Actually, given the fact that we can change the properties of the grief we use to such an extent, we should totally be able to do that. It'd be pretty damn funny too, if it weren't for the fact that word of GM states that she's not actually firing lasers, IIRC.

She's firing the same thing as lasers, but not generating them the same way.

edit: Highlighted the relevant bit
Opened up an old tab, saw this. Well, hopefully this helps:

Just wanted to point out: from an argumentative standpoint, this holds no water.

Yes, prisoner is a synonym of hostage. They are similar terms. That is in no way surprising. However, you did not screencap the definition for "hostage", only for "prisoner", and what you did show backed up my claim.

A prisoner is held against their will, yes. A hostage is explicitly used for leverage along with the threat of harming/killing the hostage should demands not be met. In no part of any of my posts did making a hostage out of Rin, using her for leverage, or making any kind of threats to her or to Sendai on Rin's behalf.

Really, this isn't even about the actual argument anymore. This is just about due diligence to debate, clarity, and civil discourse.

Because if we're going to argue over the definition of terms, making sure we have such basics covered as "screencapping the right word in a dictionary", "making shit up about what someone else has said", and "similar /=/ the same" is an absolute must.
Really, this isn't even about the actual argument anymore. This is just about due diligence to debate, clarity, and civil discourse.
Yeah, the incident you're describing happened many pages ago. I get that you want to show everyone you were right, but the moment's passed. Here, come debate some grief science with us and whether it would be practical to try it in a live fire situation without any testing.
Let's only bitch at Homura about her warning in jest, please. We don't know what kind of intel she was operating off of. Possibly only 2ndhand, which makes it 3rdhand when told to us.
Well, yeah, it would be mostly poking fun. Especially, if we're calling her Mom while were doing it.

I can't conceive of actually being mad while referring to Homu as our mother.

Edit: Momura, Homu-mom?
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When it's all said and done, will you release their discussion, in notes at least?
I want to see if they have any debates/arguments and clash of personalities.
Seconding this - damn I'd like to see the fight again from their perspective.

Less to see the personality conflicts, etc.
More to see Sabrina and Co. tank their ambush (which, lets face it, should by rights have flattened just about anyone you care to mention) and come out of it having hulk-smashed Akiko, kidnapped Tamiko and all but torn Moe in half, as well as seemingly ignoring the gravity-tsunami combo - with only a broken arm, a few burns and a really foul mood.

Dunno about the rest of you, but I might've overhyped Sabrina's power in my mind, thus leading to overconfidence - this ambush has somewhat corrected that assumption, so that can only be a good thing - respect your enemy and all that.
That said, it'd be a lovely salve to my bruised ego to see the change from 'Yeah, ROFLstomped UG in 10 seconds flat - too easy' to 'HOLY SHIT! What the hell IS this bitch and why isn't she going down!?'

If she had that much control over her blasts, our shields would've been a good deal less useful here.
I'm getting the impression that it's a limited radius sort of thing. She can manipulate light in a limited range around her, but once she's focused light into a laser beam it remains a laser beam even after it exits that radius. It certainly fits what we've seen of her build-up before she attacks, and also explains why she is attacking us from close range instead of picking us off from a kilometer out.
I'm getting the impression that it's a limited radius sort of thing. She can manipulate light in a limited range around her, but once she's focused light into a laser beam it remains a laser beam even after it exits that radius. It certainly fits what we've seen of her build-up before she attacks, and also explains why she is attacking us from close range instead of picking us off from a kilometer out.
Right, but if she is attacking from insider her manipulation range, she could just redirect the lasers around the shields. If we are able to redirect them and aim them in the middle of an intense firefight, we could hit her, I think. More seriously, however, that could cause some serious collateral damage.

Also, no need to be sarcastic with salty; it just causes arguments.
Fun facts!

"Undue alarm" (the last chapter before this) began at page 484, last Oct. 12, 2014!

This chapter, "We've got hostiles" (indeed), began at page 608, last Nov 7, 2014!
(does that make this the longest chapter so far?)

We are *still* at Arc ONE!

We are so fucking behind our grief SCIENCE!!! :mad:
Right, but if she is attacking from insider her manipulation range, she could just redirect the lasers around the shields.

This illustrates the idea I'm trying to convey. Basically, Ramiel can manipulate light within that central circle, but any lasers that she shoots from that circle remains effective and destructive out to the outer circle. Reflecting lasers back into her manipulation range will just allow her to redirect them back at us.
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This illustrates the idea I'm trying to convey. Basically, Ramiel can manipulate light within that central circle, but any lasers that she shoots from that circle remains effective and destructive out to the light radius. If we reflect her lasers right back at her, she'll be able to just redirect it back into us.
Hard to say without a better description of the process. We know she glows when shooting. We know what the results of the shot are. We'd find out the process if we engaged her in close, I think.

This illustrates the idea I'm trying to convey. Basically, Ramiel can manipulate light within that central circle, but any lasers that she shoots from that circle remains effective and destructive out to the outer circle. Reflecting lasers back into her manipulation range will just allow her to redirect them back at us.
She's been firing from inside our range like this whole time.
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Actually, given the fact that we can change the properties of the grief we use to such an extent, we should totally be able to do that. It'd be pretty damn funny too, if it weren't for the fact that word of GM states that she's not actually firing lasers, IIRC.

I am reluctant to call what Sasami does as lasers. Because while she is belting out coherent, collimated beams of light, she does none of amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. But that's just the pedant in me nitpicking. :V

I'm reasonably sure that the intent here is for her power to be basically the effect of lasers, just produced by *magic* instead of SCIENCE!
You realize Sabrina, at MAXIMUM MURDERFACE, would be leaving behind little more than piles of hamburger meat and bone splinters?
Yup, that's the precise reason I was overconfident.
Unfettered - Sabrina's OP to absurd degrees. However, our ability at Max Murderface (tm) has no bearing on our ability when we're restricting ourselves to non-lethal.

It's vaguely reminiscent of giving someone choice of a gun or a nuke - don't matter how easy the nuke would win the fight if you refuse to use it. And once you refuse to use it, you can't just say, "oh, I could just nuke 'em all easy-peasy. No threat at all" - you've got to adjust your thinking to, "right, I've only got a gun" - or something.... *shrug of IDK*

Though speaking of which, gotta hand it to Yumi, I thought that gem pull was O.H.K.O if you got caught by it - she proved me wrong spectacularly. Seems like she had a counter for our ability just waiting to go ... then again, she could've just instinctively caught her flying soul gem because she understood the gravity of the situation. :p
*Banished to isolation field for use of excessively bad pun*