Not if we divest Homura of all her bombs before hand.
ALL of them?!
"Sorry Mami, can I ask you to not go into the guestroom? I know we need to prepare it for Kazumi, Kaoru and Umika, but I kind of had to... store some things."
"What kind of things?" Ask Mami, curiously approaching the -closed- door.
"Uh, well... Homura things. Don't worry, we'll clean up once we're back from the Kures' place."
Mami blinks, a hand turning the doorknob.
"You're going to Kure's hou-?
What's the meaning of this?!"
Mami's face pales.
Clink, clink, clink...
As the door to the guest room opens, a grenade rolls past the frozen blonde's feet.
As Mami watches, Sabrina daintily picks up the explosive, puts it back besides the pile of other hand grenades, fragmentation grenades, incendiaries, flashbangs, pipeboms... mortars, RPGs, missiles... and a very large one occupying half the room with a radiation symbol painted on the side.
The white haired girl calmly closes back the door, before turning to look at Mami with a serious look.
promise we'll clean this up before tonight."
Mami looks aside. "We're gonna explode..." she mutters.
Sabrina slides an arm around her waist, pulling her away from the highly explosive room.
not gonna explode, Mami..." the taller says unconvincingly.
The blonde tenses at her side, biting her lip... before sighing.
In one swift movement, Mami twirls to face Sabrina, stands on tiptoes, grabs the back of her white crowned head and pulls
down until their lips meet.
A breathless moment later, Mami slowly steps back, smiling shily yet radiantly, ducking her head to hide a bright blush. Her eyes rise to meet Sabrina's, who smiles dumbly, her hand's fingertips hovering over her own lips.
"That's in case we explode," murmurs Mami, burying her head on Sabrina's shoulder. The white haired girl reacts this time, pulling her close.
It's a few long minutes before they move again.
Later that day, not even Homura's dourest glare manages to put a damper on Sabrina's mood.