Darnation, it's too late.
If only I had realized this sooner... I'm sorry to inform you all that Sayaka has been taken over by the pigeon people.
I realized this earlier but didn't have a chance to vote, and now it's too late. At least, I can explain.
See, the previous update we saw Sayaka standing around with a pigeon on her head. At the time we took this as a simple humorous action, but failed to consider the implications.
Would Sayaka make a fool of herself for fun? Probably, she is, after all, a fool.
But think this? Isn't there a far more simple and logical explanation for this event? An obvious explanation, dare I say?
Wouldn't someone who doesn't understand the intrincacies of human societies be far more unprepared to act like a normal human being in a strict society and more likely to draw attention to themselves, without even realizing their error?
What I have realized is obvious, too late, far too late, is that Sayaka, while talking with random animals to set up a watch network, became frustrated with her efforts when her targets appeared 'dumb' towards her requests, and not knowing this was a mere ruse by a low level pigeon agent, attempted to turn her mind editing powers to upgrade said agent's mind, and facilitate communication.
But Sayaka thought she was dealing with a small brained creature, and the application of her power was wholly inadequate to deal with the naturally quantum enhanced mind of the pigeon people.
Thus, in a moment of distraction, the low level pigeon agent was able to turn Sayaka's uneducated mind altering attempts against her.
Now this pigeon has complete control of Sayaka's mind.
It flying away was it recognizing, perhaps thanks to interacting with us, natural enemies of birds, that it was acting in a suspicious manner.
Comrades, I call you all to drop our current plans of action and pursue the pigeon threat. Quickly, before Sayaka's very Soul is consumed, if it hasn't been already.