I'm saying that we will just be interrupted because nearly everyone I have ever met really really hates having a long winded speech directed towards them. It isn't going to do even half the things it wants to, because we're not going to get to it all before someone goes "shut up I have a question" or "what the fuck Sabrina"The entire point of raising it is to convey exactly that. Sayaka is going to have to learn these things at some point. If she was behaving like this to somebody else they'd be trying to kill her right now.
Well, long votes of actions are one thing. This much text? In a dodgy situation? We are going to be interrupted, and it'll be early.
Well, long votes of actions are one thing. This much text? In a dodgy situation? We are going to be interrupted, and it'll be early.
See also:You guys do realize that Sabina is standing on really thin ice right now? Hitomi is pissed, and Sayaka looks almost ready to attack. Might not have luxury to go on a monologue or lecture here.
It puts the onus of dialogue on Sayaka and Hitomi, forces them to maybe actually stop and think for a minute or two, and then we can be the ones making pointed interruptions.[]Bluntly ask Sayaka and Hitomi what either of them would have done if they were in your shoes.
-[]And if/when they persist in viewing the situation through a "normal person" lens, point out how the existence of Magical Girls changes the game so much that that perspective doesn't apply anymore.
What about this?
Not to mention, if the walls are just drywall, a normal person (maybe not a small teenager) could totally punch through them. Most people can't crush a skull that easily. Also, I wouldn't say the "Mami is the most powerful magical girl in Japan" bit, because even as complimentary as that sounds, Mami will know it's a lie.
And being Vague on the sendai conflict (that we were involved) is just spinning more unnecessary lies.
I'm saying that we will just be interrupted because nearly everyone I have ever met really really hates having a long winded speech directed towards them. It isn't going to do even half the things it wants to, because we're not going to get to it all before someone goes "shut up I have a question" or "what the fuck Sabrina"
You guys do realize that Sabina is standing on really thin ice right now? Hitomi is pissed, and Sayaka looks almost ready to attack. Might not have luxury to go on a monologue or lecture here.
See also:
It puts the onus of dialogue on Sayaka and Hitomi, forces them to maybe actually stop and think for a minute or two, and then we can be the ones making pointed interruptions.
Made a few edits to it, how does this compare?Basically what I'm going for condensed down to two lines (with all the loss of detail that involves), except that it provokes the obvious answer "TELL SAYAKA SOONER" which makes it nonproductive. :/
[x]Bluntly ask Sayaka and Hitomi what either of them would have done about/in response to Oriko's actions if either of them had been in your shoes.
-[x]And if/when they persist in viewing the situation through a "normal person" lens, point out how the existence of Magical Girls changes the game so much that that perspective doesn't apply anymore.
-[x]When someone inevitably says "you should have told us sooner", calmly respond that the group has already gone over that.
I get that, but as Mura pointed out, my actual basic problem is with the approach of getting angry at them rather than immediately trying to calm everyone down. There's still a needless half truth about sendai in there. There's still implications that our friends could be bad people. It's not a good idea to go on the offensive right now. It will escalate the conflict rather than resolving it.Much of my problem is that this is what my thought process looks like. I'm no good at taking actions and writing them as "say these general things." It processes in my head like this, it comes out of my head like this.
They'll see that as unfair to imply, and rightly so.Stun value of the opening lines. I'm well aware of that possibility, why do you think I'm talking about lethal weapons and skull crushing? Also, I really do mean to vote to throw them out if they get physical a third time. If there's one thing Narrator's got the right of it's that that was unacceptable. They can go cool their heels for a night if they're going to do that to us in front of Mami.
True enough. I do still object to the vote as a whole. Lecture is not the way to go right now. It will be interrupted and rendered useless.
In fact, the truth of the matter is that, in general, no institutions exist at all for magical girls.
Even if Sayaka's currently drinking her own self-righteous kool-aid?Sayaka will let Hitomi go first because that's how their relation works these days.
Heh, this isn't even close to the most complex or longest vote I've seen. Over in Shepard Quest some of the tallies got so long that they couldn't fit into a single post.
Um, is it a lie? Mami did quite a lot more than hold her own in the Sendai conflict, and her efficiency advantage has given her a training advantage that most of the higher-powered meguca would find hard to match. For someone with only two years on the job Mami very well could be the strongest in Japan, though I will note @Kaizuki that we don't actually know that so it's probably not a good idea to say it.Also, I wouldn't say the "Mami is the most powerful magical girl in Japan" bit, because even as complimentary as that sounds, Mami will know it's a lie.
Nah, that's not a lie, not even of omission. Stating our full involvement in that conflict in the context we're presenting would look too much like bragging or glory-hounding; this way is actually more honest since it downplays our involvement and focuses on the facts of what happened.And being Vague on the sendai conflict (that we were involved) is just spinning more unnecessary lies.
None of the votes "get angry at em", and frankly it's very disingenuous to pigeon hole them like that. Narrator and Kaizuki's votes are to be assertive, even firm, while Onmur's vote is to be deferential and conciliatory. There's a time and place for deference, but if you do so in the face of violent extremism you'll quickly find yourself being swept along by the tide of emotions, as we are already seeing. Now is the time for a firm rebuke; anything less is going to be brushed aside.As stated before, I don't really like the "let's get angry at em" approach because I feel it'll just result in a backlash.
Unfortunately, very much a lie. Sabrina exists, and she is bullshit. Not knocking Mami, but our power level is DBZ levels of horseshit to the average magical girl, and even the exemplary magical girl.Um, is it a lie? Mami did quite a lot more than hold her own in the Sendai conflict, and her efficiency advantage has given her a training advantage that most of the higher-powered meguca would find hard to match. For someone with only two years on the job Mami very well could be the strongest in Japan, though I will note @Kaizuki that we don't actually know that so it's probably not a good idea to say it.