Feels like we're missing out on an opportunity to gather information from the Kagoshima IRC by not asking anything. I'd go with Phoenician's vote, but asking whether they're comfortable trading information is, I feel, somewhat counter-productive - it should be immediately evident whether or not they are comfortable simply by asking them for some actual information and gauging their response. If they're not comfortable, they'd hesitate or decline to respond, if they are then they'll just tell us.
Meanwhile, asking if they're OK with the idea of trading information makes it feel like you're trying to pressure them into some sort of a formal bargain, like we want them to become our personal spies or part of some organized informant network. They're already wary about us, implying something like that would not be good.
On the other hand, IRC channels are meant to be places where casual gossip happens. So let's gossip.
[x] Poke Mami and confirm she's up for a Tuesday trip.
-[x] Confirm meeting for Tuesday.
[x] Other topics:
-[x] Ask casually if they know anything about what the Tokyo Council are like or whether they are friendly. Mention you met a few back in Sendai who seemed nice.
-[x] Don't press. If they hesitate or decline, thank them anyway and drop the subject. If they are unhesitating and willing to offer up, further ask them if they've heard of some scary group of Americans called the Iowa Group.
[x] Vote in abeyance
-[x] If the conversation goes in a way that fits heavier topics, ask #milesgloriosus if they know anyone that might have info on the Iowa group, since they might be headed your way.