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I wouldn't say that.Regardless, Sendai isn't the group we need to sell on this. We have them over a barrel.
We may have gotten them out of a bad situation, but we know they would have managed to get out alone.
Akiko also displays a lot of confidence for someone we have over the barrel and even then Sakura is kind of a loose cannon even if she wants to look good in front of Rin.
At the moment we are in a game of wits where each side is trying to gather as much information as they can from the other side without revealing any crucial bit themselves.
It's more like a standoff.Sakura's scowl deepens, too, and her grip tightens on her katana as she stares down Kirika. The black haired girl gives as good as she gets, an unblinking, citrine orange glare and a feral smirk displaying far too many teeth.