So I just had an odd thought.

Sabrina is really good at creating instruments out of Grief, right? Why don't we try to create a Witchy Grief Construct of the Ocarina of Time, and then test it out by playing either the Song of Storms or the Inverted Song of Time?

Surely the ability to halve the rate at which time flows will help us out immensely!

If that works, then (when there's no risk of accidentally triggering a Witchbomb), we should try pulling out a Grief Seed and playing the Song of Healing in order to copy some powers from dead MGs!
Well, we could just try doing the effects without the Ocarina... I mean, if there's an ability the Ocarina can pull that Sabrina can, there's no need to make the Ocarina, but if there's a single effect the Ocarina should have that Sabrina can't do, then making the Ocarina would simply fail.

Now I'm picturing Sabrina trying to play shipwright....

PMAS ships:

Mami/Forever Alone

Nagisa (abusive relationship) Cheese
Sabrina's Mom/Sabrina's other Mom
Akiko (one sided) -> (dead) Kato Setsuko (this one really really needs to stop)

We're gonna wind up helping Kyousuke get a harem ending, aren't we? :p
[seriousanswer]No because that shit doesn't work without a lot of trouble and Kyosiko doesn't have time for one girlfriend much less a lot.[/seriousanswer]

Dun' steal our Mumi!
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Well, we could just try doing the effects without the Ocarina... I mean, if there's an ability the Ocarina can pull that Sabrina can, there's no need to make the Ocarina, but if there's a single effect the Ocarina should have that Sabrina can't do, then making the Ocarina would simply fail.
The thing is though, we don't know what the hard limits of Sabrina's powers are, aside from "100 meter radius". As far as I can tell, the only other real limit is that Witchy Grief can't accomplish a task if Sabrina doesn't actually comprehend what the task is attempting to do (such as anything involving Souls or the nature of Magic itself, which are things that we the players know jack shit about).

I suggested the Ocarina of Time, because that is very much something that we know exactly what its supposed to do and how it works (Hyrule Historia says that it was carved out of Timeshift Stones), and because it takes a form that Sabrina has a good deal of experience working with (which has also been shown to somewhat improve her ability to perform a task via construct).
I suggested the Ocarina of Time, because that is very much something that we know exactly what its supposed to do and how it works (Hyrule Historia says that it was carved out of Timeshift Stones), and because it takes a form that Sabrina has a good deal of experience working with (which has also been shown to somewhat improve her ability to perform a task via construct).
Eh. Didn't we make an infinity gauntlet once that really just served as a power focus? It seems from that that creating items that should have magical powers we don't have with our grief doesn't really work.
Eh. Didn't we make an infinity gauntlet once that really just served as a power focus? It seems from that that creating items that should have magical powers we don't have with our grief doesn't really work.
No, we didn't. We deliberately created a power focus and ended up with a power focus that happened to look like an infinity gauntlet. The fact that it didn't do anything else is because we didn't ask it to do anything else, not because it failed to do anything else. We haven't got evidence that we couldn't have created more magical powers. In fact, we've already created plenty of other magical powers we didn't originally have, so we have proof that this hypothesis is wrong.
Eh. Didn't we make an infinity gauntlet once that really just served as a power focus? It seems from that that creating items that should have magical powers we don't have with our grief doesn't really work.
Reminder that we can create pocket dimensions via grief, and time and space are intimately connected. Teleportation is functionally equivalent to time travel, and if we can create Barriers, then we should be able to use clever placement of the entrance and exist of a Barrier as short range teleportation. We don't want to actually test that though, because Feathers.

Part of my goal is to test the limits of using Witchy Grief for "I know how what I'm trying to do and how its supposed to work, and I know that the effect is something that I should in theory be capable of doing without Witchy Grief, but I haven't quite worked out all the intermediary steps of the process yet".

Basically, my theory is that Witchy Grief is basically like Nasuverse style Wishcraft. It lets you cast a spell without knowing the actual spell itself, as long as the spell is within the limits of your power (including a loss in efficiency) and you actually understand what the end goal and result are. So turning a Grief Seed into a Soul Gem fails for the same reason that asking the Holy Grail for world peace does, we don't actually understand what that entails. On the flip side, our understanding of time and space is far more complete, so we're less likely to run into that problem.
We probably can't fuck with time, since we don't actually have time/space fuckery. Barriers work by shifting you along an axis of Inner/Outer space like a Reality Marble.

Essentially, they work by drawing the creator's mind inward to the point of denying or forgetting reality.
We probably can't fuck with time, since we don't actually have time/space fuckery. Barriers work by shifting you along an axis of Inner/Outer space like a Reality Marble.

Essentially, they work by drawing the creator's mind inward to the point of denying or forgetting reality.
We don't actually know this for sure. We had Feathers Interrupt before we got to test whether or not we can use Barriers to think with portals. That's also not getting into the possibilities of "theoretically we can do anything that's possible via advanced mundane science".

Either way, thoughts on that theory about our limitations?
Sayaka's initiation in Kyouko's training program... is inviting Kyouko and Yuma to an all you can eat buffet.

(She's kind of miffled at the lack of blades and acrobatics, but she's not complaining.)

Then she starts to bring cookies to the spars since at least *they* appreciate home baked goods - unlike some people that just fawn over their violin.
on a musical tangent - heard this on internet radio and given the debates we have on Mami's dependency toward Sabrina it seems to fit our Mami well... alas I can't find a cover with female vocals.
...just realized we're attempting to run a live simulation of our Waifu's mind. Presumably to understand her better, might just be so we can have Mami around even when Mami's not around.