Why do we even bother denying it at this point?
There are some who seem to take issue with encouraging her emotional reliance on us. I personally think she'll be using us as an emotional crutch for awhile regardless and I don't see any benefit to breaking off the relationship. We can still try to lower her dependency over time while being close to her.
The best way to lower her dependency on us alone is to find her other friends who don't necessarily visit with us all the time. Like, maybe she's Homura's friend, but if they're interacting it's because of us. She needs friendships that don't involve us, if possible.

Edit: kind of like what Homura's trying with Madoka and Sayaka, actually. They're friends, they hang out, but without our involvement
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Yea we can totally make Barriers. We should do so at some point and see how we can customize it. Have our own pocket universe.
Can we create invisible grief?

You wave your hand in a grand sweeping gesture, and pull a wall of Grief up in front of you, which abruptly shimmers into perfect, crystal clarity, forming a windscreen.

If this looks like a normal windscreen it should be see-through like glass.
If we can make something look like gold and make transparent grief, creating a grief material that does not reflect light in the visible spectrum, but instead has a 100% transmission rate should be possible. Even if they can feel the grief, I doubt they would be able to pinpoint its exact position and shape.
We should honestly make a point at our next SCIENCE session to see how far this ability can go. How much is something fundamentally 'grief' when we fuck with it's properties? What's the cut-off point between, say, Grief-behaving-exactly-like-glass and like, actual glass?

And if we can turn Grief into forms of energy we are basically God.
We should honestly make a point at our next SCIENCE session to see how far this ability can go. How much is something fundamentally 'grief' when we fuck with it's properties? What's the cut-off point between, say, Grief-behaving-exactly-like-glass and like, actual glass?

And if we can turn Grief into forms of energy we are basically God.
Sabrikami? Sabrijus? Sabrakuma?
Our best bet in that regard is going to be to study an existing Barrier entrance
True. If we wanted to do so in a controlled environment, would it be a terrible idea to rehatch one of the Seeds we have on hand? That way we know what/who we're dealing with and that nobody needs saving while we work.
True. If we wanted to do so in a controlled environment, would it be a terrible idea to rehatch one of the Seeds we have on hand? That way we know what/who we're dealing with and that nobody needs saving while we work.
Has anybody been keeping track of the grief seeds? I know we've got Hildegarde and left Gwen with Oriko, but I don't know about all the others.
....Then who the hell is Anne, and why did that name pop into my head when I was thinking about the name?