They took everything fairly well and I understand why they don't want a clear seed right now. Maybe they'll take one later, once we distributed a few more of them, making it less likely they'd be targeted.

They seem to be a nice bunch of people at first glance probably because we helped them and they have no competition in their city at the moment. Although I wonder why Nakano stays independent, but she seems a tad hyper, so who knows? I wonder what her power is.

Should we be worried about Sayaka of all people answering questions? :V

Anyway, we still wanted her to track Kuroki's phone, so we should defintely ask her about that, but aside from that I can't really think about anything we'd need.

I mean we could stay and chat for a while, and tell them they can call us if they need help, like a make-shift alliance? Maybe also bring up Walpurgisnacht? But as we just cleaned their gems for free, they might feel obligated to take part instead of doing it of their own free will.
Sayaka just needs to absorb wind girl's and laser girl's powers and she can just be Goku.

...we should go to a costume shop after this
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Sabrina disagrees with your "certain viewpoint".

You are technically correct, in the sense that she doesn't know her birthday, and thus she would disagree with any date.

That said, the very first thing she thought when asked her birthdate was the first of May. She doesn't choose this for purely practical reasons, rather than it being wrong.

It's open to interpretation whether or not she associates her 'birth' with Walpurgisnacht or if her mind merely immediately jumped to the most outrageous and controversial option because she has a dark sense of humour.
We did like five rounds of voting for surnames, and "Vee" won every single time. If we take a last name at all, "Vee" is the obvious democratic choice.

And... with that birth date, Sabrina is officially 15, with her 16th birthday coming up in around a month.

Age of majority in RL Japan was 20 in 2011, for the record.
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We did like five rounds of voting for surnames, and "Vee" won every single time. If we take a last name at all, "Vee" is the obvious democratic choice.

And... with that birth date, Sabrina is officially 15, with her 16th birthday coming up in around a month.

Age of majority in RL Japan was 20 in 2011, for the record.

Ok Vee it is also I misassumed current age of Sabrina - my bad.
Oh we should make sure we have school records in the system for Sabrina. Make sure the record as some normal discrepancies and things like counselings for being late, sick days etc. So it seems realistic rather then a perfectly executed record.
But no surname is so much better.

Also, we already contacted her about Kuroki's phone yesterday. I'm surprised she hasn't mentioned it, results or no.
Nah, Sabrina Vee won every time a vote/poll was held. I assumed we'd go for it automatically at this point.

So I'd like to:

- Nevermind, put our surname as 'Vee'.

Come on, it's also Homura's english VA's surname. It's perfect.

- Ask her about tracing that phone number.

- Tell all the Ishinomakioans that we intend to hand out these Grief Seeds to every group, so nobody should want to mug anyone for Clear Seeds, since everyone should have one. So if they change their minds...

- Ask Ayaka for her blessing about out relationship with Mami.
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At the very least, we need something to put on the paperwork. Whether we choose to think of it as a genuine part of Sabrina's identity or just a convenient alias is another matter.
I'm a supporter of just using Vee for our "real" identity (it's just a placeholder anyways) because the less suspicious we appear at a glance, the less chance a human will notice and decide to take a closer look. I also like Victoria for our fake adult identity. It sounds adultish, and if we do create a company would let us do some absolutely terrible things with names.
As much as people insist we need a surname, it is narratively unimportant. This

"... is it possible to not have a last name?" you ask. It's not like you don't have ideas for names, ranging from Vee to Velociraptor. "Just... Sabrina?"

Yuuki tilts her head in consideration. "It should be possible," she says, eyeing you curiously, but evidently decides not to ask.

Makes me feel that Firn is just going to recognize that and be okay with it. The fact is that this is a work of fiction. Sabrina having a last name doesn't change anything, not if it's something that isn't, like, "I love Mami Tomoe" or some other such meaningful thing. As a result, there's no reason that we have to have a surname, and if Yuuki is saying that she can do official documents without one, I really think this is Firn nudging us saying "You don't need a last name if you don't want it." Because really, if he's willing to not penalize us for not having a last name -- then why are we saying we need one, again?