Aspiring Gynoid
- Pronouns
- She/Her
Don't we all?Oh well, I mostly follow this thread for the story more than the gameplay anyway.
Don't we all?Oh well, I mostly follow this thread for the story more than the gameplay anyway.
...and there are members controlled by SB and QQ-SFW as well as SV..... the Tokyo girls are all players in a grand RP quest thing where each player (or small group) gets to run a single girl or faction in the council.
One is controlled by DF. We shall know her by her beard....and there are members controlled by SB and QQ-SFW as well as SV.
Would others be controlled by 4chan and anonkun?...and there are members controlled by SB and QQ-SFW as well as SV.
If we show up and one is wearing a "Make Japan Great Again" hat then yes, one is controlled by 4chan.
This sounds like an interesting premise..... the Tokyo girls are all players in a grand RP quest thing where each player (or small group) gets to run a single girl or faction in the council.
I'd like to talk to Homura about what happened last loop and figure out how it differs from what we expected, but I don't think she'd be comfortable with the idea of us probing her memories with Griefhax.Speaking of gameplay, any thoughts to whether my vote is worth commenting on? Or are we just going to keep assuming that everything we "know" is accurate?
"It is... good to know you," Homura allows, eyes flicking awkwardly away from you.
"Then yeah," you say, sighing. "Say, Homura? If you don't mind my asking - do you know what Madoka's Wish was, exactly?"
Her expression falls, a little. You're still holding her wrist, and perhaps if you weren't, you wouldn't have noticed the way her hand twitches in that abortive little gesture.
"'I Wish that everything could be fixed!'" Homura says.
"Wait. I'm sorry, Homura, but this is important - did Madoka make a Wish?" you ask urgently.
She swallows painfully. "Yes. She... she wished that everything could be fixed. And then she killed Walpurgisnacht, and..." Homura trails off, and her shield bearing arm makes a little gesture, grabbing at empty air.
Of course not. She most likely is weather it's Madoka wish or not is a different matter however
She keeps secrets mostly to prevent stuff from getting worse.Homura has a long established bad habit of keeping secrets, even when it's counterproductive. That incident at the start of Timeline 3 where nobody believed her seems to have really scarred her.
Homura has a long established bad habit of keeping secrets, even when it's counterproductive. That incident at the start of Timeline 3 where nobody believed her seems to have really scarred her.
For some reason I have trouble with the idea that the wish "'I Wish that everything could be fixed!'" would result in our creation as is. I hate to ask this considering there was apparently a argument about Madoka's honesty while I was away, but are we sure Homura is not hiding something from us. I can't help but worry that she may know something that she considers a info hazard to us, and is thus not telling us the real exact wording of the wish.
She does not know that we have considered the possibility that we are Walpurgisnacht or some of our other pet theories like we actually are Madoka. Is it possible she is trying to protect us from a "Identity Bomb" or something else we have not even considered.
Edit: I also looked up the first time Homura told us about the wish for comparison.
What is with that gesture she makes both times?
Re: The wish being the reason Sabrina's there, her wish being possible, and the potential being because of that...while a wish would neatly explain those away, it does seem a bit convenient.
I was going to post Gendo!Mami, but then I changed my mind. Suffice it to say that I love layers of complexity and all that, yeah?
She swallows painfully. "Yes. She... she wished that everything could be fixed. And then she killed Walpurgisnacht, and..." Homura trails off, and her shield bearing arm makes a little gesture, grabbing at empty air.
Well, what usually happens after Madoka contracts and kills Walpurgisnacht is that she witches out and destroys the world, so it would be understandable if she didn't want to talk about that. That hand gesture is interesting, though. She does it again when she tells us Madoka's wish again later. Reaching out to try to pull Madoka back? To catch her as she falls? To catch Walpy's falling Grief Seed? A general symbolic reaching for what always seems to be beyond her grasp? Or something else entirely?When Homura first told us about the wish she was about to say something else happened after Walpurgisnacht was killed but stoped mid sentence,
Maybe we were touching Homura when she looped?I still haven't figured out how that could of gotten us back in time,
Doesn't explain why we were found several days later in the middle of the street while damaged.
Still missing why we ended up in the middle of the street several days after the loop started instead of with Homura in the hospital room