Couple things to keep in mind:

First, we can probably forcibly eject ourselves from the MOF. Prepare while talking even, make a eject seat through the roof mechanism via Grief. Hijiri might see the wings coming, but probably not that.

And second, never underestimate the value of flashbangs on demand. Especially when Sabrina gets to cheat by warning Mami, or just make it pointed entirely at Hijiri.

Mind, once blinded I wouldn't trust her fire control, but still. That buys valuable time for other measures and keeps her from being effective.

Or just suddenly strap a Grief headband around her. I doubt she'll try shooting anti-magic at her own head.
Plan Oriko Social:

[ ] Mami: Watch over us.
[ ] Ribbon Grief: Disconnect.

[ ] Hijiri:
-[ ] You meant everything you said. You want her to have her own life. Ask her to give us a chance. It's her choice.
-[ ] Either way, get a Pleiades to pick up Hijiri.

[ ] Anri:
-[ ] Move in to talk.
-[ ] Get O&K here ASAP. Ask Oriko to talk Anri down.
-[ ] Everyone else stay away.
-[ ] Grief armor underlayer.

Plan Snipe:

[ ] Ask Hijiri to stop. Forcefully if necessary.

[ ] Use the Ribbon Grid to help you aim: Snipe:
-[ ] Body kill Anri with a short laser pulse.
-[ ] If it works, reassure anyone who needs reassuring. Mumi halp.

[ ] Hijiri:
-[ ] You meant everything you said, and you think she did, too. You want her to have her own happy life, where she doesn't feel the need to hurt anyone. Where she's not stalked.
-[ ] Offer your help once more.


Mmm... To be fair, if we could snipe Anri down as an afterthought, that would be fucking cool. And it would stop the witchbomb threat! :V
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Of those two plans, I *vastly* prefer the first

Other than I am *still* trying to get people to reveal our nature as a wish construct, the plans involving getting Oriko to talk at Anri while we work on keeping Hijiri under control feel far less likely to blow up in our face


Even beyond the lichbomb, just gemming people is a *terrifying* show of force, and indicates that we are willing and able to just deactivate people we don't like. This is not a card we want to play, given how utterly it changes how people react to/interact with us
[Optimistic] Prepare seats and cake so you can accept Anri's surrender in friendly manner.
-[] Thank Hijiri for preparing to help subdue Anri, but it won't be necessary.

Hey, it might happen?
So, I guess the first thing to decide is... Let's figure what choices there are to be made?

- Social (Might get Limiti Esterni'd). Continue previous tactic.
- Social (Might get Limiti Esterni'd). Reveal Wishborn status (might distract Mami with bad consequences?)
- Restrain. Talk briefly. Talk more later.
- Restrain/Gem. Talk later.

- Snipe.
- Confront: Social.
- Confront: Social. Oriko support.
- Confront: Gem.

- Go alone.
- Go with O&K (Witchbombed Squad).
- Overwhelmig Numbers.

What else could we do?
Honestly, I don't feel we gave Hijiri a good enough answer last vote.

[] Answer Hijiri.
-[] Yeah. We found her.
-[] There's not much time so I'll say this quickly. Pick up a hobby. Try new things. Make new friends. Find out what makes you happy. Whatever comes out of that, it's yours. Your life is your own and Niko has no say in it.
But we should keep in mind:
"Cut it out," Hijiri says, voice quiet as her hands clench into white-knuckled fists. You can feel her magic coiling wire-taut, almost crackling under her skin. "You found her, didn't you?"

"Sabrina," Mami warns in the moment of breathless silence.
The 'crackling magic' is something I think we feel when a guca is about to cast magic.

Meaning Limiti Esterni. Being prepared, if nothing else.

And Mami's warning us.
But we should keep in mind:

The 'crackling magic' is something I think we feel when a guca is about to cast magic.

Meaning Limiti Esterni. Being prepared, if nothing else.

And Mami's warning us.

Being prepared is fine. I'm not convinced it's an attack. Hijiri's emotions were running high in the last update. That's still effecting things here. So we should keep on this point because it does appeal to her.
- Social (Might get Limiti Esterni'd). Continue previous tactic.
- Social (Might get Limiti Esterni'd). Reveal Wishborn status (might distract Mami with bad consequences?)
- Restrain. Talk briefly. Talk more later.
- Restrain/Gem. Talk later.

The question here is: what is our goal? Even if Hijiri doesn't want to fight, there is going to be a fight unless we deal with Airi before she gets here. So are we trying to get Hijiri to not participate in the (potential) fight? Are we trying to hang on to any progress we might have made with her? Obviously, we want both of those things, if possible, but which is more important?

I know I personally don't think Hijiri is as receptive as she wants us to believe she is, and I think she's fairly likely to actually attack us. If we want to head off a fight from her when she's actually planning to attack us within a few moments, then I just don't think doubling down on what we've been doing is going to cut it. If she is actually going to attack us, then she has emotional momentum behind that plan, and more of the same will not really change that. And my contention here is that we have either already done enough that what we say here probably won't be pivotal, or she doesn't buy it enough that us attempting to help her is going to meaningfully affect her attitude towards us in the future. Ergo, if we want to go social, we have little to lose as long as we're still acting friendly and concerned for her. The best way we have to throw her off track right now is to admit we think we're wishborn. It's just a good plan from every angle. I think we can trust Mami to not be utterly distracted by the news. The only real risk is that Hijiri sees it as the emotional ploy it half is and thinks we're just being manipulative.

I can understand if there's disagreement with this particular analysis, but I really feel like if we want to go with social, we need to know what we're going for. Just repeating that we're serious about wanting to help her possibly covers one goal that we're not even sure is an issue, while not being all that helpful with the other - unless you really believe she doesn't intend to attack. I can totally see where that's coming from, but I just don't think she's that amenable to us.
This 'crackling' feeling of magic coming from Hijiri, is it the same we feel whenever a meguca is casting magic?

[] Hijiri:
-[] If hostile, abuse Grief. Just mind the Gem.
-[] We're out of time. If she gives us a chance, we'll give her a chance to get her own life, her own friends, her own hobbies, her own happiness. Without Niko, if she wishes.
-[] Mind the time limit.

[] Airi: Ask Oriko if she could talk Anri down.
-[] If so, confront Anri alone until O&K arrive.
--[] Mami on ranged support just in case, out of hearing range.
--[] Grief undercoat armor.
-[] If not, Gem Anri.

Reminder; Anri uses lots of guns to fight. And the huge flying bull.
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- Gem her. Lichbombs for all! (Allows us to focus on socialing Hijiri more afterwards).

- Snipe her with a laser pulse. Less chance of lichbombs for all. (Allows us to focus on socialing Hijiri more afterwards).
I don't think gemming her friend and/or ultraviolence is exactly conductive to talking calmly and reasonably with Hijiri. Or anyone else really.

The laser in particular is something we gave our friends eye protection for. I'm not conversant with the optics and damage of a short pulse, but we are talking about doing it midmorning in a busy city. For all my basis of knowledge is incomplete, it says that collateral damage is both possibly and likely.

Besides, all that, there's another possible fighting method.

First armor up, and then... well, we have spent the last two days pushing our grief TK speed. Armor isn't just useful in it's own right, it also allows us a way to push on our own bodies fairly evenly. (Though, while it can probably deal with wind better than our bare skin, Though wings also might have that capacity. Hmmm...)

@Firnagzen When we're pulled around by our wings, do they just tug on part of us, or do they pull our whole bodies evenly?


Anyways, I can't help but imagine we make some fancy flying armor... And then we learn through commentary that someone here is a fan of of a series by the name (in this world) of Valkyrie Core.
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Yeah, we have very little to show in lieu of copyright infringement as of late.
"I reject your reality and substitute my own!" every time we do Griefbending ( or magic in general )
"I have a dream that one day we will live up to Madokami's creed: that all meguca were created equal."
"Does an Incubator such as you experience fear?"
Or anything really.
Let's pick a(nother) gimmick and run with it.
@Firnagzen Can we see Anri's witch name?
Not from this range, no. To be clear, what's happening is that you created a device for detecting Anri, and you're directing that effect through the ribbon network.
This 'crackling' feeling of magic coming from Hijiri, is it the same we feel whenever a meguca is casting magic?
@Firnagzen When we're pulled around by our wings, do they just tug on part of us, or do they pull our whole bodies evenly?
Evenly. The wings are... weird, even as far as the rest of your Grief constructs go.
Adhoc vote count started by Firnagzen on Dec 8, 2017 at 11:00 PM, finished with 130063 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Disconnect from Ribbon Grid.
    [X] Ask Hijiri for help.
    -[X] If listening: She can have a peaceful life of her own. But as much as we want to, we can't just give it to her, or to Anri or to the Pleiades.
    --[X] We don't have to fight. Nobody has to lose.
    --[X] Ask Hijiri to help talk down Anri. She's probably the only one who can.
    [X] Ask O&K to get over here ASAP.
    [x] Cleanse everyone.
    [x] Quickly now. Short-interval update - Do one thing, wait for the response, massive parallelism.
    [x] Simultaneously: Allies.
    -[x] Anri incoming. Form a perimeter.
    -[x] Ask Oriko if she wants to try to help with social.
    [x] Simultaneously: Anri
    -[x] Get a telescope on her so you can let Mami start rebooting.
    -[x] Give talking one last try.
    --[x] This isn't what Yuuri would have wanted. Please, there's another way. Does she want an apology? Does she want to know the truth?
    -[x] Be ready to instantly incap her. Maybe-lichbombed is better than surely-witchbombed.
    [x] Simultaneously: Mami
    -[x] Disengage so Mami can focus.
    -[x] You're going to try social. You know it's crazy, but you can't just let this go.
    -[x] Does she want to stay out? You... think you can stop Anri fast enough if she tries to say anything, but it'd... introduce complications.
    [x] Simultaneously, Hijiri.
    -[x] Ask Hijiri what she wished for.
    [x] Hijiri:
    -[x] Restrain her.
    -[x] "Yes. I meant what I said though."
    [x] Airi:
    -[x] Inform the others of her position.
    -[x] Incapacitate her asap.
    [X] If at any point you are attacked by Hijiri, respond with nonlethal, restraining force, and then let her down as fast as possible. Don't let her leave, though.
    [X] Turn to Hijiri. You don't particularly care that she's been working with Anri this entire time. You've forgiven much worse from Oriko on the premise of better futures already, and her circumstances were much less extenuating. Your contract with Kyubey was made for two purposes: primarily, to improve the lives of Meguca everywhere, secondarily, for the betterment of humanity. Until and unless Hijiri demonstrates that she is a monster instead of a Meguca, she is your responsibility.
    -[X] But, would she answer a question for you?
    --[X] Is Anri Airi a monster? Or a Magical Girl?
    ---[X] If the former: body-kill Anri immediately with a laser. Leave the gem for pickup.
    ---[X] If the latter: yank Anri's soul gem. You'll get Kirika to strap an anti-magic rock to her chest and then talk with her.
    [X] Disconnect ribbon network.
    [X] Inform everyone of Anri's last known location.
    [X] Ask Oriko and Kirika if they can contain Hijiri. If so, move to drop Hijiri off at high velocity. Bring them with you if they're willing.
    - [X] Tell Hijiri exactly what you're doing. Then do it. Be polite. Be calm. Be patient. School your expression.
    [X] Ride out to meet Anri. Go alone. Once again, push your speed.
    -[X] Show of force. Blot out the sky.
    [X] Face down or fight Anri until Oriko and Kirika can use Antimagic to actually contain her.
    [x] Muramasa.

Adhoc vote count started by Firnagzen on Dec 9, 2017 at 4:59 PM, finished with 130065 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Disconnect from Ribbon Grid.
    [x] Hijiri:
    -[X] Ask her to help talk Anri down.
    -[X] We don't want to fight. Hijiri's probably the only one Anri will listen to.
    [X] Ask O&K to get over here ASAP.
    [x] Cleanse everyone.
    [x] Quickly now. Short-interval update - Do one thing, wait for the response, massive parallelism.
    [x] Simultaneously: Allies.
    -[x] Anri incoming. Form a perimeter.
    -[x] Ask Oriko if she wants to try to help with social.
    [x] Simultaneously: Anri
    -[x] Get a telescope on her so you can let Mami start rebooting.
    -[x] Give talking one last try.
    --[x] This isn't what Yuuri would have wanted. Please, there's another way. Does she want an apology? Does she want to know the truth?
    -[x] Be ready to instantly incap her. Maybe-lichbombed is better than surely-witchbombed.
    [x] Simultaneously: Mami
    -[x] Disengage so Mami can focus.
    -[x] You're going to try social. You know it's crazy, but you can't just let this go.
    -[x] Does she want to stay out? You... think you can stop Anri fast enough if she tries to say anything, but it'd... introduce complications.
    [x] Simultaneously, Hijiri.
    -[x] Ask Hijiri what she wished for.
    [x] Hijiri:
    -[x] Restrain her.
    -[x] "Yes. I meant what I said though."
    [x] Airi:
    -[x] Inform the others of her position.
    -[x] Incapacitate her asap.
    [X] If at any point you are attacked by Hijiri, respond with nonlethal, restraining force, and then let her down as fast as possible. Don't let her leave, though.
    [X] Turn to Hijiri. You don't particularly care that she's been working with Anri this entire time. You've forgiven much worse from Oriko on the premise of better futures already, and her circumstances were much less extenuating. Your contract with Kyubey was made for two purposes: primarily, to improve the lives of Meguca everywhere, secondarily, for the betterment of humanity. Until and unless Hijiri demonstrates that she is a monster instead of a Meguca, she is your responsibility.
    -[X] But, would she answer a question for you?
    --[X] Is Anri Airi a monster? Or a Magical Girl?
    ---[X] If the former: body-kill Anri immediately with a laser. Leave the gem for pickup.
    ---[X] If the latter: yank Anri's soul gem. You'll get Kirika to strap an anti-magic rock to her chest and then talk with her.
    [X] Disconnect ribbon network.
    [X] Inform everyone of Anri's last known location.
    [X] Ask Oriko and Kirika if they can contain Hijiri. If so, move to drop Hijiri off at high velocity. Bring them with you if they're willing.
    - [X] Tell Hijiri exactly what you're doing. Then do it. Be polite. Be calm. Be patient. School your expression.
    [X] Ride out to meet Anri. Go alone. Once again, push your speed.
    -[X] Show of force. Blot out the sky.
    [X] Face down or fight Anri until Oriko and Kirika can use Antimagic to actually contain her.
    [x] Muramasa.
As good of a plan as any.
[X] Onmur

We might want to ask Mumi what she wants to warn us about over telepathy if we have the time.
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For fuck's sake, Hijiri.

Edited, since Hijiri is literally preparing an attack.

[] Hijiri:
-[] If hostile, abuse Grief. Just mind the Gem.
-[] We're out of time. If she gives us a chance, we'll give her a chance to get her own life, her own friends, her own hobbies, her own happiness. Without Niko, if she wishes.
-[] Mind the time limit.

[] Hijiri:
-[] Abuse Grief. Interrupt spellcasting. Mami: restrain Hijiri.
-[] Disappointed: We meant everything we said. And we'll still try to get her a chance at her own life.
-[] Ask for someone to pick up Hijiri.

[] Airi: Ask Oriko if she could talk Anri down.
-[] If so, confront Anri alone until O&K arrive.
--[] Mami on ranged support just in case, out of hearing range.
--[] Grief undercoat armor.
-[] If not, Gem Anri.

We'll have to Social Hijiri later. This is gonna make it more difficult to convince anybody that Hijiri's not gonna try to shank them as soon as she goes free, though.

And Hijiri's gonna be mad, too. Hopefully she'll understand how bad she's been shitting the bed at some point.
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We could lie and say she was cooperative, if we handle this quickly enough.
Not sure about straight up lying, but there's an advantadge in restraining Hijiri, in that she's attempting to do something, but if we restrain her, then she will not have done it.

It's easier to forgive an attempt than an act, I think.
Of course she's preparing an attack. What else would she be doing? That revelation changes nothing. She's asked us a question and, while she's tense, she hasn't actually attacked yet. It's way too early to give up on social.

[x] Cleanse everyone.

After trying to write these, I think that we can't try to plan out much here. I think that what we want is:

[x] Quickly now. Short-interval update - Do one thing, wait for the response, massive parallelism.

I think that we need to tell the Pleiades that Anri is inbound on our position and to avoid contact.

[x] Simultaneously: Allies.
-[x] Anri incoming. Form a perimeter.
-[x] Ask Oriko if she wants to try to help with social.

I think that we need to start getting Mami functional again. To that end, we need to figure out a way to withdraw from the ribbon network without losing track of Anri.

[x] Simultaneously: Anri
-[x] Get a telescope on her so you can let Mami start rebooting.
-[x] Give talking one last try.
--[x] This isn't what Yuuri would have wanted. Please, there's another way. Does she want an apology? Does she want to know the truth?
-[x] Be ready to instantly incap her. Maybe-lichbombed is better than surely-witchbombed.

[x] Simultaneously: Mami
-[x] Disengage so Mami can focus.
-[x] You're going to try social. You know it's crazy, but you can't just let this go.
-[x] Does she want to stay out? You... think you can stop Anri fast enough if she tries to say anything, but it'd... introduce complications.

Now, Hijiri. The hard part. I'm not sure what the right answer here is. Hmm.

[] Simultaneously, Hijiri.
-[] Why does it matter? You meant everything you said.

The classic response, but... I think that this wouldn't go anywhere. Hijiri asked us to cut it out.

[x] Simultaneously, Hijiri.
-[x] Ask Hijiri what she wished for.

A different tactic for helping Hijiri think about what she wants.

[] Simultaneously, Hijiri.
-[] Yes, but you're not sure why it matters. What's wrong?

Little bit more non-answer-ish, trying to prompt a response.

Any more things we could try?

Not sure about straight up lying, but there's an advantadge in restraining Hijiri, in that she's attempting to do something, but if we restrain her, then she will not have done it.

It's easier to forgive an attempt than an act, I think.
If we shoot first, she will make an attempt. Attacking her first is one of the few things that we could do that would absolutely guarantee a violent response. What, you think that physically restraining her will stop her? She's a goddamn magical girl and she has antimagic powers that have already been demonstrated to affect our Grief. We'll grab her, and then she'll blast us straight through the restraints and it's GG. Bad plan. Awful plan.
Does she still have the device? Didn't the antimagic come from it?
Need to reread, but don't have tiiiiime
Vebyast, it all depends on whether we can risk taking the first shot.
Normally, I would answer yes, of course we can.
But nobody seemed to address or answer my question, so I will repeat it again and elaborate on it:
If I were a teenage magical girl with enough brains to make a plan about killing a lot of megucas but not enough not go with it, I would not attack Sabrina.
Mami is vulnerable. She's looking vulnerable, which is even more important.
If I knew about Gems, I would grab hers and run with it, take it hostage.
Of course, not much later after that someone would have scrape me off the walls, but that doesn't help us much right now.
The only reason why we shouldn't restrain Hijiri is moral high ground from which we can slice off her metaphorical legs. I think we can happily sacrifice it in this instance.
If we shoot first, she will make an attempt. Attacking her first is one of the few things that we could do that would absolutely guarantee a violent response. What, you think that physically restraining her will stop her? She's a goddamn magical girl and she has antimagic powers that have already been demonstrated to affect our Grief. We'll grab her, and then she'll blast us straight through the restraints and it's GG. Bad plan. Awful plan.
'Interrupt spellcasting'

We know this can be done by hitting the meguca; by pain. We literally have her surrounded in Grief and have Grief in or at least around her throat, IIRC.
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'Interrupt spellcasting'

We know this can be done by hitting the meguca.
Hijiri has already demonstrated sufficient ranks in concentration to cast while grappled - recall her response to Mami's tangle-bullet. And that was while she was panicked and running, no less; here she's ready for an engagement and likely has a decent idea of what our first strike is going to look like.