@Lord Chungus @Redshirt Army
To be honest, I've never been so much on the Homuvent train. Sabrina's her own character, yes, but we are part of that, and we shaped her with our directions and with the consequences of the medium we use to direct her. That is to say, the time dilation in between RL and IC Quest time has affected Sabrina for good and ill.
For good, because
we get lots more time than anybody IC to deal with things as they happen and that reflects in lots of Sabrina's actions, which usually helps make good decisions. For ill because sometimes that works against us and it becomes Sabrina's impatientness ('negotiations' with Sendai - FAIL; talk with Riona - did good
enough, but barely; Ono... well, Ono).
So I don't really think Sabrina's got a need to
vent at Homu. It would be cute, sure, and we've had Sabrina cry and vent about things now and then, but right now... I don't see the need. While we have dealt with some shit lately, there's been
so much fluff in between stressful moments, I already felt Sabrina unwind more than enough times about all of it.
So I'd like to emphasize the third incentive for 'venting':
1 - De-stress.
2 - Have a cute moment with Homu.
3 - Help Homu understand us better.
Could we have a middle ground, perhaps?
VENTING!!!!1!one!, but...
Homu part Protovote:
[ ] Talk with Homura while shopping.
-[ ] Be mindful to not overwhelm her. Clarify you just want someone to hear you out, and she's your closest confident.
-[ ] Share your problems and recurring frustrations about trying to help Magical Girls, about dealing with the Witchbomb, and with KB.
-[ ] Don't make this all about you, if Homura wants to talk, give her space.
-[ ] Don't let the serious talk take too much of the trip. Thank Homura for listening.
You raise good points against venting too much, but I disagree that we've unwound back into normalcy. Sort of. We're not
nearly as frustrated as we were before, but our frustrations haven't disappeared; they just stopped being at the forefront of our mind. We unwound, sure, but not because we dealt with our frustrations and talked about them. They just... stopped being relevant to the conversation, so we didn't talk about them.
We're not suddenly fine with all the things my vote has us vent about, they're just not an issue right this moment. If we don't vent about it, get our issues out with someone who cares about us and
understands those problems, then the next time we come across a stupid Meguca who doesn't want to be saved, those frustrations will boil over again, and then we'll probably do this again. I know that I would like to see those frustrations addressed, and any advice Homura can give us will be worth its (metaphorical) weight in gold.
If I'm reading it correctly, your proto-vote has us sort-of vent to Homura instead of fully venting. I... don't really see how this helps Homura understand us better than if we full-on vented to her. It has Sabrina be more calm and less emotional, but I don't really see how that would make her understand us better.
I guess my main issue with your reasoning is this bit here:
So I don't really think Sabrina's got a need to vent at Homu. It would be cute, sure, and we've had Sabrina cry and vent about things now and then, but right now... I don't see the need. While we have dealt with some shit lately, there's been so much fluff in between stressful moments, I already felt Sabrina unwind more than enough times about all of it.
Essentially, I think that while we
have unwound, it was because the situation around us changed, not because
we changed. As I said before, we never fully
confronted our frustrations, we just sort of waited them out. And if we don't fully vent? The next time the situation is like what it was before, if nothing changes? We're going to react the same way, because we didn't fully
vent about stuff, and get our frustrations out there in full.
Now venting can only do so much, given that the thread affects Sabrina's thoughts, but I think this would be good for the thread as well. Sabrina has those frustrations because
we have those frustrations, and getting some catharsis would be good for us.
Now, I've stolen a few bits, to make sure we don't overwhelm Homura. Vote now looks like this, with bits in red being added in.
[x] Head out to school
--[x] Have fun with your friends.
[x] Don't prompt Sayaka about her decision. Don't mention it unless she brings it up.
--[x] If she does, talk to her privately and cut to voting.
[X] Go shopping with Homura
--[x] Ask if you can vent to her. Clarify you just want someone to hear you out, and she's your closest confident.
--[x] Vent to her. Get everything out. Your frustrations with Rionna and girls like her who refuse to listen to you, your frustration with having to tiptoe around your friends, everything.
--[x] And to make things worse, any attempt to solve those issues would probably blow up in your face! You don't want to tiptoe around Mami and Madoka and the others, but witchbombing them is even worse! You want magical girls to listen to you, but if you force them to do what you say then you'll end up a tyrant! You can't do anything!
--[x] If she seems overwhelmed at any point, slow down.
--[x] Don't mention the PotentialBomb, Homucifer, Madokami, or other topics you don't want to tell Homura right now.
[x] Invite Homura to share her frustrations, and comfort her.
[ ] Ask if you can vent to her. Clarify you just want someone to hear you out, and she's your closest confident Is so Homura's prepared for us to vent, and isn't suddenly dealing with an emotional Sabrina without any foreknowledge.
[ ] If she seems overwhelmed at any point, slow down Is so we don't, well, overwhelm her.
[ ] Invite Homura to share her frustrations, and comfort her Is, well, inviting Homura to vent to us. It shows we support her, and we're here for her, without any major risks. If she wants to vent? She does, and we comfort her. If she doesn't? Nothing happens, and we continue with our shopping.
Fake Edit: The Redshirt vote seems okay, but it's less... vent-y. We still vent, of course, but it's less 'screaming about our frustrations' and more 'you know, this
really sucks'. Also, no inviting Homura to vent.
Real edit: Maybe... I think we should be less "scream our heart out" and more "get frustrated and angry and reflect that". Yeah, 'screaming' wasn't good word choice on my part. Still, the Redshirt vote doesn't seem vent-y enough, less like a heartfelt venting session and more like Sabrina's a teenager cheerfully chatting with her friends about how she got grounded and her mom took her phone and ohmahgawd, doesn't my life
suck? Too... calm and collected to actually do what venting is supposed to acheive.