I throw this unorganized mess at you all.

[X] Telepathy talks not too early!

[X] Telepathy Kazumi, Niko.
-[X] Ask about Hijiri, share that you want to try talking with her.
-[X] Defer to them.
-[X] Coordinate with Kazumi and GOOD MORNING ASUNARO AND MITAKIHARA!

[X] Randomly compliment Kirika for being cool.

[X] Is the Grief you enchanted yesterday still primed?
-[X] If not, Prime enough Grief for a Privacy Sphere. Test how long the enchantment lasts.

[X] Try to shield your Grief in all dimensions without Witchy Grief.

[X] Call Hijiri.
-[X] Be polite. Offer an update on Anri and ask about her Grief levels.

[X] Walk Mami to school.
-[X] Ask Sayaka to send a clone to school (for the secret purpose of inviting her to brunch with Kyouko and Yuma!).
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Also we need to get around that Witchbombing Sayaka thing.

So... what do we do?

- Telepathy Hijiri.
- Talk with Sayaka about Witchbomb.
- Visit Oriko and Kirika about new arrangements and Kirika specifically about diary.
- Call Nagisa.
- Traditional brunch with Kyouko and Yuma (and Sayaka?)
- Invite the Shiogama girls to lunch instead (with Sayaka?!) and check how they're doing.

[Q] Warn Kirika that if she opens the diary right now, it will be become a separate version than the version of the diary we will know about once our metaknowledge updates, hopefully today OC (likely before this year ends OOC). However, if she waits before she opens it, we will know what the diary says, then this version of the diary might have been the same as we will have known.
Wait what? What's this about witchbombing Sayaka?

Going by MagiReco, Sayaka can take a Witchbomb pretty well as long as she's got a mission to look forward.

Her powers in PMAS could make her super useful for de-Witching research.

Idea that's been floating around is to give Sayaka the same offer we gave Mami, and that Niko gave Kazumi; letting her know an infohazard exist, that we are planning to do something about it, just how horrible it is (and make sure she understands how dangerous it is to meguca, to Mami), and asking to think about it and to let her know if she so decides.
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I'm not really familiar with MagiReco. I don't really think we should be using things that are ambiguously canon to base our actions off of. This doesn't strike me as a good idea.
I'm not really familiar with MagiReco. I don't really think we should be using things that are ambiguously canon to base our actions off of. This doesn't strike me as a good idea.
When it was first brought up, Firn stated that characterization is the first and most likely thing to make the jump.

The original discussion is has Firn quoting the second and their pasts, but cleaning it up a bit...

[02/07/2018] Redshirt Army: Anyway with the latest info from MagiReco it sounds like Sayaka can handle a witch bomb fairly well as long as we let her know that there is A Plan TM
[02/07/2018] Godwinson: Assuming that content from works produced after PMAS began will have influence on PMAS.
[02/07/2018] AuraTwilight: For the sake of characterization he's been pretty reliable about trying to incorporate everything he can access.
[02/07/2018] Firnagzen: this, yeah

Redshirt Army - 02/07/2018
Anyway with the latest info from MagiReco
it sounds like Sayaka can handle a witch bomb fairly well
as long as we let her know that there is A Plan TM
Onmar - 02/07/2018
and how dangerous the knowledge is >_>
Redshirt Army - 02/07/2018
Sabrina - 02/07/2018
Assuming that content from works produced after PMAS began will have influence on PMAS.
Onmar - 02/07/2018
Firn tries
Redshirt Army - 02/07/2018
It usually does
he's stated he incorporates later canon before
This is excellent news on a number of levels
Onmar - 02/07/2018
btw, should we have a talk with Sayaka about her powers at some point?
Like, she's got some hax powers, and some powers that really, really would be terrifying in the wrong hands
So we should say we're glad they're in her hands. That we trust her. But ask her to be very careful
Redshirt Army - 02/07/2018
One of the key ones: We can now use various potentially useful powers to work on dewitching, without having to witchbomb each wielder individually
also: Sayaka's magic literally scans and reconstructs parts of souls
AuraTwilight - 02/07/2018
Assuming that content from works produced after PMAS began will have influence on PMAS. For the sake of characterization he's been pretty reliable about trying to incorporate everything he can access.
Redshirt Army - 02/07/2018
also also Sayaka wished to be useful, and dewitching is one of our major goals
Her contributions being invaluable literally fit her wish being fulfilled
Yvonne - 02/07/2018
It helps there that she has all the Saint's powers save one. (edited)
Redshirt Army - 02/07/2018
I'm still a little sad she didn't manage to grab Hijiri's power
It's a combo package!
AuraTwilight - 02/07/2018
which Saint is she missing?
Yvonne - 02/07/2018
AuraTwilight - 02/07/2018
Redshirt Army - 02/07/2018
teddy bear girl I think?
AuraTwilight - 02/07/2018
Hijiri would've been nice
Yvonne - 02/07/2018
No teddy bears.
Redshirt Army - 02/07/2018
honestly not much of a loss
AppleTank - 02/07/2018
getting hijiri would assumely get all of the Pledias?
Redshirt Army - 02/07/2018
AuraTwilight - 02/07/2018
back before she figured out how to multi-power I was basically squeeing over Sayaka with Hijiri's powerset
it's all the Pleiades and then some
Redshirt Army - 02/07/2018
possibly bullshit letting her combine her "songs" too
Yvonne - 02/07/2018
(And then we learn that Mirai was actually the most crucial Saint involved. :p)(edited)
Redshirt Army - 02/07/2018
since we literally see Hijiri use her magic to fuse souls
̣BOT - 02/07/2018
AppleTank - 02/07/2018
Yvonne - 02/07/2018
I cannot help but imagine the results of Hijiri using that connection magic on Brina, under the theory that she's a cut out & Dewitched core of UKG/WPN.
Redshirt Army - 02/07/2018
Suggestion: When we see Hijiri next, try putting her off balance by memeing FMA at her
AuraTwilight - 02/07/2018
She probably can't, for the same reason Sabrina can't read our soul
Redshirt Army - 02/07/2018
AuraTwilight - 02/07/2018
yes, sorry
AppleTank - 02/07/2018
AuraTwilight - 02/07/2018
Onmar - 02/07/2018
Sayaka: "Actually, I was jealous and Wished to be stronger than you. KB said that was actually literally impossible because of your 'bullshit Potential' but then this popped out of thin air."
Gives Sabrina a slip of paper
The slip reads:
Valid for one (1) fuckload of Potential, to be taken from Sabrina's account.
(There's a little round hole in a corner of the slip.)
Sayaka: "Then KB threw its ears up in the air, said 'fuck it', and granted the Wish."
Sabrina: "..."
Sayaka: "So I'm not sure I can help with de-Witching."
Sabrina: "... Uh."
Redshirt Army - 02/07/2018
The thing that gets me about Sayaka's wish
is how boned she would be with that powerset in literally any other circumstance, and how batshit OP it is in this specific scenario
Onmar - 02/07/2018
well, yes
it's very smart
Redshirt Army - 02/07/2018
it's very easy to see that she wished to be part of the team
Firnagzen - 02/07/2018
[12:15 PM] AuraTwilight: Assuming that content from works produced after PMAS began will have influence on PMAS. For the sake of characterization he's been pretty reliable about trying to incorporate everything he can access.
this, yeah

In addition It's not like this is incongruous with anything else: Sayaka has already been shown, in both Rebellion and PMAS itself, to be quite sympathetic to witches. More than that she's voiced her dislike of having secrets kept from her, repeatedly and in multiple different ways.

We're also not going to go haring off and telling her everything. We've talked about how this might affect her and how to raise it to her in a way such that she'll have a solid ability to accept or reject the being told. (Notably, that the one of the big things for her seems to be the problem of being isolated by a truth she can't tell anyone or that they won't believe.)
Imagine the dream scenario of Homura attending to a session: she may probably want to attend in timestop to prevent Kyubey from listening and, really, how would she go in detail of her issues without talking about magic?
That's why I'm suggesting Hitomi's mom: she may know a psychologist both as a professional and as a person.

(of course that means later preventing QB from mindwiping said psychologist)

Taking a step back from mindwiping, is there anything (besides their 'ethics') preventing Kyubey from reading the thoughts of a non-contracted human? I think that would be a major barrier to convincing Homura to attend these sessions and expect to get something out of it. If we ever do figure out permanent enchantment, I think we would have to give the psych a privacy ring or something equivalent.
Taking a step back from mindwiping, is there anything (besides their 'ethics') preventing Kyubey from reading the thoughts of a non-contracted human?
Well, we know he wasn't reading Madoka's mind before she made her wish, or he wouldn't have been surprised by it. And he can't read Homura's mind, because if he could then he would have immediately known what her deal was. But totally-normal non-potential humans? Unknown.
Taking a step back from mindwiping, is there anything (besides their 'ethics') preventing Kyubey from reading the thoughts of a non-contracted human? I think that would be a major barrier to convincing Homura to attend these sessions and expect to get something out of it. If we ever do figure out permanent enchantment, I think we would have to give the psych a privacy ring or something equivalent.
Even if there is, therapists usually take notes. Requiring them to operate without that would make things much more difficult.
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We have other magical girls that need therapy besides Homura. Mami, for instance.

I daresay that Homura's therapy can wait until after Walpurgisnacht, because it isn't likely to make a serious difference for her in the couple of weeks between now and then.
Wait, wait. We've found out that we live in a 4-space, at least in terms of magic, but I don't think Mami is fully aware of that -- she'd have weaponized it I'm sure... Or it's limited and we should talk with her about it!

Mumi science, nya!

[] Whatever vote
[X] Bring Mami in on your 4-space experiments. If it were a fully physical 4-space you could do things like running an invisible ribbon between two points and just leaving it there -- glance pointedly at ribbon on your arm. If she has any thoughts...? Otherwise, something to mull over.
Our own soul gem extending in other directions is concerning and I'm incredibly relieved that we figured out we need to protect it before we met someone that could stab it in another direction.

Mami's soul gem not extending out in other directions is odd. Unless, of course, it's not extending because she has it armored to hell and back in those directions, which would be exactly Mami. :p
... Huh. When we "pulled our arm back", did we retrieve the grief that made it up from outside our range? O_O

Our basic enchantment can adhere to Grief, even outside the body diameter. And the enchantment has tensile ability, or the Grief overboard could not be pulled back in.


As far as I understand 4D geometry

Seeing Mami's Soul Gem from our 4D position is like trying to see a dot from another geometrical plane. While being a line.
Or something.

Or each soul gem has its own separate 4-space. Or slice of 4-space since it's infinite.

Ummm... I'm getting the concept that the expansive space may not be accessible from the outside of our soul gem.. I'll bet you it's all within the gem. It may be cold, hard vacuum because we have been thinking in ways that make it so? As a variety of Barrier space, we could have a summer beach under blue skies, a subterranean grotto, or CamLan, if we invest in it. One would have to be a little crazy to do that much work on it... or perhaps be a Witch.

So does anyone else think the "4D space" is actually their proto-barrier?

[] Radio Morning Mitakihara
- [] [morningrescue.mpeg]
-- [] Include all of Asunaro, Sendai, Kasamino, etc.
--- [] Rebrand as Radio Morning Sabrina Magica.

We should start doing this.

Liking this, both for continuity and as a way to start turning over a new leaf in the Hijiri conversation.

Actually, I think we should ask Niko what sorts of breakfasts have which meanings to her, and understand that as we invite Hijiri to 'port in for breakfast.

Also, it's moving towards a "radio exercise" morning for Magical Girls. Strong cultural attachment. Actually a worthy effort that will reward us, too.
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Wait what? What's this about witchbombing Sayaka?

Another reason to Witchbomb Sayaka is that it's likely to happen very soon anyway.

There's a lot of meguca coming, and some of them will be witchbombed already, and because we're not constantly with Sayaka like we are with Mami she's considerably harder to protect from infohazards.

More than that, her power copying naturally lends itself towards being witchbombed. Copy one wrong power and it'll Witchbomb her. If she could've copied our power, for example, then she would've been witchbombed already.

Finally, she's our friend and I don't like lying to her more than strictly necessary.
I've been thinking of asking Hitomi's mom for references of a trustworthy psychologist.
Okay, that's just what I wanted to say about their relationship. Onto mental issues! We should get a real therapist. We could ask Hitomom for help too, because she's an adult and has her adulty wisdom.

We will need many, in the end, but someone had to be first in line. BTW, I think the hardest qualification is finding a therapist who is able to balance intervention and treatment tasks. While still working under the constraint of our vulnerability. Magical Girls are vulnerable, and this is different from vanilla humanity. There is no room for 'whoops' regarding depression, and I bet pharmaceuticals may not work in case management.

For almost anyone except Homura, Kyuubey isn't much of a privacy concern, IMHO.

It probably manages girls using skill, rather than research. Earth is a chicken coop, or a fish pond to them. Would the farmer follow the history of each animal before harvesting them? No more than required, as it is a waste of energy. Once they contract, it shouldn't need much more biography. It gets enough from making the rounds.

Kyuubey can obviously read minds, if it can selectively memwipe. But it complained to Sabrina about excessive Masquerade workload for a reason. It just doesn't want to spend energy reading all those useless, lesser human minds.

Finally, it seems to manage its affairs as if it is a master philosopher. Or a true Neutral (ha!!) Taoist. Kyuubey delights in controlling humans through inaction, silence, absence and agreement. That is the aesthetic, not "privacy" or "prime directive."

Simply supplying magical privacy will usually be fine. For Homura, we will need to be most careful, because Kyuubey is curious. It has good instincts.
Ooohhh!! Oooooo!! Getting Cyberpunk vibes!!

[X] Bring Mami in on your 4-space experiments. If it were a fully physical 4-space you could do things like running an invisible ribbon between two points and just leaving it there -- glance pointedly at ribbon on your arm. If she has any thoughts...? Otherwise, something to mull over.

-- she'd have weaponized it I'm sure...

like running an invisible ribbon between two points and just leaving it there --

When do we have her research the smallest ribbons
-with the greatest magical strength? The most famous deadfall in SciFi, updated for Mitakihara....

Another reason to Witchbomb Sayaka is that it's likely to happen very soon anyway.

There's a lot of meguca coming, and some of them will be witchbombed already, and because we're not constantly with Sayaka like we are with Mami she's considerably harder to protect from infohazards.

More than that, her power copying naturally lends itself towards being witchbombed. Copy one wrong power and it'll Witchbomb her. If she could've copied our power, for example, then she would've been witchbombed already.

Finally, she's our friend and I don't like lying to her more than strictly necessary.
Firn doesn't bomb people off screen with absolutely no chance for us to act on it. Also I absolutely hate the reasoning of 'we should bomb people because it's just going to happen anyway'. First of all, no, you don't know that. Second, the only person that's been dropping bombs throughout the entire quest thus far, has been Sabrina. There's been no instance of people we know getting bombed off screen. We've caused the bombs to happen either through our own mistakes or by willfully dropping them ourselves at times for great consequences. And that's largely the point. It's Sabrina that drives the plot. Her actions. Her consequences.

Mami is still in the process of recovering from all the bombs we've dropped.

Still think dropping the bomb on Sayaka is a mistake. Hoping she'll act based on her characterization in a (mobile game is it?) is... well that's a serious gamble at best. I won't be voting for it. I hope you guys are ready to deal with whatever fallout happens if that kind of vote goes through.
We can make a barrier to find out if it's related to the 4 space stuff.

Not necessarily how it interacts with our Barrier(s), since if our 4d shenanigans are bound to us as an individual, we wouldn't necessarily have an overlap issue; while it would be interesting to observe, I wouldn't actually be surprised if we could see the outside of our Barrier(s) from searching through our sheaf of 4-space slices. And of course if our 4d shenanigans aren't bound to us as an individual, we would still see the weirdness I'm meaning. However, just testing on ourself, even setting aside the fact that we're wary of making our Barrier, may not provide a full spectrum of results.

But if we're trying to do 4d bullshit in another Barrier or extra-dimensional space, such as (although it's a bad idea) Homura's shield storage or Mami's teacup storage, or more reasonably, either one of Tsuruya Yuki's claimed buildings ("It's a trick of folding space within a zone I claim, but it's harder to use. It's the basis for the microwave room as well - I have another room full of stored sunlight.") or a normal Witch Barrier, would 4-space warp in unexpected ways because different jurisdictions of magic have priority? Or just because we're folding slices of 4-space into eachother complexly? Or do they not overlap and interact strangely at all, unless we explicitly try and make them do so? All these things would have different implications that I'd be very interested to explore.


"Cool," Kirika says, flopping over on the sofa next to Oriko. She grabs a pile of chains, each link the size of your knuckle, off the table. "These'll do?"

"They were the most throwable objects we could acquire on short notice," Oriko notes.

If they're under house arrest, does that mean Oriko's house just had a random pile of chains lying around somewhere for some reason? What, did they cannibalize a chandelier? Some bicycle securing devices? Car tire chains or tow chains? Some renovation equipment? Secret politician murder dungeon basement? They couldn't have just one-hour-shipping'd stuff to their house from the internet or something, they'd have gotten something a little more reasonably weaponizable in that case, surely.

It was probably something totally reasonable, but I can't actually think of anything reasonable, and am now terribly confused...