Apparently, I am now obligated to post this here:

Yvonne-Today at 2:53 PM
I'll admit Redshirt's description of it means I can't help but imagine us playing the old lady from that one Dr. Who Episode: In the hospital on the moon with the straw.

Firnagzen-Today at 2:53 PM
No brina you are the Walpurgisnacht

Yvonne-Today at 2:54 PM
We literally stick a straw in the barrier and suck it dry. The Shiogama girls wander by. They stare. We stare back. "What?"
Naturally, they snap a picture and upload it.

Firnagzen-Today at 2:56 PM
Only if it makes that noise
Like when you're trying to get the last drop out of a juice pack

Yvonne-Today at 2:57 PM
No brina you are the Walpurgisnacht
We're removing barriers graffiti. Clearly we're the Wall-purge-isnacht

Full context
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The inability to marry may be due to multiple factors such as differences in social rank status, an existing marriage, religious prohibitions, professional ones (for example Roman soldiers) or a lack of recognition by appropriate authorities.

Same-sex marriage not being legal in Japan currently, much less in 2011, the "lack of recognition" factor would apply.
.......are you saying that no magical girl wished for her fam or for her town or for her country to accept that they are a lesbian or that they could marry their girlfriend? cause i kinda cant see that happening, at least not one time anyways.
.......are you saying that no magical girl wished for her fam or for her town or for her country to accept that they are a lesbian or that they could marry their girlfriend? cause i kinda cant see that happening, at least not one time anyways.
If they had, then Hitomi wouldn't have gone, "Girls can't love girls!" when she saw Madoka and Sayaka giving each other odd looks. :p

I get the impression that most magical girls contract too young to be thinking about marriage, and don't have the potential to make wishes that change the legal policies of entire nations.
And the train swiftly goes off the rails towards LGBT rights territory...
How do you know that didn't happen? Maybe all of the American history of fighting for freedom and tolerance is just one magical girl wishing after another? ( at least, in pmmm )

Okay, but seriously, for a given value of serious at least, I was talking about status disparity between Empress Mami Tomoe and lowly Sabrina Vee.
She doesn't even have a title so that she could become a princess consort.
Love transcending social classes, between an illustrious ruler of all that sun shines on and a common foreigner. I'd watch that film.
sounds like a trashy romance novela
also it still confuses me that magical girls literaly have the power to bend space and time and things are still so similar, i cant see one magical girl wishing that everyone had jetpacks, i cant.
also who the fuck says we dont have a goddamned title, we are a badass, we can be co empress or someshit, we have the power!
(although grand magister sounds cool to)
I dunno about jet packs
But you see them hair colors?

I think the degree to which we are beating ourselves down to put Mami on a pedestal is unhealthy for Sabrina.

I was ( mostly ) kidding. Don't treat my shitposting too seriously, it's bad for Sabrina's health. ;)

Edit. to everyone else: same as above. Oh, about Empress consort, I dunno, I always thought that it didn't matter what title the ruler has.
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[] Hijiri:
-[] Offer Ribbon Grid search. Maybe with a Grief Magic Booster for Mami's range? (side benefit: Kazumi and Sayaka can copy it).

[] Sayaka (mind she's likely eager to actively fight an opponent, not just to help):
-[] Get Mami in on this. The Pleiades too, if interested.
-[] Agree with the sentiment, but note the time and resource constraints we're working on, nevermind the danger such groups pose.
-[] Emphasize the good work you are already doing.
-[] Mention the new problems that'll pop up as a result of our actions (and how could Sayaka help).
--[] Example: Reduced Witch Hunting due to no need for Seeds (Sayaklones could help make up for this).

We don't know how long the Magic Booster took to make that one time, do we?
I dunno about jet packs
But you see them hair colors?

I was ( mostly ) kidding. Don't treat my shitposting too seriously, it's bad for Sabrina's health. ;)
hair color is a obv change yeah, also schools seem to get so much fucking funding in this would its insane. im sure most of the poorer countrys are....well lest poor, but at the same time their might be a bunch of african magical girls pulling a warlord card on some peeps.
Yeah, about becoming the Eternal Empress of Meguca, btw.
Redshirt Army, I'm sure you've all had this argument for at least thirty times already without counting Discord, but if Sabrina wants to change the situation of all the magical girls, aside from science, magic and goodwill, she'll need infrastructure. Rehabilitation Centers for Witches, Clear Cubes (?) distribution system, some kind of police enforcement to ensure that the next Iowa or Sendai Group doesn't appear, in other words, government. Woe betide man ( or girl, as the case might be ) and his trappings of civilization and all that.

How democratic/autocratic that government would be depends on many things we can return to discussing after finishing up easy things, like murdering our alter-ego(s) :V

We don't know how long the Magic Booster took to make that one time, do we?

Onmur, according to Sabrina's Day Planner you help writing, "a few minutes"?
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Redshirt Army, I'm sure you've all had this argument for at least thirty times already without counting Discord, but if Sabrina wants to change the situation of all the magical girls, aside from science, magic and goodwill, she'll need infrastructure. Rehabilitation Centers for Witches, Clear Cubes (?) distribution system, some kind of police enforcement to ensure that the next Iowa or Sendai Group doesn't appear, in other words, government. Woe betide man ( or girl, as the case might be ) and his trappings of civilization and all that.

The enforcement part of that whole deal is the part I'm by far the most sketchy on. All the rest is just setting up infrastructure in Mitakihara, but force projection... We are going to make a strike group that goes out and deals with rampantly unacceptable behaviour.

The issue is that I want the bar for "unacceptable behaviour" to be very, very high. We do not have the means, methods, inclination, or even the right to be the meguca world police. Ideally, we support the creation of social structures elsewhere that can do their own policing, and only interfere where the issues are so deeply rooted that soft force won't suffice.

Tokyo is a prime example of something below the line - we could go and smash the Council to bits, and supply cleansing to locals disregarding their Byzantine bureaucracy... and all it would cost is destabilizing the magical girl politics in one of the largest and most densely populated cities in the world. It's far more in our interests to cooperate with them, no matter how aggravating they may be.

I fully expect a great number of magical girls involved in protection/taxation/tribute rackets to be redeemable. Yes, they were involved in terrible things, but doing so for the sake of one's own survival, while not laudable, is still understandable. It's the ones who insist on maintaining those terrible acts when we obviate the need for them that need to be removed from power.

Anything beyond that is pure overreach - Sabrina would be a fucking terrible Empress, with the position and authority massivly exacerbating the worst excesses of this thread's participants.
Onmur, according to Sabrina's Day Planner you help writing, "a few minutes"?
That's a different thing.

There was one time we made a Magic Gem that boosted magic. Oriko got a (surprised) shock holding it. We didn't really do anything with it, and I fear it might have taken long to make.

If it was a matter of minutes, it could really help here, it it boosts Mami's range. It'd be nice for Kazumi and Sayaka to have, too.
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inb4 the leader of the Iowa group has some conceptual bullshit that reflects harm done to her onto her attackers or some shit.

Homura's timestop is very, very good. Don't make the mistake of thinking it's undefeatable.

What would happen if she is just restrained with ribbons? She wouldn't be harmed. Would it be then possible to just take her Soulstone from her physically?
Anything beyond that is pure overreach - Sabrina would be a fucking terrible Empress, with the position and authority massivly exacerbating the worst excesses of this thread's participants.

Have faith in fellow human beings!

Or at least, in moderators. :V

I don't say creating government automatically means a unified meguca world state. It could be as binding as an absolutist empire or as autonomous as United Nations.

Onmur, wait a sec, gonna look for the quote.

Ugh, quoting on the phone is pure torture.

You tip your head at Oriko's Soul Gem, still sitting on the table. A thin patina of Grief has already gathered under the surface in the time since you'd last cleaned it - the result of the usage of her precognition. "May I...?"

Oriko grants you permission with a quick nod.

You cleanse her Soul Gem with a quick crook of your finger, adding the relatively minuscule amount of Grief to the blob you still have in your hands. You look down at the blob, 'kneading' it with your powers. A small flash of deeper purple on your finger - the ring, still on your little finger, and still no issues there.

An idea strikes you, and you glance up at the silver haired girl again. "Hey, Oriko, would you mind if I were to try something else, with your help again?"

"No, please go ahead," Oriko says.

You nod. If you can't heal directly with something made of Grief, maybe you could make something to amplify your magic? You focus, moulding the Grief with your will. Amplification. Something to make your magic work better.

The Grief flows like wax under a flame, runnels sliding around your left hand to form a smooth, golden gauntlet reaching past your wrist, flaring out mid-arm. Sockets sit on the back of the gauntlet, one over every first knuckle. A single blue crystal gleams at the base of your index finger. It also feels... odd, as if crackling fire were sheathed in wire and wrapped around your hand.


You flex the gauntlet. It looks like it's made of metal, but it bends and warps without complaint, the crystal twinkling as it catches the light. Of course, it also glows Witch at your senses.

Kirika lifts her head off Oriko's side and gives the gauntlet a curious look. "Shiny," she observes in a solemn tone.

"So it is," you agree absently, holding it out with your palm towards Oriko. "Oriko, would this work?"

"Could you pass it to me for a moment, please?" Oriko asks, holding her hand out for it.

You take the gauntlet off, the faux-metal shifting easily to let your hand out, and you pass it over. Oriko nearly drops it when her hand makes contact with it, her eyebrows shooting up in surprise.

"Is something wrong?" you ask, alarmed. You sit up, tensing and ready to intervene in a moment if necessary.

"No," Oriko says, frowning. "Give me a moment, please." Her frown deepens as she concentrates, sea green eyes sliding shut. Her Gem bubbles slowly with corruption. Finally, she opens her eyes again, looking faintly surprised. "This works better, but it isn't... perfect? The effects still don't persist fully." She sets the glove down on the table.

"That's... interesting," you say slowly, dragging the words out and thinking. You dissolve the glove into Grief, leeting it flow away, returning to the mass outside. You purse your lips, and add, "And, uh. Sorry. I guess I'll have to heal you normally, and uh. That's kinda slow."

"No matter," Oriko murmurs, shaking her head slightly.

You stand, moving over. "Um, could you move? I, uh, can't reach your arm," you say, mentally adding, there's a Kirika in the way.

Oriko nods. "Kirika? Let Sabrina-" Kirika bounces off the sofa, circles around to the opposite side, and then sprawls across the couch to lay her head on Oriko's lap. The seer smiles, her good hand coming up to cup Kirika's cheek. The black haired girl closes her eyes, nuzzling against the hand with a blissful smile.

You settle into the position vacated by Kirika, already summoning the glow of healing magic to your hands. "Kirika, do you know how to heal? Can you give me a hand here?" you ask. Oriko obligingly lifts her missing arm towards you, presenting you with the stump. You apply your hands, luminescent with magic, to her arm.

Oriko suddenly twitches, and gives you an irritated glare.


... oh.


You grin at Oriko.

She sighs in exasperation.

"Mmmnm," Kirika says, one eye cracking open to look up at you. "No, not really," she says, pouting.

"It should be instinctive," you say. "Would you like to try?"

"Mmmmnm," Kirika says. "Orikoooooo can I try?"

Oriko nods. "Of course, dear."

Kirika bounces upright. "Yay!" she cheers. "OK! Teach me, Sabrina-senpai?"

You can't help but grin at her enthusiasm. "OK, but there isn't much to teach. As far as I can tell, it's really about just trying to do it. Like, you know how you knew how to roofhop without having learned how to?"

"Yeah, but I read lots of magical girl manga," Kirika chirps.

"You... of course you did," you say. "But yeah. Just try it, you'll know if you get it right."

"Sabrina?" Mami's voice, traces of anxiety evident, comes as Kirika gives her hands a determined look, squinting in concentration. You keep your own hands playing slowly over Oriko's stump, concentrating on slowly regrowing the arm.

"Mami! How are you?" you reply cheerfully.

"Ah, we're wrapping the gyoza now," Mami tells you, her voice already sounding more cheerful.

"Oh? That sounds fun," you say.

"It is!" Mami agrees. "I hope I can make enough for everyone..."

"Relax, Mami, we can always cook a bit more at home," you say.

"Ah, you're right," Mami says. "We'll be making okonomiakyi, right?"

"Ah!" A flicker of orange light at the edges of your vision - Kirika. "I think I got it!"

"Nice," you approve. "Try it out, then. Oh, uh, take your Soul Gem out? I can cleanse it for you, this is pretty expensive." To Mami, you reply with a quick, "Yep! Should make for a nice dinner."

"OK!" Kirika says, and her Soul Gem joins Oriko's on the table. Tentatively, the black haired girl leans across Oriko's body and presses her glowing hand to the smooth flesh of the stump.

"Alright!" Mami says. "I'll see you after school, right?"

"I'll be there, Mami," you promise. You pay attention to what Kirika's doing, shifting your own efforts at healing in support. An effort of will has Grief wisping from your and Kirika's Soul Gems, deep purple clouds billowing into the air under your careful control.

"By the way, Oriko," you say, maintaining the healing with most of your focus.

"Yes?" The seer gives you a regal, questioning look. How she manages to look regal while down an arm and having her girlfriend half sprawled across her lap is beyond you, but she manages it with aplomb and unparalleled poise.

Well, not unparalleled, you amend. Mami can match her. Easily.

"Right, so, Asunaro... Do you know of the group called the Pleaides Saints?" You flex your will, shaping the Grief into little models of the girls in question, each in their transformed outfits.

Kirika peers at the models curiously. "They need pants," she observes sagely.

"Yes," you agree. "Yes, they do."

Oriko considers the models. "I presume you wish for me to try and see if there are any major events pertaining to them?"

"Yeah," you confirm. "And one... uh, two more girls. Soujo Ayase and Luca." You form another model, of the twin-souled girl. Or possible single-bodied duo.

"Them," Oriko says, an annoyed tone in her voice. "They may come through Mitakihara in... two weeks."

You raise an eyebrow. "Hmm?" you say, interested. "Can you backtrack her, uh, them to Asunaro?" And isn't she supposed to die there? And how the hell are you supposed to refer to them, anyway?

Oriko purses her lips, regarding the model carefully, her Soul Gem beginning to bubble with Grief again. Her eyes slide shut, brow furrowing as she spreads her powers.

Eventually, she shakes her head, eyes opening. They're slightly glazed over. "Too far, too many events." She jerks her head at the models still floating in the air and immediately winces. "The Pleaides Saints are still alive."

"Even Kazusa?" you ask, the model of the girl drifting forward. Kazusa Michiru, nicknamed Kazumi.

Oriko grimaces, thinking it over. "Yes, I think."

Kirika pauses her healing, and reaches up to pat Oriko's face. "Oriko, are you OK?"

"Yes... yes, thank you, dear." Oriko manages a gentle smile.

"Oh, OK then," Kirika says.

You hum thoughtfully. That's some information, then. The Pleaides are still alive. "Well then," you say, dissolving the little figures back into Grief and then forming an arm, bearing aloft a monstrance with a small figure knelt in prayer at its base. In your mind's eye, you can see it in stark black and white, Sayaka hacking at it with a wide, manic grin, and the crimson of blood the only splash of colour in a monochrome Barrier.

You'd ask about Witches in general, but you already did. "This is a Witch, one that should be appearing within Mitakihara within the next few weeks at most," you say. "Can you tell me anything about it?"

Oriko studies the model, looking uneasy. "It..." she frowns. "Are you sure you should be revealing this? Here?"

You bite your lip. "I want to know."

The frown remains, but she nods slowly, and she closes her eyes, searching with her powers. "It's a drifting Witch," she murmurs. "It arrives... three days hence, in West Mitakihara."

Your jaw clenches briefly. "Damn," you hiss. You take care to keep your hands steady over the stump, maintaining a steady flow of healing magic.

"Thanks for the information, Oriko," you say at last, sighing. "And I'm sorry for the pain it causes you."

"It doesn't... it's not a problem," Oriko says.

You blow out an annoyed breath, and let the conversation lapse into silence for a while. You and Kirika heal, the progress agonizingly slow. It'll take days to even finish the elbow joint at this pace, you think.

Mami's voice sounds in your head again. "Sabrina?"

"Mami!" you say brightly, forcing aside your annoyance. "How's the cooking going?"

"Ah, it's going great! We're frying the gyoza now. Do you think I should fry them until they're golden, or a little darker?" Mami asks.

"Golden," you reply. Kirika looks up at you, and her citrine eyes crinkle into a grin. She mouths a few words at you. 'Your oujo?'

You roll your eyes at Kirika. "I was thinking just that!" Mami agrees. "A little darker would be crisper, but I think golden strikes a nice balance of texture and tenderness."

"Mmm," you agree. "Sounds great! And now I feel hungry..."

"O-oh, I'm sorry," Mami replies immediately, sounding contrite. "I'll save a few cooked ones for you to have after school?"

"Eh? No, no need!" you hastily reassure her. "Mami, I was just teasing. It's OK, really!"

"Oh," Mami says. "Uh, um. Sorry, Sabrina."

You resist the urge to sigh. "It's OK, Mami, it really is. I'm not upset."

"O-oh," Mami says. You can imagine her biting her lip and looking down. "I-I'll see you after school?"

"Yes, I'll be there, Mami," you say as reassuringly as you can.

"O-OK," Mami says.

You do sigh, as the connection breaks. Kirika gives you an odd look, to which you reply with a shaken head. You glance at Oriko. "How are you?"

Oriko blinks at you for a moment, before volunteering, "The sensation of the healing is decidedly odd."

"Ah, sorry," you say. "I don't think I do anything there."

"No matter," Oriko says, inclining her head slightly.

"Ah, well..." you say. "So, uh. Knock knock."

Oriko stares at you.

Kirika, fortunately, is perfectly happy to step up. "Who's th-"

You cut her off. "A precog."

"A precog wh-"

"'A precog who' doesn't make any sense, just let me in," you finish, grinning.

Kirika blinks at you.

And promptly starts laughing, the orange luminance of her magic fading from her shaking hands.

Oriko groans, and mutters, "Kirika, dear, could you let my hand go- thank you." Oriko palms her face with her newly freed hand.

"Alright, then," you grin. "How many precogs does it ta-"

"No," Oriko says, lowering her hand from her face. "Sabrina, it's time for you to go, right? My arm can wait a day or two."

"Awwww Orikooooooo I want to hear the joke," Kirika whines, looking pleadingly at the seer.

Oriko caves. "Very well. Then I'm sure Sabrina has to go, right?" She nails you with a glare.

It's not a bad glare. You'd rate it... about zero point three Homuras, so about one Kyouko. You grin, unfazed, as you let the healing magic fade from your hands. "Yeah, I suppose so. Anyway! How many precogs does it take to change a lightbulb?"

"Ooh, how many?" Kirika says eagerly.

"None, because they see that nothing changes, and they don't bother!" you announce with a flourish.

Kirika blinks. "That... wasn't very good," she days, sounding disappointed.

"Well, they can't all be winners," you say, adopting a philosophical tone. "How abou-"

"No," Oriko says, rising. "Sabrina, I'm quite sure you need to go now. We'll probably see you tomorrow."

"Oh fine," you say, rising, while Kirika bounces to her feet, grin returning to her face as she reclaims Oriko's as well as her own Soul Gems. You head towards the back door of the mansion, Oriko and Kirika following you.

"But Oriko?" you say, stopping at the door and turning to face them. Oriko also stops, and Kirika slips an arm around the seer's waist. "I'll try and persuade the others to lift the house arrest, OK? I can't make any promises, but I'll try."

The seer looks at you thoughtfully, her sea green eyes meeting yours for a long moment. "I... appreciate it," she says.

You wave it off. "I'd still want to work with you as equals, if and when that happens, if you still want to help."

Oriko sighs. "That's... yes, we do."

"Yeah, we'll help," Kirika agrees, before pausing for a beat and adding, "Help for what?"

"Saving the world, I guess," you say. Saving one broken little girl. Really, it's the same thing.

"Yeah, I'm in!" Kirika cheers.

"Alright. Then... I should go," you say, stepping out into the afternoon sunshine proper. You glance around at the rose bushes -don't you remember that Oriko hated them?- as your wings billow out from your shoulders, Grief spheres sublimating under your will.

"See you!" Kirika calls, waving enthusiastically.

"Goodbye," Oriko says.

With a powerful beat, you loft yourself skywards, soaring up into the clear blue sky. You can see what might be clouds drifting on the horizon as you angle across the city, wingbeats thundering through the air and longcoat flapping out behind you. The glittering steel and glass of Mitakihara rolls by far below your feet, and you quickly arrive at the school, landing amongst the dense greenery with slightly more grace than you'd started with.

You detransform before walking out, joining the sparse midday crowds as you walk to school, strolling alongside the little ornamental stream beside the path. You're still a little early, maybe ten minutes before school ends.

[] Write-in


With special thanks to @Mister Bad Guy for helping me figure out a few things!

It doesn't say anything about time here, but a few minutes is not a bad guess, I think.

Yeah, you got it.
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Have faith in fellow human beings!

Or at least, in moderators. :V

I don't say creating government automatically means a unified meguca world state. It could be as binding as an absolutist empire or as autonomous as United Nations.

Onmur, wait a sec, gonna look for the quote.
Got it:

You nod. If you can't heal directly with something made of Grief, maybe you could make something to amplify your magic? You focus, moulding the Grief with your will. Amplification. Something to make your magic work better.

The Grief flows like wax under a flame, runnels sliding around your left hand to form a smooth, golden gauntlet reaching past your wrist, flaring out mid-arm. Sockets sit on the back of the gauntlet, one over every first knuckle. A single blue crystal gleams at the base of your index finger. It also feels... odd, as if crackling fire were sheathed in wire and wrapped around your hand.


You flex the gauntlet. It looks like it's made of metal, but it bends and warps without complaint, the crystal twinkling as it catches the light. Of course, it also glows Witch at your senses.

Kirika lifts her head off Oriko's side and gives the gauntlet a curious look. "Shiny," she observes in a solemn tone.

"So it is," you agree absently, holding it out with your palm towards Oriko. "Oriko, would this work?"

"Could you pass it to me for a moment, please?" Oriko asks, holding her hand out for it.

You take the gauntlet off, the faux-metal shifting easily to let your hand out, and you pass it over. Oriko nearly drops it when her hand makes contact with it, her eyebrows shooting up in surprise.

"Is something wrong?" you ask, alarmed. You sit up, tensing and ready to intervene in a moment if necessary.

"No," Oriko says, frowning. "Give me a moment, please." Her frown deepens as she concentrates, sea green eyes sliding shut. Her Gem bubbles slowly with corruption. Finally, she opens her eyes again, looking faintly surprised. "This works better, but it isn't... perfect? The effects still don't persist fully." She sets the glove down on the table.

"That's... interesting," you say slowly, dragging the words out and thinking. You dissolve the glove into Grief, leeting it flow away, returning to the mass outside. You purse your lips, and add, "And, uh. Sorry. I guess I'll have to heal you normally, and uh. That's kinda slow."

Something important to point out:
You flex the gauntlet. It looks like it's made of metal, but it bends and warps without complaint, the crystal twinkling as it catches the light. Of course, it also glows Witch at your senses.

Kirika lifts her head off Oriko's side and gives the gauntlet a curious look. "Shiny," she observes in a solemn tone.
Kirika is so a best. Why haven't we patted her head yet?!
[] Hijiri:
-[] Ribbon search.
--[] Try Witch-Grief boosting Mami's range/magic first? (If so, Sayaka/Kazumi copy).

[] Sayaka:
-[] Yes, eventually.
--[] Keep in mind Sayaka likely wants to help by fighting problems, or at least by being active, not just help.
--[] Agree, but explain the need to deal with the current and upcoming problems. (Feathers, refugees, Walpurgisnacht...), including problems that'll result from our actions.
--[] Mention ways Sayaka can help, like with Witch Hunting, considering meguca will likely hunt less in the future.

I think the booster would take five minutes. Ten, tops.

MECHA GURREN ZILLA LAGANN took about five minutes to make, all told. Mami didn't freak out then because she saw you building it, and she was defending you. The combat bracer, again, about three-four minutes.
"Alright," you say, exhaling in relief. "How long did that take? To make the ring?"

"Oh... maybe a minute?" Mami says. "Not too long."

"Hmm," you say, filing that away. "OK, thanks."

"Um... five minutes?" she says. She's leaning comfortably against your shoulder, Nadia's earrings held in her hands. "Um... sorry, I wasn't watching the time."

"Ah, no problem," you say. "Sayaka, whatcha doing?"

The bleunette grins at you, holding up the crystallised powers she has. "Trying to see if I can store these better," she says. "I wanna see if I can make a... I dunno, a thing that gives me the exact gem I want when I want."

"Smart," you agree, and grin at Nadia. You can speak Darija, even if she doesn't have her translation earrings. "Are you doing alright, Nadia?"

She shrugs, looking amused. "I'm fine," she says, and points at the gauntlet on your hand. "What is that?"

"It's a tool that helps me with enchantment," you say, wiggling metal-clad fingers at her. "I'm not very good at enchanting, and this helps. The only problem is that it produces enchantments that unravel if they're taken out of my range."

"Give me a moment to create a privacy device, if you don't mind?"

"By all means," Oriko agrees.

You catch the blob of Grief that sails in through the open window, giving Mami a warm smile. She looks at you with wide, trusting eyes, and nods before ducking her head and tucking herself against your side. You bring the Grief in front of you, and you focus.

It's a familiar pattern at this point, a twist of your mind just so. You impress your will on the Grief, moulding it along practiced lines as the dark purple mass runs like hot wax, flowing into a different shape entirely. A green circlet set with a single golden jewel, mounted on a pedestal.

Mami shifts and smiles at you as you lean forward to set the privacy construct on the table. "Seven minutes," she says, showing you the screen of her phone.

"Hm, a bit of variance, then," you say thoughtfully.

By the way, where did our plans about telepathying Hijiri go? Are we still waiting on that, or leaving it to the Pleiades? Should we tell the Pleiades about possibly contacting Hijiri and trying to talk by telepathy? Either them or us? (Or maybe Oriko. Make Oriko do ALL the evil Social :V ).

Unrelated, emptying a Seed takes around...

You start hauling the Grief out, ropy streamers filling the air. Sayaka watches in fascination as the Grief condenses into solid particles. You can only imagine what it looks like from her point of view: yourself with bent head over the Grief Seed. Surrounding you would be billowing clouds that shade from complete invisibility into a rippling disc of fractal cloud. Tiny spheres accrete out of the disc, the blobs building in size before drifting off to the side.

It takes you a good ten minutes to finish.
Adhoc vote count started by Firnagzen on Jan 14, 2018 at 8:26 PM, finished with 324 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Offer to clear another seed to show that Clear Seeds aren't unique. You didn't want to poke Arzt Kochen but it'd be stupid if she got mad at us for lying.
    -[X] Otherwise, lend Kirika Hildegard.
    [X] Niko:
    -[X] Emotional sharing, continued. The obvious experiment is trying it with a Clear Seed. They become less dormant with grief/magic interactions - try the most active?
    -[X] Ask if Niko wants to help form a research network. You'll later want to induct Riona, the soul manipulator, if she's reasonable.
    -[X] Discuss ethical grief seed substitutes a bit, offer clairvoyance to avoid experiment pitfalls. then let Niko rejoin the constellation.
    [X] Rejoin Sayaka and Mami.
    -[X] Ask how Sayaka's "clone at school" thing's going.
    -[X] Ask to examine one of Sayaka's gems, and examine its structure. (Compare to familiars.)
    --[X] Does she think they could empower non-megucas? Something to test, maybe?
    [X] Hijiri:
    -[X] Offer Ribbon search.
    [X] Sayaka
    -[X] Yes, eventually.
    --[X] Share general plans, things that need to be dealt with first before we can do something about those groups. (Walpurgisnacht Prep/Fight, Information Gathering, Refugees, etc.)
    --[X] Mention ways Sayaka can help.
    --[X] Emphasize the fact we will certainly deal with those groups. Focus not on difficulties and restrictions as something that's stopping us, but as something that creates a natural progression from 'now' to 'then'.
    -[X] Brainstorm about those groups:
    --[X] Ideals, characteristics, motivations. Whether they are redeemable, the risks it'd take to find out.
    --[X] Powers, strength, "trump cards". Don't overstimate ourselves; these groups are well established for a reason.
    [X] Sayaka
    [x] Pass Kirika Hildegarde.
    -[x] Hopefully Airi re-evaluates when she sees Clear Seeds aren't unique. It'd be stupid if she got mad at us for lying later.
    -[x] Don't keep Kirika long. Wish her and Oriko luck.
    [x] Niko: Her thoughts on ethical grief seed substitutes.
    -[x] Clear Seeds are an improvement, but they're still ultimately Child of Omelas writ large.
    -[x] Grief normally only wants to exist inside souls. Your power is an exception, and so you must get better at enchantment.
    --[x] Sayaka's copied powers look like soul gems - decent starting point?
    [x] You're planning on forming a network to work on these issues, and share research and resources. Riona Mag Aoidh, who's wish magic is manipulating souls, is due to arrive in Mitakihara this week - you're hoping she'll be helpful. Is Niko interested?
    [x] Rejoin Mumi and Seyiku.
    -[x] ...Sayaka's clone's going to school? How's that going?