ok, so we will be sending the Miki workforce to the moon gulag, what's the first things they should build? (besides the critial infrastructure of course)
personally, i really want a central AI chamber as having a supercomputer regulate our infrastructure would be ideal, since most of out allies are underaged and traumatized, so having a being that runs on pure logic, without being an asshole(cough Kyubey cough) would be perfect for our plans.
ok, so we will be sending the Miki workforce to the moon gulag, what's the first things they should build? (besides the critial infrastructure of course)
personally, i really want a central AI chamber as having a supercomputer regulate our infrastructure would be ideal, since most of out allies are underaged and traumatized, so having a being that runs on pure logic, without being an asshole(cough Kyubey cough) would be perfect for our plans.

Ok, but an AGI could go horribly wrong

We can probably make one via magic (like a sentient magic construct or a familiar or sorts), but the problem is that if we don't install a value set then it'll be smart enough to cheese all the tasks we assign, giving it a lot of freetime.

And with this freetime? Well, when humans get freetime they get ideology liberal, chasing ideals that their predecessors deem insane and never being safetied. If we don't give it a value, and ideal, then it'll make its own . . . An ideal that'll probably be completely insane from our perspective. (But probably not insane a century or two from now)

So if we made one, we'd need to like raise it like a child or something. Which means it'll be after the wedding with Mami


But, granted, a baby AGI with dubiously sane ideals would be adorable
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Ok, but an AGI could go horribly wrong

We can probably make one via magic (like a sentient magic construct or a familiar or sorts), but the problem is that if we don't install a value set then it'll be smart enough to cheese all the tasks we assign, giving it a lot of freetime.

And with this freetime? Well, when humans get freetime they get ideology liberal, chasing ideals that their predecessors deem insane and never being safetied. If we don't give it a value, and ideal, then it'll make its own . . . An ideal that'll probably be completely insane from our perspective. (But probably not insane a century or two from now)

So if we made one, we'd need to like raise it like a child or something. Which means it'll be after the wedding with Mami


But, granted, a baby AGI with dubiously sane ideals would be adorable
do we go by the Aperture Science route and create one based on a 3D print of out brain and though based patterns?
do we go by the Aperture Science route and create one based on a 3D print of out brain and though based patterns?
Sabrina doesn't do her thinking with her brain. Even less so than is the case for normal Magical Girls.

If we want a copy of Sabrina, we need to start with forum software. We'll know the AI is ready when the thought process comes out as something like:
incubators math discard math pets fuzzys Asunaro caw caw
Sabrina doesn't do her thinking with her brain. Even less so than is the case for normal Magical Girls.

If we want a copy of Sabrina, we need to start with forum software. We'll know the AI is ready when the thought process comes out as something like:
it's so over
our AI is going to be an insane one
maybe we can use Juueby? after all, using the same incubator hardware but with a different software might work, and we can even make Kyubey jealous and lonely with it
Hazard Course Pt. 28
[X] Talk to Homura and Hitomi about the acquisition of a building for Yuki
-[X] Mention Mika wanting a meeting to Hitomi
[X] Really quickly finish off the previous topics:
--[X] You're planning on heading to Kyoto and Kyushu tomorrow to talk to the Murasaki Shrine Maidens and Kagoshima Group. Does anyone want to pass a message along or attend?
--[X] Note that you *do* have contacts in Tohoku and Rissho Universities, for law students.
[x] Talk to Sayaka before leaving
[x] Oriko wanted to talk to you
[X] Drop off the Soujus with Shiogama
-[X] Fly their collection to Niko
--[X] Grab Yuki and fly her back to Mitakihara so she can work on getting a building while you find a bunch of hotel rooms

You contemplate the matter for a second, staring at Yuki's portrait. You don't think you have any actual objection to Yuki and Hitomi meeting, so really, it's just a matter or practicality. Speaking of practicality, you find yourself having to wrench your mind back from contemplating the logistics of a moon base.

You're reasonably sure Yuki can set up her building-wormhole links as a passive effect, considering that can of sunshine trick she pulled on you back during your spar. You do also remember that bringing you back from Asunaro to Fukushima had been a discrete event which she'd had to exert her will upon, so... two tiers of her power, perhaps, with commensurate costs and effort involved. You rather hope you can convince her to set up a continuous link to a hypothetical moonbase, if only to make supplying air much easier.

... no, wait, back to more important things. You've got an incipient refugee crisis on your hands. Though the refugee crisis is what comes after you rescue them from their induced comas. Alright.

"Face-to-face, or is telepathy sufficient?" you ask after a moment. "I was planning on checking with Homura and Hitomi shortly, but ah, I am flying you over to Mitakihara today, right? Though Hitomi is currently in school. She'd probably be up to discussing the matter via telepathy."

"Ah, of course," Yuki says. "I would prefer to speak face-to-face, yes, and I would be willing to wait until afternoon, if you would be willing to have me in Mitakihara for a while."

"That should be fine?" you say, glancing at Mami and Sayaka, who both shrug. You'll check with Homura in a moment. "Alright, alright. Tentative plan for now: we'll wrap this up, and then I'll head out to you, Miss Tsuruya, and shortcut to Asunaro to drop off the Soujus' victims? And that, we'll pick you up on the way back to Mitakihara, Miss Tsuruya. Is that alright with everyone?"

"More than acceptable," Yuki says.

"D'you know when you'll get here?" Kazumi asks.

"Call it..." You trail off, flicking a glance at Oriko, then Sayaka. Out of the corner, you see Kyouko sitting up slowly, scowling out the windows at the dreary skies beyond the Mikuni mansion. "Call it an hour after we finish this meeting?"

"OK!" Kazumi says cheerfully. "Wanna stay for lunch, then? Actually, everyone who wants to come, we can do lunch for everyone!"

"Unfortunately, we already have a lunch appointment," Mami says apologetically. "Maybe next time, Kazumi?"

"Aww. That's alright," Kazumi says. "Consider it a standing invitation, though!"

"We'll take you up on it sometime, then," you say, smiling at Mami. That does solve the question of today's relative timetable quite nicely. "OK. If everyone's alright with that plan, then?"

"Mind if I drop in on Mitakihara in the afternoon?" Mika asks. "I'd like to tag in on meeting with Miss Tsuruya and Miss Shizuki. And presumably Miss Akemi?"

"That... should be fine?" you say. "I'll check with Hitomi and let you and Miss Tsuruya know. I don't really see her disagreeing, though."

"Ah, please do," Mika says.

"Alright. One moment, please?" you say, and let that connection fade into the background of your mind as you reach out once more. "Hey Homura, Hitomi. Are you alright?"

"Ah, Sabrina?" Hitomi sounds surprised. "It's unusual to hear from you at this time of the day. Is something happening?"

"Do you need... something?" Homura, usually decisive and blunt, hesitates over her words. You get the impression of her glancing over at Hitomi in their classroom at school. "Is Mami alright?"

"Oh! Everything's alright, nothing to be worried about," you say. "Two questions - first, I wanted to check on the status of the house you're getting for Miss Tsuruya to anchor a claim? If it's not going to be done soon, I might look at getting a temporary one, since moving the claim afterwards would be quite doable."

"We've already selected the location," Homura murmurs. "The paperwork is taking some time, unfortunately."

"... if it's urgent, I could have it expedited and have the paperwork in our hands by the end of the day, if you or Homura could lend her help," Hitomi says. "I cannot afford as much as we would need out of pocket, and the realtor in charge of that area isn't one that's owned by Maeba Holdings."

"Oh, sure, that might take a bit of doing, but that could work," you say.

"That won't be necessary," Homura says. You get the impression of violet eyes, narrowing in your direction just the slightest bit in familiar exasperation. "I'll work with Hitomi."

"Oh," you say, blinking, and smother a snicker - so that's still on, is it? "Alright, that should work, so... if you're sure, then."

"I am," Homura says.

"We'll sort that out at lunch, then," Hitomi says. "Did you say there were two questions?"

"Yyyyes, though I shouldn't have said 'questions'," you say. "Uh. Well. If it's alright, Miss Nakano and Miss Tsuruya would like to meet you after school, Hitomi? Or telepathy would work too."

You manage, you think, to convey a glance and raised eyebrows at Homura. Because you want her to know, and you want her permission, too - it's not like you're bringing magical girls from outside Mitakihara to meet Madoka, but if she disagrees, you're not going to go against that. You might discuss it with her, but... Homura's opinion matters.

"Oh. Oh! Yes, I've been looking forward to meeting Miss Nakano, thank you," Hitomi says, her mental voice brightening. "I certainly didn't expect that today, but that should be fine. Would Miss Tsuruya be meeting me on the same business, or unrelated?"

"That sounds... interesting," Homura says neutrally, and a twist of relief unspools, that little twinge of worry bleeding out of your shoulders. You didn't think she'd disagree, especially not when both Mika and Yuki have already agreed to face down Walpurgisnacht with you, but the reassurance is good.

Mami glances curiously at you, then smiles and takes your hand between both of hers and tracing her fingers along your palm.

"Unrelated," you say, responding to Hitomi rather than express any of that. "Well, mostly. I'll tell you more at lunch?"

"Very well," Hitomi says, excitement dancing in her tone. "This promises to be interesting."

"Here's hoping it lives up to your expectations, then!" you say. "See you both at lunch, then! Say hi to Madoka for me."

"Will do," Hitomi agrees.

You smile to yourself as you return your attention to the meeting.

"... dn't be restraining ourselves to East Asia," Yuki argues. "I believe nearly all of us speak English, do we not? Outreach to anglophone countries is something we should consider, and we can hardly depend on Miss Vee to do all the work for Constellation."

You blink, mentally reviewing the conversation you'd only partially paid attention to... ah, discussion about outreach.

"That... is true," Noriko concedes. "That said, travelling to anglophone countries isn't easy without Miss Vee to fly us, unless... Miss Nakano could carry passengers?"

"I would, but I'd rather contribute plane tickets to the cause," Mika says. "It would be simpler, really."

"... oh. Right, I forgot, um. Planes," Noriko says, blushing sheepishly. Akemi giggles, patting Noriko on one shoulder and hugging both of them to herself. "... well... that sounds doable, then?"

"Do you have anyone in mind, Miss Tsuruya?" you ask.

"Not at the present time," Yuki says. "But I am planning on looking into it. What news of your friends?"

"Fair enough. Right, uh... Miss Tsuruya, Miss Nakano, Hitomi would be glad to meet you after school today," you say. "And Hitomi thinks she can arrange for the apartment's paperwork to be ready by the end of today, so it would probably be viable for you to make the claim today?"

"Ah, excellent," Yuki says, satisfied. "I look forward to it, then."

"Lemme know when school lets out, I'll head over!" Mika says cheerfully.

"Will do," you say. "Right. Uh, on the note of outreach and such - I am planning to head to Kyoto and Kyushu tomorrow to make contact with the Murasaki Shrine Maidens and the Kagoshima Group. Does anyone want to attend, or me to pass along a message?"

"If they indicate an interest in allowing me to claim a building, I would of course be glad to come along," Yuki notes. "Otherwise... I did say I would be interested in meeting them, but do you know if the Murasaki group is actually shrine maidens, or do they simply call themselves such?"

"I... don't know, sorry," you say. "But I know that at the very least not all of them are."

"Ah. I would like to know, if they are, and..." Yuki hums. "I would appreciate it if you could ask if they would be willing to share their omiki?"

You blink. Omiki... sanctified sake, in other words.

"... sure, I'll ask?" you say. "Is there any particular reason I should give them?"

"I am... unsure of the proper way of brewing it myself," Yuki admits. "And so I have been neglecting that aspect."

"Miss Tsuruya, are you a shrine maiden?" Yuma asks, breathless and eager as she blurts the question that's probably on everyone's minds.

"I am not," Yuki says calmly. She'd probably expected that question. "But I am also the only one caring for the shrine, so I simply do the best I can."

"Oh!" Yuma says, nodding wisely. "I see!"

"I'll see what I can do," you say. "Le'see... I should also note that I have contacts at Tohoku and Rissho Universities, and maybe I could drum up some law students there, but... eh. We're letting that brew a bit? So. Anything else?"

"Nothing else important, though I would reiterate that I am serious about being willing to see about bringing in a few lawyers myself, if we choose to go down that route," Mika says. "Other than that, I'll see you in Mitakihara later today."

A chorus of 'no's follows Mika, so you nod.

"Then... that's that," you say. "Thanks for being here today, everyone."

"Thank you!" Kazumi says happily. "Lookin' forward to seein' you again. Later!"

And with that, the meeting wraps up, and you smile to yourself as the connection breaks, looking at your friends. Mami catches your eye and smiles, nestling into your side even as you stretch on the sofa, and you spare a glance for the twin Soul Gems, held in the air before you. The cause of all your most recent problems, but... the results are satisfactory, you suppose. It won't be too long a flight to Fukushima and from there to Asunaro, but...

You can feel Oriko's eyes on you, and you did want to talk to Sayaka about the whole... mess with the Soujus. Now might be the best time, you think.

[] Talk to Sayaka before leaving
- [] Write-in approach
[X] Oriko wanted to talk to you
[X] Drop off the Soujus with Shiogama
-[X] Fly their collection to Niko
--[X] Grab Yuki and fly her back to Mitakihara so she can work on getting a building while you find a bunch of hotel rooms
[] Write-in (word count limit: 150 words)


Sabrina('s memory) interrupt! Also, as per @Suleverf's suggestion, I'm going to start including the winning vote, going forward.
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i mean, we aren't changing much, Juubey already runs on incubator hardware, but he's simply missing some crucial functions

I mean to say that we don't really need an extra Kuybey body to make Sabrina Jr.

Like, we can make a custom one for her or just use the corpse in storage if we don't use it for de-witching

Edit: And we don't need Kuybey's soul-equivalent either. We can probably make one out of magic.

Which implies that we might need technique-copier to help make Jr, since we'd make the base using Grief (We don't want her bound to us)
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I mean to say that we don't really need an extra Kuybey body to make Sabrina Jr.

Like, we can make a custom one for her or just use the corpse in storage if we don't use it for de-witching

Edit: And we don't need Kuybey's soul-equivalent either. We can probably make one out of magic.

Which implies that we might need technique-copier to help make Jr, since we'd make the base using Grief (We don't want her bound to us)
we can copy apertures tech directly, and make a soul gem thought based pattern 3D printer or something for Sabrina Jr
"..." You enunciate the ellipsis over telepathy as clearly as you can, pairing it with the sensation a disapproving eyebrow. You hope. "Yeah, I'm sure. It was... basically religious fervour. Like, I'm not joking when I say it sort of freaked -freaks- me out."

"Mm. It does make guaranteeing good behaviour easier," Yuki observes.

"No. No. I'm not-," you blurt. You swallow your revulsion at the thought, shaking your head. "It would be easier, but it's not a path I want to even consider."

"... more than fair," Yuki allows after a considering pause. "I apologise."

"It's fine," you say. "Just... that's a dark, dark path, and I'm staying the hell away from it. That's all."

"I understand. And again, I sincerely apologise," Yuki says.

"Will do," you say. "Right. Uh, on the note of outreach and such - I am planning to head to Kyoto and Kyushu tomorrow to make contact with the Murasaki Shrine Maidens and the Kagoshima Group. Does anyone want to attend, or me to pass along a message?"

"If they indicate an interest in allowing me to claim a building, I would of course be glad to come along," Yuki notes. "Otherwise... I did say I would be interested in meeting them, but do you know if the Murasaki group actually shrine maidens, or do they simply call themselves such?"

"I... don't know, sorry," you say. "But I know that at the very least not all of them are."

"Ah. I would like to know, if they are, and..." Yuki hums. "I would appreciate it if you could ask if they would be willing to share their omiki?"

You blink. Omiki... sanctified sake, in other words.

"... sure, I'll ask?" you say. "Is there any particular reason I should give them?"

"I am... unsure of the proper way of brewing it myself," Yuki admits. "And so I have been neglecting that aspect."

"Miss Tsuruya, are you a shrine maiden?" Yuma asks, breathless and eager as she blurts the question that's probably on everyone's minds.

"I am not," Yuki says calmly. She'd probably expected that question. "But I am also the only one caring for the shrine, so I simply do the best I can."

"Oh!" Yuma says, nodding wisely. "I see!"
Yuki totally has the possibility to ask Sabrina a question about her own theological beliefs and Sabrina's wings will spontaneously turn into spaghetti as she hits peak awkwardness when trying to answer honestly.
I know this is counting our chickens before the hens have even laid their eggs

But what should we name Jr?

Clearly Luna because we'd make her in our Science! lab in the moonbase

Which we need to make- let's schedule it during the post-Walp festivities

(Actually, when *is* Walp happening? How many days?)
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I know this is counting our chickens before the hens have even laid their eggs

But what should we name Jr?

Clearly Luna because we'd make her in our Science! lab in the moonbase

Which we need to make- let's schedule it during the post-Walp festivities

(Actually, when *is* Walp happening? How many days?)
something in latin, gotta keep it classic
walp is happening in one week and 2 days, so like 6 years in real time
and we have a lot of things to do, but for now, surviving is the main one
Using the power of Google Translate

Latin for moon is Luna

Thanks for the timetable, we probably should do the moon base a bit sooner then
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