Hello there, beautiful people~!

Just found this quest and have a couple of questions before I dive in:
1. I have next to no knowledge about PMMM, other than those cat things have an Evil Plan or something and that being a Magical Girl != Super Happy Fun Times
Is cannon knowledge a must or is diving in okay too?
2. (Apologies in advance) That tag about Rionna, is it there because of some derail or because it's just something poorly handled/not written very well and should just be skimmed through?
Feel free to RTFM @ me or something (do tell me where to start if you do, please)
Thanks in advance.

EDIT: first impression - pretty happy I just jumped in, the characters feel alive and are a delight to read. I know I'm most likely missing a lot, but I can already see a Chekhov Armory building slowly.
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Hello there, beautiful people~!

Just found this quest and have a couple of questions before I dive in:
1. I have next to no knowledge about PMMM, other than those cat things have an Evil Plan or something and that being a Magical Girl != Super Happy Fun Times
Is cannon knowledge a must or is diving in okay too?
2. (Apologies in advance) That tag about Rionna, is it there because of some derail or because it's just something poorly handled/not written very well and should just be skimmed through?
Feel free to RTFM @ me or something (do tell me where to start if you do, please)
Thanks in advance.

EDIT: first impression - pretty happy I just jumped in, the characters feel alive and are a delight to read. I know I'm most likely missing a lot, but I can already see a Chekhov Armory building slowly.
1. Canon knowledge is not a must, but do watch it - it'll give context to why we do as we do. Cannon knowledge is also unnecessary - we have Mumi for that.
2. Rion^na was a character that caused the thread to erupt into a couple-week-long flamewar, due to running the thread's stated intent of saving everyone against someone who was explicitly and unrepentantly making things worse, and aggravated by the one source of information we had on her saying that she was, as far as said character knew, a decent enough person. We do not talk of Rion^na in depth because, even today, mention of her can reignite the flamewar.

Believe there's a story-only thread somewhere that's a good place to start - if a particular choice seems odd to you or if you want to see what the posters were thinking at a particular time, use the threadmarks to find the corresponding part in this thread. Do not skip Rion^na's parts solely due to the flamewar - knowing your history aids in avoiding repetition of it.

Welcome to Sabrina's head, fresh meat.

Edit: Ah, here it is.
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1. I have next to no knowledge about PMMM, other than those cat things have an Evil Plan or something and that being a Magical Girl != Super Happy Fun Times
Is cannon knowledge a must or is diving in okay too?
Sort of yes, sort of no.

Sort of yes, because our main character explicitly starts with full advanced knowledge of everything in canon. So things get predicted and referenced that you won't get without knowing what original canon was. And votes do often get made based on knowledge from canon. I can say for certain that if you jump into this without knowing the canon, you will get completely spoiled on the entire series.

Sort of no, since of course this quest isn't canon and there's differences between them, plus there's a lot of stuff is original to the story - for instance, many of the characters we have met are original. Some differences have been confirmed offscreen by the QM (for example parts of Madoka's backstory and Nagisa's backstory) and others are there but not revealed because finding those out is part of the quest. For example, Kirika Kure's magic is different from the canon and nobody knew that until getting to that part of the plot.

We still don't know all the differences, so even though votes do tend to get influenced by canon knowledge, there's always still the risk that things could turn out to be different than expected. In that sense, there's probably going to be at least a few times when voting un-influenced by canon could turn out better than if you did know the canon.
2. (Apologies in advance) That tag about Rionna, is it there because of some derail or because it's just something poorly handled/not written very well and should just be skimmed through?
Rionna is a character who was written out of the story by the QM. She didn't appear for very long and the section involving her was autopiloted through by the QM who says he didn't write it well and prefers that it gets avoided being referenced as much as possible (I also assume the character basically got retired and is never going to appear again).
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Gotcha. Thanks for the info. I just went with this thread instead of Story Only, 'cose I can skim through the discussion if something catches my attention.
And, thanks for the warm welcome. Glad to be here.
Fresh meat!
Like Pistachio says, knowledge of the series isn't strictly required, but obviously it provides context for every vote that has to do with future prospects (since we already know what's going to happen, mostly), and the general fact that knowing characters more intimately usually makes you care more for them. Granted a lot of characters here have started diverging some from their canon counterparts due to Sabrina influencing them, but the core personality is of course still the same.
While that's true, so far every new character is a new discovery for me. I do Google the images if the description seems not enough, but try to not look for details.
On the one hand, I know I'm missing stuff (like that invisitext which I just found). On the other, I have no preconceptions/biases, so I'm enjoying everything fresh :)
Also, the characters do a good job to make me care for them as is (poor Drill-chan and Timetravel-chan - they need all the hugs).
Thread reply banner, people.
I'm going to level with you. No sniping, no passive aggression.

The two people in this thread in most need of heeding that banner are Firnagzen and Godwinson. Those two are very frequently not kind to posters that make suggestions that they do not like.

And in some cases posters have made abhorant suggestions, but that still does not excuse attacking the posters personally and in the same breath calling an end to discussion.
2. (Apologies in advance) That tag about Rionna, is it there because of some derail or because it's just something poorly handled/not written very well and should just be skimmed through?
Feel free to RTFM @ me or something (do tell me where to start if you do, please)
I would strongly advise taking PistachioCookies' reply with a healthy amount of skepticism.

IMO, the story updates are fine. That tag was referring to the months-long discussion that went highly toxic, but since you're sticking to the story-only thread then you should be all right.
The two people in this thread in most need of heeding that banner are Firnagzen and Godwinson. Those two are very frequently not kind to posters that make suggestions that they do not like.

And in some cases posters have made abhorant suggestions, but that still does not excuse attacking the posters personally and in the same breath calling an end to discussion.
BTW, :Citation Needed: on Firn personally attacking posters, because that's a pretty strong claim to make in this thread.
Basically, I've found that if someone is being toxic, don't pull a Taylor Hebert and escalate. Instead, you want to pull an Aisha Laborn and just stay out of sight.

Apologies for the Worm reference.
I'm going to level with you. No sniping, no passive aggression.

The two people in this thread in most need of heeding that banner are Firnagzen and Godwinson. Those two are very frequently not kind to posters that make suggestions that they do not like.

And in some cases posters have made abhorant suggestions, but that still does not excuse attacking the posters personally and in the same breath calling an end to discussion.
Dude, talking about other posters like that is already rude, but saying Firn has problems with passive aggression and sniping for moderating his own quest? Quite politely, I might add? The man has the patience of a saint to put up with this thread's flamewars, and you're kind of a dick for insulting him in his own thread to new people.
Right, in the interest of giving the thread something to do other than spiral, I'm going to just step in here and make some finishing touches to Redshirt's vote.

Rephrased the Re: Cure section to address @The Phoenixian 's concerns.


[X] We're working on both ends of the problem: prevention and cure. Sayaka can help with both.
-[X] For prevention, we'll keep doing whatever we can to make sure that magical girls - all magical girls, everywhere - don't have to fight for resources or starve anymore.
--[X] Clear Seeds are a stopgap solution - they're much better than the status quo, but you still want to replace them with something better once you can.
-[X] For cure, we're working to try to reverse the witching process and rescue the fallen magical girls, or as close as possible.
--[X] It's been tried before, and usually ended badly, but you have good reason to think that you have a shot.

[X] In both cases, the Incubator will be your biggest obstacle. It intentionally poisons magical girl groups against each other, and a lot of girls believe in its plushy facade. We need to anticipate it spreading misinformation and pointing hostile groups towards us - it might have already done so with Iowa.
-[X] You... aren't in a position to directly fight it yet. It has unlimited bodies that it can instantly teleport anywhere in the world, and a bunch of subtle influence over media and the spread of information. But you don't intend to take this lying down - you *will* end this rotten system it's built, one day.

[X] Let Sayaka collect her thoughts, and don't overwhelm her. Be a good friend.
-[X] Provide more information as she asks questions:

[X] Re: Prevention
-[X] Almost all magical girls - even the most heinous ones - are ultimately victims of this system. And often the most ruthless and vicious ones are the ones who know the most: they'd do anything to avoid suffering that fate.
--[X] You strongly suspect this is why the Akiko of the Sendai group was so harsh with her "taxes" upon the University Girls.
--[X] With the recent outreach in Tokyo in particular, you think that the truth about witches was shared in that Council Meeting, and Chiyoda used memory magic to cover it up.

[X] Re: Cure
-[X] We're working with Niko Kanna and the Fukushima Group on this, and Nadia is carefully sounding out other potential recruits.
-[X] You're taking things slowly, since you don't want to hurt the souls you're trying to help, or yourselves for that matter, by assuming something was true when it wasn't. We're basically starting from complete ignorance and because of that setbacks, false assumptions, or even occasionally having to scrap our work and start from scratch aren't tragedies even but something to be expected here.
-[X] Explain your current theories regarding Clear Seeds and their absorption of Hope.

[X] Re: Sayaka's role
-[X] Sayaka wished to be helpful, and her power lets her scan peoples souls and create erzatz soul gems. You don't think that's a coincidence.
--[X] She shouldn't try using her power on Grief Seeds yet, though. You've tried tapping into the emotions of a witch before and... you experienced her suffering directly. Maybe once this news isn't so fresh, and she has a spotter and a reasonable set of precautions ready to help her.
-[X] More indirectly, Sayaka has access to an enormous number of powers, plus all the combination effects that opens up.
-[X] And, of course, she's already been a huge help when it comes to your outreach efforts.

Made a couple edits and X'd in Redshirts proposal.

First expanded the line on being careful into a bit on safety and expectations. I think this is very much in spirit with the original, but it could use expansion into the need for proper safety and expectation management.

And added a few words to red proposal since it likewise fits with the idea of experimental safety and cuts off a plausible line of action that could be troublesome.
I'm going to level with you. No sniping, no passive aggression.

The two people in this thread in most need of heeding that banner are Firnagzen and Godwinson. Those two are very frequently not kind to posters that make suggestions that they do not like.

And in some cases posters have made abhorant suggestions, but that still does not excuse attacking the posters personally and in the same breath calling an end to discussion.
BTW, :Citation Needed: on Firn personally attacking posters, because that's a pretty strong claim to make in this thread.
I could totally understand this interpretation of my post. I grouped Firnagzen and Godwinson together and criticised the end result.

My bad, They are two seperate individuals. However Firnagzen was condoning and supporting Godwinson's personal attacks on PistaccioCookies, in the same posts that he was calling for the argument to end.
Dude, talking about other posters like that is already rude, but saying Firn has problems with passive aggression and sniping for moderating his own quest? Quite politely, I might add? The man has the patience of a saint to put up with this thread's flamewars, and you're kind of a dick for insulting him in his own thread to new people.
But seriously, how Gadjo do you get that interpretation from "no sniping, no passive aggression in a paragraph where Firn has not even been mentioned yet?
I'm going to just post my revised vote, removing the proposal that, despite intended to be hopeful and liberating, was nonetheless construed by certain parties in the most spiteful, hateful and offensive way possible.

[X] What are going to do? We are going to break the system.
-[X] No more Witches, no more Grief Spirals and no more girls being forced into paying the considerable cost they didn't know would be taken from them when they sought help.
-[X] We're currently working on a stopgap and a cure. And ultimately, we're aiming for total prevention.

-[X] The Stopgap: For now, we're distributing Clear Seeds. It won't stop Witchification, but alleviating the need for Grief Seeds should hopefully slow down the rate of Girls turning.
--[X] This is one of the reasons we've been working with Nadia Bennouna and reaching out over the internet and pushing the Clear Seeds so freely to everyone else.
-[X] The Cure: De-Witching. We have a project currently being carried out by Airi Anri, with the Fukushima group standing guard. We're hoping introducing positive magic to Clear Seeds could turn them back into Soul Gems.
--[X] This is part of the reason why, even though the main point was helping Mami, we wanted to meet with the Asunaro Group. We believed their magics might help with De-Witching. As it turned out, Kanna Niko knew most of the truth and we've since kept in touch with her; she's been exploring a different avenue to De-Witching and we hope to collaborate with her.
--[X] This is also why we were keen to meet with Rionna Mag Aoidhe; we were hoping she might be able to help with the soul aspect of the process. It didn't work out, but thanks to Sayaka we were still able to get a copy her power.
-[X] At the same time, we need to guard our backs against Kyubey. The Incubator tends to sabotage efforts to undermine its system, like how it manipulated Kanna Hijiri and Anri into raiding Niko's lab.

-[X] Break The System: In the long-run, we're looking for a way to make sure nobody turns into a Witch ever again.
--[X] We know it's possible. There was at least one Magical Girl - Jeanne D'Arc - who was somehow able to prevent herself becoming a Witch even after her Soul Gem had completely filled.
--[X] Investigating this hasn't gotten beyond the idea stage because we believe the moment we start actively investigating, it will invite greater reprisal from the Incubator than we could currently deal with.

-[X] To stand a chance, we need allies, knowledge and breathing space. And right now we're kinda short on all three.
--[X] There are very few people who know the truth and we don't know who they are or which ones we can tell without making things worse. This is part of why we're meeting with the Tokyo Group on Monday - if it goes well, there will be more people there who know the truth we can form an alliance with to stand against the Incubator.
--[X] We don't know enough about the Incubator, its capabilities, methods or history. We don't know how the details of how Witches work or how Contracts are made; what we do know is that the Incubator actively interferes that type of research and has claimed to shape the course of human history for millennia.
--[X] Walpurgisnacht is coming. And beyond it, the threat that sent Oriko nuts trying to prevent. Even now, it seems every other week, there's a new problem like the Souju Sisters turning up to ruin our day. Whether or not it's a coincidence, we have a lot of problems piling up in the short-term.

-[X] "Everything CAN be fixed, but we can't do it alone. Now that you know what we know - Sayaka, will you help us?"

I stand by what I said about this being the time to discuss our endgame. If our agreed upon endgame is Appletank's mentioned Law-Of-Cycles-style approach (assumingly minus the need for the existential sacrifice), that's fine too. It just needs to be said.

De-Witching isn't the ultimate goal and never was. And I do not think it should be presented as such. It was only ever a stepping stone towards permanent Witch prevention, which is the ultimate goal, whatever form it takes.

And I also still stand by this not being the right vote to tell Sayaka what she can't and shouldn't do. That's not hopeful or empowering and not what she asked about on any level.
PistaccioCookies could maybe have found a less salty way to state that his opinion was mischaracterized, but he has a point.
Look, when I say drop the topic, I also implicitly meant that the sniping is supposed to stop. Maybe I didn't explicitly say it, but I'm saying it now.
To characterize PistaccioCookies defensiveness as sniping is to support the claim of his attacker!
Yeah, no, we're not going to play into your fantasy of disempowering magical girls out of selfish sexist spite. Take it to some other quest.
Godwinson frequently gets into flame wars on this thread.

Even when not starting an argument, he will still escalate to personal attacks.

If he were to act this way in a thread with a different OP, he would be called out by the OP.

It could be that there is some instance somewhere in this thread where Firnagzen has called out Godwinson, but I cannot recall such a time ever despite many occurrances of Godwinson starting and escalating arguments.
Deliberately enforcing the disempowerment of people, especially a group that trades in that power for considerable cost, isn't something that I'm interested in, particularly tying in with your previous post about the matter. The solution to some people being blind is not to poke everyone else's eyes out.

That's my final word on the matter. Drop it, please.
Firnagzen will instead single out whoever Godwinson argues with for a specific chewing out, time and again.

And as he takes a side, he will also ensure he gets the last word by declaring the argument over.

I actually agree with his stated intentions and goals here.

I don't believe it was neccessary to tear down PistaccioCookie as dark, depressing, and disenfranchising.

PistaccioCookies vote was not even in danger of winning. Even if it had Firn has a veto.

If Firnagzen's concern was to prevent a flamewar, he should single out the poster who was making the argument about attacks on personal character!

Not implicitly support the accusations!

I get real sick of the mantra of 'Be kind to each other' being used to mean 'Shut up and take your abuse!'
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I'm pretty sure there was a time when we could've stopped this, like, maybe two months ago.


Madou Sutegobana. Frankly, by raising your tone and accusing the QM of favoritism, you aren't helping your case. Yes, what Godwinson said was hurtful and possibly incorrect. What Pistaccio answered was salty and pointed. That doesn't matter here.

QM has taken a side in the issue, but not the argument.

There's an important difference here: he said he disagrees with the idea of decontracting on principle, not that he agrees with Godwinson assessment that the idea was sexist, even though it might seem so by implication. Then he asked to drop it.

Which we were continuously half-assing for the last few pages, those of us who tried, that is.

Look, I don't envy Firnagzen's task. Trying to write about teenage girls doing things to make the world better as a hobby, write it well, make it a Quest, and then come and listen to people shitting on each other or on him every two-three months.

Please, for fuck's sake, do it in private. Even if you disagree with Firnagzen's decision here, there's something to say about doing it in private, personally, in PMs, maybe using respectful tones as a bonus, not for everyone and their privy to see it here in this thread.

Like, does anyone miss the threadlocks for a month? I honestly don't. So, on this cheerful note, let's stop this, please? Or at least, take it to a PM convo, like Kaizuki has suggested.
I think several things are at play here.

First, as a reminder -this thread started in 2014, it's been running for six years. With at times highly contentious votes spilling out into flame wars and personal attacks that have resulted in this thread being locked several times.

Such flamewars can be trying for a GM to deal with so Firn has, understandably decided to more often than not ere on the side of caution when it comes to possible flamewars.

Second, and this might be worse depending on how good (or bad) people are at social. The text format removes a huge swath of non-verbal cues and the instantaneous feedback they can provide. So people work entirely off wording and depending on peoples own experiences they can go and make their own assumptions.

Third, posting this all out in the open gets everyone to chime in and you get people inclined to side with one person or the other and it turns into a us vs them rather then a proper discussion.

Should we expect the GM to act fairly? If not impartially since this is a story they are trying to run? Yes. But I think it's best to handle these discussions, especially if they are about a specific person rather than a thread wide trend, via PM's with the person and perhaps a trusted mediator. That allows a deeper discussion without everyone piling on.
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I could totally understand this interpretation of my post. I grouped Firnagzen and Godwinson together and criticised the end result.

My bad, They are two seperate individuals. However Firnagzen was condoning and supporting Godwinson's personal attacks on PistaccioCookies, in the same posts that he was calling for the argument to end.

But seriously, how Gadjo do you get that interpretation from "no sniping, no passive aggression in a paragraph where Firn has not even been mentioned yet?

PistaccioCookies could maybe have found a less salty way to state that his opinion was mischaracterized, but he has a point.

To characterize PistaccioCookies defensiveness as sniping is to support the claim of his attacker!

Godwinson frequently gets into flame wars on this thread.

Even when not starting an argument, he will still escalate to personal attacks.

If he were to act this way in a thread with a different OP, he would be called out by the OP.

It could be that there is some instance somewhere in this thread where Firnagzen has called out Godwinson, but I cannot recall such a time ever despite many occurrances of Godwinson starting and escalating arguments.

Firnagzen will instead single out whoever Godwinson argues with for a specific chewing out, time and again.

And as he takes a side, he will also ensure he gets the last word by declaring the argument over.

I actually agree with his stated intentions and goals here.

I don't believe it was neccessary to tear down PistaccioCookie as dark, depressing, and disenfranchising.

PistaccioCookies vote was not even in danger of winning. Even if it had Firn has a veto.

If Firnagzen's concern was to prevent a flamewar, he should single out the poster who was making the argument about attacks on personal character!

Not implicitly support the accusations!

I get real sick of the mantra of 'Be kind to each other' being used to mean 'Shut up and take your abuse!'
You... openly referred to the previous paragraph in reference to firn showing favoritism. You were and are still saying that, and it's immensely disrespectful to continue to make these accusations in thread, aside from the fact that I believe you to simply be salty that he disagrees with you and will jump in to settle arguments with word of gm. Take this shit to PMs. It's off topic and rude.