Nascent Transhuman
I'll draw your attention to this "detail":I think we're getting too lost on the technical details. As long as we can get some kind of arrangement where cleanse offers and clear seeds are permissable in Tokyo, that's good enough for me. We can worry about the nuances later and it doesn't have to be solely decided by us. In fact, it shouldn't be.
That "detail" looked to me like our group concluded that we could not give Clear Seeds to anyone in Tokyo as long as the Council existed."Do no harm," you say with a nod. "Help those who need help. Be kind."
"Ah!" Madoka says, brightening up into a shy smile. "That's a good principle to live by. But... that might make it difficult."
"Because their entire power structure is at least slightly predicated on being able to exert indirect pressure," Mami says, eyes narrowing a little. "They need to convince people to join, don't they?"
I certainly hope so. Talking to Tokyo would be a waste of time with the above conclusion in place.Alright. I misinterpreted the vote somewhat, but I believe that even with that intent - the core discussion still came through, of how it would be possible to get Tokyo to handle it.
I think that we have enough resources to watch the watchmen. It was watching everyone else that we can't do.The problem with making a single trustworthy group in charge of policing is that group composition might change over time, more people joining that group because they want the power making the group slowly become composed mainly of more power hungry girls.
Basically I think we also need to set up a watcher for the watchers, some sort of complaint process, a mechanism to move the policing responsibilities to another group - stuff along those lines.
And, you know, it's not like even a slightly corrupt modern police force would be worse than their current method. Which is, let me remind you, "Twenty angry magical girls show up on your doorstep", even before you consider the possibility that it's all being stabilized by quiet assassinations by the person that nobody knows anything about. That's not policing. That's somewhere between mob rule and a dystopian totalitarian dictatorship.