"Well, I've got nothing."
That is such a weird thing to try to create a serious explanation about. Kudos on that, @RagnorakTres.
To expand on this, because it's caught my fancy.
"Normal" space, which comprises our physical reality, is typically held to consist of three spatial and one temporal dimensions. This I will term "realspace," as it is, in effect, the only "real" thing that can be observed by mortals.
Now, souls are patently a Thing in PMMM. What does this mean? They have an observable effect on realspace (people), but they are not themselves observable. They must therefore occupy a higher set of dimensions.
When a magical girl contracts, the Incubator draws their soul out and forges it into a physical object that occupies realspace. Why? This suggests (to me) that the Incubator cannot interact directly with the higher dimensions that the soul occupies naturally, and so uses some heretofore unexplained mechanism to draw it through the shadow it casts on realspace (the physical body) and bind it into realspace. This causes the soul to begin to affect realspace in the same way it affects the higher dimensions it usually occupies, resulting in...magic.
So then, why does grief accumulate? Don't normal people feel grief as well? Why is emotional turmoil so dangerous for magical beings? I would propose that it is because the soul is trapped in realspace. In its natural environment, the soul can vent dangerous emotional contamination from its shadow into the higher dimensions it occupies. When it is trapped in the shell the Incubator has forged for it, it can't push the 'heavier' emotions past the shell, resulting in accumulation and contamination; sort of like a tuna getting caught in a net, while a minnow just swims right on through.
Magic rises, grief sinks, basically.
Now we come to the interesting part. If magic rises and grief sinks, and the soul is constantly venting 'magic,' then environs in which magical beings spend lots of time will slowly come to resemble the higher dimensions that the soul used to call home through simple irradiation. Non-Euclidian geometry begins to shine through, as the fourth, fifth, even sixth spatial dimensions begin to extrude into realspace. Mortals, however, literally can't observe this, as their brain just edits those things out, even if they can move through that space unconsciously. So Mami and Sabrina would never have noticed that their apartment appears to have more floorspace than it really should. When they move through those extra dimensions, they aren't occupying realspace anymore.
This is the same reason that Witch Barriers can be so weird. They appear to be realspace, but aren't.
Hm. That implies that it's a conscious, activated effect, though, and I'm sort of suggesting that it isn't, at least not entirely; though that might be a potential application of the theory, a sort of Reality Marble or Intellectus-esque function for anyone sufficiently practiced in manipulating their own soul's radiation.
Like all attempts to quantify magic , that elusive beast, this might not be the full explanation... but I think you are onto something here indeed.To expand on this, because it's caught my fancy.
"Normal" space, which comprises our physical reality, is typically held to consist of three spatial and one temporal dimensions. This I will term "realspace," as it is, in effect, the only "real" thing that can be observed by mortals.
Now, souls are patently a Thing in PMMM. What does this mean? They have an observable effect on realspace (people), but they are not themselves observable. They must therefore occupy a higher set of dimensions.
When a magical girl contracts, the Incubator draws their soul out and forges it into a physical object that occupies realspace. Why? This suggests (to me) that the Incubator cannot interact directly with the higher dimensions that the soul occupies naturally, and so uses some heretofore unexplained mechanism to draw it through the shadow it casts on realspace (the physical body) and bind it into realspace. This causes the soul to begin to affect realspace in the same way it affects the higher dimensions it usually occupies, resulting in...magic.
So then, why does grief accumulate? Don't normal people feel grief as well? Why is emotional turmoil so dangerous for magical beings? I would propose that it is because the soul is trapped in realspace. In its natural environment, the soul can vent dangerous emotional contamination from its shadow into the higher dimensions it occupies. When it is trapped in the shell the Incubator has forged for it, it can't push the 'heavier' emotions past the shell, resulting in accumulation and contamination; sort of like a tuna getting caught in a net, while a minnow just swims right on through.
Magic rises, grief sinks, basically.
Now we come to the interesting part. If magic rises and grief sinks, and the soul is constantly venting 'magic,' then environs in which magical beings spend lots of time will slowly come to resemble the higher dimensions that the soul used to call home through simple irradiation. Non-Euclidian geometry begins to shine through, as the fourth, fifth, even sixth spatial dimensions begin to extrude into realspace. Mortals, however, literally can't observe this, as their brain just edits those things out, even if they can move through that space unconsciously. So Mami and Sabrina would never have noticed that their apartment appears to have more floorspace than it really should. When they move through those extra dimensions, they aren't occupying realspace anymore.
This is the same reason that Witch Barriers can be so weird. They appear to be realspace, but aren't.
[Q] Use Grief to do that with your face.
If the artists don't care about the layout I don't see why we should care what they drew.
Nonsense. Homura's room is clearly a circle, which has no angles of any degree.Inb4 we find out Oriko's mansion grew three extra floors, Homura's room has six 90 degree angles,
How about this? If meguca warp their houses into nth dimensional spaces, then this is what happened with Oriko:Inb4 we find out Oriko's mansion grew three extra floors, Homura's room has six 90 degree angles, gravity warps in Sayaka's house, and the entire city of Kasimino(?) Is doing that inception folding thing.
And now you understand why I am making anguished noises over this.From the exterior view, we know there has to be a window to the balcony to the left of the entrance to the apartment.
I just assumed it was shut tight and hidden beneath the shadows behind the spiral staircase.
I've no fucking clue how those windows could fit in the layout without spacial folds, though, unless they're just viewscreens or something.![]()
And now you understand why I am making anguished noises over this.
[04:25:45] Firnagzen: well
[04:25:54] Firnagzen: I'm not sure it's even an isoceles triangle
[04:25:54] Firnagzen: http://images.puella-magi.net/7/76/Mami_nice_apt.jpg?20110426211524
[04:26:10] Firnagzen: like maybe it's perspective but those two sides don't even look the same length
[04:26:30] AuraTwilight: Scalene then.
[04:27:52] Firnagzen: honestly I'm of the opinion that mami's apartment is full of kitschy, somewhat random stuff because she bought stuff on whims
[04:28:01] Firnagzen: because >loneliness and retail therapy, as it were
[04:28:22] AuraTwilight: oh god dammit now I feel bad
[04:28:25] AuraTwilight: fuck off to hell Firn.
[04:28:37] vebyast:
[04:29:38] Firnagzen: also something I have to wonder is where exactly that staircase in mami's apartment leads
[04:29:49] AuraTwilight: it seems to lead to a balcony area.
[04:29:56] AuraTwilight: judging by Rebellion.
[04:30:02] Firnagzen: because when you look at the apartment from the outside it's a one floor apartment
[04:30:21] Onmur: /magic
[04:30:21] .:
[04:30:41] Firnagzen: http://puu.sh/tKzDW/12f13b989f.jpg
[04:30:42] pantherasapiens: So basically Firn holds the BD view of Mami's apartment?
[04:30:56] pantherasapiens: Hmm. It is true that in Rebellion, she was caught shopping.
[04:31:09] AuraTwilight: http://www.hotel-r.net/im/hotel/hr/apartment-magi-11.png
[04:31:22] Random832: it's like not even there in the TV version
[04:31:24] AuraTwilight: her bed's up there
[04:31:28] Firnagzen: http://puu.sh/tKzHj/cea87caede.jpg
[04:31:40] Random832: and the window outside is a hallway into another room
[04:31:52] AuraTwilight: my shot's from the movies so it outdates yours
[04:31:52] Firnagzen: where did that one come from, aura?
[04:31:52] Random832: now i've got to wonder if this is one of those timeline variations that Homura had nothing to do with
[04:32:02] Firnagzen: ah, the movies!
[04:32:05] AuraTwilight: it's from the Luminous OP
[04:32:05] Firnagzen: I forgot about that one
[04:32:11] Firnagzen: I need to grab those
[04:32:15] AuraTwilight: so yea actually Mami's bed is up there.
[04:33:06] pantherasapiens: And her dressing table where she brushes her hair 100 times a day before bed.
[04:33:19] pantherasapiens: ...still never measures up to Homura's.
[04:33:21] AuraTwilight: http://68.media.tumblr.com/54819c629f901d1b6462157277373b4c/tumblr_n3sh1qwEbO1ty8noso1_1280.png the movie version of Firn's shot.
[04:33:32] Firnagzen: ....
[04:33:39] Random832: i thought she used magic to fix her hair in the morning - or is that only in PMPS?
[04:33:39] Firnagzen: aare there *two* staircases in mami's apartment
[04:33:48] AuraTwilight: sure fucking looks like it.
[04:33:54] Random832: where?
[04:33:57] Firnagzen: because those are not thesame fucking staircases asjdolasjdasnflaf
[04:33:58] pantherasapiens: The other one leads to the "Kouhai Bed".
[04:34:04] Random832: i don't think it's the same apartment
[04:34:11] Firnagzen: [12:31 PM] AuraTwilight: http://www.hotel-r.net/im/hotel/hr/apartment-magi-11.png
[12:33 PM] AuraTwilight: http://68.media.tumblr.com/54819c629f901d1b6462157277373b4c/tumblr_n3sh1qwEbO1ty8noso1_1280.png the movie version of Firn's shot.
[04:34:12] AuraTwilight: yea it's probably another bedspace.
[04:34:23] pantherasapiens: It's where she keeps her students, when she has any.
[04:34:23] AuraTwilight: I don't think Mami's apartment has a whole lot of actual _rooms._
[04:34:26] Firnagzen: ?????????asndasodiajdiojasljdasjdlaDAMMITSHAFT
[04:34:31] vebyast: Double-high apartment, I can easily believe multiple lofty areas.
[04:34:34] pantherasapiens: _snrk_
[04:34:35] Random832: like are we sure these are all the same timeline
[04:34:38] Onmur: inb4 Mami owns the whole building.
She just changes the apartment she uses between timelines
[04:34:45] AuraTwilight: It's actually fairly common to do that in Japanese apartments
[04:34:53] AuraTwilight: like obviously not in that exact way because lolshaft
[04:34:57] pantherasapiens: Nawwww she wasn't that kind of wealthy
[04:35:08] AuraTwilight: but like I've seen a fuckton of apartments where you just climb up to the bed in an alcove
[04:35:32] Firnagzen: oh, that I actually know, aura
[04:35:38] Firnagzen: I've *been* to japan
[04:35:44] Random832: @pantherasapiens real estate might be cheap in PMMM
[04:35:50] vebyast: I've seen apartments like that too. Usually the bigger ones occupying corner spaces on the top floor, it'll be a three-bedroom apartment with two on the floor level (like every other apartment in the complex) and then one up above.
[04:35:56] Random832: see the Kanames massive yard
[04:36:02] Sayaka: magic hair fixing was in rebellion too wasn't it
[04:36:06] Firnagzen: also man those two shots don't even have the same flooring
[04:36:10] Firnagzen: so I don't even know
[04:36:12] AuraTwilight: according to the production notes Mami's apartment is a Maisonette
[04:36:18] Firnagzen: also I enjoy lampshading the property
[04:36:28] Sayaka: Someone wished for houses to be bigger?
[04:36:43] AuraTwilight: so actually Mami's apartment is two floors.
[04:36:45] Random832: Maybe someone wished for architecture to be more interesting
[04:36:49] vebyast: I think that it's generally assumed that there've been more than a few high-power Wishes for better architecture.
[04:37:02] Random832: and everyone's apartments are subtly non-euclidean
[04:37:10] Firnagzen: well apparently I need o do a little retconning to PMAS
[04:37:12] vebyast: Judging by the bullshit sculptures everywhere and the huge forest properties dead-center in urban areas and the crazy modernist glass school.
[04:37:16] Sayaka: Hmmm, Firn?
[04:37:23] Firnagzen: mumi's house
[04:37:25] AuraTwilight: the apartment's bullshit.
[04:37:28] Onmur: there's so much glass in Mitakihara
[04:37:35] AuraTwilight: "Maisonette (from the French maisonnette, meaning "little house") typically refers to larger apartments spreading across two or more floors of an apartment building connected by staircases within the maisonette.
In the UK, the term "maisonette" may be used to distinguish dwellings which have their own entrance independent from the rest of a multi-storey block, and are located above a shop or other retail establishment. This is different from flats, which are usually reached through shared entrance doors, stairs or corridors. This definition of maisonette includes smaller maisonettes occupying a single floor of a block, including designs also known as cottage flats and Tyneside flats."
[04:37:35] Firnagzen: mumi's *two storey* apartment
[04:37:51] Firnagzen: yeah we've got a few of those in singapore too
[04:38:24] AuraTwilight: she has a two-story apartment with special staircases lol.
[04:38:36] CompassJimbo: @Onmur Reason number three why Walpy absolutely *fucked* the CBD
[04:38:44] CompassJimbo: When she arrived
[04:38:45] Onmur: yup
[04:38:53] Random832: she unraveled all the non euclidean spaces
[04:39:10] AuraTwilight: File:Mamiapartmententrance.jpg - Puella Magi Wiki there actually is room for Mami's apartment to have a second story
[04:39:17] Onmur: "Nevermind cleaning up all this glass, let's nuke the place and rebuild in a few years."
[04:39:26] AuraTwilight: https://images.puella-magi.net/thum...00px-Mamiapartmententrance.jpg?20110810031729 better
[04:40:46] AuraTwilight: https://images.puella-magi.net/1/10/Mami's_room_mapped.png?20131114051812 here's someone's attempt at a floorplan.
[04:41:06] AuraTwilight: there's just a shitload of rooms that don't fit lol
[04:41:12] AuraTwilight: https://images.puella-magi.net/thumb/1/10/Mami's_room_mapped.png/800px-Mami's_room_mapped.png?20131114051812
[04:41:48] pantherasapiens: ...every single last one of the Magical Girls' houses is a labyrinth-in-process.
[04:41:50] vebyast: a fucking sunroom
[04:41:53] pantherasapiens: I'm calling it right now.
[04:41:54] AuraTwilight: also Mami's apartment is on the second floor.
[04:42:02] vebyast: with just as much glass as everywhere else in Mitakihara.
[04:42:10] AuraTwilight: To be fair three of those four incongruent shots are from Rebellion.
[04:42:14] pantherasapiens: Mami's apartment is warping into the platonic ideal of "FRIENDS HAVE TEA"
[04:42:30] pantherasapiens: Homura's apartment warped a long time ago into "MADOKA IS DYING AND I MUST SAVE HER"
[04:42:41] Firnagzen: *astfgl*
[04:42:50] pantherasapiens: Madoka's house is accumulating land area from past loops.
[04:42:54] Firnagzen: *angrish over canon appearance of mumihouse*
[04:43:01] Sayaka: *hugssss*
[04:43:05] Sayaka: What's wrong
[04:43:08] AuraTwilight: https://images.puella-magi.net/7/76/Mami_nice_apt.jpg?20110426211524 WHAT THE FUCK THEY TURNED AN ENCLOSED HALLWAY WITH A TURN INTO A WINDOW
[04:43:30] Sayaka: Time and space are warped in Drang-Mitakihara
[04:43:35] vebyast: AND ADDED A STAIRCASE
[04:43:39] Random832: we see Homura in a normal apartment at one point don't we? I can't find any pics now
[04:43:49] Sayaka: Also thoughtful tea Sayaka is best Sayaka
[04:43:51] AuraTwilight: yea Homura has a normal apartment
[04:43:52] Sayaka: as well as all the others
[04:44:02] AuraTwilight: also wow the original broadcast of Mami's apartment was so fucking bare.
[04:44:09] Sayaka: tbf either version works
[04:44:10] AuraTwilight: Like Yuki Nagato levels of BARREN.
[04:44:28] pantherasapiens: She was poor though. Orphan, living on parents' insurance (?)...
[04:44:33] Sayaka: Like if it's bare, it's a good representation of her life
[04:44:40] Sayaka: If it's overcluttered...Yeah.
[04:44:47] AuraTwilight: but like _why would it BE bare_
[04:44:56] Sayaka: No time?
[04:44:58] pantherasapiens: She sold all her parents' furniture
[04:45:01] Sayaka: Easier to keep clean?
[04:45:05] Firnagzen: as I said
[04:45:06] Firnagzen: [12:27 PM] Firnagzen: honestly I'm of the opinion that mami's apartment is full of kitschy, somewhat random stuff because she bought stuff on whims
[12:28 PM] Firnagzen: because >loneliness and retail therapy, as it were
[04:45:10] AuraTwilight: Mami makes an active effort to bring people to her home and entertain them.
[04:45:20] Random832: Have we ever been to Homura's apartment, in PMAS
[04:45:21] AuraTwilight: She would overcompensate if anything.
[04:45:25] AuraTwilight: No.
[04:45:53] pantherasapiens: Well, she mentions she was caught unprepared once. Maybe whenever visitors come, she throws magic ribbon furniture/ decorations everywhere.
[04:45:54] Sayaka: Firn, next update are we going to see this
[04:45:59] Firnagzen: once, in timestop, aura
[04:46:05] AuraTwilight: http://www.hotel-r.net/im/hotel/hr/apartment-magi-11.png oh my god wait a minute _SHE HAD CUSTOM-ORDER KYUBEY NICKNACKS._
[04:46:08] Sayaka: "Mami, does the apartment look...different, somehow?"
[04:46:09] Sayaka:
[04:46:17] AuraTwilight: [x] Find that shit, smash it, throw it out.
[04:46:18] Firnagzen: or maybe that's an actual coobs
[04:46:20] Sayaka: Ahahaha oh wow.
[04:46:22] Sayaka: She did.
[04:46:24] AuraTwilight: [x] Sayaka and Kyouko can fucking wait
[04:46:26] Random832: Have any of the places we have been to been bizarre architectural things? Like, those two girls whose names i forget
[04:46:32] pantherasapiens: Ohhhhhhh wow XD
[04:46:36] Random832: yeah that could actually be kyubey
[04:46:41] Sayaka: Random Sabrina keeps noting how the schools are kinda crazy
[04:46:49] AuraTwilight: it's not, it's a nicknack.
[04:46:52] pantherasapiens: @Random832 I bet we'll find all the weird architecture we want in Asunaro
[04:46:52] Firnagzen: well she does, seyiku
[04:47:08] Sayaka: *Mitakihara
[04:47:14] AuraTwilight: You can tell because of the ear-rings, they're not floating, they're attached to the ears.
[04:47:38] AuraTwilight: ....wait a minut what the fuck is that photo.
[04:47:38] Firnagzen: @AuraTwilight it's ambiguous enough to go either way
[04:47:41] Firnagzen: like it's blurry
[04:47:41] AuraTwilight: SOMEONE ZOOM IN. ENHANCE.
[04:48:00] AuraTwilight: That photo LOOKS LIKE a shot of Madoka's walk to school.
[04:48:53] Random832: i can't even see what photo you're talking about
[04:49:01] vebyast: You're right, there's definitely someone with green hair and someone with blue hair
[04:49:05] vebyast: I can't see any pink hair, though.
[04:49:35] AuraTwilight: https://images.puella-magi.net/3/38/Pmmm-13000.jpg?20120415224350 For reference's sake, ignore the sad context. There's the kitchen area.
[04:50:06] AuraTwilight: also that shot's from the movie THAT STAIRCASE FUCKING DISAPPEARED.
[04:50:21] AuraTwilight: like the one I found is still there in Rebellion and shit
[04:50:29] AuraTwilight: but that one Firn found is only in THAT shot and NO OTHER.
[04:50:39] Firnagzen: *angry continuity noises*
[04:50:51] Sayaka: Mami's apartment was actually a TARDIS all along
[04:50:52] Sayaka:
[04:51:01] Firnagzen: ok so the kitchen is definitely in the living room, good
[04:51:03] vebyast: Mami's aparemtnet is made out of RIBBONS
[04:51:13] vebyast: And she reconfigures it as necessary. Like when she has guests.
[04:51:16] AuraTwilight: It seems her apartment is actually just the main room, the kitchen, presumably a bathroom but I don't see any signs of it, plus the staircase up to the bedroom balcony.
[04:51:32] AuraTwilight: and so begins the quest to find Mami's bathroom.
[04:51:55] Firnagzen: *astfgl*
[04:52:06] AuraTwilight: https://images.puella-magi.net/3/3c/Mami_room_PSP.png?20120414113957 HAHAHAHA THE PSP GAME KEEPS IT BARREN WHAT THE FUCK
[04:52:24] Firnagzen: *anguished continuity noises*
[04:52:25] pantherasapiens: Mami's apartment is a witch
[04:53:14] AuraTwilight: https://images.puella-magi.net/2/28/Pmmm-04450.jpg?20120415222939 this shot was a panorama. Here's the other part before it scrolls to the staircase
[04:53:34] AuraTwilight: there's definitely more to the left, and on closer inspection it looks like that window area with the chair turns to the left as well?
[04:53:44] Firnagzen: http://puu.sh/qZpyd/e9a608b481.webm
[04:53:55] AuraTwilight: but neither of those areas line up with the main sitting area where there'd be a kitchen to the table's right.
[04:54:32] AuraTwilight: WOAH WOAH WOAH
[04:54:39] AuraTwilight: 15 SECS TIMESTAMP
[04:54:47] AuraTwilight: little entrance hallway and THERE'S A SIDE-DOOR
[04:55:08] AuraTwilight: YOU CAN SEE CURTAINS AND SHIT
[04:55:10] AuraTwilight: WHAT THE FUCK
[04:55:31] AuraTwilight: the glass door probably leads to the bathroom. Solved that mystery.
[04:55:50] Firnagzen: you mean 14s?
[04:56:08] Firnagzen: ok lemme get a bigger screengrab
[04:56:36] Firnagzen: http://puu.sh/tKBtE/956c473f7d.jpg
[04:57:23] Random832: like are we sure they're in the apartment yet?
[04:57:35] Firnagzen: yes, because the previous shot is of the door opening
[04:57:39] AuraTwilight: yes, watch the video.
[04:57:53] aeqnai: Mami is a Time Lady confirmed
[04:57:55] Firnagzen: http://puu.sh/tKBzE/f16b23a681.jpg
[04:58:07] AuraTwilight: I...guess that side room is the sunroom? No wait no it'd be enclosed by walls on all sides.
[04:58:15] AuraTwilight: what the FUCK
[04:58:23] Random832: a "window" like that seems like it should lead to a kitchen, like, there are irl kitchen designs that do that
[04:58:30] AuraTwilight: but it DOESN'T.
[04:58:38] AuraTwilight: IT CAN'T.
[04:58:55] Firnagzen: nnnnnnnnnnnnnrgh
[04:59:05] AuraTwilight: the kitchen is a clean shot from the table and it can't be in THAT spot because THAT spot has to face the outermost wall.
[04:59:07] Random832: or maybe the door on the right is the door outside and the window is the actual window
[04:59:27] AuraTwilight: no, you can see interior walls and curtains
[04:59:32] AuraTwilight: it's part of the apartment's interior.
[04:59:48] Random832: Firn have we ever noticed any of this in character
[04:59:52] AuraTwilight: holy shit the apartment is COMPLETELY fucked
[05:00:01] Random832: or does her apartment make sense when you look at it from within one timeline
[05:00:03] AuraTwilight: Sabrina's gonna come home tonight and totally flip out
[05:00:07] Firnagzen: no because I, OoC, never paid quite *this* much attention to it
[05:00:10] Random832: or whenever it changes does our mind change with it
[05:00:15] Random832: and we remember it always being that way
[05:00:19] Firnagzen: ok ok ok so
[05:00:20] AuraTwilight: goddamn the freakout is gonna be AMAZING
[05:00:21] Firnagzen: https://images.puella-magi.net/1/10/Mami's_room_mapped.png?20131114051812
[05:00:24] Firnagzen: right ok
[05:00:24] Random832: because the apartment has mind control powers
[05:00:24] Firnagzen: so
[05:00:37] aeqnai: Is Sabs about to get a realization
[05:00:38] Firnagzen: that door in the mapped apartment
[05:00:42] Firnagzen: we add a short corridor there
[05:00:58] Firnagzen: and then on map rightt, under the bed, would be that window thing
[05:01:01] Random832: what's under the bed loft area? is that what that room is
[05:01:12] Random832: so it's like a sunroom?
[05:01:13] AuraTwilight: it'd have to be.
[05:01:15] Firnagzen: and map left of that corridor is the... bathroom?
[05:01:22] AuraTwilight: no it can't be a sunroom, the apartment's enclosed
[05:01:35] AuraTwilight: the sunroom would have to be on the southmost wall there somewhere
[05:01:38] Random832: well it's got that one outside window
[05:01:40] AuraTwilight: Mami has neighbors on both sides
[05:01:42] Random832: next to the door
[05:01:47] Firnagzen: agh
[05:01:50] Random832: sunroom lite
[05:01:54] AuraTwilight: the sunroom has glass walls on three sides
[05:02:03] Random832: oh there's an *actual* sunroom?
[05:02:04] Firnagzen: ok so let's discard the sunroom, since it seems to be strictly a rebellion thing
[05:02:07] aeqnai: ...
[05:02:14] AuraTwilight: it's totally some weird rebellion thing.
[05:02:16] Firnagzen: yeah it's the one in rebellion where mumi brushes her hair
[05:02:20] vebyast: Maybe the sunroom is that column to the left of the apartment in the shot outside teh apartment, when they're entering?
[05:02:21] Firnagzen: ok SO
[05:02:22] Random832: are we sure there aren't like hallways in her apartments leading between rooms of other people's apartments
[05:02:24] aeqnai: the entire thing is just a wooden doorframe with a perception filter
[05:02:24] AuraTwilight: that sunroom is completely fucked
[05:02:29] Random832: like all of the apartments are in an interlocked maze
[05:02:32] Firnagzen: no veb those are stairs/elevator
[05:02:46] aeqnai: she has a working chameleon circuit
[05:02:59] AuraTwilight: WAIT A GODDAMN MINUTE
[05:03:01] AuraTwilight: HOLD UP
[05:03:03] aeqnai: probably one of those newer single-person models
[05:03:03] AuraTwilight: LOOK AT THE MAP
[05:03:13] AuraTwilight: look at the left screencaps where Madoka's sitting
[05:03:21] AuraTwilight: THEY MOVED THE KITCHEN
[05:03:24] AuraTwilight: GOD. _DAMMIT._
[05:04:05] aeqnai: Yes, the capsules are modular
[05:04:18] aeqnai: the kitchen is only there when Mami needs it
[05:04:30] AuraTwilight: no no no shut up you shut the fuck up
[05:04:33] AuraTwilight: im gonna solve this
[05:04:43] AuraTwilight: they called me mad at the academy BUT ILL SHOW THEM.
[05:05:16] aeqnai: come on
[05:05:33] aeqnai: it all makes sense given an architectural reconfiguration system
[05:05:54] Firnagzen: actually nnnnnnrgh
[05:06:05] Firnagzen: referencing the attempted fan map
[05:06:08] Firnagzen: how do those windows work
[05:06:16] Firnagzen: because mami has neighbours to the left and to the right
[05:06:26] Firnagzen: so how does the window on the right of that work
[05:06:26] aeqnai: ...what if.
[05:06:28] aeqnai: what if
[05:06:38] aeqnai: this is mitakihara, right?
[05:06:39] Random832: you know for all we know
[05:06:44] aeqnai: city of the fuckin future
[05:06:46] Random832: with all the advanced math shit people learn in middle school
[05:06:50] aeqnai: what if they're holoscreens
[05:06:57] AuraTwilight: no, Homura opens them.
[05:07:01] aeqnai: ...
[05:07:01] Random832: by the time someone's going to college to become an architect what do you figure *they're* learning
[05:07:04] aeqnai: fuck
[05:07:05] Firnagzen: (ITT Aura and Firn lose their fucking minds about Mami's apartment)
[05:07:23] aeqnai: ...we need to roll SAN for the next update
[05:07:23] AuraTwilight: please someone copypaste this entire conversation for the PMAS thread
[05:07:25] AuraTwilight: for the love of god
[05:07:27] AuraTwilight: please do it.
[05:07:48] aeqnai: /r 1d100 #things_meguca_were_not_meant_to_know.jpg
[05:07:48] .: **aeqnai** rolled **79** <79> # things_meguca_were_not_meant_to_know.jpg [ID: 9141]
[05:07:53] AuraTwilight: okay so the windows.
[05:08:03] AuraTwilight: so those windows are consistent in all versions.
[05:08:23] AuraTwilight: ....buuuuut Mami has neighbors west, east, north and south.
[05:08:29] AuraTwilight: She's at the corner of the second floor.
[05:08:34] AuraTwilight: sooooo
[05:08:38] AuraTwilight: shit.
[05:08:48] aeqnai: none of the windows can exist, and all of them must exist
[05:08:53] .: **pantherasapiens** rolled **3** <3> # SANLOSS [ID: 9142]
[05:08:53] pantherasapiens: /r 1d6 #SANLOSS
[05:09:09] Firnagzen: ok so I'm going to conclude that the apartment is
[05:09:10] Firnagzen: nnnrgh
[05:09:12] Firnagzen: what's the word
[05:09:16] aeqnai: a TARDIS?
[05:09:19] Firnagzen: square wave or something
[05:09:20] Random832: wait
[05:09:29] Random832: why does she have neighbors in all four directions
[05:09:39] AuraTwilight: she's on the second floor.
[05:09:40] Gadjo: Welp, we've reached the tropes solution
[05:09:44] Random832: show me the entrance pic again
[05:09:46] Gadjo: Mami is secretly a timelord
[05:09:53] AuraTwilight: she's at a corner between other apartments
[05:09:57] AuraTwilight: there's floors above her.
[05:09:57] pantherasapiens: > the tropes solution
Mami's apartment is a Simurgh plot?
[05:10:04] AuraTwilight: Ergo her apartment is totally boxed in.
[05:10:17] Random832: wait how do you get the four cardinal compass directions from that
[05:10:24] AuraTwilight: File:Mamiapartmententrance.jpg - Puella Magi Wiki
[05:10:30] AuraTwilight: I used them for convenience sake come on man
[05:10:32] Random832: like what do floors have to do with that
[05:10:42] AuraTwilight: https://images.puella-magi.net/thum...00px-Mamiapartmententrance.jpg?20110810031729
[05:10:46] Firnagzen: like very shitty ten second paint
[05:10:47] Firnagzen: http://puu.sh/tKCsw/3e2de268c5.png
[05:10:55] Random832: yes but that's up and down
[05:10:56] Firnagzen: so the apartments are like that
[05:11:00] Firnagzen: this would resolve the window
[05:11:04] Random832: like , within the floor she's on
[05:11:04] AuraTwilight: I DIDN'T SAY
[05:11:07] AuraTwilight: oh my god shush
[05:11:12] Random832: you literally said north south east and west
[05:11:16] AuraTwilight: no shut up
[05:11:18] AuraTwilight: im insane shut up
[05:11:25] AuraTwilight: let me re-explain here
[05:11:29] AuraTwilight: because I think I see something
[05:11:35] Random832: anyway the entrance is on/near an interior 90 degree corner
[05:11:41] Sayaka: The angles
[05:11:43] Sayaka: What do they mean
[05:11:45] AuraTwilight: ISAIDSHUSH i got something
[05:11:46] AuraTwilight: okay
[05:11:52] Firnagzen:
[05:11:54] Random832: but suppose her apartment goes all the way through, there's no-one "behind" her, just outside winodws
[05:11:56] Firnagzen: ok so window like that
[05:11:58] AuraTwilight: so the balcony turns but Mami's apartment actually keeps going
[05:11:59] Firnagzen: make sense?
[05:12:04] Random832: like that fan map showed a big L shaped window
[05:12:23] AuraTwilight: so Mami might be the only apartment on that floor facing that direction...on THAT side of the elevator
[05:12:26] vebyast: It is the case that we don't see a nameplate to the right of her door.
[05:12:36] vebyast: And the long high thin window to the right *would* fit a bathroom.
[05:12:44] AuraTwilight: the elevator is glass.
[05:12:46] Random832: my point is there's no reason to assume that there's another apartment "behind" Mami's
[05:12:50] AuraTwilight: GUYS THE ELEVATOR
[05:12:53] AuraTwilight: LOOK THROUGH IT.
[05:13:03] AuraTwilight: I think...is it going straight through to more open sky?
[05:13:22] AuraTwilight: does that wall just have one apartment on that entire side of the complex for each floor _WHAT THE HELL_
[05:13:23] Random832: no
[05:13:28] Random832: the elevator's reflecting the sky
[05:13:32] Random832: you can see more balcony through it
[05:13:35] Firnagzen: balcony when, aura?
[05:13:47] aeqnai: _That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die._.
[05:13:47] Random832: like it's *in front of* the balcony, not in line with it
[05:13:50] AuraTwilight: no shut up if the elevator actually exits out the right side and it's a bottleneck
[05:13:57] AuraTwilight: if it's the actual end of the balcony
[05:14:04] Firnagzen: oh you mean the walkway
[05:14:05] Sayaka: Roll for San loss
[05:14:05] AuraTwilight: it starts solving things
[05:14:08] Firnagzen: yeah ok that makes sense
[05:14:15] Random832: but you can see all the lines of the balcony continue behind the elevator
[05:14:23] Sayaka:
[05:14:25] AuraTwilight: shit they do
[05:14:27] AuraTwilight: SHIT THEY DO
[05:14:29] AuraTwilight: SO.
[05:14:50] Firnagzen: nah could be that the walkway wraps around
[05:14:51] AuraTwilight: WHAT THE FUCK IT'S A CUBE
[05:14:51] Firnagzen: yeah
[05:14:54] AuraTwilight: IT'S A GODDAMN CUBE
[05:14:56] Firnagzen: nah
[05:14:57] Firnagzen: also
[05:14:58] Firnagzen: so
[05:14:58] Firnagzen: http://puu.sh/tKCL2/b898cdd879.jpg
[05:15:00] Sayaka: >take a GPS into Mami's apartment
[05:15:05] Firnagzen: if you look at the window to the right there
[05:15:13] Firnagzen: that's the kind that sorta makes sense for a toilet?
[05:15:26] vebyast: Yeah, I think that's Mami's bathroom
[05:15:27] vebyast: Yep.
[05:15:32] AuraTwilight: but its such a big bathroom what the hell
[05:15:32] Firnagzen: like my toilet has windows like that (they open out, though, not into the corridor because ew)
[05:15:45] Sayaka: But why would
[05:15:48] Sayaka: *blinks*
[05:15:58] Sayaka: In what world does the bathroom window open to the corridor
[05:16:04] AuraTwilight: most of asia, Sayaka.
[05:16:23] Sayaka: Huh. Maybe I just never saw enough of China, but...
[05:16:27] aeqnai: we're out of the normal rules of architecture here people
[05:16:28] Random832: it doesn't look like it opens
[05:16:36] aeqnai: anything can happen
[05:16:38] AuraTwilight: it probably slide-opens.
[05:17:16] vebyast: Or hinges along the top.
[05:17:16] aeqnai: so. What if we conjecture that the building was designed with pocket-dimension technology involved
[05:18:40] aeqnai: maybe it's experimental, so only parts of it can be pulled into the altered space
[05:18:57] aeqnai: and the bathroom is anchored to reality
[05:19:00] AuraTwilight: no.
[05:19:29] AuraTwilight: so that larger window with the drapes corresponds to the one room with the indoor window divider thing.
[05:19:33] AuraTwilight: What is THAT room.
[05:19:47] aeqnai: the console room
[05:19:52] AuraTwilight: No.
[05:19:54] AuraTwilight: Shut up.
[05:19:56] AuraTwilight: I can solve this.
[05:20:33] Firnagzen: OK so what I want to resolve right now is where the kitchen is, and that unusual staircase.
[05:20:51] Random832: i thought we'd determined the staircase leads up to a bed loft area
[05:21:13] AuraTwilight: there's two staircases
[05:21:17] AuraTwilight: one of them teleports.
[05:21:18] AuraTwilight: it's fucked
[05:21:19] Firnagzen: The problem is that there are *two* staircases.
[05:21:22] Random832: where?
[05:21:26] Firnagzen: One of which is only there sometimes.
[05:21:36] aeqnai: http://img13.deviantart.net/5b3c/i/2013/225/5/c/2013_tardis_console_room_by_ex_pendable-d6i1dyg.jpg
[05:22:06] AuraTwilight: http://www.hotel-r.net/im/hotel/hr/apartment-magi-11.png
File:Pmmm-04525.jpg - Puella Magi Wiki
[05:22:06] Random832: those aren't just alternate versions of the same staircase?
[05:22:07] vebyast: One of those staircases leads to an alcove with no window, because it'd be blocked by the balcony for the floor above
[05:22:17] AuraTwilight: no they're in TOTALLY DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE HOUSE
[05:22:17] vebyast: which makes it double-fucked.
[05:22:18] Elephant Parade: architecture should not be this complicated
[05:22:49] AuraTwilight: the consistent staircase leads to a bed area with a sunroof.
[05:23:51] Random832: ok next to that other stair case
[05:23:58] Random832: is that narrow window that we thought was the bathroom window
[05:24:24] Random832: like that window is right by the corner outside right?
[05:24:26] Firnagzen: Which one, random?
[05:24:46] Random832: the one on the right in the outside view
[05:24:58] Random832: the balcony's already turned a corner, so the wall's about to we can assume
[05:25:08] Firnagzen: OK I think we need to gather up all the reference images together @_@
[05:25:20] Firnagzen: Which I shall start on in maybe five minutes if someone doesn't get there first
[05:25:44] Random832: post it to the thread so we have some official record of the fact that we're spending time on this
[05:26:22] Random832: but do you see what i mean - high up window, maybe ten inches tall, above eye level
[05:26:22] Firnagzen: Meh later
[05:26:40] Random832: and if you rotate the wall it's on 180 degrees, it works for the outside shot
[05:26:45] AuraTwilight: no
[05:26:51] Firnagzen: It's the wrong direction wrt to the door, random
[05:26:52] AuraTwilight: that's a DIFFERENT WINDOW
[05:27:01] AuraTwilight: it's opposite the doorway instead of to it's right.
[05:27:11] Firnagzen: http://puu.sh/tKCL2/b898cdd879.jpg
[05:27:21] Firnagzen: Window is right, facing in
[05:27:24] Random832: it's on the doorway's right outside, that means it should be on its left inside
[05:27:33] Firnagzen: http://www.hotel-r.net/im/hotel/hr/apartment-magi-11.png
[05:27:34] AuraTwilight: no, Random, you don't get it
[05:27:39] Firnagzen: And it's on the right here
[05:28:00] AuraTwilight: no those are DIFFERENT WINDOWS
[05:28:01] Random832: that's not the same room
[05:28:15] AuraTwilight: Firn the main tea room is a different room from KNICKNACK HELL room
[05:28:57] Firnagzen: Yeah I'm baffled which window you mean, random
[05:29:07] Firnagzen: And yes, possibly, but how do you fit it in, aura
[05:29:15] Random832: the one by the staircase in File:Pmmm-04525.jpg - Puella Magi Wiki
[05:29:53] AuraTwilight: Knickknack Hell Room is the first room straight in from the front door, and seems to have three exits: Left past those pillars and halfwall, right up the quantum stairs, and front towards that large window which seems to turn left.
[05:30:00] Firnagzen: ... But that's on the wrong side oc the building entirely, random
[05:30:19] Firnagzen: The viewer in that shot is standing at the door
[05:30:29] Firnagzen: So that window you're pointing out isn't even facing the corridor
[05:30:31] Firnagzen: Bm
[05:30:41] Firnagzen: Possible, Aura
[05:31:36] Firnagzen: ... Hm. OK I think I have a possible layout
[05:31:42] Firnagzen: Which I'll get to in a bit
[05:31:55] AuraTwilight: guys we've spent nearly 90 minutes on this lol
[05:31:57] Firnagzen: The problem is that the layout is kinda weird in apartment design terms
[05:32:01] Firnagzen: But man I don't even know
[05:32:04] Firnagzen: Yes, and
[05:34:06] Firnagzen: ... Oooh.
[05:34:10] Firnagzen: Laundry plus bathroom.
[05:34:23] Firnagzen: The room to the right of the entrance with a glass door.
[05:34:27] Firnagzen: Laundry plus bathroom.
[05:34:32] Firnagzen: Would make sense for the size
[05:34:33] AuraTwilight: yes of course
[05:34:38] Sayaka: Any luck nailing the layout?
[05:34:45] Sayaka: I'm sure someone on the web's already done this
[05:34:56] Firnagzen: I've got an idea, just need to go actually draw it in paint @_@
[05:35:34] Sayaka: *poms*
[05:36:37] AuraTwilight: so you go in. To your right is the laundry/bathroom. To your left is...Mystery room but it's got consistency. You go into the open hallway forward into Knickknack Hell Room. Your exits are Left past some bullshit, Right up a staircase, and POSSIBLY forward into the little alcove hallway with a glass wall and a single chair. It looks like it turns to the left, and it replaces an enclosed corridor to the right so they surely mean for it to go somewhere, right?
[05:37:25] AuraTwilight: now, the problem is the Main Room. It has a staircase leading to Mami's sleeping balcony, has windows on every wall except one, has two pink doubledoors as it's entrance, and it's SUPPOSED TO connect to the GODDAMN kitchen, but Rebellion.
[05:38:19] AuraTwilight: ....are the pink doors the ONLY entrace to the main room, because I'm considering that the Left of Knickknack Hell and the Glass Hallway might both connect to it from different directions like in a fancy home, or perhaps it really is just an alcove.
[05:38:56] AuraTwilight: the room opposite the bathroom might be the kitchen, and Rebellion moving it might have been fixing an error.
[05:39:18] AuraTwilight: the Quantum Staircase might be another bedroom alcove she has for kouhais.
[05:39:52] AuraTwilight: And I...think....that solves...it?
[05:39:57] AuraTwilight: No, the main room's windows, FUCK.
[05:40:07] AuraTwilight: IM SO CLOSE.
[05:40:11] AuraTwilight: I ALMOST HAVE THIS.
[05:45:05] Firnagzen: I'm doing a map
[05:45:10] Firnagzen: to see whether mine works
[05:45:33] AuraTwilight: this is like when the fandom obsessed over Poor-chan but with like 80 million percent more energy and less people
[05:46:19] AuraTwilight: http://i.imgur.com/l9iZcuG.jpg OH GOD DAMMIT
[05:46:32] AuraTwilight: WHAT THE FUCK IS _THIS_ MESS.
[05:46:46] vebyast: is that a ... ladder?
[05:46:47] vebyast: On the left?
[05:46:52] vebyast: no spiral staircase
[05:46:52] vebyast: wut
[05:46:54] Sayaka: ...I don't...think so?
[05:46:59] vebyast: No, it's a goddamn spiral staircase.
[05:47:03] AuraTwilight: it's a spiral staircase
[05:47:05] AuraTwilight: there's three
[05:47:09] AuraTwilight: and also several rooms are missing
[05:47:11] Sayaka: Camera angles, maybe?
[05:47:14] AuraTwilight: like MOST OF THE APARTMENT
[05:47:55] AuraTwilight: it's a clean shot from the doorway to the Main Room without Knickknack Hell. The spiral staircase seems to lead to the Sleeping Balcony so that staircase is a goddamn polymorphic specter.
[05:47:56] Sayaka: I google mami's apartmen
[05:47:56] Sayaka: https://www.homeaway.co.uk/p3909342
[05:47:58] Sayaka: third result
[05:48:29] Sayaka: also
[05:48:30] Sayaka: Thinking Inside the Box
[05:49:28] Sayaka: Mami's Residence - Puella Magi Wiki ?
[05:50:12] Sayaka: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/e1/7b/e0/e17be0a710d1b00bddfd2da02f226954.jpg <-WitchBarrier.jpg
[05:50:28] AuraTwilight: @Karmic Destiny
[05:52:22] Firnagzen: whot
[05:52:26] Firnagzen: 'm drawing
[05:52:38] AuraTwilight: do you see
[05:55:58] AuraTwilight: me and Firn right now
[06:04:29] Firnagzen: tch
[06:04:30] Firnagzen: http://i.imgur.com/l9iZcuG.jpg
[06:04:36] Firnagzen: this shot is giving me trouble now
[06:05:47] Firnagzen: see ok that shot implies that the window on the right here
[06:05:47] Firnagzen: http://puu.sh/tKBtE/956c473f7d.jpg
[06:05:50] Firnagzen: is to the kitchen
[06:06:01] Firnagzen: but then that doesn't match up with
[06:06:06] Firnagzen: https://images.puella-magi.net/8/82/Pmmm-04525.jpg?20120415223015
[06:06:15] Firnagzen: I thought it would be two room, initially
[06:06:34] Firnagzen: going from door -> knickknack hell -> windowed room with kitchentte
[06:07:02] AuraTwilight: again there might've been quiet retcons with room placement
[06:07:19] AuraTwilight: someone will need to check Beginning Story for some of these shots.
[06:07:22] Firnagzen: also aura
[06:07:23] Firnagzen: http://puu.sh/tKBtE/956c473f7d.jpg
[06:07:33] Firnagzen: that little brown door on the right there
[06:07:37] Firnagzen: that's a cabinet
[06:07:42] Firnagzen: for coats and probably shoes
[06:07:47] AuraTwilight: but.
[06:07:49] AuraTwilight: But there's a window.
[06:07:54] AuraTwilight: I.
[06:07:57] AuraTwilight: What no.
[06:07:58] Firnagzen: yes, the cabinet is relativel small
[06:08:04] Firnagzen: and protrudes into the next room
[06:08:06] AuraTwilight: BUT THEN THE ROOM BEHIND IT.
[06:08:08] Firnagzen: which I'm not sure of
[06:08:09] AuraTwilight: WHAT
[06:08:16] AuraTwilight: OH MY _GOD_
[06:08:23] Random832: that does make sense with the bit of brown you can see through the window
[06:08:29] AuraTwilight: NO THIS IS
[06:08:32] AuraTwilight: WHAT THE HELL
[06:08:36] AuraTwilight: IT GETS STUPIDER AND STUPIDER
[06:08:46] Sayaka: Mami's apartment confirmed for witch barrier
[06:10:37] AuraTwilight: i cant
[06:10:40] AuraTwilight: why
[06:10:43] AuraTwilight: whyyyyyyy
[06:11:11] AuraTwilight: WHAT THE FUUUUUUCK
[06:11:48] Firnagzen: mmmmmmnah
[06:11:50] Firnagzen: ok aura
[06:11:54] Firnagzen: look at that shot
[06:12:00] Firnagzen: and then http://i.imgur.com/l9iZcuG.jpg
[06:12:10] Firnagzen: so clearly the way into that room is to walk around
[06:12:20] Random832: or go through the window thingy
[06:12:48] Random832: like it's a half wall, not a real room
[06:13:06] Firnagzen: see these shots make a clearly consistent apartment:
[06:13:45] Firnagzen: but then it doesn't cohere with these shots:
[06:18:01] AuraTwilight: and the lower two shots are newer so
[06:18:16] Firnagzen: no that's the thing
[06:18:27] Firnagzen: I jsut verified these three
[06:18:28] Firnagzen: http://puu.sh/tKBtE/956c473f7d.jpg
[06:18:34] Firnagzen: they're the same in the bluray
[06:18:51] AuraTwilight: okay but the MOVIE though
[06:18:54] Firnagzen: I don'thave the movie so I can't check the movie version
[06:18:57] AuraTwilight: that's what we need to verify.
[06:19:16] AuraTwilight: Firn and I are going to die doing this.
[06:19:30] AuraTwilight: Run, you naive fools. Run and make sure our manuscript never falls into wicked hands
[06:19:39] Firnagzen: bah I was thinking that this corridor on the right of this shot here: https://images.puella-magi.net/3/38/Pmmm-13000.jpg?20120415224350
[06:19:40] AuraTwilight: for if thou readst this log, you will lose your mind and soul
[06:19:58] Firnagzen: could match up with the corridor in the middle of this shot here: https://images.puella-magi.net/8/82/Pmmm-04525.jpg?20120415223015
[06:20:02] Firnagzen: but then kitchen
[06:20:29] Firnagzen: like that would have somewhat made sense for a two room apartment; weird design, but coherent
[06:20:45] Firnagzen: and then this shot throws me off: http://i.imgur.com/l9iZcuG.jpg
[06:20:49] Sayaka: are you mixing rebellion and series screenshots?
[06:20:53] AuraTwilight: no
[06:20:54] Firnagzen: because you can clearly see a straight shot
[06:21:00] AuraTwilight: these are all from the first four episodes
[06:21:07] AuraTwilight: plus theLuminous OP
[06:21:08] Firnagzen: blu ray strictly
[06:21:25] Firnagzen: this is the only Luminous one: http://www.hotel-r.net/im/hotel/hr/apartment-magi-11.png
[06:21:28] AuraTwilight: Man you know what's causing all the problems though
[06:21:33] AuraTwilight: Knickknack Hell.
[06:21:52] AuraTwilight: without it we could say that shot right there is just a retcon of the straight shot with Madoka in the doorway
[06:22:00] AuraTwilight: or say the doubledoors were left open or something
[06:22:11] Firnagzen: yeah
[06:22:15] AuraTwilight: Knickknack Hell is what's causing everything to go funky
[06:22:24] AuraTwilight: but then we don't have a guest room for Sabrina without it.
[06:22:57] AuraTwilight: (and the windows still don't work.)
[06:26:48] Firnagzen: yeah
[06:26:51] Firnagzen: astfgl
[06:28:00] AuraTwilight: DELETE THE KNICKNACK HELL
[06:28:02] AuraTwilight: IT'S UNNATURAL
[06:28:15] AuraTwilight: just say there's a door to the main room that leads to a guest room
[06:28:37] Sayaka: but muh knicknacks
[06:28:42] Sayaka: madoka and mami can bond
[06:28:45] AuraTwilight: no
[06:28:48] AuraTwilight: that room is evil
tl;dr until I resolve this Mami's apartment has no floor plan
also I'm declaring this discussion non-canon to Sabrina's brain
[05:40:07] AuraTwilight: IM SO CLOSE.
[05:40:11] AuraTwilight: I ALMOST HAVE THIS.
[06:08:09] AuraTwilight: WHAT
[06:08:16] AuraTwilight: OH MY _GOD_
[06:08:29] AuraTwilight: NO THIS IS
[06:08:32] AuraTwilight: WHAT THE HELL
[06:08:36] AuraTwilight: IT GETS STUPIDER AND STUPIDER
today i realised i am a horrible person[06:28:45] AuraTwilight: no
[06:28:48] AuraTwilight: that room is evil
how do I look