I know that someone here was arguing that we should be delaying the meeting, but I'm not that person. All I'm arguing for is the same two things I've been lobbying about for weeks:
- We needed to focus on S&H's dangerously provocative behavior and Sayaka's impulse control problems.
- We needed to stop genuflecting quite so much for things we've already apologized for, and definitely stop being so passive mode about things, which has been noted to be a pet peeve of our QM's.
I managed to get the thread to agree with me the first time, and then had that section of the vote cut out by
@Firnagzen because it didn't fit the flow of conversation. In the next vote we couldn't muster up the courage to try again, and instead backslid into passive mode, apologizing a second and third time for the same thing while S&H got more and more confident that going for intimidation and physical threats are the way to win arguments with magical bioweapons. Now we're scene-switching to Oriko's house, and I'm getting really nervous about what's going to happen, but the last vote locked us into passive mode here, so there isn't anything to do but try to sway some of you more vocal people into maybe shifting your perspective before the next disaster starts.