[X] Be nice, tactful, and supportive. Brinapilot best order:
[X] Thank Kazumi, but you'd like to stay, if she'll have you.
-[X] Give her the lead. Only step in if Hijiri is treated inhumanely. [X] Share all relevant details with Mami, Sayaka, Kazumi and Oriko. Update Homura, too.
[X] Grief sense: Check if Arzt Kochen is around.
[X] Hijiri, privately, after she's done with Niko: Make the case that Airi needs help; encourage Hijiri to be honest, for her own good; tactfully bring up Airi's allegations if possible.
[X] Try to talk about conditions for Hijiri's future release, as an olive branch towards Hijiri, but mind both Kannas' state of mind.
[X] Propose ideas for finding Airi quicker; encourage others.
-[X] E.g.: Sensing Booster + Ribbon Range extension; Sayaka/Kazumi clones; everyone can spam magic; Magic booster could help.
-[X] Could Hijiri help?
Mmm... I had an impression that Oriko's memories of her visions had washed away to an extent, but I can't find anything supporting that on a quick search.
New impression: Oriko's memories of her visions remain, but since they're disjointed flashes or visions from different alternate futures, she can't make much sense of them.
"Truth be told, it is hard to make sense of it, with my powers faded," Oriko says. "Your biggest foes there are Kanna Hijiri, Airi Anri and Jyuubey, should it come into existence. Do you know of them?"
"Truth be told, it is hard to make sense of it, with my powers faded," Oriko says. "Your biggest foes there are Kanna Hijiri, Airi Anri and Jyuubey, should it come into existence. Do you know of them?"
"I do," you agree. "But wait, Jyuubey?"
"Jyuubey is a fake Incubator the Pleiades create as an attempt to replace Kyuubey," Oriko says, frowning.
Mami's sharp intake of breath doesn't slip past you. You smile at her, hugging her tightly. She quails, shrinking a little and pressing closer to you. "I'm- fine," she whispers, voice husky. "I'm fine."
"Alright," you whisper, but don't loosen your hug. "No, I know that, Oriko. Why would Jyuubey be my enemy? Though hopefully events don't even get to that point. And I need to know what you saw, because I need to try and compare."
"I am uncertain," Oriko says, frowning and rubbing at her temple. "It is emotional, and you are at odds with it." She sighs. "I apologise. I cannot see any clearer than that."
And the earlier quote about Hijiri being behind things, besides Oriko's reminder an hour ago.
"Alright," you say."The others?"
"Kanna Hijiri is a... mentally unstable girl," Oriko says. "I... I think she was created by a Wish? She is violent and resentful, and ruthlessly against the Pleiades Saints. She's able to flawlessly connect and synthesize other magical girl's abilities, and manipulates Airi into doing her bidding."
Oriko smiles, thin and razor-sharp. "As you noted last time, Sabrina, it may be that I don't need them," she says. "I have some magic, and I have Kirika."
Kirika makes a pleased, cat-like noise, and presses closer to Oriko.
So that's how Sabrina's decision-making works, then?
... wow.
I have a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Also, a headache.
Unrelated to votes
Say, what do you think, guys:
Is there a yakuza outpost in Asunaro?
If yes, do they wear pants? Can we steal them?
Make "No one in Asunaro wears pants, anyway" a thing?
We are in Asunaro. Are you suggesting we dare depants ourselves?
Meguca are for saving. Pants are for wearing. Such is the way of the world. Stooping to their level of pantsless lawlessness is ludicrous!
We are in Asunaro. Are you suggesting we dare depants ourselves?
Meguca are for saving. Pants are for wearing. Such is the way of the world. Stooping to their level of pantsless lawlessness is ludicrous!
We can steal as many pants as we need, but we shall start from yakuza: they are acceptable targets. Also, they are trendy, if no yakuza wore pants, all the delinquents would adopt this style.
Alright, rather than trying it obliquely, I want to propose something a more direct, and potentially a bit cheeky.
Mostly Onmur's vote with one notable addition.
[X] Be nice, tactful, and supportive. Brinapilot best order:
[X] Refuse Kazumi's offer. You can't leave your friends in trouble. You want to try and help Hijiri and Airi, too. - [X] Admit you suspect you might be like Hijiri as part of why you want to help her. Explain without giving out sensitive information.
[X] Share all relevant details with Mami and Kazumi. Inform Homura, too.
[X] Grief sense: Check if Arzt Kochen is around.
[X] Hijiri, privately, after she's done with Niko: Make the case that Airi needs help; encourage Hijiri to be honest, for her own good; tactfully bring up Airi's allegations if possible.
[X] Try to talk about conditions for Hijiri's future release, as an olive branch towards Hijiri, but mind both Kannas' state of mind.
[X] Propose ideas for finding Airi quicker; encourage others.
-[X] E.g.: Sensing Booster + Ribbon Range extension; Sayaka/Kazumi clones; everyone can spam magic; Magic booster could help.
-[X] Could Hijiri help?
People have said that we should talk to our friends before talking to Hijiri about the possibility that we were created, and I do want to make progress on that, so this is us telling our friends.
And if Hijiri's powers allow her to overhear? Well, that just makes it seem all the more genuine to her.
You guys kinda-sorta had a discussion that led to SabrinaCreated-->ByWho,When&Why-->PotentialBomb-->Homucifer.
Not sure why I'm posting this.
I'm generally fine with the idea, but many people in the thread were concerned when the suggestion had been made the first time.
Edit: Ugh. Disregard this. Disregard this to pieces. If anyone wants to argue about this, they can do it themselves.
It's early morning where I'm and I didn't sleep, because reasons ( Baldur's Gate 2 )
I'm going to sleep and putting this under spoiler. Not deleting this outright, because other reasons ( not deleting anything, whether a mistake or not, if it's not a rule violation and I'm thinking straight at the moment )
We've already told Homura that we think we were created by Madoka's wish in the last loop. I don't see any way that she could deduce the Potentialbomb from that. And I don't see how anyone else could deduce the existence of time travel from just knowing that Sabrina was created by a wish.
Kyuubey might know that he's not aware of any such wish being made and thus deduce that it was made in another timeline... but he probably already knows that Homura is a time traveler, so there's a decent chance that he's already theorized that anyway.
EDIT: And I think we've said something to Mami previously about wondering if we were created by a wish.
We've already told Homura that we think we were created by Madoka's wish in the last loop. I don't see any way that she could deduce the Potentialbomb from that. And I don't see how anyone else could deduce the existence of time travel from just knowing that Sabrina was created by a wish.
You feel Mami's arm go around you, and you smile, pillowing your head against her stomach as you lean into the hug.
"Are you OK with staying?" you murmur.
"If you're staying, then so am I," Mami says.
"OK. Then, Kazumi-" you open your eyes, and grin at her. "Thank you, but we'd like to stay, if you'll have us. And I want to help Hijiri and Niko, and Anri."
Kazumi purses her lips, and nods. "Glad to have the three of you, then," she says. "Alright, everyone gather 'round. Niko..."
She glances off where Niko took Hijiri. You can hear raised voices from that direction, but not shouting. "Everyone else, then."
You smile up at Mami before standing and moving over to the group. You can't help but send another worried glance at the muffled discussion Niko and Hijiri are having, but you're somewhat reassured that the conversation seems at the very least to not be a shouting match now. You could probably listen in, with your utility fog permeating the area - but you won't.
Kazumi's eyes are fixed on you, gaze twinned with Saki's. Both of them look thoughtful, and evaluating.
You'll give Hijiri and Niko their privacy to hash things out, and you hope they'll actually hash things out.
Dear Madokami on high, bless me with reasonable people...
Then again, you're maybe halfway certain you're an agent of Madokami. If you are, it's entirely possible you're supposed to be the one fulfilling prayers, not making them.
"Sabrina, your intelligence about Hijiri seems to have panned out," Saki says. "Do you know anything about Anri that might be relevant right now?"
"First-" Kazumi raises a finger. "Do you think you can put up the privacy curtain?"
"Hey, it's not a curtain," you protest, setting aside the theological crisis for now. "But yes. One sec."
You close your eyes, holding your hand out to receive a blob of Grief the coalesces out of the fog - but you don't focus your will upon it yet. Instead, you reach out by telepathy. Mami, Sayaka, Homura, Oriko, and Kirika. "Hey, everyone?"
You take a moment to update everyone on recent events in rapidfire speech: Hijiri hunted down, Anri still at large, memory field recovered but Clear Seed still stolen, as well as Niko's... dispute with Hijiri. And your intervention and Hijiri's grudging cooperation.
"... and also, Anri is, um, a bit unstable," you conclude. "Just a bit. 'You can't understand my pain' quote-unquote."
"I see," Homura murmurs. "You are all unharmed?"
"Absolutely," you say. "It wasn't even much of a fight - Sayaka did great and pasted Hijiri. Still, Anri's out there somewhere. Not sure we're gonna make it back to meet Nadia and the Shiogama girls. Are you good for handling that?"
Your eyes are closed, so you sense rather than see Sayaka's smile.
"Yes," Homura says, and hesitates for a second. "Sayaka came back to Mitakihara?"
"Ah, that's my clone!" Sayaka interjects. "C'mon, I know we didn't talk, but you didn't think I'd just run off, right?"
"... I see," Homura says.
"Yep," you say. "Anyway... Oriko?"
"Yes, Sabrina?" the seer responds.
"I know your visions are faded, but from what you remember - was Hijiri the mastermind?" you ask.
Silence for a long moment. "Insofar as she was manipulating Anri, yes," she agrees. "I don't think she can really be termed a mastermind, however, just the instigator."
"Right," you say. That's damning. "Thanks. Everything going alright?"
"No news so far," Oriko says, voice turning dry. "I doubt we will be so lucky as to be attacked out of the blue as you were with Hijiri."
"Fair enough," you say. "Right, thanks. So... anything else, everyone?"
With a round of denials, and farewells, you cut the connection. And now you focus, having lost just a few moments speaking mind-to-mind with your friends. You mould the Grief in your hand with mind and intent. Privacy, interdiction... familiar pathways, a familiar pattern drawn in your mind's eye and made manifest upon reality by your will.
It sings in your hand, a dark star resonating with its song of Witch, Witch, Witch. You exhale, opening your eyes to a world that hazes out past a circle of a few meters. Mami smiles at you, the touch of worry easing out from her expression.
"Here we are," you say, taking a step forward and bending down to set the pedestal in the centre of the circle. You, Mami, Kaoru, Saki, Kazumi, Mirai, and finally Sayaka, on your right. Satomi and Umika are still out searching, as are Oriko and Kirika. Niko and Hijiri are still discussing their differences. Well, you hope they're discussing, anyway.
No raised voices that you can hear.
"What can you tell us, Sabrina?" Saki asks, folding her arms.
"Honestly, I haven't got anything new, apart from talking to her earlier," you say, and snort. "She's, uh. Melodramatically unstable. She was screaming at me about how I didn't understand her pain... OK, look, I don't really want to understate that she's hurting. She's just a girl not that different from us who was badly hurt, yeah?"
"Back up a sec," Kaoru says, holding her hand up. "How were you talking to her?"
"Ah, yeah," you say. "I was talking to Hijiri, and I persuaded her to give up the memory device. I've still got that, by the way, and I'll pass it back to Niko later, but the point is that Hijiri agreed to connect me to Anri."
Kazumi frowns. "Did you get anything else?"
"Not... really much about Anri," you say. "She's screaming mad. She was screaming at me about revenge, and accused me of working with you guys. Which is kind of accurate, but I wanna be a mediator... Anyway, point is, not so much about Anri, but I'm quite certain that Hijiri was on telepathy with Anri the whole time."
"How do you plan on punishing her, Miss Wakaba?" Mami asks gently. "She has stolen from you, yes."
Which is an excellent question, to be honest. Oriko blew your leg off, and the most you were able to level against her was house arrest. After applying grievous damage to her, but that wasn't really a punishment. You forced her to face headaches, you suppose. Inflicting your particular brand of brain damage on someone probably counts, right?
"Kazumi?" Mirai asks, turning to her friend and leader.
"We-" Kazumi bites her lip, eyes flickering to Mami. "I'd say kick her out of town, for stealing from us. But I don't think Niko would accept that."
"Yeah, well..." you say, rubbing your nose. "I don't think Niko's is the only opinion that matters there. Hijiri is a person, too. I'd be willing to bring her over to Mitakihara - rehabilitation is better than vengeance, you know? But it depends on what Hijiri wants."
Saki makes a sharp, cutting gesture with her hand that nearly makes her glasses-monocle fly from her nose. "All very well and good, but we need to focus on Anri right now. She's getting away, or maybe she's putting some plan into motion. Is there anything more you can tell us?"
"Hijiri said that she was fleeing south-east," you say. "But no, that's it."
Speaking of Anri, you may have leverage you can use against her. You extend your senses, looking for Grief Seeds and their names. Yuuri's Witch was...
Arzt Kochen.
Saki has it, one of the few Grief Seeds the Pleiades have.
"Shopping areas, and all the parks. Then we need to start searching now," Saki says.
"OK, but we don't have to brute force it," you say. "Keep in mind - with me around, you can spam as much magic as you like. You just have to return to me for cleansing. Speaking of which-"
You hold your hand up with an inquiring eyebrow.
"Mami, we could work together, and try to extend our range with your ribbons?" you suggest as you cleanse everyone's Soul Gems.
"If that's what you want," Mami says, promptly blushing.
"Clones?" Sayaka suggests with a frown.
"If you can manage it, yeah," you say. "Kazumi, you can copy Sayaka's clones, too."
"Or I could blanket the town with chibis," Kazumi muses thoughtfully.
"I think they have a range limit, if they work like mine," you say.
"Right," Kazumi says, grimacing.
The Kazumipocalypse pushed back by a day, then.
"I can comb areas in lightning mode," Saki suggests.
"Bears," Mirai says, folding her arms.
Kaoru shrugs. "I don't really have anything useful for this. Just good eyesight," she says. "I'll do it normally."
"OK," Kazumi says, nodding decisively. "It's a plan, then. We need to decide what to do with Hijiri now. Niko- ah, right. Sabrina?"
"You can just walk through the field," you note, but twitch a finger to dissolve your privacy device.
"Um," Sayaka says. "Do you hear crying?"
"Niko!" Kazumi's off like a shot, and you all hurry after her, rushing past haphazardly arrayed shelves.
There's Hijiri, standing petrified.
And there's Niko, down on her knees and wailing with her arms thrown around Hijiri's waist.
Hijiri looks very uncomfortable, her eyes darting over to all of you.
And then there's Kazumi, wrapping herself around Niko. Mirai joins in seconds later, and then Kaoru and Saki.
... Hijiri looks even more uncomfortable, with a hugpile gathered around and clinging to her legs.
Voting opens
[] Hijiri
- [] Extract her from the hugpile
- [] Leave here there
[] What do you do with Hijiri while hunting?
- [] Suggest she come along to help
- [] Leave her somewhere
[] Make the case that Airi needs help
[] Confront Hijiri about her giving instructions to Airi
[] Write-in (word count limit: 150 words)
Talking to and about Hijiri as an olive branch didn't happen because they were still busy.
The search should begin next update, provided the vote doesn't preclude it.
Silence for a long moment. "Insofar as she was manipulating Anri, yes," she agrees. "I don't think she can really be termed a mastermind, however, just the instigator."
Guess Niko really begging for forgiveness once the anger passes and how Hijiri informs her reality.
Her character development I wonder from what we know of canon
[X] Thank Madokami
[X] Gauge situation, offer to extract Hijiri if desired, delicately remove if so
-[X] Privately, politely offer to listen if Hijiri wants to explain what happened
-[X] Regardless, be supportive and hopeful
[X] Ask Saki for her Grief Seeds, explain you were examining all of them with intention to make another Clear Seed
-[X] Cleanse Arzt Kochen
[X] Explain to everyone why you want to save Anri: Though you've never felt pain like her, you know how easily anyone could end up like her. You're honestly not sure how you'd handle losing one of your friends, but you do know you'd want someone there to help you.
[X] Privately, Kazumi & Mami: Later on, you might ask to talk with Anri privately. You don't want to upset her, nor to let her upset them.
[X] Offer for Hijiri to search with you, she knows Anri best and you're committed to saving Anri.
[X] Thank Momokami.
[X] Gauge situation.
-[X] Offer Hijiri to help extract her from the hugpile only if the hugpile remains undisrupted afterwards.
--[X] We don't have a good phone. Ask Mami to take pictures instead.
[X] From here onwards, refer to Yuuri Witch only as ALL CAPS. At least, inside your head.
-[X] When ( if ) hugpile ends, ask Saki and Kazumi to clear ALL CAPS. Elaborate, that your knowledge and Grief Sense offer insight on the nature of the Witch. You heavily suspect that having this Seed specifically will be helpful.
[X] Privately, Hijiri:
-[X] Don't ask what happened. Unless Niko or Kanna decide to share, it's not your business.
-[X] Be supportive, remain hopeful that some progress was made.
-[X] Kindly ask to share any information she might've withheld: say that Airi is suffering, too, and you'd like to help her if you can.
[X] Thank Madokami [X] Hijiri
-[x] Goals
--[x] Continue to undermine the foundations of her anger.
--[x] If Niko set things up right, guilt-trip her about hurting Niko.
---[x] Totally by accident, of course. You know nothing about any half-rate wannabe masterminds.
-[x] Potential specifics
--[x] Shrug. Helplessly smug - you told her that Niko cared.
--[x] She's still with you. Ask her to keep helping with Yuuri/Airi.
--[x] Continue questions about Airi from the various previous votes.
-[x] Goals
--[x] Act to ensure she doesn't get thrown away or lost
--[x] Try to give yourself an excuse to get hold of her later if necessary
-[x] Potential specifics
--[x] Make her into a Clear Seed
[x] Hunting.
-[x] Goals
--[x] Keep your friends safe from infohazards.
-[x] Potential specifics
--[x] You want to talk to her yourself. Crazy assholes are still redeemable.
--[x] Warn of infohazards. If they can't disengage, try to gem her and don't listen.
[X] Thank Madokami
[X] Help Hijiri out of hugs if she's too uncomfortable.
-[X] Observe how she's doing.
-[X] Once appropriate, bring up that Hijiri could help search for Airi.
-[X] Futhermore, ask Hijiri to offer any relevant knowledge she might have held back. Honesty will only help her in the end.
-[X] If necessary, nudge her RE: Oriko's visions.
[X] Ask Saki for a Seed to Clear. Make sure to get Arzt Kochen.
[X] Privately tell Mami: Once you catch Airi, you might need to talk with her alone. Ask for help convincing Kazumi if that's the case.
[X] Once the search starts, beware Hijiri.
[X] If Airi is found, be there, be ready to shut her up if she threatens to drop infohazards.