"Alright. Definitely a possibility, then," you say, not quite committing to it just yet. You frown in not-entirely feigned thought. "Miss Nanami, Miss Nishimura? I feel like the answer is yes, but would Miss Tsuruya support claiming a building in Tokyo, and securing a Clear Seed there?"
You could ask Yuki directly, of course, but she seconded Shinobu and Moe to you - she trusts them enough to make decisions on her behalf, and you don't really want to disrespect that.
"You're absolutely right," Shinobu responds without hesitation. "She would love the opportunity."
"... there's another option," you say slowly. "One of the Constellation's members is someone who can claim a building as part of her domain. If she secured a building here in Tokyo, I would consider it safe to leave a Clear Seed there, as a communal resource. All parties involved could help to keep a watch on it, and ensure that no one group steps out of line. Would you consider that to be reasonable?"
Toshimichi considers this for a long moment.
"I would, tentatively, agree to that," she says. "But I would prefer to evaluate the nature of that magic beforehand. It would be the single largest target in Tokyo, you understand."
"Yuki would welcome the challenge," Shinobu says, leaning forward slightly, and probably-unintentionally looming over your shoulder. "But she would be more than happy to test herself against any trial you might devise."