Do we think this might be a moment we can get away with a proper Kyouko hug, or would the overwhelming amount of sappiness cause her to stab us and leave us for Yuma to heal with...🤔
"... oh, that one," you say. "It's allegedly a flame, but I don't see it. Why would you have a flame for a beer company, anyway? Alcohol's flammable! A flame is the opposite of what you want for a beer company!"
"Yeah, yeah, you're welcome," Kyouko grumbles and looking away uncomfortably. "And like I said, welcome to being human. It sucks. An' I'm taking you up on that buffet one day soon."
Probably one of the least insulting instances of being called 'Empty Headed' I've ever seen.
I can understand why this thought arises from Sabrina, as jealousy is often portrayed as a petty thing to feel (probably seems especially bad in this context)
Sabrina considers herself a function, a purpose, rather than a person. It's the foundation of her sense of self.
On a related topic, I kinda wonder what Kyouko is thinking right now. I don't remember how much Sabrina has been able to step off of the Goodie Two Shoes pillar that Kyouko had her on in the past. This conversation could potentially have been one of the most humanizing things we could have done with Kyouko in order to get her to see Sabrina as more than just Mami's Perfect Girlfriend.
It has to be remarked how mininal that progress has been: Sabrina has internalized her relationship with Mami as part of her "Purpose".We've been making some progress on that front with Mami. This is the first time we've really had introspection on the negative side of being more than just a purpose.
Scan our soul with the soul scanner, just in case, maybe vent about this to Mami while cuddling with her, and... what's on the docket for the rest of the day?
Kyouko is always amazing, perfect person to cut past all the complexity to get to the heart of the matter.
Regardless of whether that burning feeling was magic related, I still think we need to do that Grief release experiment. The hint that there may be something really dangerous has been there every time we've released or seen Grief be released, and that is it attempting to coalesce into something. I don't want to see this technique get shared out and a few years later have spontaneous Familiars forming, leading to a future like RWBY, with monsters everywhere drawn by negative emotions, monsters that dissolve when destroyed, only to precipitate again later as that Grief coalesces again.
[X] Continue hanging out with Kyouko (this will be Witch hunting)
tread, boots
I'd say 'fill and occupy your mouth'
In the short term, while there are more meguca being contracted, sure, but if we cut out the incubators entirely, a world whose backstory is: A girl(Salem) wished for her love to be returned to life. The Brother of Darkness granted her wish, then killed him again in front of her. After this, she threw herself into the pools of despair, and emerged a twisted, immortal mockery with the power to create monsters from that despair.
Not sure what messed up fics you've been reading but that's not Salem's backstory at all. She's really the girl in the tower a princess whose mother died birthing her so was kept locked up in a tower. Since her father refused to let her out for her 16th she instead asked for paper under the excuse of she loves books so much she wanted to try writing her own. However, in reality she wrote copies of the same story on each sheet and enchanted them so they'd fly off and find people.
The pack of lies she told was about a cruel tyrant who was keeping a beautiful princess locked up after using an artefact of great power to conquer her kingdom that would give said artefact and her hand in marriage to any who could free her. Naturally a bunch of greedy people started attacking them and while they were able to hold them off for a while their numbers kept dropping but Salem didn't care and kept sending out sheets until eventually they got worn down enough Ozma finished the last of them but was kind enough to have been doing it because it was the right thing to do instead of the rewards so let her go free which naturally made her start to fall in love with him and want to go travelling with him.
Once Ozma died she went to the brother of light about reviving him and got a refusal, so she went to the one of darkness with another pack of lies which got him to do it until the light one showed up and revealed the truth after a brief fight between them so the revival was cancelled and the light brother cursed her with immortality for it. Salem held a grudge over that and spent a long time getting everyone to form an army against them through more lies and tried to kill him which led to humanity getting wiped out and her falling into one of the dark brother's grimm spawning pits that had actually existed the first time she went there making her outside match her hideous inside.
Good advice, even if Kyōko isn't the best at following it herself."Oi. Sabrina." Kyouko's voice startles you out of your reverie, and you look up to find her kneeling in front of you, expression serious. "Ease up on yourself."
We've definitely seen something like that before, just from the other side. In addition to the obvious case of Kyōko's feelings about Sabrina and Mami's relationship, Mami herself had similar issues early on:you've just... never experienced this sort of thing before? Never looked at someone else who could do what you thought only you can, and worried about it. Never worried that maybe you aren't necessary after all.
"Y- you weren't thinking," Mami echoes hollowly, slow tears beginning to make tracks down her face. "B-but you still- you can talk down Akemi. And Kyouko. And save people, better than I ever c-could. A-and your magic. Y-y-you don't need broken old Mami any more. You never did..."
And in Homura's case, there was even the same undercurrent of "I shouldn't feel this way because all that matters is the mission, not who accomplishes it." Like mother like daughter, I guess."I've- this never worked," she whispers, and there's stark, raw pain in her voice, her shoulders hunched against a blow she's endured over and over and over again. "It never worked before."
"I won't let Oriko interfere-"
"It doesn't have to be her," Homura whispers, shaking her head. "It- all this works. For you."
It's definitely a similarity I've noticed before. The big difference is that even after watching Madoka die over and over, drowning herself in despair, and coming back more powerful than ever, Homura doesn't really hate anyone except herself and Kyubey. I mean, she even made sure that Sayaka and Kwyjibo were both alive and healthy in the world she created, which is something even Madokami hadn't been able to pull off.if we cut out the incubators entirely, a world whose backstory is: A girl(Salem) wished for her love to be returned to life. The Brother of Darkness granted her wish, then killed him again in front of her. After this, she threw herself into the pools of despair, and emerged a twisted, immortal mockery with the power to create monsters from that despair.
We put our immovable object in the way, obviously.What if the witch had Foil's power, and could shoot a highly accurate and unstoppable attack straight through any grief shields and into Sabrina's soul gem?
Not at all, the witch this chapter was specifically called out as being unusually strong, and the party took appropriate precautions. Kyouko is an experienced meguca, and isn't going to get ganked by some random witch with us there, nor is that something Firm would write.One thing that I'd like to say is that we seem to be behaving rather lackadaisically in witch fights. Like, we don't wear armor in, we rush along heedless of danger, we don't scout, we don't set up griefhax devices to block enemy hax, and we make no attempt to defend against anything but the most straightforward of attacks
Like, what if the witch was camping by the entrance of the barrier, ready to unleash a charged attack (like Tiro Finale or Limiti Esterni) when anyone enters? Magical attacks can pierce grief, and a charged attack may be sufficient to pierce whatever hasty defenses Sabrina puts up and kill her.
What if the witch has mind magic, and drops an AoE mind whammy on the party? Sabrina seems unusually resistant to such things, but if Kyoko and Yuma had been made to attack Sabrina alongside the witch and familiars, she would have quite the situation on her hands.
What if the witch had Foil's power, and could shoot a highly accurate and unstoppable attack straight through any grief shields and into Sabrina's soul gem? What if it had shadow stalker's power and could phase right through Sabrina's grief to rip into her in melee?
What if the witch had antimagic, and could lock down Sabrina's grief control?
What if the witch was a two-stage boss fight like Charlotte, and could pretend to die and even maybe collapse the barrier before initiating a second round of combat by surprise (witches can move outside barriers. In Oriko Magica, Virginia attacked Oriko and Kirika in their garden, without needing a barrier).
Sure, most witches don't have an extreme gimmick like this, but if one comes up, then we would have an actual chance of dying. Kyoko and Mami may be experienced, but even they aren't infallible, and both have canonically lost fights against normal witches. While they did not have all the resources needed to prepare for every contingency, we have a lot of resources, and should not frivolously squander our life by behaving so carelessly in combat. Taking even a 0.1% chance of death in a trivial fight is intolerable when you are the keystone of a plan to revolutionize the world.
Probably the best contingency we can have is an ample supply of enchanted grief. For anything that isn't an anti-magic surprise attack we snap our fingers and say "No, stop that". Or just seize control and dissolve it directly, since we control grief. But if we did that every time we would be cheating ourselves of combat experience.
What if it and whatever it threw at us were, by definition, literally made out of Grief? It was pointed out in the Chapter:What if the witch had Foil's power, and could shoot a highly accurate and unstoppable attack straight through any grief shields and into Sabrina's soul gem? What if it had shadow stalker's power and could phase right through Sabrina's grief to rip into her in melee?
If a fight between us and a Witch is more complicated than "Sabrina instantly wins," it's because we're holding back to give the others a chance to contribute, which we can and will stop doing the instant things actually get out of hand.You're constantly aware that you could simply dissolve this Barrier. The Grief is there, within reach of your will and your soul, and you could simply reach out and take it. The Familiars would vanish, and the Witch would simply be gone.
You have more respect for Kyouko and Yuma than that.
If, if things get dire, you'll do it. If you need to do it, to save someone. But the temptation is there, the pressure in your mind that is Grief not under your control.
If a fight between us and a Witch is more complicated than "Sabrina instantly wins," it's because we're holding back to give the others a chance to contribute, which we can and will stop doing the instant things actually get out of hand.