That's not entirely true even for ordinary humans. Many a general in history has been able to suceed because he anticipated the enemy's plans, often through knowledge of their psyche. With only ordinary knowledge there are limits, but Otto Von Bismarck and Cavour the Savoyard politician are proof long term plans can be created through a knowledge of the situation and the major players. Both of them had long term plans towards their goal- they suffered setbacks at times, but were able to adjust based on a long term plan.
Ours isn't an ordinary situation, however. Watching PMMM gives us a much better understanding of these girls than an ordinary person could ever have of another person. As Ugolino pointed out, we have had a front row seat to Sayaka's breakdown. We've seen how all of these girls behave under stress. We've even seen their internal thought processes!
In addition, we have Akemi Homura. Homura has gone through hundreds of timelines, and so should be able to predict these people even better. Being fourteen she doesn't have a collective brain as good as ours, but she has a lot more knowledge than we do. If we'd coordinated and swapped notes as it were, we would be in a much better posistion.
Also noting you haven't adressed the fact I think the matchmaker plot is morally henious according to the very virtue ethics Sabrina follows.
I don't back down when I'm right (o.k if the stakes was something like execution I would, but that's a different matter). And I'm willing to accept being hated as a price of this. Therefore you have no rational argument against what I'm doing.
If I were to simply state my conclusions, you would have no idea why I wanted to do what I wanted to do. If I were to try and give simplistic reasoning, I would be disrespecting you people by flat out lying about my motivation. For clarification, at this point, what I am advocating is simple: Put a stop to the plan to set up Madoka Kaname and Homura Akemi. Why is a lot more complicated, but basically I'm claiming it morally wrong.
People attacked my earlier plans as being OOC for Sabrina, so I'm using that same standard to attack them for something which logically should be OOC if Sabrina knows Virtue Ethics. I'm not trying to bludgeon the GM- I'm trying to persuade the players. I'm not going to attack the GM for writing out the player vote no matter how OOC it is- just the players who voted for it.