vent it away through a variety of methods: heating the surrounding area, releasing a concentrated gout of flame, or channeling the Winds back into the wearer. If the item is fully saturated, it will automatically begin venting the Winds. Wordly Warding now also ctivates against magical exposure.
Engineering Subset: Prosthetic Runes
Necessary Ingredients
Rune of Prosthesis
Items inscribed with this Rune can act as simple prosthesis. Mentally controlled, no tactile feedback and not as strong a stout Dawi muscle.
Rune of Forged Limb
Items inscribed with this Rune can act as prosthetics. Mentally controlled, total tactile feedback and the limbs are about as strong as a career warrior and dexterous as a particularly experienced craftsman.
Rune of Forged Eye
Items inscribed with this Rune can provide vision. Mentally controlled and effectiveness on par with the average Dwarf.
Rune of Forged Ear
Items inscribed with this Rune can provide hearing. Mentally controlled and effectiveness on par with the average Dwarf.
Rune of Forged Tongue
Items inscribed with this Rune can provide the sense of taste. Mentally controlled and effectiveness on par with the average Dwarf.
Rune of Forged Nose
Items inscribed with this Rune can provide the sense of smell. Mentally controlled and effectiveness on par with the average Dwarf.
Rune of Windsight
Wearer can see the colors of the respective Winds within, around or associated with a chosen object they view. There is a size limit, no focusing on the sky, but a storm is possible for instance, and Runes mysteriously look no different from before.
Structural Runes
Necessary Ingredients
Master Rune of Purification/Snorri Gift Giver
[T4] Voidstone
Inscribed smelters/furnaces/forges flush out impurities from metals placed inside, it uses purged and ambient magic as fuel to raise the temperature to melt Adamant. Double Adamant output of Talismanic Variant.
Master Rune of Smednir's Bounty
[T4] Elder Magma Wyrm's Heart and Blood
Refining metals in a room or structure becomes incredibly, sometimes supernaturally, efficient, leading to their average output increasing by a noticeable degree.
Master Rune of Thungni's Brilliance
[T4] Elder [Any] Wyrm's Brain x2
Runesmiths in a room or structure find their intuition and comprehension when striking Runes temporarily flaring, sometimes forgoing the need to use all but the most powerful and rare (T5) reagents.
Master Rune of Triage
[T3] Elder Troll's Heart
Occupants in a room have their survival greatly prolonged, bleeding and poison spread are slowed while vitality and willpower are strengthened.
Rune of Alert
Occupants in room without proper seal/item will begin to glow and are weakened.
Rune of Calcination
Furnaces bearing this Rune instead burn with magical flame, burning away everything until it leaves only ash infused with a single wind, often the predominant one of the item that was burned.
Mundane metals inside inscribed furnaces/smelters have their melting point lowered
Rune of Dum-Denial
This Rune will attempt to show inscribed structures and surrounding area as if they were not there when scried. Multiple copies improve chance of success.
Rune of Forgeflame
Condenses heat generated in area into a specified space, but requires a constant source of heat to draw from.
Room or structure creates zones of magical fire that only damage enemies, especially deadly to daemons.
Rune of Irrigation
Irrigates soil in room.
Rune of Mist
This rune when applied causes a cool (but not chilled), but not overbearing, mist of water to fill the air of the room.
Rune of Obfuscation
Muffles and distorts the words spoken by individuals in the room and instills need to leave to those outside the room.
Rune of Sanitization
Removes blood, filth and unclean substances from surfaces in the room.
Rune of Sealing
Seals all non-manmade holes in the room.
Rune of Siphoning
Runes in range can draw from the Deep Magic and recharge far faster than normal. The potency of this effect increases the longer the Rune stays in the same place, topping out at double the recharge rate. Has triple the range of the Banner variant. Structural effect supersedes the Banner, and they do not stack. Multiple copies improve range.
Rune of Smelting
Improves quality of smelting in the room.
Rune of Soil
Reduces nutrient depletion of soil in room
Rune of Sorting
Occupants in the room will instinctively know where to put things/follow whatever sorting system is in place.
Rune of Terror
Occupants in the room will be assailed with terrifying images and slight feelings of fear.
Rune of the Guard Tower
Dwarfs in structures bearing this Rune have increased visual range and acuity, as well as louder volume.
Rune of Ventilation
Freshens and circulates air in the room.
Combination Name
Component 1
Component 2
Component 3
Heat the Metal
Rune of Forgeflame
Rune of Annealing
Rune of Copper
Rooms store and capture ambient heat generated within and can then transfer that heat to a specific item or defined space inside the room, the melting point of the metal is lowered.
Rouse the Forge
Rune of Vigorous Furnace
Rune of the Crucible
Rune of Ventilation
Fuel in forges bearing these Runes have massively increased efficiency and efficacy, enough that only a fraction of the charcoal normally needed to work Gromril is required.
True Adamant Maker
Master Rune of Purification
Rune of Vigorous Furnace
Rune of Forgeflame
Can transform Gromril into Adamant. Can only be inscribed on Adamant.
Set Combos
Set Combination Name
Component 1
Component 2
Component 3
Component 4
Grimnir's Burning Wroth
Relentless Pursuit
When charging at an enemy or specific point, the user rapidly picks up speed and gains a protective shell of flame around them, gathering more and more energy until it can be released as an explosion of heat and power strong enough to melt steel or condensed into the user's weapon, allies unharmed.
Magic Breaker
Glittering Beacon
All enemy magic is passively siphoned to empower the Banner or anvil, bonus to active dispel attempts by the bearer. The Energy can be transferred to the banner until its effect can envelop an entire army or to the anvil to further enhance its ability to improve Rune Casting.
The World That Was
Storm Mantle
Surge Protector
The user is reminiscent of a volcanic eruption; cutting winds filled with ash and volcanic glass stir up a pillar of dark storm clouds around them as lightning and magma spew out to strike enemies or destroy incoming projectiles. If they strike the earth they can create fissures that spew magma or shards of obsidian, If they strike the air they can send out targeted bolts of lightning or those same cutting, ash-laden, winds.
Grungni's Challenge
Rouse the Forge
Heat the Metal
Mold the Metal
Siphons the heat from a forge into a miniscule space while both insulating the user and strengthening them greatly.
Typing #DiscordDump into the search bar and specifying the Thread should also reveal a few other less important WoG posts. Similarly, I've begun tagging WoG posts circa June 2022 with category tags as well.
MAXIMUM Level Services for the Workshop/Khazagar
- Libary
- Procurement
━<><><>< Frequently Asked Questions><><><>━
━<><><>< Lore FAQ ><><><>━
General Questions:
Q. What is canon and what is not?
from Divided Loyalties by Boney said:
Tier 1: The Quest itself is primary canon.
Tier 2: WoQM applies unless it violates Quest canon (which I assume it has or will at some point).
Tier 3: Army Books (6th+), WHFRPG 2e - reasonably safe to assume that the fluff in these is canon unless the Quest or WoQM says otherwise. Game mechanics should not be taken as canon.
Tier 4: Black Library, White Dwarf articles - canonish, but the QM may not be familiar with them and the details are likely to end up varying if they are used.
Tier 5: Licensed video games, Warhammer Armies Project, WHFRPG 3e & 4e - mostly only used for things that aren't otherwise covered in higher tiers, and by default are not canon.
Tier 6: Army Books (pre-6th), WHFRPG (1e) - the Dwarf Priests Know Necromancy Zone. May be looted for ideas from time to time but is usually completely incompatible.
This is fairly accurate to my reality, but Im less afraid to draw from older lore. Black Library and Obscure White Dwarf articles are hit or miss depending on whether I read them but major ones like the War of Vengeance trilogy and supplement from them respectively have been read, if not taken entirely at face value. Q. How long do dwarfs live in this quest?
Dwarfs in the Time of the Ancestors and the Golden Age tend to live longer than their future descendants for a variety of reasons. It's not uncommon for regular dwarfs to reach their sixth century, which in turn has raised the age to be considered an Elder/Greatbeard and Living Ancestor. Runesmiths are similarly long-lived, with some of the greatest smiths alive being part of Thungni's first wave of original students. These are ancient Runelords who are well beyond a millennium in age. Q. The Ancestors? Who are they and what do they do?
The Ancestors are at the very least Dwarfs, you don't know if they're more than that but the popular consensus in the Karaz Ankor is yes. As to what they're doing, what they always have. Leading their people, safeguarding and teaching them. The Ancestors not teaching you something that seems obvious isn't a case of neglect, these people aren't stupid. Q. How long will Snorri live?
Suffice it to say that Snorri will not die of old age before he dies to something else. Too much to do ya see. Q. Can we Feed (Insert Fairly Intelligent Animal Species here) Greedy Troll bodyparts and make something like the King of the Skies/ make them bigger, tougher and stronger??
No, not only is this is unethical but is effectively guaranteed to fail. Like, there's selective breeding and controlling a domesticated animal's diet, but if you're capturing animals and holding them captive for the sole purpose of making them sapient by force-feeding them raw, Magically-Infused Troll Meat that is more liable to kill them it's a no-go. Like no. This isn't a Skaven quest.
Timeline Questions:
Q. Where, or more accurately, when are we in the timeline?
This quest started in the Time of the Ancestors before the completion of the Vortex, but in general, will be during the Golden Age. Q. How malleable is the timeline?
There's a specific post regarding this, but in essence, there are some things you can't change (the Vortex, The earthquakes that happen during the Time of Woes), and some things that you can change on a sliding scale of difficulty (War of Vengeance vs keeping the North connected) that are dependent on your position both physically and within Dwarf society as well. Some changes have already been made.
Dwarf Society Questions:
Q. Are the majority of Runelord/Runesmiths trading Runes with each other?
Short Anser: yes. Long Answer: they trade, but the criteria they use and the number of Runes they trade at a time are entirely up to the individual Runelord/Runesmith in question. The only common thread is that those they trade with are ones they believe are worthy of the knowledge they have to offer, which usually requires a rather deep relationship. So long-time colleagues or friends are pretty common. This is regarding trading between peers, and the dynamics between a Runesmith/Runelord and their apprentice or a Runelord and a younger/less skilled Runesmith are different. Usually, in those cases, it boils down to the latter somehow proving their worthiness to their superior. Q. Do Dwarfs use Runecraft to improve fertility?
Maybe, probably, but not commonly. Given that I cut off that line of discussion or thought very early in the quest, I have not explored it nor really intend to. Most likely simply beseech Valaya while a few may or may not use aphrodisiacs of real or imagined potency. They have superstitions about it but resorting to magic is unlikely given how averse they are to it and this being something of a very private and important aspect of their lives. Even Rune Magic. More OOC, creating Runes that improve or even induce fertility will, I believe, necessitates a discussion about the role of Dwarf women in their society that places strict demands on them both implicitly and explicitly, and given that I don't believe I am equipped to do said discussion with the appropriate level of consideration or tact, I choose not to engage in it. Another QM might or might not, but I don't. Q. Was the term "Snorrist" ever defined in a WoG post or in-story? If so could somebody point me towards that? From what I've gathered it seems to have something to do with Snorri's attitude towards the rule of pride, or maybe his stance on sharing runelore in general?
Snorri tries his best not to look to deeply into it.
As the "movement" has grown and matured, its coalesced around an adherence to a few general ideas:
- Runecraft can and should improve the Karaz Ankor and the lives of your fellow Dawi. It is Thungni's Gift, not to just His kin, but to all Dwarfkind and the Runesmiths are His emissaries.
- To physically make Runes is in and of itself a net good, as better that they are used than not at all. A Rune may be lost, but if it exists, then a chance exists for it to be rediscovered.
- Production capacity without loss in quality is a virtue to strive for. To improve both is nevertheless the goal.
- Runes are both a means of improving Craftsmanship, and a form of Craftsmanship in and of themselves. All Runes are sacred, but not all are so sacred as to adhere to the Rule of Pride as strictly as the Conservatives selfishly do.
- Runes are tools, to be created to the best of one's ability, respected and not made frivolously. But at the same time, you do not need to invent a new wrench to turn the same kind of nut, better your effort is spent on developing new Runes to solve new problems or creating works of art to show veneration of the craft.
Usually a Snorrist is a Runesmith who does not balk at equipping an entire company of Dwarfs with as many Runes as they can afford. Often they focus on Runes that only show their benefit at scale. Like the prosthetic Runes, Runes that have stacking effects, and are generally sparse on Master Runes overall. They see arming a Throng with at least some Runes as just as worthwhile as making a unique, fully Runed set of gear for a single great Dawi. They may not be so bespoke, or as creative, as their Colleagues but by Thungni sometimes you just need a Rune of Warding to turn a fatal blow into just a very painful one, a Rune of Fire to make killing that troll impossible to just difficult, or a Rune of cleaving to make excavating a new hall an effort of years just that much shorter. Do it enough, and it all compounds to something greater than the sum of its parts.
Some say they waste their time, spreading the paint so thinly that it barely makes a difference to the final picture. That Runes are not nails to be made in their hundreds, that they degrade themselves with apprentice work when they could be making creations worthy of their kin, that they ignore gold and content themselves with pebbles.
But if you pile the pebbles high enough, then they can rise as high as any mountain.
Brana Lore Collated [Under Construction]:
- Their avian features are closer to corvids than eagles, with dark plumage and longer, straighter beaks. Meanwhile their feline portions are closer to Snow leopards and white tigers.
- Branakoki have a strong natural healing factor. Less potent than a Troll's but enough that if they aren't killed or grievously maimed by a battle, they will recover completely. Consequently they are a naturally long-lived species, and are more likely to die from combat or disease than old age.
- When Branakroki eat enough of something, it is not unheard of that some aspect of them changes in response. Eating Trolls improve healing, Rhinox endurance, etc. These changes are at most an enhancing of some existing feature rather than extreme physical transformation, or least there is no record of a Brana has yet eaten enough to cause such a change besides the King of the Sky.
- Branakroki tend to like shiny things.
- There is a greater deal of dimorphism among the Branakroki compared to regular Griffons. Female Brana trend to being bigger than males, but in general they can range from regular Griffon size to several times larger, with the King of the Sky and His Sons being the largest on record.
-- There is a tendency among Branakroki lineages that live nearer to Dwarfs to be born stocky and with proportionally smaller wings than average.
- Brana can be born with the ability to wield Azyr, Ghur or Chamon. The former two are the most common, and the latter has only ever occurred from lineages that maintain long and close contact with the Dwarfs.
Branakroki society is deeply connected to the Dwarfs from its inception, and it can be seen in the traits they value. However they nevertheless are a race of apex predators, and this has also impacted their culture.
- They tend to respect age. Both from cultural osmosis from the Dwarfs, and because old Brana are seen by society as not only those who are both strong enough to win most of their fights and tough enough to survive the ones they lose, but because they are often the ones that have eaten enough to have gained serious growth from their diets.
- Because of their regeneration, they view physical scars from battle as a sign of fighting a truly powerful foe.
- They default towards honesty, and lying is an extreme taboo. Their natural pride generally makes them find the act demeaning, and contact with the Dwarfs have only enforced this thought. To accuse a Brana of lying is a grave insult that must be answered by the accuser. Most often with violence.
-- Guile and cunning are not seen as cowardly, as the withholding of information is different from lying, but they prefer to be upfront and direct about their intent.
- They also respect oaths and promises. Branakroki honesty means that if they agree to or say something, it is because it is true.
- In a similar vein, names are more than just monikers to the Brana. They are titles to uphold, roles to fulfill, and from long contact with the Dwarfs, honour written in word. A Brana's name is intensely personal and they strive to literally uphold what their name means to themselves.
-- Branakroki earn and choose their names upon doing a life defining act. They may change their names, but it would have to be for a significant enough deed/reason both in their personal estimation and the eyes of society. The older a Brana, the less likely they will change their name.
- They prefer to live in caves. If several live in close proximity, like in an Aerie, their shelters generally take the shape of several individual nests that are connected to a larger, central chamber that connects to the outside world.
-- Branakroki lineages tend to live near and around each other, but they are intensely protective of their private spaces and nests.
-- They collect and hoard items they find valuable. Most often it is precious metals and stones, but also kinds of objects they may have a personal interest in.
- Brana are monogomous and mate for life, not taking a new partner if theirs dies. Bonded pairs will merge their collective treasure hoards together and move into one shared nest.
-- Branakroki clutchlings are raised communally. On the day of their majority they are given a portion of their parents treasure as a seed fund, and then move out to live on their own. They will not return to their parents' nest unless invited.
- Brana Metalwork and Writing is flowing, jagged and natural. Depending on the level of Dwarf influence, they mimic the aesthetic of Runes with their own scratch marks, and decorate with precious metal and gemstones.
- Being given personal space or moving out of one's way is a sign of respect amongst the Branakroki.
- They call the Winds of Magic the Unseen Winds, mages are called Windspeakers, and Runesmiths, Windstillers.
- Branakroki mages generally tend towards using the Winds in direct manifestations of power or to buff themselves. More esoteric uses aren't impossible, but they aren't common.
- Branakroki mages have titles based on the Wind they use, and only gain it upon achieving the equivalent of a Human Magister.
There isn't one set title for those still learning a Wind. After achieving mastery, and when among others of the same rank then further delineation by age or some other trait or quirk can be used.
Brana Name
━<><><>< Gameplay FAQ ><><><>━
General Questions:
Q. Can we make a Rune that improves fertility? No. That opens an entire debate that this silly fun fantasy quest cannot, should not, and will not open. You can't induce population growth like that. I explained why less than 5 lines above. Q. How do the specialty ranks scale exactly?
They go from Regular/Base, Exceptional, Mastered and then Savant. However, from Exceptional onwards, there is a breakdown of "+" or "-" in the ranks. The highest possible rank (unless you're an Ancestor) is Savant+, which cannot be obtained the way you can the other ranks, which is usually through a mix of researching a lot of Runes of that type, making a lot of things of with Runes of that type, trait upgrades. It obviously also gets harder to rank them up as time goes on.
It goes something like. Regular > Exceptional > Exceptional+ > Mastered- > Mastered > Mastered+ > Savant- > Savant || > Savant+ Q. How come some contacts don't have a Standing bonus at X Standing when others do?
It relates to a contact's relative prosperity. So for instance, a minor hold has access to less stuff overall than a major Dwarfhold, and this would reflect in the number of bonuses as well as the potency of the bonuses. A minor hold may only give a chance at reducing an order turn timer for instance, while a major hold bonus at the exact same Standing level would reduce it by 1 no questions asked.
Action Related Questions:
Q. What are the different action types and their limitations?
Action Type
(General) Action
Can be applied anywhere unless specified.
Retainer Action
Can only be applied to options that specify it.
Heir Action
Can be applied to all requests and only to research with [Simple] tag.
Apprentice Action
Can only be applied to requests with [Simple] tag.
Traits, unless specified otherwise, will only proc with general actions. Q. Can we put one action into a request one turn, then one more the turn after and will it proc the action bonus?
No, all the actions must be input that turn. Both for the sake of narrative consistency and reducing bookkeeping. Q. How does Peerless Production work with the 3 action proc? Would it still proc the previous 2 actions?
If you commit 2 actions to a request, it will proc +1 action of progress, if you put in 3 actions, that proc will change to +2 progress. After that it resets, so if you put in 5 actions you add another +1 action, then yes at 6 it would change to +2
Heres a handy dandy chart to visualize what I mean:
Actual Action Input
Effective Action Input
3 =2 +1[Proc Bonus]
5 = 3 +2[Proc Bonus]
6 =1 +(3 +2[Proc Bonus])
8 = (3 +2[Proc Bonus]) +(2 +1[Proc Bonus])
Q. What are the cost reductions for Understanding a Master Rune/Compress the Combo?
It depends on a variety of factors, but the most pertinent ways to discount the cost are your specialty levels listed in the character sheet.
Cost Reduction
Specialty Level
Not Listed
Item Making Questions:
Q. Can we get the Adamant cost for ___ ?
Here's a table with a few items. Cost in "bars," and the actual size and mass of the item may not correlate or be consistent with each other.
Must be fully Adamant structure with a minimum of 3 "bars" for any items that cost more than 3 "bars."
Q. What are the properties of Adamant?
- The metal has glittering, white-ish Silver colour.
- The Metal is harder than pure Gromril, yet less dense. Melts at double the temperature of Pure Gromril, but requires far higher temperatures to actually manufacture.
- Runes must be inscribed on it when it is just below melting temperature. Once inscribed the Adamant hardens even further, becoming resistant to most magic, and cannot be smelted down again save through the use of the Adamant Smelter.
- Runes on Adamant are roughly half again stronger than on Pure Gromril. How the effect manifests is dependent on the Rune, but it's generally more potent than it is versatile.
- It does not break, you don't know what could shatter it outside of forces whose strength would boggle the mind.
- Adamant is not ductile enough to be made into metal thread or leaf. It can be made into big enough wire and chain, but not for the scale of chainmail or finer.
- [Discovered Turn 4?] Items made completely out of Adamant, can bear a Lonely Rune + 1 extra Rune.
- [Discovered Turn 48] Adamant attracts Chamon, Hysh and Aqshy, yet some force actually prevents the Winds from entering the metal.
Q. How many items can someone have equipped and act as a set at one time?
Snorri and any character you equip will, for gameplay purposes and when counting Set Combos, generally have 5 equipment slots.
Item Slot
1 Set of Armour.
2 Enchanted Items.
This can either be 2 items using Talismanic Runes, with the option to replace one of the talismans with one item using Banner Runes.
2 Weapons/Hand Items
Runestaves, Tools, or Weapons. A large enough combatant may consider an item using Engineering Runes a weapon. I.E. a giant wielding a ballista like a crossbow.
If you make a Gronti Duraz, then the Gronti's Runes, if they make a combo, will be considered for the set combo. A character, Snorri included, can have more items than this, but I won't count any items outside the limit when considering whether or not you've made a Set Combo. Q. I want to make a write-in for my own piece of equipment, but I'm not sure how many actions it may take?
A Rough Guideline for Write in Equipment Action Costs:
Number of Items
Minimum Amount of Actions
A single piece of equipment
A single large item or a few smaller items.
A single very large item or a full set of equipment.
Q. How do Difficult Requests interact with the Rule of Pride mechanically?
If the item you're making for a difficult request only has normal Runes you won't run afoul of the Rule of Pride. If it involves Master Runes then a rough guideline is 3-4 copies of the same Master Rune or Combo with a Master Rune within 10 turns is fine. But more than that and you start risking things. Q. How does the write-in for a theme work when doing a difficult request?
Basically you need to ask for a function. Not just "make something that will combo with so and so," but rather the item itself must be a standalone piece of work with its own capabilities. Q. Can I make set bonuses with different items?
Rune Combos on various pieces CAN synergize with each other yes, creating the effect of a set bonus. Around 3 Items with synergistic runic combo effects will be needed to potentially make a bonus happen. If you have more than three synergistic items the strength of the bonus increases. Q. Do the effects of the constituent Runes still exist if they make a combo?
Yes. Though sometimes the effects of the Rune are overshadowed by the Combo and it's an effective subsuming of the Rune, that Rune is still doing its thing. So if you use a Rune of Fire and it combos, that Rune of Fire is still doing its thing and setting the weapon alight, but if the Combo made it so that the Weapon was alight with literal soul-rending Hellfire, the regular magic fire from the Rune is sorta irrelevant yeah? Q. How do prosthetics interact with the Set Combo system.
They do not count to your 5 item "slots" that are looked at when making Set Combos. So unlike carrying another weapon or talisman beyond the limit, there's no chance at all of ever being part of a Set Combo Q. If we created a Gronti in the shape of a flying thing, could it too fly?
If you can get the math and physics around its Mass to work out, usually via Runes, plus any other considerations, I mean yeah I don't see why not?
━<><><>< Rune FAQ ><><><>━
Narrative Questions:
Q. How does the Rule of Pride function narratively?
It's a point of debate among Runesmiths in the time period of the quest. Either you follow it in spirit and try to make a lot of works of art or you follow it literally and limit yourself. Snorri is a proponent of the former, it's how he justifies making all the stuff he does, by saying the Rule of Pride is a means to remind the Runesmiths that they are artist craftsmen first and foremost. Regardless of leaning, Master Runes are far more universally agreed upon in that you don't play games by changing the Runes around it just to Rules Lawyer. However, having a schtick is common enough, and if you find yourself making a lot of that Master Rune over your lifetime that's not gonna ruin you. Runesmiths only get antsy if you're making a lot of the same Master Rune in a short time period and they only get upset when you're using thinly veiled pretences or technical arguments to basically spam out Master Runes as well. Basically, Snorri doesn't strictly follow the letter of the law when it comes to Regular Runes but observes more reverence when it comes to Master Runes.
Basically, treat Master Runes with a bit of reverence and try not to overuse them, Regular Runes, however, are usually free game unless you're a die-hard conservative. THIS MEANS NO SPAMMING OUT GRONTI DURAZ TO MAKE A PERSONAL ARMY IF DOING SO MEANS USING THE MASTER RUNE OF WAKING MORE THAN 3 OR 4 TIMES A CENTURY. Q. When you say Runes draw on the Winds of Magic, is it constantly drawing on that energy or is it a case of you strike the Rune and that's it?
IC: You don't know. Runesmiths can't see how it works after all. They have theories, the fact that Runes can burn out, but naturally recharge indicates there's a level of fueling going on, but freshly made Runes are ready to use the moment they're created, so there's also evidence of a pool of magic too. Maintenance of the Runes is tradition-bound, but they aren't sure if they're fixing the parts that draw in magic or give it a general boost overall. That and the possibility of it being different per Rune is also up in the air, given how Gronti operates who's to say?
OOC: A large initial pool upon creation and ambient recovery from simply being in existence that waxes and wanes with the winds themselves. Maintenance work does clean the filters so to speak, removing metaphysical gunk and letting magic enter the Rune more easily, while also reinforcing the metaphysical structures that allow Runes to hold the magic that fuels their enchantments so well. Q. Can we make an Anvil of Doom?
The Anvils of Doom seen in canon were made by Kurgaz, the greatest member of the Brotherhood of Dron. Kurgaz is currently not part of the brotherhood, you don't even know if he's alive. Short Answer: No, not unless you make them from scratch as a concept. Q. What is a Rune Staff and what does it do.
A Rune Staff is literally just a staff you apply Runes to. Traditionally you put Casting Runes. The item itself is purely aesthetic, you can literally get the same functionality out of a Talisman or Banner with the same Runes as if they were on a Rune Staff. It's more a statement of prestige, purpose, etc. Detailed (sorta) post here for more clarification. Q. What ARE Casting Runes?
Literally Runes you cast. It's a Dwarf-made categorization, as opposed to the structural ones that define Weapon, Armour, etc Runes, to describe the methodology of a Rune or Rune Combo. One Rune of Fire is not a Rune you cast. Three Runes of Fire can create a wave of flame, that's technically casting a Rune. Amulets that create protective fields, things that have an effect you have to cast either by saying a word or touching or some other form of activation. As I said there's not a neat categorization since there's obviously a lot of stuff that straddles the line. Q. How DO Casting Runes?
A Runesmith carries several items with Runes on their person. Tapping or otherwise activating said Rune is what casts it. This is how I explain the ability of Runesmiths to cast Oath and Steel, Wrath and Ruin, ETC, ETC. Doing this taps a Rune out for a set period of time, so having multiple Runes that do things that largely line up with your desire to protect, destroy, slow, etc, is how you circumvent or manage it. Runesmiths will tend to "cast" at a set interval so that their other Runes are running off cooldown right after they cast. This is one of the reasons why Anvils of Doom are so powerful and wonder. Aside from their crafting component, they are dedicated Casting platforms that do the job of a Runesmith panoply better in all respects. Q. Can we combo with 2 Runes?
A. Theoretically, like how Wormholes can exist theoretically. So don't hold your breath.
Mechanics Questions:
Q. Do we have so and so Rune?
Barring a few exceptions, you should have a normal Rune for most mundane things. The only time you won't know a Rune was if its explicitly said to be developed by another (Rune of Luck and Rune of Fortune) or made during a time period other than where you are (Rune of Seeking). Master Runes that you know and the special normal Runes you know are the only ones I record, and in the case of the former you may not know them for the same reasons as above, or just because your teacher didn't teach you. Q. What happens when you use two Reagents in a Rune?
Something, potentially dangerous, or potentially beneficial. You're dumping two different magical reagents into a Rune. Changing a Reagent is already something fraught with danger most times, but you will have no clue how the two will react with each other really. It can be done, but Runesmiths stick to one main reagent because they have far greater control over the outcome. Not to say you can't control it somewhat, but it's harder to do compared to one reagent. It depends on you to decide whether it's worth it or not. Q. What category do the prosthetic limbs fall under.
The Engineering category for the purposes of Master Runes, otherwise you have free reign. Q. How do Crossbows function Runewise, what happens if we scale them to Gronti Size?
Regular Crossbows use Weapon Runes, when you get to Gronti scale they use Engineering Runes. Q. How does the Rune of Brotherhood work in this quest.
I've had to nerf the Rune of Brotherhood to prevent meme skillhacks/skill growth that would break my system. In short, The skill transference is temporary and reliant on the dwarf being around their closest companions as determined by whatever means the Rune has. The alterations you know don't overcome this limit, no matter the efforts of the Runesmiths, you included, who tried. Maybe one day you'll get an idea, but right now you're out of luck. Q. How do Grudge Runes/Rune of Grudges work in this quest?
Its a targeted buff against a specific enemy/enemy type depending on the grudge. A bit more potent but will end when the grudge itself does. Note that only ONE grudge bonus can be active at a time. So like say you have 5 grudges, and you're fighting against one of those grudge targets the Rune will work. But if you're fighting TWO of those targets only ONE will have a grudge bonus applied and will not change until the other is dead. Grudges against individuals will provide a stronger bonus than grudges against a group or faction. The Runes will be active so long as the Dwarf wearing/using it has an applicable Grudge. Changing owners will mean the Rune will pull from their Grudges. If the user adds new Grudges, they can be drawn from as well. Q. How do the Ancestor Runes function in this quest?
Ancestor Runes are odd. They encompass a variety of subjects and their effects can vary. For one thing, the regular Runes can be applied to all equipment types in the exact same construction style, the only example of which in Runecraft. As for effects, it depends on the Ancestor's portfolio so to speak and what piece of equipment or surface the Rune is inscribed on. Here's a post I made that gives a rough guideline.
EDITED July 15
This will be solely discussing Regular Ancestor Runes acting on their own, and not how they work when with other Runes or their Master Rune versions because then that goes fucking wild. Even so, this list isn't exhaustive, its meant to give you a good idea.
So as a rule Ancestor Runes are odd. Their regular versions are all inscribed the same way, which either directly breaks the Rule of Form or confirms it depending on your view of the Ancestors. Take for instance the Rune of Burning, which is a variant of the Rune of Fire, it has noticeable, albeit small, differences in its creation compared to the weapon variant. Runesmiths agree that this preserves the Rule of Form, as the Rune of Burning is technically a completely different if very similar in effect Rune to the Rune of Fire. Regular Ancestor Runes are all inscribed the same way, regardless of surface, equipment or any such nonsense. To some this breaks the Rule of Form, for others, read the generally foolish, this confirms the existence of an overarching branch of Runes.
Why this is the case is still debated and the source of many headaches, and will only lead you to run into logic twisting that hurts the mind. That or you chalk it up to the Ancestors being unknowable and beyond the average Dwarf, your mind is preserved and you can move on with your life.
Compared to that mess, the effects Ancestor Runes have are, while admittedly still odd, easier to work with and understand. Ancestor Runes tend to affect things under the purview of their namesake, though what they affect changes depending on the Rune. For Grungni, Valaya and Grimnir it's fairly intuitive.
Grungni as God of mining, metal and patriarch of the dwarfs covers a lot, but depending on what his Rune is put on it can affect the expression of the effect. On a building, it draws more on his portfolio over craftsmanship and smithing, on a weapon it depends on whether it has an edge/point vs a flat surface. Because Grungni uses Drongrundum in his war aspect and a pickaxe in his more mundane aspect. On armour it's a general defensive buff not too dissimilar to the Rune of Stone though arguably more focused. On Banners and Talismans that protective aspect is drawn to more physical threats because magical/esoteric shenanigans are far more in Thungni and Valaya's ballpark. In his other aspects the Rune of Grungni could equally provide a miner with a bit of luck in prospecting, not a truly large benefit, but noticeable/recordable to the Runesmiths at least. Of course, it doesn't make up for skill, as a less experienced miner may miss out on the signs the Rune uses.
Valaya is almost wholly defensive, her Runes on buildings improve a dwarf's recovery and the effect of other restorative and protective Runes that are within the building itself. As Patron of the hearth and motherhood, it also means fires don't run out as quickly, meals stay hot longer, crying babes easier to quell, etc. Combat wise course there's the anti-magic, which Dwarfs associate to her the most out of the other Ancestors. On armour, talismans and shields the effect is pretty self-explanatory. On weapons, the effects are less well recorded because Dwarfs don't tend to put her Rune on weapons, save for the Valkyrie Maidens and any effects there cant be separated from Valaya's Rune, the kind of personality such a position usually attracts or because they're women (They don't tend to say that last part in front of a shield maiden or Valkyrie Maiden on fear for their lives). Though dwarfs do note the members of the Valkyrie Maiden are more level-headed than other shield maidens, but again whose to say? However, Valaya's Rune also impacts Morale as Dwarfs fight hardest when its in defence of their home and families after all.
Grimnir, well...fighting good. Grimnir and Killing are so closely tied that his Rune is arguably a generic Rune of Killing. Weapons draw on his individual warrior aspect more, so a bunch of minor buffs towards the weapon and the warrior wielding them but it doesn't do as much for armour. On Banners its more his purview as a war leader, the effect expressing itself by improving the cohesion and skill of dwarfs fighting under it to some degree. Of course, there's also the effect on Morale. Second only to Valaya, the Rune of Grimnir does the most to keep warriors fighting and morale high. Grimnir the master of War understands the importance of Morale as well as He understands any of the other hundreds to thousands of intricacies that go into a war. In General, if it makes you a better fighter the Rune of Grimnir affects it.
Here's where it gets...foggier.
Gazul safeguards the dead and wields a flaming longsword. To that end his Rune only ever really goes on tombs or temples dedicated to him. A few theories suggest his Rune is useful against that which should be dead, or in keeping things dead. While the former can't be confirmed, the Grudge Rune and the Slaying Runes derived from them all share roots in Grimnir and Gazul's Rune equally. Talismans show no obvious effect, though the Clergy are usually the only ones commissioning that kind of thing, a drunken Longbeard will tell you the Runes let them enact his will in putting the war dead to rest, but as Dwarfs are innately resistant to magic and the cult of Gazul secretive no one but the Cult will ever really know frankly. So not much can be said on that front. However, oddly enough or perhaps not, his Rune shares very few, but unmistakeable roots with Runes of Disguise, Lightstep and other more Ranger-y Runes. As Gazul is patron of outcasts and Clanless dwarfs there's a bit of a connection, but then again those same Runes have just as many links to Grimnir's Rune. War and Death do go hand in hand though.
Smednir as the Shaper of Ore and crafter of great works. On talismans, it would make your work better or would it be the knowledge that you're bearing his Rune make you work better? Either way, the work improves. As a weapon Rune, the interpretation could be that it abhors lesser or shoddy craft. Aspects of the Master Rune of Breaking bear a few connections to Smednir's Rune. Armour Runes bear similarities in some way or another, but less so than Grungni which makes sense. Where Smednirs Rune is most obvious is when it's inscribed on a structure. Metalwork that leaves the building is better, edges are honed faster, plates fit together more easily, less metal is wasted, the forges burn hotter, more consistently and use just a tad less fuel. It's here that you have to disregard the placebo as a possible explanation.
Morgrim follows in that same vein. On buildings, war machines that leave a workshop bearing his Rune are better. Material is less likely to have imperfections, measurements are sharper and more precise, just little nudges and pushes that build into great things. On a siege engine, its a lot of minor buffs in that vein. Harder to break, better accuracy, other Runes that relate to his purview are improved. Not a lot of nuance here surprisingly.
Thungni is...complex and odd. The general trend of "things under their purview get better" that Ancestor Runes seem to follow breaks down here in a very fundamental way. Thungni as the Ancestor of Runesmiths should mean His Rune improves Runes and their effects. Yet it does not. Rather it seems to improve the craftsmanship of things. On weapons and armour, there has been a noted slowdown in terms of maintenance and degradation of the equipment itself and any Runes it bears. On structures, which is almost universally a Runesmith's workshop there has been a traceable improvement on the quality of goods leaving the shop in question, but again it could simply be because Runesmiths are a perfectionist sort and the Rune of Thungni is less seeni n the workshops of Journeymen and Younger Masters who may not have learned the Rune yet. What CAN be said, is that Thungni's Rune has connections and roots similar to the Runes of Spellbreaking and Spelleating, which makes sense as Thungni is the dwarf credited with discovering Runecraft. Though both his parents have a say in that as well.
NOTE: If you can think of more questions, feel free to put them up for me to add in here :^)
Aug. 15, 2021: Format changes.
Jul. 10, 2021: posted the Ancestor Rune quote wholesale instead of just hyperlinking to it.
Jul. 15, 2021: answered some questions regarding "Understand A Master Rune" and "Compress a Combo," and edited the EDIT LOG
Jul. 15, 2021: made a proper explanation for the Ancestor Runes.
Sep. 20, 2021: added Crossbow question clarification.
Nov. 30, 2021: added Rune trade question.
Dec. 08, 2021: added Standing Bonus question.
Dec. 10, 2021: added Rune Staff question.
Dec. 16, 2021: added Theme question
Jan. 07, 2022: added question about force-feeding animals greedy troll meat in some Skaven-ish plan to create sapient subspecies.
Jan. 15, 2022: added Rule of Pride narrative explanation.
Jan. 01, 2022: More FAQ.
Jan. 04, 2023: DiscordDump search tag notice added.
Oct. 23, 2024: more questions and spoilered for readability.
A board for potential omake ideas you may want to write about. Rewards for these bounties may or may not be higher than average, but I'll probably be more generous regardless. Moreover, the chance of them making it to canonicity is higher than otherwise at the very least, because It's stuff I don't have the time to cover in updates but want to anyway. Mostly to help people with generating ideas for omakes, and hopefully, get people participating. :^)
- Dolgiling sibling interaction
- Snerra interacting with her Beerguard
- Snerra or Fjolla interacting with their apprentices
- Dolgi interacting with the Brana or his family
- Former Apprentice interaction in general
- Brana and Dwarf interactions
- Life in the Far North and Kraka Drakk for the average Dwarf.
- Snorri working on Durazkul Recipes
- Life in the settlement around Snorri's workshop
- Hearthwarden interactions
- Negaverses
- Elven Adventurers/Settlers in the Far North
- The Adventures of Gimli and Laequalys.
Limited and/or One-offs:
- Special uses for any of the Odd Places items.
- Things other than a goat or pony a Dwarf would raise/grow as a hobby. (Better chances if it's something that's long-lived, can be worked on over successive generations. Plants and Crystals are on the table.)
- Miners, surveyors or rangers exploring the cave system beneath Kraka Drakk and finding odd/new places, species.
━<><><>< Omake Policy ><><><>━
You can make omakes, and here are how I categorize them:
You can write stories and snippets of the characters in the quest, either from your own mind or based off of the bounty list above, and I'll threadmark and then apply a Roll Bonus and Canonicity rating according. Now the bonuses themselves go from 5, 10 to 15 depending on canonicity and effort though more so the latter than the former. Note that effort is more important than canonicity, but in terms of equal effort, a canon omake would give a higher bonus as opposed to a non-canon one. Omakes bonuses will be applied once per item per turn, and be subject-based. So let's say someone makes an omake about the apprentices, specifically Fjolla. In that case, I'd add a bonus to Fjolla's roll that turn. If three people made Fjolla omakes, only one would get applied that turn, going by order of posting. If an omake has no applicable bonus, it'll get dumped to an RER roll.
Canonicity Rankings are as follows:
Non Canon: Not canon to the story. Semi Canon: Parts of the story are canon, but other major parts are not. Like you got the characterization right, but what they did isn't canon, stuff like that. Canon 'cept for a few bits: Literally canon except for a few niggling details that don't fit into the world. Arguably harder to get than Canon tbh. Canon: Fits with the story nicely, characterization and actions within the omake fit with the world, and can be worked into the story in some way. -???: For omakes set in the future or in the aftermath of a decision not yet made. AU: Alternate Universes Negaverse: Usually a faux quest written from the perspective of one of the characters from the quest.
Having a title for these omakes would also be appreciated.
Rune Submissions:
Aside from that, you can submit potential Rune ideas or even just names for Runes to me, and if I find them acceptable I will add them to the Public Rune List and categorize them accordingly. For Rune submissions that are close to being accepted but have a few parts that don't work I'll let the poster know, offer potential changes and if they accept them then I'll go ahead with adding the revised version to the list as well. Note that just because I accept a Rune does not necessarily mean Snorri will know it, sometimes it may exist and he just doesn't know it, or it may not exist yet and I may use it in a future Rune Trade. A few good rules of thumb when submitting a Rune are as follows:
- If its effect can't be explained in two lines or less it's probably not going to fly.
- Master Runes are generally more powerful and/or versatile than Regular Runes.
- For Master Runes, the stronger their effect the more likely I'll make it have a rarer ingredient.
- Battle Magic tier effects are generally the realm of Master Runes, and more mundane spells the realm of Regular Runes, but not always.
- I'm willing to add Regular Runes to both the future rewards or retroactively of your research trees if they fit with what's there, but they'll obviously be under far greater scrutiny.
Please format submissions as follows: Rune Name: Rune Effect.
Retainer Recruitment Pool:
Another way you could benefit from an omake is by adding to the retainer pool, wherein you could maybe make a story or description of potential recruits for the Retinue, and depending on the quality, canonicity and possibility of such a recruit existing I can add a proxy or a quest canon-compliant version of that recruit added to the potential recruit pool or even outright put them in the retinue! So let's say you made an omake about a Longbeard Miner who wanted to be part of Snorri's retinue, depending on the factors I listed earlier that omake could add either a nameless unit with the same skills and abilities of that omake, an approximation of that character being added to the general recruit pool, all the way to that actual character being stuck into the recruit pool or retinue outright.
For omakes based on retainers, the possible bonuses can go from a unit of the same class/ best approximation of that unit or character being added to the potential recruit pool all the way to that character being outright added to the retainers or the recruit pool. In the case where the Retinue is full, I may wait to add those characters, or if they can take the place of the nameless characters, I would switch them in. Having a character being put in wholesale would be incredibly rare, and more likely it'll be the unit type, skillset and general backstory similar to the character in the omake.
I reserve the right to refuse to give a bonus if I feel like people are inundating the thread with omakes to pad out the rolls or if they're trying to spam out a bunch or put in a bunch of characters into the recruit pool that doesn't fit with the quest and that I cant make fit. So please make omakes in good faith. Also, just to make it clear if your omake isn't accepted or your retainers aren't canon-compliant and you want them to be, feel free to ask me or someone familiar with Warhammer lore and this quest for help. :^)
Change Log:
Apr. 24, 20: On discussion with others, I realize that an omake with a good amount of effort, even non-canon, shouldn't be just a +5 because it's non-canon, so I'll remove the canonicity scoring and instead leave it up to my discretion.
Jun. 11, 20: Updated a few Canonicity ratings.
Sep. 14, 20: Added Retainer bonus.
Nov. 21, 20: Added Bounty Board and changed some formatting.
Dec. 03, 20: Added "???" omake suffix's definition
Jan. 07, 21: Added "Negaverse" prefix and general definition.
Feb 01, 22: Added Rune Submissions and changed format.
- Legend and myth is the work of the Smith ━<><><>< Creations of Note ><><><>━
━<><><>< Weapons ><><><>━
As long as your forearm, the Azrilwutroth handle is bound with rings of Adamant that sparkle with socketed sapphires, the wood itself carved with beautiful knotwork patterns. The grip is a fine cut of Shardwyrm skin, the natural crags and lines in the skin oriented to provide the greatest amount of grip. The tool's head is a piece of solid Adamant, on both of the hammer's sides are depictions of Smednir and Thungni carved in exquisite detail respectively, their eyes brilliant Amber and Sapphire accordingly, their beards silver and their Runes marked out on their helms. The rest of the head's surface is covered in knotwork. On the hammer's flat striking face the Master Rune of Conduction burns brightly. When being used the hammer's handle pulses with energy, travelling upwards until the head is covered in mystic teal-gold flames. When used as a weapon flame grows more golden, and when used as a tool the flames burn more teal. - Combo, Makerstrike +:[Master Rune of Conduction (Elder Magma Dragon's Blood), Rune of Smednir (Pure Gromril), Rune of Thungni (Adamant)] [The weapon sends blows that sunder armour and, if charged for long enough, can melt even Gromril, the user can strike the earth and either call forth a small crack in the earth that spews lava or send out a wave of mystic flame that burns their foes. The tool follows the bearer's will, guides their blows so that imperfections are removed entirely and their work endures for as long as possible. Runes struck with this hammer draw from the ambient magic of the world in its totality, lasting far longer and recharging more quickly than standard.] - Chaosbane
- Trollbane
- Touched by the Earth: It drinks deeply and greedily from the power that Barak Azamar releases. When used in conjunction with the armour, the weapon's abilities are greatly empowered, where the tool strikes with such heat and ferocity that no Forge is needed to heat the metal and tempers the item exactly as the wielder wishes. [Turn 44 Onwards] When the wielder strikes the earth with the hammer they can now choose to mold and shape the ground and rock in a radius around themselves. Notes:
- [Turn 45 Onwards] The handle has been replaced with a haft of pure Adamant decorated to emulate the original.
Troll Slayer:
A two-handed, single-bladed greataxe, it's head decorated to look like a falling meteor starting from the head and trailing into the buttspike, and stained Wutroth shaft decorated in swirling silver knotwork studded with sapphires and handle wrapped in Troll leather. A weapon fit for the greatest of kings, a weapon that has crowned and served one for well over a century, and his line forevermore.
-Combo, Meteorfall: [Master Rune of Conduction, Rune of Might, Rune of Impact]: Its blows fall like Comets into the earth, sundering all in its way.
-Trollbane: Made by Snorri Gift Giver, this weapon holds a part of that most Legendary Runelord's terrifying aura, sending chills down the spine of things too dumb to feel it otherwise and cutting through them all the faster.
Dragon's Spite
An intricately carved bolt thrower bolt, the dragonbone shaft is engraved to appear like a Wyrm's breath. Reinforced with a core of Pure Gromril, and capped off with an adamant bolt head, the tip glowing like a dragon's breath from the Runes engraved on it.
-[Master Rune of Currents+, Rune of Frost +, Rune of Grudges (Empty)]
━<><><>< Armour ><><><>━
Barak Azamar
More than a suit of armour, it is the greatest thing you have made and likely will make for centuries to come. Layers of silvery-white plate that shine like snowbanks in high noon overtop the craggy stone underlayer of Haruzrildrakk's hide and glimmering shirt of Gromril Chain in between. The fine angular knotwork and use of material evoking the image of a snow-capped mountain, ageless and unbreakable before time and nature. The Wyrm Hide undersuit thrums, the cracks and crevices between the stonelike plates which had lain inert now live once more, lines of dull light pulse teal, the waves travelling outwards from the chest plate, perfectly in tune with your heartbeat.
-Combo, Mountainsouled +: [Master Rune of Unyielding (The Greedy One's Heart), Rune of Fortitude, Rune of Stone] User is tireless and unbreakable. The Runes can be activated, turning their skin and body to into something akin to a living statue or Gronti; their skin takes on a stonelike appearance and is as tough as Gromril, their bones Adamant, and their blood magma and molten metal. They become as durable as a Gromril statue, with naught but the most terrible blows enough to wound them before their molten blood flows over and restores the injury to pristine condition. At this point, it's more accurate to treat the combatant like a Gronti than a regular Dwarf, an unbreakable bulwark that must be answered lest it wreak havoc amongst the enemy or a powerful entity capable of facing the strongest foes the enemy can bring to bear. An odd ability to consume rocks and ore.
-Conduit of the Earth: ??? The Oldest Magics, nai the Oldest Forces on the planet fill the armour, pulled forth by the heart of something that could never be satiated. The eternal energy of the ageless living earth flows like water through a channel carved in the stone and into the wearer.
-- Items and Runes made while wearing Barak Azamar will instinctively draw from the deep magic of the earth as easily as they do the winds, improving their longevity.
-- Arcane Fulcrums in range of Barak Azamar last longer and are more potent than they otherwise would be. Being better able to draw upon the wealth of energy below the earth as well as above for both good and ill.
-- [Turn 44 Onwards] [With Skarrenbakraz]The user can create an earthen shadow of themselves, seams of magma fill the multitude of crevices and cracks that cover its surface while a pair of Ruby eyes glow with magical light. The construct is capable of following orders and is inert unless commanded. The only times it moves of its own accord are when it is in battle, shielding the wearer from blows, covering its blindspot and essentially acting as an, admittedly slow and unwieldy, extension of their will. The construct, if given enough energy and time, is capable of altering its size or regenerating from the surrounding earth and rock should it be destroyed.
A set of Pure Gromril armour so massive that an entire Clan could equip themselves with Gromril weapons from the amount of metal used. Each individual plate is enough to beggar any but the eldest and richest dwarfs of a Hold, fitted to provide maximum mobility as well as protection. On their surface, intricate reliefs of historic events and titanic battles foundational to the Branakroki are inscribed with breathtaking detail. Emblazoned across the chest plate, the largest relief depicts the death of dread Kholek Suneater, eldest born of Krakanrok the Black. His mighty horns adorn the suit's helm, serving the bearer instead of their original owner. Beneath the intricately detailed set of heavy metal, an underlayer of crackling leather connects the joints and sparks with bolts of lightning. When worn by the King of the Skies, the tempestuous winds blow strong enough to deflect projectiles and can grow to cover armies, the lightning bolts and hale become an unending torrent of death and power.
-Combo, Stormfront +: [Master Rune of Blizzards, Rune of Lightning, Rune of Grungni.]The bearer is enshrouded in all-concealing layers of swirling, tempestuous winds that automatically, or on command, spit out bolts of lightning and shards of frost as thick as a dwarf's arm.
-Fear: Dragon Ogre Shaggoths
-Terror: Dragon Ogres
The armour gleams brilliant silver. Etched so that the plate evokes the image of a dragon with decorative scales and horns made of Silver overtop the Adamant armour. Within each scale, written with incredible detail, are the names and deeds of the Lords of Clan Ironarm from their founding millennia ago. A living reminder of the proud lineage the Bearer carries on. Many of the scales lie empty, ready to receive new deeds as and names as the armour will doubtlessly be passed down for generations to come. The Runes on it glow a brilliant teal, and if one looks closely enough, a shimmering field of energy extends just a hair's breadth away from the bearer, enveloping them entirely. -[Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Sanctuary]
The armour of the Heir of Kraka Drakk, this pure Gromril armour glimmers brilliantly, outshined only by its Kingly companion. Decorated in much the same fashion, with Dragonbone scales meant to be etched with the names of the heirs of Clan Ironarm and their deeds done before taking up the Crown of Kraka Drakk. The Runes on its surface glow fiercely, protecting the bearer from harm.
-[Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Valaya]
━<><><>< Banners ><><><>━
A hooded cloak formed out of a Shaggoth's hide, attached to your armour by a large piece of Adamant. The plate is made of three distinct segments, stylistic clouds frame the individual Runes carved onto each of them, the Runes of Fury and Lightning border the Master Rune of Grungni glowing brightly in the center. The outside of the leather cloak is dyed crimson, edged with the finest Brana Down. A scale mail sheet made up of thumb sized Adamant Scales is layered overtop the leather, intricate depictions of Dawi, and Branakroki going about their lives is carved with painstaking detail onto each and every stone. Creating a mosaic of images that some swear move and act as if they were alive; Gemstone eyes flashing as if blinking, clouds moving like they were real, figures walking from one scale to the next. Nonsense really.
- Combo, Storm Mantle +/Tempestuous Domain: [Master Rune of Grungni (Oathgold), Rune of Lightning (The Suneater's Brain), Rune of Fury (The Sky King's Crest Feather)] The user is surrounded by a mass of hurricane-force winds and blackened thunderheads. Lightning bolts frequently shoot out from the formation to destroy projectiles and strike at nearby foes. The user is able to control all aspects of the mantle with their mind. Being capable of molding the roiling storm around them like a Master Potter does clay, creating ephemeral fog or clouds so thick that they are practically solid. Their mastery of Lightning is just as precise, having such fine control that they can control the output and form of the lightning striking their foes should they choose to.
- Chaosbane
- Trollbane
- Soul of the Earth
- Touched by the Earth: [With Barak Azamar] the banner's abilities are greatly empowered and can be cast even more frequently. Barak Azamar's earthen construct is similarly affected, becoming an amalgamation of black, rumbling thunderheads, rock and metal with molten metal eyes and weapons seemingly crafted from lightning and fire. The upgraded construct is capable of a whole host of abilities and can better follow the user's orders. When not being commanded, it will follow the user, acting as a second shadow that mimics their every move. This shadow shares all the benefits of the user's current equipment. - Fulcrum Forged, Storm Born: ??? Created at a confluence of the First Storm of Magic, upon an Arcane Fulcrum, and while wielding Barak Azamar, the item positively thrums with an incalculable level of power. That there are consequences to this is almost certainly undeniable, but what they fully are remains to be seen.
Silver Wyrm Banner
A great banner of Wyrmhide upon a pole of Silver Wutroth which itself is strengthened by Pure Gromril. Etched into the dragon hide banner is a grand saga retelling the death of the Great Icewyrn, posthumously named Skozulladrakk, the Frozen Death, at the hands of Otrek Ironarm, King of Kraka Drakk and the King of the Skies, Lord of Griffons. The banner shimmers with energy, almost like a layer of crystal clear ice overtop the hide itself. -Combo, Ancestral Aegis: [Master Rune of Grungni, Rune of Valaya, Rune of Spellbreaking] [Magic cast at the formation bearing this banner will be diffused, broken down and used to power a swirling field of Runic energy and wind that can withstand even the most ruinous of blows from sources mundane and magical, and burns the daemonic.] -Trollbane
Drake's Mantle
One of a set of cloaks made by Snorri Gift Giver for the Heir of Kraka Drakk. A pure white piece of dragon hide taken from an Elder Icewyrm. The cloak emanates a chilling Aura even when not active, crystals of frost forming at its Gromril plated edges. The crystals it forms growing densest around the Runes inscribed on its center. -Combo, Hailmantle +: [Rune of Frost, Rune of Parrying, Rune of Sanctuary] Quenched in the blood of an Elderwyrm this cloak creates a whirling blizzard of ice around the bearer and their companions. The frozen winds it generates blow fiercely, slowing enemies and outright freezing lesser foes, all while it protects the bearer and their allies with the ferocity of a blizzard in deepest winter. -Trollbane
Wyrm's Hide
One of a set of cloaks made by Snorri Gift Giver for the King of Kraka Drakk. The white of the hide is stained in soot. Greying it slightly, making the leather look older and giving the craggy piece of hide the appearance of stone. It emanates a minor aura of heat even when not active, some claim they see embers spark off of its surface or even a small tongue of flame.
-Combo, Pyrestrike: [Rune of Grimnir, Rune of Burning, Rune of Impact] When activated, a swirling sphere of fire and heated air creates a protective layer around the bearer and their allies. Detonating in an explosion of energy and flame on command, or when hit with sufficient force. -Trollbane
━<><><>< Talismans ><><><>━
An articulated piece of jewelry/arm brace meant to go over a dwarf's bare or armoured arm without impeding movement. The three Adamant plates, connected by rods and links of Gromril chain, bear the Runes of Worldly Warding, Thungni and the Master Rune of Purification. Surge Protector [Master Rune of Purification [T4 Voidstone], Rune of Worldly Warding [T4 Ancient Stone Troll Blood], Ancestor Rune of Thungni [T4 Adamant].]
— By the Hammer of Thungni: Made with Karaz-Kazak-Rhun, the weapon can recharge with Deep Magic and its Runes are almost immune to passive wear and tear and are very resistant to mundane and magical sabotage..
— Touched by the Storm: [With Skarrenbakraz] the wearer can concentrate and channel the volcanic ash storm through the Adamant plates, or convert ambient Aqshy and Chamon into yet more ash.
— Touched by the Earth: [With Barak Azamar] the wearer can direct Deep Magic collected by the item into whatever Rune they physically touch, recharging it four times faster.
— Echoes of the Anvil: Aqshy, Chamon and Hysh are more easily drawn to this item than what would be usual.
— Soul of the Earth
— Trollbane
— Chaosbane
Wyrmheart Amulet
A large round Hearthstone is embedded on a Dragon's bone. Attached on either side of the central piece are two Dragon's claws engraved with Pure Gromril filigree, the broach is held by a sturdy silver chain. Staring at the gem is said to remind the looker of fond memories and feelings of home.
-Combo, Hearthward: [Rune of Valaya, Rune of Warding, Rune of Furnace] The central stone is engraved with this Runic combo, emanating an aura of warmth and invigorating the bearer. Strengthening and fortifying their vitality and warding away disease and sickness. -Trollbane
Rik Hunken
The wyrmhide belt is tastefully decorated with materials native and unique to Kraka Drakk. Three plates of Adamant, each bearing a Rune bordered in silver knotwork studded with Sapphire, serve as it's buckle. Segmented plates of Pure Gromril cover the wyrmhide, on each individual plate scenes of life, people and events of importance to Kraka Drakk are faithfully rendered in the metal with the help of fine silver and a multitude of incredibly small gems. Tiny, precisely cut Hearthstones, Dronril and Sapphires serve either as sources of light or the eyes of Dawi and Brana etched masterfully in the Pure Gromril. Ancestor badges of Clan Ironarm and depictions of Grimnir Himself are present on the pouches, flask and axe holsters that purposefully break up the belt's otherwise uniform surface. - Combo, Relentless Pursuit +: [Master Rune of Wandering, Rune of Impact (Stonehorn's Horn), Rune of Grimnir (Grimnirzan)] The user can run at incredible speeds and jump the height of three average dwarfs with ease. Running towards the enemy further improves the user's speed and instills fear in both the target and enemies in their way, lowering their resolve and readiness while possibly routing the weakest willed among them. The user's first blow at the end of their charge deals a far greater amount of damage and will have a high chance of landing somewhere vital. - Soul of the Earth
- Trollbane
- Chaosbane
The ring is a band of Adamant, the metal carved to look like it was carved from four wires forge welded together, with the ends coming together to serve as the prongs for the center and housing accent stones of the ring. The metal is engraved with a beautiful panoramic rendition of the Dining Hall of Clan Winterhearth, accented by numerous tiny gems and carved with such fine detail that only the wearer would ever be able to make out the detail. A Hearthstone the size of a thumbnail serves as the ring's center stone, while two sets of three smaller rubies serve as accent stones. The Master Rune of Spite burns fiercely on the Hearthstone, while the Runes of Spellturning and Gazul's Flame have been carved onto the two biggest rubies that make up the accent stones. It gives off a warm glow and pleasant heat.
- Combo, Guardian's Rebuke+: [Master Rune of Spite (Elder Stonehorn Eye), Rune of Spellturning (Ancient Stone Troll's Blood), Rune of Gazul's Flame (Elder Magma Wyrm's Blood)]: Mundane and Magical damage the wearer suffers is returned at twice the strength, casters and magical beings also have chance of their body being set alight with Aqshy-infused flames. In a small area around the user, casters and magical entities have a higher miscast chance. - Touched by the Earth: [With Barak Azamar] The grooves on the ring glow with the same light as the armour, while the Hearthstone begins pulsing on the same frequency as the armour. - Touched by the Storm: [With Skarrenbakraz] the Hearthstone in the center stone literally burns with excess Aqshy, emitting specks of ash. - Echoes of the Anvil: Aqshy, Chamon and Hysh are more easily drawn to this item than what would be usual. - Soul of the Earth
- Trollbane: Trolls instinctively fear this work, the phantom sensation of flame and smell of cooked flesh hits those within melee range of the wearer. - Chaosbane: The Hysh around the ring is repugnant to entities of disorder.
Mizpal Zharr
The ring's body is made of pure Adamant, half of the width is a field of black fire made from miniscule obsidian shards, contrasted by the gold background opposite to it. The gold's surface was carved into the image of a cavern with a cave opening in the distance that rays of light emerge from, illuminating the terrain. By speaking the word "Zharr," the ring activates, creating an area around the chosen target that will either protect or enchain them in a magical shell, while setting any magical entity or construct, especially the undead, around them alight with Hysh infused fire. Burning both their bodies and the magic that animates them.
-- Combo, Underworld Flame [Master Rune of Expurgation, Rune of Gazul, Rune of Gazul's Flame] Upon activation the user selects themselves, an ally or enemy as the target. If friendly they are protected by a shell of Hysh infused flames that absorb a set amount of magic. If an enemy they are immobilized by burning chains. In either case enemies, especially Undead, in a radius around the target are caught alight by heatless flames that burn both their corporeal form and/or the magic that maintains them. The flames continue to burn even after the enemy has left the radius, and can only be snuffed out by dispelling them. Especially effective against the undead.
-- Touched by the Earth
-- Touched by the Storm
-- Echoes of the Anvil: Aqshy, Chamon and Hysh especially are more easily drawn to this item than what would be usual.
-- Soul of the Earth
-- Trollbane: Trolls instinctively fear this work, the phantom sensation of flame and smell of cooked flesh hits those within melee range of the wearer.
-- Chaosbane: The Hysh around the ring is repugnant to entities of disorder.
━<><><>< Warmachines ><><><>━
The Reckoner
A larger than standard Bolt Thrower that weighs slightly less than most would reckon. Constructed from Pure Gromril and the signature Silver Wutroth of Kraka Drakk, the weapon is decorated in the hold's slightly less famous silver and sapphire filigree. The weapon itself is modelled to look like the great Ice Wyrm the hold was named for; the arms carved into the shape of silvery wings, the beast's snarling mouth engraved at the end of the groove where the bolt is placed. Despite its shining appearance, the potent rune array inscribed on it ensures the weapon remains concealed and makes its first shot hit with the strength of a thunderbolt.
-Combo, Rangerstrike: [Master Rune of Disguise, Rune of Penetrating, Rune of Accuracy]
The Retaliator
A bolt thrower built to act as a companion for The Reckoner. The siege engine is also shaped like a Snarling Icewyrm, though made specifically to appear like Skozulladrakk, the Frozen Death, the dread Wyrm slain by Otrek Ironarm, King of Kraka Drakk and the King of the Skies.
-[Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Penetrating, Rune of Grudges (Dragon Ogres)]
The Miner
A twelve-meter tall Gronti of stone. Made in the image of a dwarf miner, its form is incredibly detailed down to the links in its chain shirt. It wields a titanic Gromril headed pickaxe, the Silver Wutroth shaft held in both hands. Used to clear the Underway path of Kraka Drakk, and if called, a weapon of war.
-[Master Rune of Waking, Rune of Speed, Rune of Burning]
The Maiden
A massive fifteen-meter tall depiction of Valaya the Shield Maiden as she may have looked in her youth. The protector of the Dwarf race, a tireless guardian to face the darkness. Her Gromril armour moves and shifts with startling accuracy, and the giant moves with almost natural ease from the flexing of stone muscles to the waving of her Gold plaits. Her Hearthstone eyes stare out, vigilantly looking for threats.
- [Master Rune of Waking, Rune of Valaya, Rune of Warding]
- Soul of the Earth
- Trollbane
- Chaosbane
- Mind for Constructs
- Equipment:
-- Gromril Armour A suit of plate fit for a queen, writ large.
--- [Rune of Warding, Rune of Iron, Rune of Preservation]
-- Gromril Shield A great Round slab of Gromril, rimmed with Gold and bearing Hearthstones across its form.
--- [Rune of Valaya, Rune of Iron, Rune of Warding]
-- Gromril War Axe Its haft as long as the arm of a Grudgethrower, its blade as large as a Clanhall's doors.
--- [Rune of Fire, Rune of Parrying, Rune of Might]
━<><><>< Devices><><><>━
The Iron Arm
Despite its name, the arm's structure is actually made entirely of Adamant, decorated with bands of Pure Gromril with a Hearthstone cut to resemble the Sigil of Clan Stonehammer embedded into its shoulder. Four smaller Hearthstones carved into the emblem of Clan Ironarm, the personal sigils of the Princess, her deceased Husband and Karak Ungor are inset around the larger stone in an "x" shape pattern. Amid the very understated knotwork, the saga of Kolzharradrakk's death, the names of every woman of Clan Ironarm, and the lineage of her Clan is written in exacting detail in a style reminiscent of Wyrmguard and Drakeplate. Its hammer blows strike with enough force to easily break through thirty centimetres of steel, and can casually
handle glowing hot metal fresh out of the forge without the user suffering any discomfort.
- [Master Rune of Waking (Ancient Troll's Heart), Rune of Forged Limb, Rune of Stone]
- Soul of the Earth
- Trollbane
- Chaosbane
- Mind for Constructs
The Steelshanks
Two lifelike Adamant legs, bound with bands of Pure Gromril. The left leg is the shorter of the two, a Hearthstone with the Rune of Warding is set into the knee while two smaller Hearthstones marked with the emblem of Clan Ironarm and Stonehammer each sit in the shins. The right leg reaches up to the thigh made in the same style but with a Rune of Vitality on the knee, a second Hearthstone that bears the Rune of Fortitude is embedded on the outside of the thigh, close to the hip. Together they greatly enhance the user's endurance, and toughness. The wearer will feel each limb warming them in even the bitterest winter cold and strengthening their resolve.
- Left Leg: [Rune of Forged Limb, Rune of Warding, Rune of the Valiant]
- Right Leg: [Rune of Forged Limb, Rune of Vitality, Rune of Fortitude]
- Soul of the Earth
- Trollbane
- Chaosbane
- Mind for Constructs
━<><><>< Buildings ><><><>━
The Gates of Kraka Drakk
A set of giant Gromril plated doors. Runes made to ward off the terrors of the North burning brightly on its surface. It stands behind a less impressive door of granite and Wutroth and behind it, the Murderous Labyrinth of Kraka Drakk awaits any foe that somehow breaks through this unyielding monument of Dwarfen defensive mentality and spite.
-Combo, Daemonward: [Master Rune of Valaya, Rune of Sanctuary, Rune of Determination.]
A sprawling complex designed by the mind of Snorri Gift Giver and brought into the fullness of its potential with the vision of the North's eldest Runelord, decades of labour from the greatest artisans of Kraka Drakk, and the former's preposterous wealth. Defended by a curtain wall thirty meters tall and five meters thick, where six large towers rise up from the battlements like the prongs of a crown, the outdoor portion of the building is a multi story hall that serves as both fortress and marketplace, topped by a final seventh tower above an appropriately grandiose front door. Inside lies the Grozurbaz, and the entrance to Khazagar proper, a visitor wishing to go deeper inside must walk through a long vaulted chamber lined on either side by shops, balconies and the towering pillars that support the metric tons of metal, stone and wood the building is composed of. The entire length of the hall is lit by a set of seven massive chandeliers made from crystal and rare gems that, alongside an innumerable number of quartz and gold Rune lamps, bathe the area in a warm inviting light.
-- Grozurbaz: Built into the Central Keep of Khazagar's outside portion, the Grozurbaz is a massive marketplace that fills half of the keep's interior with numerous shops and warehouses. Stocked by merchants with goods regular and esoteric, it is the most mundane of Khazagar's seven halls. Nevertheless, the physical shops that line the path to the inner door are minor miracles to the common Dwarf. Not only are they heated, ventilated, lit and cleaned by Runes, each shop is connected by tunnels and stairs to a personal storage space beneath the keep and to the rest of Khazagar. On the same level as these warehouses, an expansive open space is both filled and constantly busy ferrying goods between the outside world and the other parts of Khazagar through the use of an expansive service tunnel system.
-- Karaz-Irkul:The underground part of Khazagar is by far the lion's share of its total square footage; past the entry hall door lies the Karaz-Irkul, or Grand Gallery, a glamorous and astounding display of both mundane and Runic craftsmanship. Like the proverbial axle upon which the wheel of Khazagar spins, this central hall serves as the main thoroughfare for all the other halls, connecting the individual parts of both the southern "domestic" and northern "working" halves of the complex to each other. For that same reason, at each corner of the octagon are alternating sets of stairs inscribed with Strollaz Runes and Rune-powered lifting devices that can ferry three dozen Dawi up and down the many levels of Khazagar for public use. Each one of the branching halls that connects to each face of the octagon is a multi-tiered and specialized structure dedicated to meeting the needs of its residents. The roof of the Grand Gallery is a black hemisphere of Obsidian, further darkned through the use of Light manipulating Runes to create an utter void of blackness. Complementing this oddity, several crystal lights hang from the ceiling upon lengths of Gromril chain so thin as to be almost invisible, creating the image of a astronomically accurate night sky (as seen from the direction one is facing) on the roof's surface. The center of the Grand Gallery floor has an octagonal hole surrounded by a railing, and when one looks down they will see the other levels beneath as well as yet more crystal lights, also seen against an obsidian black field created from tiles of the volcanic glass that pave an octagon on the bottom-most floor.
-- Kazaki-Khaz: The southwestern hall isn't a singular structure, but rather an interconnected series of barracks, cafeterias, armories and store rooms that feed into a main arterial vaulted hallway that is used by the Huskarls and Winterhearth warriors that defend Khazagar. They are similarly connected to the outdoors and other parts of the complex by secret passages that allow for rapid movement to and from the Kazaki-Khaz. The stoic visage of Grimnir the Valiant, as well as his Rune are a common sight to those who walk these halls. The Great Armory at the center of everything stores the most potent of the innumerable pieces of Runecraft ready to be wielded in Khazagar and the Hold's defence. The most utilitarian in look and purpose, the doors connecting this realm of war to the Grand Gallery generally remain shut save for special occasions or times of emergency. While food is carted in from the Trogg-Khaz through service tunnels to the dining areas.
-- Trogg-Khaz: The southern feasting hall of Khazagar is the heart of the domestic half of the institution. A hexagonal chamber connected to the south face of the central octagon and to both the Tiwar-Khazal and Kazaki-Khaz, with several other hallways that branch off into several smaller, more private, dining rooms. At the far end of the hearth lined chamber is the kitchen where a group of Dwarf chefs and workers toil to feed the multitudes that walk, live, learn and work within the walls of Klausson's grand endeavour. Runes that enhance the sense of comfort and peace in this place are common, and understandably both the image and Rune of Valaya is prevalent throughout. Everburning stoves and ovens, Runic platters embedded with Hearthstones ensure that the food they receive will remain as hot as is practically possible, while barrels kept chilled in rooms lined with Glacial Granite and Runes of Cold can be delivered by huffing apprentices at a moments notice, ensuring that the ale and food flow with as little impact as possible.
-- Tiwar-Khaz: The southeastern hall, like the Kazaki-khaz, is actually multiple interconnected structures. Two separate "wings" of dormitories connected to a singular grand avenue that connects it to the rest of Khazagar. Multiple stories of dorms and small public spaces are stacked atop each other like a honeycomb, the floor of the upper levels have long open gaps along their middle, turning paths into balconies that let onlookers see the intricate and beautiful aesthetics of the ground floor's avenue walkways, public squares and decorations from above. The path that connects it to the Trogg-Khaz are flanked by statues of Valaya and waft in the scent of freshly cooked meals into the hall. A level below the dorms is a medical "room" well stocked with plenty of beds, herbal poultices and other healing tools for use by the Healers Guild and members of the Cult of Valaya. In here a massive Hearthstone, carved into a mural of Valaya the Healer, bears the Master Rune of Triage
--- [Master Rune of Triage (Ancient Troll's Heart)] Occupants in a room have their survival greatly prolonged; wounds do not fester, bleeding slows to a trickle, and the spread of poison is frozen while the vitality and willpower of the patients are improved.
-- Ror-khaz: The northerwestern hall is a branching structure that terminates into doors which lead to small auditoriums or plazas where Dawi may discuss, argue or even brawl over the art of Runecraft. For particularly busy debates/arguments, the farthest end of the Hall houses seven especially large areas where large crowds may gather and witness debates between particularly brave or angry colleagues. There are no Runes that would enforce an altered state of mental acuity here, ensuring that the purest expression of a Dwarf's thoughts and knowledge reveal themselves, however there are numerous Runes that are meant to induce faster recovery, spots for rest and refreshment, and most tellingly another, smaller, infirmary run by the Cult of Valaya and Healers Guild capable of dealing with more types of injury than one would expect they would need to handle.
--Grungnaz-Khaz: The northrnmost hall is another split space, one half created to serve the creative endeavours of the Runesmiths, and where Master Runesmiths may teach their lore to those they deem worthy while the other is built for the errant Smith . Despite the constant hum of temperature regulating Runes, the heat of hundreds of forges and many more fires lays heavy in the air, like a particularly thick blanket. While Runesmiths are required to bring their own personal tools and reagents themselves, the dozens of spacious halls, all rated to handle the negative feedback of improper Master Rune crafting, are filled with empty forges and supplied with material from the Grozurbaz ensure that they can create with a level of consistency that ensures their learning is not impeded by material limitations. A Master Runesmith can, in theory, comfortably teach dozens of others their lore should they so choose.
---- [Master Rune of Thungni's Brilliance] Runesmiths in a room or structure find their intuition and comprehension when striking Runes temporarily flaring, sometimes forgoing the need to use all but the most powerful and rare (T5) reagents.
---- [Master Rune of Smednir's Bounty] Refining metals in a room or structure becomes incredibly, sometimes supernaturally, efficient, leading to their average output increasing by a noticeable degree.
-- Kron-Thindrongol: The smallest part of Khazagar and yet its second most securely defended just behind the Gift Giver's private residence, the Kron-Thindrongol is Khazagar's library and hall of records. The total number of levels the library possesses is a mystery to all but Klausson and the Winterhearth Runescribes that maintain its collection, and the obsessive level of mundane and Runic protections in place help ensure that remains the case. To the public, only seven levels are known to exist with any level of certainty, each deeper within the other, and each more heavily guarded to boot. Despite the perfectly understandable level of paranoia and security, the first few levels of the library are, paradoxically, rather pleasant to stay in; possessing reading areas, desks and tables placed at set intervals and private rooms for individual research are scattered throughout. Hundreds of books about magical phenomena, reagents and other esoterica, and many times that number in proper record keeping are stored away within its numerous, and some say numberless, shelves.
-- The Runelord's Workshop: The eastern "hall" colloquially known as the Runelord's Haunt, Klausson's Workshop remains largely unchanged, with the only notable addition being the massive door having been put in place to block out the sound and give the Gift Giver some privacy from the rest of his creation. Unknown to the public, several secret tunnels have been installed that crisscross their way through the stone that allow the Runelord to reach almost any part of Khazagar entirely without notice. These paths are protected by Runes and mundane engineering to prevent intrusion from strangers and all converge on a single, well guarded, hallway before actually connecting to the Runelord's residence.
The entirety of Khazagar is protected by an innumerable number of straightforward and esoteric wards, each of the Halls can, in the event of possible capture or some other emergency, be sealed off from the rest of Khazagar. Even the Grand Gallery can theoretically be sealed off, slowing but not completely halting those within Khazagar from reaching anywhere else in the complex eventually. Alchemical flame spitters, bolt throwers, booby traps and crushing walls lie silent, but ready to be activated at a moment's notice, by the defenders, turning the beauty and splendour of a place ostensibly dedicated to learning to the terrible pursuit of battle. Save for Kraka Drakk and Aerie atop the mountain's summit, there is arguably no other place in the valley the Hold is situated in that is safer than Khazagar.
- Touched by the Earth: When Barak Azamar physically remains within Khazagar, the range of the armour's energy aura is expanded to encompass the entirety of its grounds as is its ability to impart Deep Magic charging is also spread to any Rune made.
- Touched by the Storm: When Snorri wears Skarrenbakraz and remains within Khazagar, the range of the cloak's storm can be expanded to encompass the entirety of Khazagar's grounds if it is within Snorri's line of sight.
- Echoes of the Anvil: Hysh, Aqshy and Chamon are drawn to this place, visible only to those with windsight.
- Nexus of the Earth: As the result of both Barak Azamar and the innumerable Runes of Siphoning present dredging up so much Deep Magic, all Runes within Khazagar glow with a warm, soft golden light rather than their usual teal glow. While this effect is temporary for Runes made outside of Khazagar, any Rune created within will have this visual effect permanently.
- Soul of the Earth: The metalwork present is some of the finest in the Karaz Ankor, metalwork created has improved quality.
- Trollbane: Trolls fear this place, yet Greedy Trolls paradoxically wish to invade and destroy it.
- Chaosbane: Hysh congregates around the physical structure, making it unpleasant for Beastmen to be near and outright painful for Daemons.
- a Dwarf's hoard is not his honour certainly, but its almost as important to some. ━<><><>< The Vault ><><><>━
Gear and Equipment
Snorri's personal equipment and gear he uses.
[Weapon] Karaz-Kazak-Rhun. [2 Combos, Rune of Flamecraft, Rune of Breaking, Master Rune of Precision,Thungni's Master Rune of Grounding, Master Rune of Craftsmanship, Rune of Forgecraft, Rune of Metalcraft] [abilities]
General Turn:
- -1 total cost to all [Simple] Research options, or -2 total cost for Metal [Simple] Research options under "Material Research."
- Rune items made by this hammer can draw on Deep Magic.
- If the wielder works on [Difficult] Requests with this hammer, they can only be fulfilled with Legendary Creations.
- Runes created by this hammer are almost entirely immune to passive wear and tear and are very resistant to mundane and magical sabotage.
- All Rune items near this item have increased recharge rate.
- All Rune items near this item are vastly resistant to enemy magic or tampering.
- +1general action If the wielder does not personally go on an [Expedition] or campaign that turn - +3 Progress to any [Simple] Crafting option, or +2 Progress to Pt. 2 of any [Difficult] Request option, that the wielder puts atleast 1 general action towards.
- +2Standing with the Runesmiths Guild [NULL]
- -4 Standing with all Karaz Ankor and Dwarfs + other consequences if Karaz-Kazak-Rhun is ever lost.
- Can negate an equipment ability for one Round every Round. [LOCKED]
- All Enemy Spells will suffer -25 automatically
- Wielder can negate one Loss every 2 rounds in combat. [LOCKED]
- Ties now count as Wins in combat. [LOCKED]
- deal 1 damage to equipment regardless, roll DC 20, 30, 35 to add 1 damage depending on item quality. [LOCKED]
- deal 1 damage to equipment regardless, +1 damage to item damage roll. [LOCKED]
- +20 vs Daemons, Magical Entities and Elemetals. [LOCKED]
- Double all active Combat Rolls bonuses gained from a Grudge. [LOCKED]
-- The weapon has 2 Combos. The Runes are so entwined that you cannot determine which effects come from which Runes. Only revealed and unstruck mechanical effects are active.
--- The hammer absorbs the Winds of Magic around it, both passively from the environment and by striking something, including manifestations of magic or the magic within an object, bypassing the vessel if they so choose.
—— Can negate an equipment ability for one Round every Round,
—— All Enemy Spells will suffer -25 automatically
--- The hammer eventually converts any Winds it absorbs into Deep Magic that the wielder can use to either empower the hammer or channel into other objects, creatures or Runes with another strike.
—— Rune items made by this hammer can draw on Deep Magic.
—— Runes created by this hammer are almost entirely immune to passive wear and tear and are very resistant to mundane and magical sabotage.
--- The hammer gives its wielder near total control of the kinetic and thermal energy around the surface it strikes and the energy from the strike itself. Letting them manipulate the physical deformation of the blow and the nearby heat within the object.
—— deal 1 damage to equipment regardless, roll DC 20, 30, 35 to add 1 damage depending on item quality
--- The wielder gains more knowledge of their creations' physical construction and other mundane properties, including its flaws, as they continue to strike it. When striking the work of others the former effect is weaker, and the latter stronger.
—— deal 1 damage to equipment regardless, +1 damage to item damage roll.
—— -1 total cost to all [Simple] Research options, or -2 total cost for Metal [Simple] Research options under "Material Research."
--- The wielder receives faint visions of a work's final form and possible futures when striking with the hammer as they make it.
--- The wielder's strikes can never fumble. They can only be dodged, get blocked or hit exactly as they intend. Effects that change the wielder's accuracy are almost completely negated.
—— Snorri can negate one Loss every 2 rounds in combat.
—— Ties now count as Wins in combat.
--- The wielder has vastly increased speed, awareness and endurance when in an area they subconsciously claim as their Workshop or Forge.
—— +1general action If the wielder does not personally go on an [Expedition] or campaign that turn
—— +3 Progress to any [Simple] Crafting option, or +2 Progress to Pt. 2 of any [Difficult] Request option, that the wielder puts atleast 1 general action towards.
-- Ancestor's Touch: Created by Thungni Grungnisson, Ancestor of all Runesmiths, this weapon was designed with His wisdom, built by His hand, and wielded longer than recorded history. It is as much a part of Him as any of His limbs. Metaphorically, of course.
-- Ancestral Artefact: Crafted by Thungni. This weapon is of immense material and cultural Value to both the Karaz Ankor and the Runesmiths Guild especially. Great is the honour to wield it, greater still is the responsibility that comes with it.
—— +2Standing with the Runesmiths Guild [NULL]
—— -4 Standing with all Karaz Ankor and Dwarfs + other consequences if Karaz-Kazak-Rhun is ever lost.
-- Barak-Ungor: Built with the knowledge plucked from the Glittering Realm, despite His talent, Thungni has made few things as mighty as His personal hammer. The weapon leaks Deep Magic like spring water from an aquifer.
—— All Rune items near this item have increased recharge rate.
—— All Rune items near this item are vastly resistant to enemy magic or tampering.
-- Wondermaker: Either by expectation or fate, this hammer shall make only the finest works of craftsmanship. To do any less is to shame Thungni.
—— If the wielder works on [Difficult] Requests with this hammer, they can only be fulfilled with Legendary Creations.
-- Grudgeboon: The weapon seems to strike truer and harder against the enemies of Dwarfkind.
—— Double all active Combat Rolls bonuses gained from a Grudge.
-- Aethyrbane: Daemons, Apparitions, Elementals and beings like them feel a constant, physical pain from being in its presence. Through some unknown property, Karaz-Kazak-Rhun denies those not born of this realm.
—— +20 vs Daemons, Magical Entities and Elemetals.
[Armour] Barak Azamar. [Combo, Mountainsouled +: Master Rune of Unyielding, Rune of Fortitude, Rune of Stone] [abilities] [Banner] Skarrenbakraz. [Combo, Storm Mantle +/Tempestous Domain: Master Rune of Grungni (Oathgold), Rune of Lightning (The Suneater's Brain), Rune of Fury (The Sky King's Crest Feather)] [abilities] [Weapon] Zharrgal. [Combo, Makerstrike +:Master Rune of Conduction (Elder Magma Dragon's Blood), Rune of Smednir (Pure Gromril), Rune of Thungni (Adamant)] [abilities] [Prosthetic] The Eye of the Ancestors. [Combo, Fracturesight: Master Rune of Thungni (???), Rune of Forged Eye (???), Rune of Smednir (???)] [abilities] Turn 47 Results [Talisman] Zharr-a-Drakhazi. [Combo, Guardian's Rebuke+: [Master Rune of Spite (Elder Stonehorn Eye), Rune of Spellturning (Ancient Stone Troll's Blood), Rune of Gazul's Flame (Elder Magma Wyrm's Blood)] [abilities] 53 Pt. 1 results [Talisman] Aethyrbinder. Surge Protector [Master Rune of Purification [T4 Voidstone], Rune of Worldly Warding [T4 Ancient Stone Troll Blood], Ancestor Rune of Thungni [T4 Adamant].] [abilities] [Talisman] Ruby and Diamond Amulet. [Combo: Conversion.] No magic shall harm me, girded in her gifts. [RETIRED] [Banner] Ruby Cloak. [Combo: Daemonward.] Deep red silk, edged with purest down. A reminder of brighter, warmer days. Later engraved in grief. There is a patch, invisible to the naked eye, but unmissable in your mind. The fine edges still stand sturdy, but for who knows how long. [RETIRED] [Armour] War Plate. [Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Fortitude, Rune of Impact.] Forged in joy, tempered in grief, worn in battle. [RETIRED] [Weapon] Rune hammer. [Master Rune of Conduction, Rune of Fire, Rune of Striking] Good for hitting, good for crushing. [RETIRED] [Weapon] Rune axe. [Rune of Cleaving, Rune of Daemon Slaying, Rune of Fury.]Good for cutting, for slicing. [RETIRED]
[Talisman] Wardstones x5 [Prototype Rune of Dum-Denial, Rune of Preservation]
Rune Ingredients
These are Materials that Runes will benefit from. Basically necessary ingredients or stuff that when used in the making of Runes will do something to alter the "definition" the Rune is pulling from.
[Tier 5] The Greedy One's Heart x1: Popped out of its body by a swift hammer blow from Snorri Gift Giver. The heart beats endlessly even when it has long since run out of blood, a piece of something from when it still was mortal. A fragment of a troll that was. [USED] [Tier 5] The Suneater's Brain x1: The dead mind of one who saw the pact of the foulest kind be struck between primordial beast and dread thing beyond the veil of reality. The conscious and the evil has left, but the brain matter is potent regardless. [USED] [Tier 4] The Sky King's Crest Feathers x3
[Tier 4] Elder Griffons' Brain x1 [Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus' Heart x1:Can be a heat oriented upgrade to [T3]Pegasus' Heart.
[Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus' Blood x2: Can be a movement oriented upgrade to [T3]Magma Wyrm's Blood]
[Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus' Brain x1: Can be a heat and movement oriented upgrade to [T2] Griffon's Brain
[Tier 4] Radiant Pegasus' Wing Tendons x2 Can be a heat oriented upgrade to [T3] Stonehorn's Leg Muscles
[Tier 4] Elder Frost Wyrm's Blood x3: Can be a direct upgrade to [T3]Frost Wyrm's Blood.
[Tier 4] Elder Shard Wyrm's Blood x2: Can be a direct upgrade to [T2]Giant Spider's Venom.
[Tier 4] Elder Magma Wyrm's Blood x1: Can be a direct upgrade to [T3]Magma Wyrm's Blood. [Tier 4] Elder Magma Wyrm's Heart x1
[Tier 4] Elder Magma Wyrm's Brain x0
[Tier 4] Elder Wyrm's Gas Sac x1
[Tier 4] Elder Wyrm's Blood x22
[Tier 4] Dragon Ogre Shaggoth's Heart x7
[Tier 4] Dragon Ogre Shaggoth's Brain x6 [Tier 4] Fimir Hag Queen's Eye x3 has no uses in any Runes you yet know. Will likely affect the Rune of Forged Eye, and possibly Windsight.
[Tier 4] Elder Thundertusk's Tusk x2: Can be a cold oriented upgrade to [T3]Stonehorn's Horns.
[Tier 4] Elder Stonehorn's Eye x0: Can be a direct upgrade to [T3]Stonehorn's Eye
[Tier 4] Ancient Troll's Heart x0: Can be a direct upgrade to [T2]Troll's Heart.
[Tier 4] Ancient Greedy Troll's Heart x6: Can be an energetic oriented upgrade to [T2]Troll's Heart.
[Tier 4] Ancient Greedy Troll's Blood x6: Can be an energetic oriented upgrade to [T2]Troll's Blood.
[Tier 4] Ancient Greedy Troll's Stomach x1:Can be an energetic oriented upgrade to [T2]Troll's Stomach.
[Tier 4] Ancient Stone Troll Blood x0: Can be a direct upgrade to [T2] Stone Troll's Blood
[Tier 4] Voidstone x2
[Tier 4] Barazgal x1: Can be a direct upgrade to [T2] Oathgold
[Tier 4] Adamant x100 Bars, +16 Bars every Turn [x2 Greater Dragonblood Smelters, x1 Dragonblood Smelter, x2 Base Smelters]
[Tier 4] Sidereal Sapphire x1: Can be a lightning oriented upgrade to [T3] Flawless Solar Ruby [Tier 3] Magma Wyrm's Heart x1
[Tier 3] Magma Wyrm's Blood x3
[Tier 3] Shard Wyrm's Brain x1: Can be a direct upgrade to [T2]Troll's Stomach.
[Tier 3] Dragon Ogre Shaggoth's Blood x7: Can be a replacement to [T3]Storm Wyrm's Blood.
[Tier 3] Dirach's eye x5: has no uses in any Runes you yet know. Will likely affect the Rune of Forged Eye, and possibly Windsight.
[Tier 3] Thundertusk's Tusk x6: Can be a cold oriented upgrade to [T3] Stonehorn's Horns.
[Tier 3] Thundertusk's Heart x3: Can be a cold oriented upgrade to [T2]Troll's Heart.
[Tier 3] Thundertusk's Blood x4: Can be a replacement to [T3]Frost Wyrm's Blood.
[Tier 3] Stonehorn's Eye x4
[Tier 3] Stonehorn's Horns x10
[Tier 3] Stonehorn's Leg Muscles x1
[Tier 3] Frostheart Phoenix's Feather x1: Can be a cold oriented upgrade to [T2] Great Eagle's Feathers.
[Tier 3] Pegasus' Heart x3
[Tier 3] Giant Cave Spider's Venom x4: Can be a direct upgrade to [T2]Giant Spider's Venom.
[Tier 3] Pure Gromril x∞
[Tier 3] Flawless Solar Ruby x1 [Tier 2] Griffon's Brain x12
[Tier 2] Griffon's Feathers x∞
[Tier 2] Dragon's Lung x2
[Tier 2] Dragon's Gas Sac x5
[Tier 2] Dragon Essence x47, +3 every Turn: This essence can be used to replace any Dragon based Ingredient of its Tier.
[Tier 2] Dragon Ogre's Heart x15
[Tier 2] Dragon Ogre's Blood x15
[Tier 2] Troll's Heart x∞
[Tier 2] Troll's Stomach x∞
[Tier 2] Stone Troll's Blood x∞
[Tier 2] Mammoth's Tusk x3
[Tier 2] Cockatrice Eye x10
[Tier 2] Great Eagle's Feathers x6
[Tier 2] Phoenix Feather x1: Can be a flame oriented replacement to [T2] Great Eagle's Feathers. Otherwise, it is a suitable ingredient on par with a Hearthstone in terms of use.
[Tier 2] White Lion's Heart x2: You do not know of a Rune that requires this ingredient, but suspect that it is best used to evoke the creature's physical ferocity or its supposedly regal and patient temperament.
[Tier 2] White Lion's Lungs x2: Can be a replacement to [T2] Dragon's Lung. Otherwise Runes that manipulate sound or emotion are likely to take on a more bestial and animalistic quality to them.
[Tier 2] Giant Spider's Venom x14
[Tier 2] Obsidian x∞: Magical null, repels ambient Winds
[Tier 2] Gromril x∞: Chamon, only surface for Armoured Runes.
[Tier 2] Geometric Gypsum x1: a conductor and container of Hysh, can be used to add orderly quality to Runes.
[Tier 2] Azrilwut x∞: Can be a replacement to [T2]Gromril.
[Tier 2] Wyrren Duraz (Glacial Granite) x∞
[Tier 2] Hearthstones x∞: Can be a replacement to [T2]Troll's Heart.
[Tier 2] Dronril (Thundergem) x∞: Can be a lightning oriented replacement to [T2] Troll's Heart.
[Tier 2] Zhufazul (Liquid Metal)/ Grimnirzan (Grimnir's Blood) x∞: Can be a replacement to [T2] Loadstone, [T2] Loadsteel and any ingredient needed for the base Master Rune of Grimnir.
[Tier 2] Oathgold x4
[Tier 2] Invisible Diamonds x5
[Tier 2] Lodesteel x∞
[Tier 2] Lodestone x∞
Structural Material
These are Materials that offer no benefit to Runes but are worthy of noting down because they're useful to make the stuff you put Runes ON. The more esoteric effects will be minor and mostly visual for the purposes of this quest. [Tier 4] Elder Frost Wyrm's Hide: The pure white scale glimmers, when viewed from certain positions it looks as if frost still covers its surface. Tough, supple and a status symbol [Tier 4] Elder Frost Wyrm's Bones: Tough and durable but flexible. Better than Wutroth, some say it looks as if ice crystals form on it, decades after they were part of a living thing. [Tier 4] Elder Frost Wyrm's Horns: A stockpile of boney growths, frost coated and bearing a few cracks from the battle that slew their owner. [Tier 4] Elder Shard Wyrm's Hide: The scales remind you more of stone, channels that once glowed with energy and sprouted spines now lie dark and lifeless. Tough but supple enough to work. [Tier 4] Dragon Ogre Shaggoth's Hide: The tough hide of the eldest of the primordial beasts. Strong and tough, it reacts oddly in the face of lightning, carrying a static charge hours after. [Tier 4] Dragon Ogre Shaggoth's Bone: Much like the Frost Wyrm bones in terms of properties, mostly from the lower half of the creature as most of the upper half leaves a sour taste in one's mouth to walk around wearing or use as material. [Tier 4] Ancient Troll's Hide: Almost harder than steel but as flexible as leather, the durability tough hide of a troll taken to its extreme. [Tier 3] Magma Wyrm's Hide: Supple yet strong and stone-like in appearance, good for making cloaks or the underlayer of armour out of mostly, but it can be used like any leather really. [Tier 3] Magma Wyrm's Bone: Solid strong bone, thrums with a seemingly undying heat. [Tier 3] Wyrm's Hide x1: Supple and strong, good for making cloaks or the underlayer of armour out of mostly, but it can be used like any leather really. [Tier 3] Thundertusk's Hide: The hide is as thick as plate armour, just as durable and only slightly more flexible. The fur is matted, thick and is always cool to the touch. [Tier 3] Shard Wyrm's Spines x∞: Coming in either hot metal, shining silver or dull steel, the siblings shed their spines frequently enough that you can use it for crafting. [Tier 2] Troll's Skin x∞: Leathery, thick and tough. Good for leatherworking and tasty when dried then subsequently fried. [Tier 2] Gromril Spines: Silvery Shard Wyrm spines, each one the size of an artillery bolt at the very least, and often longer than that. [Tier 2] Dronwut (Thunder Oak) x∞: Hard and flexible as granite, as heavy as oak. This fine white wood is an excellent lightning rod. [Tier 2] Branakroki Feathers: x∞Sold by a few enterprising Brana, they are resistant to the bitter Northern cold while being light and soft as powdered snow. Ranging from snow white with a blue fringe, speckled, obsidian purple, and oddly enough, shimmering gold. [Tier 2] Silver Goat Cashmere, Hide and Horns x∞: A variety of goat parts but that look like they're made of literal silver. Beautiful and high quality as well. [Tier 2] Golden Sheep Fleece/Wool x∞: Soft as anything, but shimmers like actual gold. A beautiful material that catches quite a hefty sum on the market.
[Tier 1] Troll Bits x∞: Horns, and tusks, things like that.
[Tier 1] Dragon and Dragon Ogre bits: small horns, scales, things like that
[Tier 1] Snowhawk Feathers: soft, white as fresh snow and insulating. They have a slightly speckled pattern at the feather's edge.
Requires Research
These are Materials that you have no idea if they can be used to benefit Runes or not. [Tier 4] Elder Kraken Eyes x1 [Tier 3] Merwyrm Corpse x1
[Tier 3] Kraken Corpse x1
Bits and Mementos
Things that are neither useful for anything, but of great importance to you, or just neat to have. Memories have a value all on their own.
Master Yorri's book of odd places: A tome your master penned in his youth and sent to you. Full of odd places, written in his typical odd style, that you can visit and see if there's anything useful. Now completed.
Monolith Map of the Far North: A detailed map made by your master, its surface marked not only by Holds, forests, rivers and mountains, but by the location of several standing stones of unknowable purpose. Grimnir's Stone: A gift, the stone tablet bearing The Master Rune of Grimnir, engraved by His very axe. A gift for your actions during the Incursion? You can't say what went through His mind frankly. Even now, it glows brightly. Technically useable, but it's a rather unwieldy piece of Stone truth be told and you'll be damned if anything happens to it. Valaya's Basket: A gift, the masterfully weaved basket is well cared for, its handle bears The Master Rune of Valaya and two odd Runes. Grungni's Necklace: A gift, the fine necklace made with Gromril Chain, seven charms, each representing an Ancestor you've met, dangle from it. The Master Rune of Grungni burns on its corresponding charm. Gazul's Lamp: A gift, a masterfully made lamp of gold, glass and black stained steel. The mundane Rune of Gazul sits humbly but proudly on it. Smednir's Note: A gift, a wafer-thin sheet of Gromril leaf with what appears to be the receipt for a work order on it. For services rendered in the settling of a familial dispute, one Charm of Grombrynril Adamant -S Thungni's Tome: Written by Thungni's own hand. Buried within riddles and secrets so difficult they've given you headaches and tested your mind like nothing else there are nuggets of profound and useful wisdom. Gromril Note: Written by someone, the words "Judgement withheld pending results," are ominous and fear inducing. Gromril Coin: A token to mark membership in the Brotherhood of Dron
Silver Goat Skull: When thrown it either pulls in plant life and detritus to form an eight meter tall bipedal construct, or if sufficient magic is present then it forms a body of flesh and fur reminiscent of an Elemental Incarnate of Ghur.
Cask of Trollbrew: As old as you are, only a few remain. Good brew, useful for celebrations.
Several Casks of a specific Brew: it tastes different, but so are you, and both compliment each other you think.
Iggun's Axe: Forged by your father, inscribed by your own hand and wielded by your mother until she entered the company of her Ancestors. [Rune of Fire, Rune of Fury, Rune of Might]
Storri's Hammer: One of the hammers crafted by Storri Odirsson, founder of your clan. And following the tradition Storri and his own children began, it is passed from parent to oldest living child at the time of the former's death or bequest.
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Lineage Sheet by BungieONI, +10 to an Apprentice Roll
Yorri of Clan Thungnisson. His history has been wiped clean by his hand and he accepts no new official titles. Master Runesmith and wanderer. He bears a Mastery in the Odd, as befitting the living Master of the Odd, his other specialties are not recorded. Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Currently living. Age not recorded. All must admit his great and purest white beard is one of the longest they'd ever seen. Two apprentices recorded.
Known Apprentices of Yorri of Clan Thungnisson
Snorri Klausson of Clan Winterhearth. Bearer of these titles; The Gift Giver, The Greed Slayer, The Earth Mover, Shadowkiller, Hold Warder, Eldest Runelord of the North. Runelord of Kraka Drakk. A mastery of Productivity lies in his aged hands to the acclaim of all, with a further exceptional skill in Odd and Esoterica, and more modest specialties in the Engineering of Morgrim and Talismans. Member of the Brotherhood of Dron. Currently living. First recorded apprentice of Yorri of Clan Thungnisson. Born 648 years Before Pillars. 860 years old. Beard is over five dwarf lengths long and white as fresh snow. Widower. Has nine apprentices.
Joll Todriksson. Clan not recorded. No titles recorded. Rank and place of residence not recorded. Specialties not recorded. Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Possibly living. Second recorded apprentice of Yorri. Born 118 years Before Pillars. 330 years old. Beard length not recorded. Apprentices not recorded.
Known Apprentices of Snorri Klausson of Clan Winterhearth
The Lost Four, may they be still living.
Jargrim. Missing. Clan not recorded. No titles recorded. Rank and place of residence not recorded. Specialties not recorded. Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Age not recorded. Beard length not recorded. Apprentices not recorded.
Konna. Missing. Clan not recorded. No titles recorded. Rank and place of residence not recorded. Specialties not recorded. Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Age not recorded. Plait length not recorded. Apprentices not recorded.
Thorgrim. Missing. Clan not recorded. No titles recorded. Rank and place of residence not recorded. Specialties not recorded. Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Age not recorded. Beard length not recorded. Apprentices not recorded.
Onki. Missing. Clan not recorded. No titles recorded. Rank and place of residence not recorded. Specialties not recorded. Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Age not recorded. Beard length not recorded. Apprentices not recorded.
The Eldest of the Known.
Dolgi Bolgisson of Clan Scorrilling. Bearer of the titles; The Undaunted, Embermane, Ruby-head, Crank-arm, Sky-Armourer, Griffonfriend. Alternative name amongst the Branakroki of He Who Girds the Many. Master Runesmith of Kraka Drakk. His skill with arming Griffons in the Craft is exceptional in all ways and his skill with the Engineering Runes for devices of Morgrim and Armor and Weapon Runes are all worthy of note. Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Currently living. Fifth apprentice of Snorri by age, trained alongside Fjolla Igunsdottir. Born 118 years Before Pillars. 330 years old. His beard is floor length and colored a bright ruby red shot through with silver, as if the metal was molten. Married to Klorah Silvereyes, Master Silversmith. No apprentices.
Every Smith has a Vault. It is known that Dolgi Bolgisson of Clan Scorrilling has made these exemplars of the Craft.
In his Deed of Arming the Skies he gave many of the Branakroki armor and talons of metal and Runecraft and in that gained their eternal friendship and his name of He Who Girds the Many amongst them.
As his Journeyman's Work and sign of readiness to return he brought forth from raw metal the massive and finely made Skyguard Plate, a suit of Pure Gromril destined for his greatest friend among the Griffons of the Stormpeak with these Runes upon it; Rune of Steel, Rune of Spelleating, Rune of Fortitude, and created a Combination called Gromril-like with them. This has resulted in the armour being far tougher than even its incredibly durable construction suggests, withstanding blows with little to no damage that would have ruined it otherwise.
Fjolla Igunsdottir of Clan Hrokisson, great-grand niece of Snorri Klausson. Bearer of the titles; The Gemtouched, Firebrand, Goldy-Locks, Nimblefingers, Keen-eyed, Jewel-eyed, Glimmermaker. Master Runesmith of Kraka Drakk. She is a great worker and exceptional example of the Talismanic arts and learned in the depths of Gunbad the arts of Gem and Crystal from their masters, and in that place her worthy skill with Banner Runes saved many. Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Currently living. Sixth apprentice of Snorri by age, trained alongside Dolgi Bolgisson. Born 113 years Before Pillars. 325 years old. Her plaits are the gold of platinum and bound with gems in the manner of Gunbad. No apprentices.
Every Smith has a Vault. It is known that Fjolla Igunsdottir of Clan Hrokisson has made these exemplars of the Craft.
In her time at Gunbad she devised her Journeywoman's Work and sign of readiness to be a Talisman of great craft known as the Maiden's Rebuke made with silver and a large and supremely fine piece of that place's Shining Stone. It bears these Runes; the Rune of Might, Rune of Parrying, Rune of Fury and through them created the Combination Spitestrike. When the bearer is struck, an equal amount of damage is flung back at the attacker.
Snerra Magnasdottir of Clan Winterhearth, niece of Snorri Klausson. Bearer of the titles; The Shining One, Banner-maiden, the Smiling Smith. Master Runesmith of Kraka Drakk. A prodigy of centuries her exceptional skill with the Banner Runes surpasses all expectations for her age. Indeed she holds note worthy skill in all pillars and types of Runecraft, with exceptional skill in Talisman Runes and Armor Runes and only slightly more modest skill in the Weapon Runes and the Engineering Runes for devices of Morgrim. Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Currently living. Seventh apprentice of Snorri by age, trained alongside Fjolla Igunsdottir and Dolgi Bolgisson. Born 35 years Before Pillars. 238 years old. Her plaits are dark brown and reach just past her knees. In some tales her eyes glimmer like Brightstone in the firelight. She is notably kindly and cheerful.
Every Smith has a Vault. It is known that Snerra Magnasdottir of Clan Winterhearth has made these exemplars of the Craft.
In her first Deed of note Snerra of Clan Winterhearth gave great honor to Clan Bryggeroot and made for them a Banner to guard them in times of need.
But her sign of readiness was not one item, but three Masterworks, each enough to allow her back on their own but together a sign of greatness. First is the Shield of Unyielding Stone, a stout Gromril shield wrought with fantastic prodigal skill and bearing the Rune of Steel, Rune of Spelleating and Rune of Fortitude to form Gromril-like.
The second was the Queen's Oathplatea suit of Pure Gromril armor which feels as if they are moving about in a set of finely fit leathers its craft is so clever, and it bears the Rune of Spellbreaking, Rune of Warding and Rune of Stone to form the Combination Magic Breaker and much like its name implies it breaks down the spells of enemies and unmakes them by the energy of the Runes.
The third is a piece of legend, the Shining Standard, a piece depicting the Ankor Bryn, that wonderful Glittering Realm and mystical source of all Runecraft. The Shining Standard bears the Rune of Spellbreaking, Rune of Spelleating, and the Rune of Thungni to form the Combination of the Glittering Beacon that acts as a center piece for the entire set of items. In its presence Runesmiths feel an intrinsic pull to the banner, the effects of the Runes they cast grow in strength and their ability to deny enemy magic magnified. With these three works all enemy magic is passively siphoned to empower the Banner, improving the bearer's own attempts to actively dispel hostile spells, and all of the energy is transferred to the banner until its effect can envelope an entire Army.
Known Apprentices of Snerra Magnasdottir of Clan Winterhearth
Jolla Klorahsdottir & Siggurd Klorahsdottir of Clan Scorrilling, the twin daughters of Dolgi Bolgisson of Clan Scorrilling Bearers of no titles. Apprentice Runesmiths of Kraka Drakk. Freshly past Koumenhout, no specialties recorded. Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Born 170 years After Pillars, 42 years old. Plait length not recorded.
The Youngest of the Known, those born After the Raising of Valaya's Pillars.
Nain Kazzarsson of Clan Stoneplate Bearer of no titles.Apprentice Runesmith of Kraka Drakk. He bears an exceptional skill in the Talismanic arts, and perhaps it may surpass his master in the future. Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Currently living. Eighth apprentice of Snorri by age, trained alongside Karstah Khazadsdottir. Born 100 years After Pillars. 113 years old. Beard is a pale blond and reaches the center of his chest.
Karstah Khazadsdottir of Clan Winterhearth Bearer of the titles; Drakksdottir. In her way she follows the path of her master, bearing the honorable burden of skill in the Odd and Esoteric and the Weapon Runes. Apprentice Runesmith of Kraka Drakk.Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Currently living. Ninth apprentice of Snorri by age, trained alongside Nain Kazzarsson. Born 103 years After Pillars. 110 years old. Plaits of blood red that hang to her shoulders.
The School of the Odd, Second Edition, circa 353 After Pillars
The Roll of Names
The Founder and Master of the Odd
Yorri of Clan Thungnisson. His history has been wiped clean by his hand and he accepts no new official titles. Master Runesmith and wanderer. He is a Savant of the Odd, and Mastery in the Weird and Esoteric, as befitting the living Master of the Odd, his other specialties are not recorded. He has been charged to watch over the Stone Monoliths by Alric Thungnisson. Currently living. Age not recorded. All must admit his great and purest white beard is one of the longest they'd ever seen. Two apprentices recorded.
Known Apprentices of Yorri of Clan Thungnisson
Snorri Klausson of Clan Winterhearth. Bearer of these titles; The Gift Giver, The Greed Slayer, The Earth Mover, Shadowkiller, Hold Warder, Eldest Runelord of the North, Grimunbakazi a Dum (Unyielding Breaker of Darkness), Azrilgromthi a Vengryn (Silver Ancestor of Vengeance), Chainwright, The Scarred. Alternative names amongst the Branakroki of He Who Gives Gifts and Quiets the Winds, and Elder Windstiller. Runelord of Kraka Drakk. He is a Savant of Productivity with his aged hands to the acclaim of all in the North, with a further Mastery of skill in Odd and Esoterica, and more modest specialties in the Engineering of Morgrim and the Runes of Talismans. Member of the Brotherhood of Dron and has been charged by Alric Thungnisson to watch over the Stone Monoliths in the Far North. Currently living. First recorded apprentice of Yorri of Clan Thungnisson. Born 648 years Before Pillars. 1000 years old. Beard is over six dwarf lengths long and white as fresh snow, bearing a patch of silver beneath his missing right eye lost in the forging of Skarrenbakraz. Widower. Has nine apprentices.
Joll Todriksson. Clan not recorded. No titles recorded. Master Runesmith of Kraka Drakk. Specialties not recorded. Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Currently living. Second recorded apprentice of Yorri. Born 118 years Before Pillars. 470 years old. Beard length not recorded. Married to Fjolla Igunsdottir of Clan Hrokisson, great-grand niece of Snorri Klausson. No apprentices recorded.
Known Apprentices of Snorri Klausson of Clan Winterhearth
The Lost Four, may they be still living.
Jargrim. Missing. Clan not recorded. No titles recorded. Rank and place of residence not recorded. Specialties not recorded. Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Age not recorded. Beard length not recorded. No apprentices recorded.
Konna. Missing. Clan not recorded. No titles recorded. Rank and place of residence not recorded. Specialties not recorded. Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Age not recorded. Plait length not recorded. No apprentices recorded.
Thorgrim. Missing. Clan not recorded. No titles recorded. Rank and place of residence not recorded. Specialties not recorded. Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Age not recorded. Beard length not recorded. No apprentices recorded.
Onki. Missing. Clan not recorded. No titles recorded. Rank and place of residence not recorded. Specialties not recorded. Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Age not recorded. Beard length not recorded. No apprentices recorded.
The Eldest of the Known.
Dolgi Bolgisson of Clan Scorrilling. Bearer of the titles; The Undaunted, Embermane, Ruby-head, Crank-arm, Sky-Armourer, Griffonfriend, Da, Branawongr (Brana Friend). Alternative name amongst the Branakroki of He Who Girds the Many. Master Runesmith of Kraka Drakk. His skill with equipping Griffons in the Craft is Masterful in all ways, his skills with Armor have been focused upon the Branakroki to an exceptional degree, and his skill with the Engineering Runes for devices of Morgrim and Weapon Runes are both worthy of note. Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Currently living. Fifth apprentice of Snorri by age, trained alongside Fjolla Igunsdottir. Born 118 years Before Pillars. 470 years old. His beard is floor length and a wonderful silver color with only hints of red, like slowly cooling Gromril. Married to Klorah Silvereyes, Master Silversmith, with seven children, all of whom bear the Gift. No apprentices recorded.
Every Smith has a Vault. It is known that Dolgi Bolgisson of Clan Scorrilling has made these exemplars of the Craft.
In his Deed of Arming the Skies he gave many of the Branakroki armor and talons of metal and Runecraft and in that gained their eternal friendship and his name of He Who Girds the Many amongst them.
As his Journeyman's Work and sign of readiness to return he brought forth from raw metal the massive and finely made Skyguard Plate, a suit of Pure Gromril destined for his greatest friend among the Griffons of the Stormpeak with these Runes upon it; Rune of Steel, Rune of Spelleating, Rune of Fortitude, and created a Combination called Gromril-like with them. This has resulted in the armour being far tougher than even its incredibly durable construction suggests, withstanding blows with little to no damage that would have ruined it otherwise.
To become a Master in the eyes of his Master, to forge a worthy Masterwork, through his many acts of creation and good deeds for the Branakroki of the Stormpeak he and his line became Branawongr forevermore in the year 233 After Pillars.
Fjolla Igunsdottir of Clan Hrokisson, great-grand niece of Snorri Klausson. Bearer of the titles; The Gemtouched, Firebrand, Goldy-Locks, Nimblefingers, Keen-eyed, Jewel-eyed, Glimmermaker. Master Runesmith of Kraka Drakk. She is capable of Masterful work in the use of Talismans formed with Gem and Crystal which she learned in the depths of Gunbad and refined in Kraka Drakk on her return, and has also further refined her skill with Light in Talismans gained in Gunbad to an exceptional degree, her skills with the breadth of Banner and Talismanic Runes are worthy and have saved many both in Gunbad and Kraka Drakk. Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Currently living. Sixth apprentice of Snorri by age, trained alongside Dolgi Bolgisson. Born 113 years Before Pillars. 465 years old. Her plaits are the silver of finest treasure and bound with gems in the manner of Gunbad. Married to Joll Todriksson. She has two apprentices.
Every Smith has a Vault. It is known that Fjolla Igunsdottir of Clan Hrokisson has made these exemplars of the Craft.
In her time at Gunbad she devised her Journeywoman's Work and sign of readiness to be a Talisman of great craft known as the Maiden's Rebuke made with silver and a large and supremely fine piece of that place's Shining Stone. It bears these Runes; the Rune of Might, Rune of Parrying, Rune of Fury and through them created the Combination Spitestrike. When the bearer is struck, an equal amount of damage is flung back at the attacker.
After her return to Kraka Drakk from Gunbad she learned and worked and refined her Craft, creating the great Masterwork Lhunegal Brynwand the Rune Staff of Shining Moonlit Gold in the year 233 After Pillars, and was accepted as Master before her Master.
Known Apprentices of Fjolla Igunsdottir of Clan Hrokisson
Durrik Thorgromsson Bearer of no titles. Apprentice Runesmith of Kraka Drakk. No specialties recorded. Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Age not recorded. Beard length not recorded.
Emlik Norgrimsson Bearer of no titles. Apprentice Runesmith of Kraka Drakk. No specialties recorded. Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Age not recorded. Beard length not recorded.
Snerra Magnasdottir of Clan Winterhearth, niece of Snorri Klausson. Bearer of the titles; The Shining One, Banner-Maiden, The Smiling Smith, Thungni Chosen. She bears one hidden title, The Last. Runelord from Kraka Drakk. A prodigy of centuries her Masterful skill with the Casting of Banner Runes surpasses all expectations for her age and touches the edge of Savantism. Her work with using Talismanic Runes and arts to bolster Fortitude and Healing is exceptional, her work with all Armor Runes is exceptional, her work with Gronti is exceptional, and her skill with Weapon Runes must be noted as worthy. Indeed she holds note worthy skill in all pillars and types of Runecraft. Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Currently living. Seventh apprentice of Snorri by age, trained alongside Fjolla Igunsdottir and Dolgi Bolgisson. Born 35 years Before Pillars. 388 years old. Her plaits are a soft mix of grey and dark brown like aged mountain stone and wind twice about her waist. In some tales her eyes glimmer like Brightstone in the firelight. She is notably kindly and cheerful. She has two apprentices.
Every Smith has a Vault. It is known that Snerra Magnasdottir of Clan Winterhearth has made these exemplars of the Craft.
In her first Deed of note Snerra of Clan Winterhearth gave great honor to Clan Bryggeroot and made for them a Banner to guard them in times of need.
But her sign of readiness was not one, but three Journeywoman's Works, each enough to allow her back on their own but together a sign of greatness. First is the Shield of Unyielding Stone, a stout Gromril shield wrought with fantastic prodigal skill and bearing the Rune of Steel, Rune of Spelleating and Rune of Fortitude to form Gromril-like.
The second was the Queen's Oathplatea suit of Pure Gromril armor which feels as if they are moving about in a set of finely fit leathers its craft is so clever, and it bears the Rune of Spellbreaking, Rune of Warding and Rune of Stone to form the Combination Magic Breaker and much like its name implies it breaks down the spells of enemies and unmakes them by the energy of the Runes.
The third is a piece of legend, the Shining Standard, a piece depicting the Ankor Bryn, that wonderful Glittering Realm and mystical source of all Runecraft. The Shining Standard bears the Rune of Spellbreaking, Rune of Spelleating, and the Rune of Thungni to form the Combination of the Glittering Beacon that acts as a center piece for the entire set of items. In its presence Runesmiths feel an intrinsic pull to the banner, the effects of the Runes they cast grow in strength and their ability to deny enemy magic magnified. With these three works all enemy magic is passively siphoned to empower the Banner, improving the bearer's own attempts to actively dispel hostile spells, and all of the energy is transferred to the banner until its effect can envelope an entire Army.
In the year 243 After Pillars she revealed to her Master her Masterwork, the Anvil of Power Grong a Grom! A thing of wonder bearing a Master Rune of her own invention, pulled into battle by the goat Gronti Azulak Azrilundi the Dependable Silver Guardian and Dawrak Rilundi the Reliable Gold Guardian.
Known Apprentices of Snerra Magnasdottir of Clan Winterhearth
Jolla Klorahsdottir & Siggurd Klorahsdottir of Clan Scorrilling, the twin daughters of Dolgi Bolgisson of Clan Scorrilling Bearers of no titles. Apprentice Runesmiths of Kraka Drakk. No specialties recorded. Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Born 170 years After Pillars. 182 years old. Plait length not recorded.
The Youngest of the Known, those born After the Raising of Valaya's Pillars.
Nain Kazzarsson of Clan Stoneplate Bearer of the titles Gorltrommi (Golden beard) and Lightfoot.Master Runesmith of Kraka Drakk. He bears an exceptional skill in both the Talismanic arts, and with the Craft of Runes upon Hammers learned at the foot of Runelord Gottri Logansson of Karak Azul, as well as worthy skill with the breadth of weapon runes. Considered one of the 'Hammerhanded', those who have passed through the many trials and tribulations of Gottri Logansson. Currently living. Eighth apprentice of Snorri by age, trained alongside Karstah Khazadsdottir. Born 100 years After Pillars. 253 years old. Beard is a pale grey braided in the loose northern style and just reaches the floor. No apprentices recorded.
Every Smith has a Vault. It is known that Nain Kazzarsson of Clan Stoneplate has made these exemplars of the Craft.
With the riches of knowledge gained in the tutelage of Gottri Logansson he forged Gorldrazh, the hammer of Dark Gold, as his Journeyman's Work and sign of readiness. It bears these Runes; the Rune of Gottri Hammerspite, the Rune of Strongarm, the Rune of Echoblow and strikes with them the Combination Anvilbreaker. The user's blows ring out like a bell or struck anvil, drawing strength from the foe they have struck, storing that energy and choosing whether to release it in one astounding blast or to have it rebound as a hit opposite of where the blow originally landed, pinning them between two great blows.
Karstah Khazadsdottir of Clan Winterhearth Bearer of the titles; Drakksdottir, Snorrisdottir, Firemane. She bears one hidden title, Lenasdottir, the name of her mother now passed. In her way she follows the path of her master, bearing the honorable burden of exceptional skill in Productivity, skill of worthy note in the Odd and the Esoteric, the Weapon Runes, and the Armor Runes. Master Runesmith of Kraka Drakk.Not recorded as a member of any brotherhoods or orders. Currently living. Ninth apprentice of Snorri by age, trained alongside Nain Kazzarsson. Born 103 years After Pillars. 250 years old. Plaits of red and grey like stained steel that hang long to the floor. No apprentices recorded.
Every Smith has a Vault. It is known that Karstah Khazadsdottir of Clan Winterhearth has made these exemplars of the Craft.
She traveled long in the West, and in the Black Mountains lived in Khazid Angazhar and learned a great many things of the Craft, pouring that accumulated knowledge into a fine suit of armor named Karin a Karak, the Shield of a Hold, over the course of five years as her Journeywoman's Work. It bears these Runes: the Rune of Ironskin, the Rune of Fortitude, and the Rune of Iron, transforming the wearer with the Combination of Steelborn. The user's skin and bones become as hard as the strongest Azul steel, and thicker than armour with no loss in speed as their body shines with a metallic sheen.
May this wise lineage of Runesmiths be preserved from the cruelties of the World by the grace of Thungni and the Ancestors.