Hey guys so who wants to get stabbed in the emotions?
Someone reminded me that in the official novel, Homura does in fact have parents, but that she never sees them because they're overworking themselves to pay for her monstrous medical bills.
This isn't a contradiction to anything I said in my "Homura is an Orphan" megapost, as I already said a lot of "orphans" in Japan are just effectively disowned. Due to Japanese negligence laws, children who can't be satisfactorily supervised by their guardians can have orphanages look after them without waiving their parental rights.
In such a case, a lot of the problems of Japanese orphanages still apply in full, and these children are often the ones paraded to social workers in clean clothing and full bellies when they come a-knockin' checking to see if their tax money is being spent properly.
Also these children are usually horribly bullied by the Actually-Orphan kids. There was one case in 2008 where a girl killed herself because the other kids kept destroying her property and poisoning her meals with cigarette ash they dug out of the garbage. She was apparently pressured not to report it to her parents on their visitations by the staff because it would've been "anti-social" because Japanese Values Dissonance.
So take everything I said before, add possible bullying, and definitely add Homura thinking her parents abandoned her, guilt over being a constant burden of them probably affirmed by their rare visitations and constant weariness when they visited, and also make her parents suffer with the stress of constant financial burden and overworking to the detriment of everything else in their lives for their daughter's sake.
You're welcome.