[x] Main goals, in no particular order:
-[x] Encourage Homura to believe in her own value, and in a good future.
-[x] Prevent her from feeling that her wish isn't being fulfilled because she isn't the one saving Madoka.
-[x] Explain, as best and clearly as possible, everything Homura indicates she wants or needs to know.
-[x] Encourage Homura to say what she's feeling, and listen to what she says... and doesn't say.
[x] Overall tone and subtext:
-[x] Optimistic and certain this loop will succeed.
-[x] Comforting and encouraging.
--[x] Don't make Homura feel like our sidekick. Make her feel like she's the hero
... like she's our hero.
-[x] Don't steamroll over Homura with speeches, let her express herself.
Don't continue to push a particular topic if it's upsetting her.
[x] Reaffirm that Homura can do this and deserves a happy ending.
-[x] She's spent more than a decade putting herself through a Sisyphean purgatory to save someone she loves. If anyone deserves a happy ending, it's her.
-[x] Homura is our friend, the closest thing we have to family, and we care about her. We want her to be happy.
--[x] Not just Sabrina, but everyone. Mami, Sayaka, Hitomi and most of all Madoka. Even if they don't know what she's been through, they all care about her and want her to be happy.
-[x] Even after Walpurgisnacht is beaten, we're never going to give up on Homura. We'll do everything we can to help her be happy.
[x] Homura
will save Madoka, and all of us will do everything we can to help her.
-[x] Meanwhile, Sabrina is going to save
everyone, and wouldn't mind having Homura's help.
Homura is not alone anymore. She has someone else who knows the truth and wants to help her.
-[x] If Homura is feeling that she is not fulfilling her wish, that she is useless because she is not able to be the one protecting Madoka or other feelings of inadequacy, then remind her of how much good she's done.
--[x] Without her, it all would have been over in the first timeline. It's only because of her that we got this far.
Sabrina can only do so much. It's only because of Homura that we even had a chance.
She's been the one keeping Madoka safe this whole time.
---[x] Holding down the fort while Sabrina rushes off to deal with out-of-town crises
---[x] Timestop as an epic force multiplier, or letting us get there in the nick of time.
---[x] Tracking down Oriko
---[x] Saving Sayaka from the witch.
---[x] Watching over Sayaka when she stormed off and ran straight into Kyouko.
---[x] Giving us the knowledge needed to make the right choices, both from metaknowledge and just her advice.
---[x] Even just giving us this safe space to talk without Kyubey listening.
---[x] The only reason any of this is possible is because of Homura's strength, because Homura fought and persevered all alone for
years to carve out a chance at victory.
--[x] Make sure that Homura knows that she is incredible and the hero of this story, that she is the one who will save Madoka, and that Sabrina is just here to help her.
@Torgamous may want to change their proxy, as Narrator dropped their plan due to predicted busyness keeping them from updating it.
Really really starting to dislike proxy-voting...I get the idea of "constantly updating as discussion continutes", but having votes go from a detailed approach with specific issues.... and getting dumped into two-lines focused on entirely different strategies like several past votes have gone.... it gives the impression that if you can't devote all your time to the quest then you shouldn't bother as a prolific few will run everything.
It's only the only thing I've been talking about for the last ten pages, the only thing half the rest of the thread has been talking about for the last ten pages, and the subject of that gargantuan essay I wrote during this voting cycle. mCooperative literally sigged it and you didn't notice it? And you just, I don't know, assumed that I never talked about it instead of looking to see if I had and running into the gargantuan essay or the exclamatory commentary surrounding it? You could not have missed it if you had just looked. Not with comments like "I'm +1ing Kaizuki's entire post" and "I would like to give you All The Ratings. Also: Could I have permission put a link to your entire post in my signature?"
I'm incredibly busy these days, and I frequently only have time to skim the thread. This means that I may miss context and important points.
So what I'm saying is that if adhering to the wordcount means you lose clarity, then
forget that wordcount.
Speaking of which, I've removed said wordcount for this vote.
Considering the Firnquote, specifically that he doesn't always have time to read ten pages of discussion (and whether its the first time after update, the last ten before he starts writing, or some random sampling I don't really know) , you may want to expand a bit past
two lines to include your desired story, or at least include a direct link to the essay in your vote or something?
EDIT: I thought I'd seen a post where you just had the last two lines of your vote, and the rest of it wasn't X'd earlier in the post. Seems like all of it is when i go back to look, but it still feels a relevant rebuttal to your reaction to Narrator's question.
It's the second one. "Fixing" Homura is a process that will take years longer than the span of the quest. I don't doubt it's possible, but as you say, we're not in a position to provide the help she needs - and moreover, with Walpurgisnacht and Feathers still ahead, the challenge will be increased even further.
This seems to be an argument I keep hearing in here, along with desires to let Brinapilot handle too much and going with ultra short "vague intent" votes that are only really enough for an update if you've been keeping up with multiple pages of discussion...... "We surely can't fix Homura within the quest , so lets just dabble at it rather than really focus on it" , "We can't achieve de-witching within the quest, so lets just share the idea a bit and not kidnap Niko and others for a dedicated science session like our barrier days" , "We can't do anything to help Kyubey's entropy problem so lets not worry beyond random inspirations like Tarski paradox" .....
What exactly do you see as the focus of the Quest? Beyond a boss battle with Walpurgisnacht, what /is/ the goal or goals we're meant to bother attempting because we can fix it during the quest (that is, what achievement or failure will result in Quest Complete) ?? Madoka did a damned good try of it in 13 episodes, and didn't have a deity explicitly empowering her towards "you CAN fix EVERYTHING actually" for fucks sake. What do you even think happens post-Walpurgisnacht if we haven't gotten at least as far in "Fixing" Homura as we have with Mami?