[] Introductions! The Asunarians, from the deep pantsless countries, and the Kures.
[] Tell everyone to hold on to their sandwiches while you accelerate.
[] Ask someone to give Oriko a hand.
[] Again, don't take over from Kazumi too much, she's still the leader of the Pleiades.
[] Discuss plans on the way.
-[] Oriko's not a precog any more, but you know she looked at at Asunaro at least a little.
-[] RFPs:
--[] Mental defenses
--[] Tracking - Niko's grief, Clear Seeds, evil clones, magic or soul gems, etc
--[] Postcognition - can anyone find out more about what happened in Niko's lab?
-[] Offer postcog, but it'd require a trance. Tracking would require less trance.
[] On arrival: introductions all around, make sure Niko's okay, collect more information, figure out what tracking and defenses are available.