Entanglement pt. 22
You shake your head. "Sorry, but there's something else I need to do right now," you inform Kirika. "Maybe tomorrow?"

"Mnyeeeeh..." Kirika makes a face. "I might be busy tomorrow. Maybe another time, then." She looks down at her watch. "Well, it was nice talking to you, but I'm very late for school now... Guess I'm skipping today. Bye!" She begins to walk away.

"Say 'hi' to Oriko for me, would you?" you call at her retreating back.

"Yeah, can do," Kirika calls back without turning, carelessly waving a hand back at you.

That was another thoroughly odd conversation, you muse, as you turn to check the bus routes to North Kasamino. You frown as you consider the implications of Oriko knowing about Kirika's Wish- but as far as you know, Oriko shouldn't have known about Kirika before the latter's contracting, because Kirika should never have worked up the nerve to talk to her. So that meant... what?

Finally determining the right bus route, you sit down, and wait for the bus. "Homura," you call, deciding to update the time traveller. "Any sign of Oriko or anything?"

"Nothing," Homura replies.

"That's a relief," you say. "OK, listen. Oriko might be recruiting right now; Kirika mentioned that she's hiring someone. Don't know who, though. Uh. There's more, but it's not something I can talk about right now. We should probably meet up later."

You can practically see Homura's frown deepen in response to that. "Noted."

"Right. See you later, Homura," you say.

You lean back in the seat at the bus stop, waiting for the bus, and frown up at the ceiling. Too damn many variables moving around, Oriko acting peculiarly nonhostile, things happening out of order... But for now, you're going to see what you can do about Yuma. There are probably people worse off... but she's one you know about, and can do something about.

The bus arrives, and you get on, dropping the requisite fare into the receptacle to get a ticket. You look suspiciously around the bus, hunting for more apparently-random bus encounters, and relax marginally when you don't see anyone familiar.

The bus ride is peaceful, with not many people on the bus, passing as it does through the old industrial districts. As expected, you draw a few odd looks, but no one comments. You stare out of the windows at the abandoned buildings and factories, mostly fenced off and sealed with 'DANGER! KEEP OUT!' signs, slowly rusting hulks of machinery strewn everywhere. Probably left over from Mitakihara's industrial boom, now fallen to the wayside.

The industrial district gives way to another city, more glittering steel and glass, as the bus drives over a bridge spanning a river. Mitakihara's sister city, Kasamino. You're headed for North Kasamino, today, hoping to find a certain green-haired girl.

Soon after, you arrive at your destination, and get off, before walking into an alley and taking to a roof for a better vantage point. This area... isn't nearly as well off as it could be, you observe. The buildings are somewhat run-down, peeling paint and damage quite apparent. Still, parks are easy enough to spot from this high up, verdant patches of greenery scattered amongst the concrete and steel.

You only spot two parks, and hop along the roofs, enjoying the rush of wind to contrast the mid-morning sun, but still paying close attention to your senses. The area seems to be relatively clear of Witches, and you don't sense any Witches or magica-

There's a Barrier over there in that park, and a presence -magic, puella magi- approaching the Barrier at a dead run. Normal human running speed, ground level, you note.

[] Write-in


Added a 'Useful Information' section to the Index, consolidating hints that I've dropped.
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yeeeeeeeah no. We're going to avoid Kyouko for now. Maybe later, when we have an excuse for being in her territory.

[X] Ignore the witch and the puella magi, keep looking for Yuma.
yeeeeeeeah no. We're going to avoid Kyouko for now. Maybe later, when we have an excuse for being in her territory.

Uh. If things are happening as they should, Yuma is already in the barrier.

Also, we should not pass up the opportunity to make a good impression on Kyouko; helping her save Yuma, preventing Yuma from contracting, letting Kyouko have the grief seed while simultaneously showing off that we don't need it.

Of course, the fact that the meguca is running at normal speed implies inexperience, which implies an already contracted Yuma. In that case, we definitely want the very impressionable and lonely Yuma to latch onto us before, say, Oriko can get to her.

[x] Go to the barrier.
-[x] Unless you spot Kirika, in which case stay the fuck away and observe from a distance.
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[x]...Kyouko or Yuma?
[x]Well. Time to say hello. Transform up.
[x]If Kyouko:Go and talk to the newcomer, staying in plain sight. Don't block her way. Ask what her rush is. If it's about Yuma, offer to help. We won't get in her way.
[x]Otherwise, if she's not in a rush, introduce yourself as a new contractee. Say you're not here to hunt in her territory, you're just passing through. Hand over the grief seed, and offer to cleanse. No strings attached.
[x]Don't block them if they're in a hurry. No hostile movements.

[x]Go to the barrier
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A magical presence running towards the barrier at puny mortal speeds...that's a new contractee that doesn't know how to use a MGs inherent skills.
Okay point, but I think relying on things being the same is a bad idea, and I am a very paranoid person.
So I went back and looked for confirmation that Kirika is a Puella, this is what I found:

You see a girl running towards the bus stop, and obligingly wait for the girl to catch up so that the bus won't go without her. Your heart nearly stops, however, when she gets closer and you recognize her: black, slightly longer than shoulder-length hair, and yellowish-brown eyes. There's a small stuffed toy that you can't quite make out bouncing on her hip.

Kirika Kure.

"Hey- hey," the girl pants, hands on her knees, out of breath from the run. You frown at that, and your eyes instinctively flick to her hands. There is, indeed, the silver ring of a puella magi there, and a mark on her fingernail... so how can she possibly be out of breath? Unless she's acting? "Ah, sorry, Mr. Bus Driver," she calls at the bus driver. "I need to talk..."

Basically nothing that couldn't be faked if you knew what the ring and fingernail mark mean. I am now halfway unsure that Kirika has even contracted at all. I mean, she's certainly extroverted enough to be, but nothing else fits.
So I went back and looked for confirmation that Kirika is a Puella, this is what I found:

Basically nothing that couldn't be faked if you knew what the ring and fingernail mark mean. I am now halfway unsure that Kirika has even contracted at all. I mean, she's certainly extroverted enough to be, but nothing else fits.

Uh, she flat out said that she made her wish right in front of Oriko. She's a magical girl.
Uh, she flat out said that she made her wish right in front of Oriko. She's a magical girl.

There are non-meguca contexts where that wording also works you know. Like a love confession.

Edit: I'm still mostly thinking she's a Puella, but there's a lot of things that don't make sense if she is.
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There are non-meguca contexts where that wording also works you know. Like a love confession.

Edit: I'm still mostly thinking she's a Puella, but there's a lot of things that don't make sense if she is.
Remember what Sabrina's power is?

We would have sensed if she was lying, because we would be able to tell she wasn't a meguca.


[X]Go to the barrier
- [X] Use grief sense to detect any person or magi or familiars after entering the barrier to have an idea if Yuma is here.

As for Oriko agenda, I believe that GM said that Oriko main objective to save Mitakihara and the world. That is her end-game. The only thing that can threaten the world is Wapulgu-whatever. So we know Oriko basis motive, as for what she saw, we cannot be certain but it is something bad that cause her to be antagonist towards Mitakihara.
Entanglement pt. 23
You hiss in a breath. A puella magi, but one who's just running? Either she's new, very new, or trying to go undetected. You briefly consider Kirika, who you'd seen recently, just running, too.

Still, you can't let this go to chance, and you spring powerfully into the air, cracking the roof behind you. You hope no one was living in that building directly under your take off point; they'd probably have plaster falling in on them if not worse.

You soar through the air on a long arc, carefully angling yourself for where you sense the Barrier is. You squint at the rushing figure still approaching the Barrier, trying to make it out, but the wind rushing past your eyes makes it difficult to see clearly.

You land with a loud crack, shattering concrete under your feet. The paving tile is completely pulverized, and little chips go flying into the air. The puella magi, still charging at the Barrier, stops and looks at the source of the loud noise.

It's a little girl, no more than ten. A messy bob of green hair sits on her head, crowned by a white cat eared hat with tufts of hair poking out from the ears. She's wearing a green and white shoulder-less dress with little orange clasps and buttons. Her orange Soul Gem is displayed prominently on the back of a fluffy white collar around her neck, and on the front, a large orange gemstone.

Chitose Yuma.

She blinks at you, and turns to run for the Barrier again.

[] Write-in


Short update.

One thing I'm explicitly retconning by GM fiat is that Yuma's weapon is just a mace. Because no, fuck you, it does not have a godsdamned tail; who thought that was a good idea?
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[x] Oh no...
-[x] Pick her up and rush into the barrier. Who ever is in there is important to her.
-[x] "You needed to hurry right?"
-[x] "It's dangerous to go alone. Let me come with you, okay?"
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Kyouko's probably getting munched on by a witch. Might be a bad idea to talk rather than rushing into the barrier with her.

Mind grabbing her and carrying her in would probably get us to Kyouko faster.
[x] Oh no...
-[x] Pick her up and rush into the barrier. Who ever is in there is important to her.
-[x] "You needed to hurry right?"
-[x] "It's dangerous to go alone. Let me come with you, okay?"
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You received YUMA! You can equip it in the ITEM MENU. Press A to let YUMA heal you, press B to have YUMA make an INSPIRING SPEECH. If you leave YUMA behind, YUMA will CRY, you MONSTER.

[x] Oh no...
-[x] Pick her up and rush into the barrier. Who ever is in there is important to her.
-[x] "You needed to hurry right?"
-[x] "It's dangerous to go alone. Let me come with you, okay?"
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