Based off that diagram, and since we know it's possible to enter the anti-magic bubble without dropping out of timestop, here's what I'm thinking.
++ Extend a ramp towards the bridge from outside of the antimagic bubble. Have a strike team descend towards the bridge, including Sayaka, Kirika, and Kazumi for maximum anti-magic coverage. Goal is to disable the shipguca and enemy antimage as quickly and cleanly as possible, providing minimum time for shenanigans of any sort.
Team Alpha Members:
- Kirika: Antimagic
- Sayaka: Antimagic + Bullshit
- Kyouko: Powerful in CQC, not effected by antimagic flying wildly everywhere.
- Kazumi: Yet more antimagic and extra bullshit.
- Kaoru: Anti-Hostile antimagic shouldn't effect buffs, can boost entire friendly team and heal any injuries after combat.
- Mirai: Unaffected by enemy antimagic, knows how to coordinate with Kazumi and Kaoru.
++ Have a second strike team enter the ship below the bridge, aiming to prevent the two reinforcements from linking up with the bridge and guarding Yuki as she sets up primacy over the ship once shipguca is eliminated.
Team Beta Members:
- Yuki: With Shipguca eliminated, take control of the ship.
- Sasami + Moe: Powerful Combatants with experience working with Moe.
++ Have a third team enter the rear of the ship to rescue and assist the hostages.
Team Gamma Members:
- Sabrina: Languages to communicate with hostages.
- Yuma: Heal any injuries.
- Noriko: Can lock down two different approaches, still very skilled in melee if antimagic becomes an issue.
- Akemi: Luck Magic should help minimize risk to hostages.
++ While this is happening, the rest of our team should provide overwatch and rapid response if things go sideways.
Team Overwatch Members:
- Oriko: Observe the situation and allow Mami to coordinate.
- Umika: Aid Oriko in observation.
Team Omega Members:
- Mami: Wrap the ship in ribbons so it doesn't go anywhere, Tiro Finale any new battleships that pop up right out of the sky.
- Mika: Counter any large-scale weather magic, keep any battleship fragments from Tiro Finales from doing collateral damage to the city.
- Homura: If things go sideways somewhere, intervene, deploying Mami or Mika from timestop as appropriate.
I think this is a pretty valid plan of attack that seizes upon all fronts simultaniously, generally has us outnumber the enemy 2:1, should counter the vast majority of enemy shenanigans, and assigns teams in a way that maximizes the number of people working with already practiced teamwork.
Mami and Mirai are stupid powerful large scale attackers that should be able to counter empty enemy battleships very well on their own, and Homura provides an additional layer of security, while feeling more comfortable watching over Oriko knowing that Mami is right there to help her.