Judging by Sayaka's example, it seems like once a meguca learns to make an enchantment, they can repeat it in very little time. So if we can teach someone the enchantment, then they can probably make quite a few of them per day. Not quite factory mass-production, more like a collection of medieval blacksmiths handcrafting horseshoes.
We've made an... 'Speckled Enchantment' Enchantment-Assiting Bracelet, which would be the same: It makes 'normal' Enchantments with only a bit of Grief to help keep them together, so they don't fell very witchy, but still can't exit Sabrina's range.

Though, if you can call Mami a device, we have done what you say: We've made an Speckled Enchantment (Anti Pain Ring), and Mami copied it. :p
There's a major difference.

Stuff like the bracelet still requires Sabrina to be the one understanding how the enchantment works.

I was referring to a device that duplicates an existing enchantment made by somebody else. A way to mass produce enchantments.

Like cloning a hard drive, it's just copying something exactly, without caring or understanding what that something is.
(I also posted another proposal earlier in the thread, but I'm not sure if not many people actually saw or, if it was just plain silly and ignored.)
It's got some nifty ideas for the containment shell, but the whole thing kind of depends on being able to use a non-Sabrina power to take Grief out of gems and as far as we know that isn't possible. The shell design might be very useful in future for containing Grief outside our range, however.
So, uh, are we going searching for Kuroki Matsuko yet? Because not only is the trail going to go cold (if it hasn't already), but she probably won't last long before Witching out if she's already ditched her phone and gone off the grid.

Also, since she's a stealth specialist, we should probably make a Grief Construct specialized in detecting stealthed magical girls within our sensing range, just to be sure that we don't miss her if we DO stumble upon her.
If a live magical girl or Witch Barrier was within our range, we'd know through our grief senses. If her stealth powers can block that, then they'd probably also block a scanner construct.

They didn't want to overwhelm Firn with an overly-long vote, but a couple possible uses of our powers to help find Kuroki come to mind off the top of my head: trying to track her by scent, or spreading tiny particles of Grief throughout our control area and see if they make contact with a solid object where we don't detect one.
If a live magical girl or Witch Barrier was within our range, we'd know through our grief senses. If her stealth powers can block that, then they'd probably also block a scanner construct.

They didn't want to overwhelm Firn with an overly-long vote, but a couple possible uses of our powers to help find Kuroki come to mind off the top of my head: trying to track her by scent, or spreading tiny particles of Grief throughout our control area and see if they make contact with a solid object where we don't detect one.
Not...exactly? I mean, we were able to make a Grief Construct telling us about stuff we didn't know regarding (non-magical, at least) objects within our range. Similarly, that Grief Construct we made to analyze Soul Gems told us stuff we weren't able to tell with just our normal senses when we pointed it at Oriko's soul gem.

Not to mention the fact that, while a magical girl whose powers specialize in stealth might be able to fool a magical girl or Witch by default, it's more unlikely that they're able to fool a Grief Construct designed specifically and solely to detect stealthed magical girls within its user's control radius. Like the difference between passive sonar and active sonar. One is just listening, the other is actively searching.
I had a more involved plan for what to do to look for Kuroki in my vote initially, but Firn told me it was too granular. Hence, the current broad strokes plan. I trust Firn not to screw us over because the details of hunting for clues weren't explicit.
that Grief Construct we made to analyze Soul Gems told us stuff we weren't able to tell with just our normal senses when we pointed it at Oriko's soul gem.
IIRC, Firn's said any scanners we've made only showed information we already had from our Grief senses. They were only useful in that we could let others see what we saw.
Not...exactly? I mean, we were able to make a Grief Construct telling us about stuff we didn't know regarding (non-magical, at least) objects within our range. Similarly, that Grief Construct we made to analyze Soul Gems told us stuff we weren't able to tell with just our normal senses when we pointed it at Oriko's soul gem.

Not to mention the fact that, while a magical girl whose powers specialize in stealth might be able to fool a magical girl or Witch by default, it's more unlikely that they're able to fool a Grief Construct designed specifically and solely to detect stealthed magical girls within its user's control radius. Like the difference between passive sonar and active sonar. One is just listening, the other is actively searching.
It shouldn't matter: we detect magical girls not just through their magic, but also through the Grief in their Soul Gems and carried Grief Seeds (if any), which cannot be outside our control because Madokami-tier Wish. Even if our magic sense fails to note the meguca in our range because conceptual stealth, we'd still sense her as a floating bit of Grief that we're not actively moving but is nonetheless actively moving around.
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The odds of her being within 100 meters of where her phone broke four days ago are pretty absurdly slim to begin with anyway, really. Our only real chance of gaining any information is recovering the phone itself - assuming it too is still around here and didn't get sucked into her barrier when she witched out, or whatever else might have happened.
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The odds of her being within 100 meters of where her phone broke four days ago are pretty absurdly slim to begin with anyway, really.
The odds of her still being alive four days after disappearing are pretty slim, but we have to at least try. :(

But if she is alive, then she's almost certainly gone somewhere else, and we'll need to track her. Hence why I'm suggesting something like following her scent.
But if she is alive, then she's almost certainly gone somewhere else, and we'll need to track her. Hence why I'm suggesting something like following her scent.

Tracking by scent works best with a sample to compare to. We don't know what she/her clothes/her cleaning products smell like, so unless she had really overpoweringly cheap perfume or something...

According to some hunting forums I checked, human scents only linger for around three days anyway, and that's in forests where the smell stands out. In an industrial district...?
It wouldn't be "scent", exactly. We can probably scan for individual molecules, which'd let us pick out biochemical markers that only humans produce and follow them. We could probably find remnants of human internal microbiome fauna on various surfaces if she was exerting herself, for example. We might even do something like on-the-fly DNA sequencing of flakes of shed skin, which'd give us a nice track like "teenage girl with this eye color and that hair color was in the area so many days ago".

edit: Actually, this might work even better than the EM scan, since Mami can use ribbons to retrieve samples from great distances.
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Tracking by scent works best with a sample to compare to. We don't know what she/her clothes/her cleaning products smell like, so unless she had really overpoweringly cheap perfume or something...
Yeah, unless we find some of her things around there, we'd have to go to her house and steal a pillowcase or something.

According to some hunting forums I checked, human scents only linger for around three days anyway, and that's in forests where the smell stands out. In an industrial district...?
Doing some looking myself, and it varies a lot based on conditions (and ours are far from optimal), but there's a documented incident of a bloodhound following a trail that was 13 days old to find some missing people. It seems like this area's largely abandoned, so maybe that will help?
Judging by Sayaka's example, it seems like once a meguca learns to make an enchantment, they can repeat it in very little time. So if we can teach someone the enchantment, then they can probably make quite a few of them per day. Not quite factory mass-production, more like a collection of medieval blacksmiths handcrafting horseshoes.
It's for this reason that I'd say that the following two enchantments are the most important projects on the list:

Grief Control - We should start small, with an enchantment that attracts or repels grief. If the proof of concept works, then we can keep refining and scaling it up, until we have artificial grief seeds. Based on the potential feedback loop, this should be attempted without the enchantment enhancement construct.

Grief Stability - Try to make an enchantment that holds grief in position instead of letting it disperse. May require "marking" it as belonging to Sabrina so it stays solid outside where we naturally impose that effect if some theories are correct. May or may not be linked to range extension.
Right now we're the lynchpin of everything we plan to do, but as soon as we can start showing other magical girls how to repeat for themselves what we can do naturally, the odds of leaving a lasting change on the world greatly increase.

And it continues beyond that, to every major thing we wish to do: Once we have a way to revert Grief seeds to soul gems and revive magical girls from that state, the next step should be finding a way to copy that artificially. (Likewise finding a way to artificially clear grief seeds, seeing as I expect that will be necessary.)

There are two reasons for that. First is simply the "shit happens" principle. A lot of things could go wrong, from disasters to simple lack of time, and anything that doesn't depend on us completely is less affected by anything that affects us.

Secondly is the Factorio Principle: The more magical girls who can do what we do via enchantment, even if they're only a fraction as effective as us, the more that can be done in total. And it only becomes truer once they start training their own students.

You know what @Redshirt Army, I was wrong. Knowing we were Walpurgisnacht does have one implication at current time.

Kyubey would surely be able to use that information against us if he found out about it.

Well, on this line thinking:

A simple test has occurred to me that might help to prove or disprove the idea: If we're born of a being that is a conglomeration of witches, then we would also be a conglomeration of magical girls, and so it would also it would make sense that we had all the knowledge of a bunch of magical girls, simply locked away. This ties into our bookmaking abilities: to teach ourselves concrete mixing makes sense if one of those girls once knew it herself. In this framework, we're not writing the book from scratch, just recovering it.

And I'll bet you, if we can write the book on concrete for that reason, diaries might not be beyond us either. If Sabrina was once Walpurgisnacht, It may well be possible to create multiple diaries sourced from various originating magical girls.