That' incredibly irresponsible way of looking at things. For starters, we don't know if we'll ever figure out a way to stop all Witches everywhere, let alone when.

And if it isn't safe enough to hunt Witches as part of large, well-practiced groups, then how would you deal with them?

Also, the vast majority of MGs straight up not fighting Witches anymore would lead to a huge increase in civilian deaths. The Witch population would multiply because familiars also grow unchecked. And more super-Witches would form because normal Witches aren't hunted down before they have the chance to combine into super-Witches.

It sucks, but magical girls are the only ones who can deal with Witches and familiars. Which means that they must, because otherwise the problem will grow out of control and become far more dangerous to deal with when (not if) it becomes too much of a problem for them to ignore.
Well, we can't exactly go city by city and tell the megucas that they have to go back to fighting Witches after we handed them a Clear Seed - the ticket to not having to fight Witches anymore.

Some of them will keep fighting, specially new contracts who wish specifically thinking about protecting the people from Witches. Other will straight up refuse, and there's nothing we can do about it besides asking nicely.

The meguca who agree to keep fighting Witches, those should be arranged into large, well organized and well supported hunting parties so they can hunt Witches with minimum risk. But that's only a stopgap measure. After all, we don't want the future of the meguca world to be the same as it is right now but with less witchouts. We want meguca to be able to live normal lives, and many meguca simply won't have the strenght or disposition to fight.

In time, we should have untold-of-large amounts of meguca working together. We can figure out large scale magical solutions. Give it time.
It really is staggering just how HUGE a Clear Gem gift from Sabrina is...
It's simultaneously a billion dollars, a potion of immortality and the equivalent of a secure fortress on a death world.
... Ok, so metaphors for this are hard. Probably because nothing so valuable actually exists in our world.
That's not really sustainable. And for fuck's sake, we don't need to add on so much more onto our plate just because others aren't as selfless as Sabrina.
Uh, did you miss the "(or equivalent)" part? I don't have a very firm grasp on power levels so I don't mention other names. Mami and Homura were just an analogy of power levels of a meguca not burdened with "ammo" costs and able to let loose constantly. There's probably bound to be a few of them willing to fight that aren't us, and they can easily blitz a horde witches as one mega-team in a day.

Even if Mami and Homu are outliers, there's probably going to be enough of them per region to amass enough firepower of that level, and can cover leagues more territory than a standard meguca covers. Less groups needed if one of them is a teleporter.
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She was surprised that she was talking about having a crush on a boy.

And then they had a moment of unspoken bonding over Sayaka being probably-not-straight.
That's not the subtext I took away from that particular bit of dialogue. It seemed more like, "You're teasing Sayaka about a boy. Are they an item?" "Not exactly." We'd just finished ragging on Sayaka about Kyousuke until she blushed, again, but Nadia wasn't familiar with the context so she had to ask follow-up questions.

For all our joking, Nadia probably doesn't actually operate on the assumption that every meguca she meets is gay. One of her news items was about a girl leaving her team to marry a dude.


And I notice that we then did this bit...
You stop, and pull her into a proper hug. You get looks from the passersby, but you don't care. Mami's the only thing that's important. She hugs back with crushing force, clinging tight to you. You stroke her back in slow, soothing circles. "It's OK, Mami."

She sniffs quietly. "I-I'm sorry. I s-shouldn't-"

"No," you whisper. "There isn't a shouldn't. You feel how you feel, alright? And I'm willing to give you all the time and attention you need for you to feel better."

"I-I know," she says, pulling back far enough to give you a smile that's only just a bit teary. "I know. It's just- hard."

"I know," you whisper, smiling back. "I'm still here, right?"

She indulges in the hug a few moments longer, before pulling back. You see the way her lips move, shaping the first syllable of 'sorry' before she dips her head and smiles hesitantly at you.
...right in front of Nadia, so there's probably no way that she doesn't think Mami and Sabrina are an item now.
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I don't think there's anyone who spends a few minutes with Mami and Sabrina without arriving at the conclusion that they're an item.
There's "gee, they seem close," and then there's "so affectionate that Sayaka has to glare at rubbernecking passerby." :D

OH no, she knows, if we know it, she knows it.
We know how Sabrina feels about Mami, but how does Mami see it? Are they dating or what?

One of these days nights, Sabrina and Mami really need to have a talk and figure out where things stand between them.
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@Onmur I think we should ask the Sendai girls to tell the other magical girls they know about us, like Nadia is doing, so as to spread the news faster.

[X] The Grief Seed is free. Replaceable, even. Just help others when possible, and let them know where they can get their own Clear Seeds.
-[X] Ask Rin to let Akiko know we're sorry, and that we'd like to talk whenever she's ready for it.
[X] Ask if they've heard anything from the Fukushima group.
[X] Before leaving, say you hope to be friends in the future.
[X] Ask Nadia where she wants us to drop her off.
-[X] Judge whether Nadia would be amenable to a hug.
-[X] Thank her for everything. Invite her to hang out whenever. Privately ask if she knows nice restaurants in Italy.
[X] When you get back home:
[X] Greet Homura and Madoka by telepathy.
[X] Go with Mami to buy the things Kirika wanted. High five Sayaka goodbye.
[X] Talk with Mami about Kyouko training Sayaka once you're alone.
But Mami and Sabrina have made Chibi Clones. So they have been in their own presence at least once. :p
"Oh my God those two are disgustingly affectionate."

"Huh, yeah. Weird that they're acting that way in public. Have they no shame?"

"And the gold-haired one is so obviously repressed. She should just jump the white-haired one and go tonsil-diving, save us a lot of heartache."

"Yeah, what's up with that- Waaait a minute..."
"A boyfriend, huh?" Sabrina asked curiously, as she sipped her tea. Try as she might to imagine Mami with a boy, it was nearly impossible. But in fairness that might have been less of an indication of Mami's sexuality, and more to do with the fact that Sabrina knew fewer boys Mami's age than could be counted on one hand - and Kwyjibo was taken.

Mami's face sort of did that thing that no-one had ever invented a proper word for - the thing where it looked like she was trying to hide behind her own face, because she was so embarrassed. It was actually incredibly adorable, even if it came from a place of vulnerability.

"You say that like you don't believe it," Mami said, a bit stilted.

"I believe it," Sabrina reassured her. "I didn't realize that you... you know."

"Well, I do." Mami coughed. "I do, 'you know'."

Several seconds passed in silence, as Sabrina digested that. Then she grinned. "Anyone in particular you're looking for?"

"Sabrina! No!" Mami blushed. "You know I'm with you."

"Ah." Sabrina nodded sagely, cracking down on her smile. "In that case, should I look into finding a way to be a boy?"

She was purely joking, but could that even be done? Probably. It was a wide world. Would she know how to live, as a boy? Probably that, too. She had never even thought along those lines before, because she had never had a reason to think it could ever be expected of her. But it was something that could come to her, as easily as any language, even if the jarring shift in expectations and habit would hurt.

"Sabrina, no!" Mami shook her head and tilted a smile, the same way she did every other time Sabrina said something patently ridiculous. "I'm with you, and I like you just the way you are."

Sabrina's heart fluttered.

"Just because I'm straight, that doesn't mean I don't love you."

Wait, what?

Sabrina looked around the cafe table where they sat, watching the world go by. "This is a date, right?"

"Of course?"

"I feel like, um. If we're on a date, I feel like that's kind of gay. Like, a gay relationship."

"I'm not gay!" Mami protested.

"I'm not saying that you're only interested in girls, or that you're even interested in other girls, but-"

"I'm not gay!" Mami insisted, and her composure bent a little further. "I'm not. I'm not like that."

Sabrina reached out, and put her hand on Mami's clenched fist, the whitened knuckles. Mami looked around, scanning the crowds of strangers who didn't even care, and her hand twitched as if to pull back. She did pull back, folding her arms up to shield herself.

"Either way, it wouldn't change anything between you and me," Sabrina tried to say. But Mami shook her head, because it wasn't about things between her and Sabrina; it was about things between her and other people, people who weren't around anymore, and her and herself. "Do you believe that?"

"Yes," Mami lied.
We need a spidahr rating. Because spiders can't cry. ;_;
Sorry, @Subrosian_Smithy. It wasn't a bad Omake, but dragging that particular issue out into discussion seemed like an easy way to cause a shitstorm...that, and it's adding an RL problem to our mental list, in a setting that seems to be pretty casual about the whole topic.
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