
Do you have some secret Firn communications I'm not privy to or something? Why is the Orikobomb 'immediately urgent'?

Common sense.

Or do you want to see QB take the painfully obvious, time-limited chance to sink Sayaka's relationship with us all just with a few helpful words or a question because we were too busy procrastinating to actually have that conversation we could have done at any time before then?
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Or do you want to see QB take the painfully obvious, time-limited chance to sink Sayaka's relationship with us all just with a few helpful words or a question?
I'm wondering why he hasn't done that already. From what I can tell he had plenty of opportunity to, for example, goad Sayaka into using her Wish to murder Oriko directly. Even after she contracted he could've done that at basically any time. If he wanted Oriko dead by Sayaka's hands there's not much we could've done about it.

Common sense.

Or do you want to see QB take the painfully obvious, time-limited chance to sink Sayaka's relationship with us all just with a few helpful words or a question?

QB lies within the range of Oriko's divination. She explicitly predicted her death at Sayaka's hands with sufficient mismanagement... and told us to tell Sayaka after the picnic to prevent it.

I see no compelling reason to believe the Incubator will make it's move in the next 24 hours, and quite some evidence explicitly against that very notion.
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I'm wondering why he hasn't done that already. From what I can tell he had plenty of opportunity to, for example, goad Sayaka into using her Wish to murder Oriko directly. Even after she contracted he could've done that at basically any time.
I don't know and definitely don't want to find out. It doesn't even fall under "I won't witchbomb people"- nudging megucas into conflict is well within his style and usually with much less of an excuse.

QB lies within the range of Oriko's divination. She explicitly predicted her death at Sayaka's hands with appropriate mismagement... and told us to tell Sayaka after the picnic to prevent it.

I see no compelling reason to believe the Incubator will make it's move in the next 24 hours, and quite some evidence explicitly against that very notion.
The same Oriko who's going off her snap judgements about people she literally has never actually met now rather than increasingly unreliable precog, right? Making that a- admittedly fairly decent- best guess rather than Word of Precog?

I see no reason to stall and risk characters and the outcome of the quest on procrastination in the name of fluff. There is no reason to wait.
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[Q] Out of the blue ask Homura where is she gonna take you for a vacation once this mess is all over.
-[Q] Can you make explosives together?
--[Q] You promise you won't mix the gunpowder with the sugar this time.
---[Q] Wait what are you talking about.
----[Q] ...
-----[Q] Anyway, has she noticed she's got home-making of explosives in common with Oriko?

Common sense.

Or do you want to see QB take the painfully obvious, time-limited chance to sink Sayaka's relationship with us all just with a few helpful words or a question because we were too busy procrastinating to actually have that conversation we could have done at any time before then?
Oriko said that Kyubey was planning on bombing Sayaka while we were out of the city and unable to do damage control. Since we've done all of our talk of the Orikobomb under privacy bracelets or timestop, Kyubey doesn't really have any reason to rush this within the next few days.
Oriko said that Kyubey was planning on bombing Sayaka while we were out of the city and unable to do damage control. Since we've done all of our talk of the Orikobomb under privacy bracelets or timestop, Kyubey doesn't really have any reason to rush this within the next few days.
That was one outcome. One.

And frankly, QB isn't stupid. He can guess what we're doing. I see no reason to risk it rather than getting the Sabrina-dependent action out of the way before QB can spoil the opportunity.

Basically, what makes it worth risking that happening? At all? Sayaka being a bit deflated at the picnic? If anything that makes the timing better in terms of it serving to cheer her up again.
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Look, Ugo, tbh I think you're making an issue out of nothing. Red's vote is good, and well reasoned.
Look, Ugo, tbh I think you're making an issue out of nothing. Red's vote is good, and well reasoned.
It doesn't do anything at a time when we have every reason to get some of our increasing pile of problems out of the way.

It's the conversational equivalent of treading water, and planning to keep doing so, never mind the currents about to drag us down. We can just always swim to shore later when we're been dragged underwater and dashed against the rocks, right?
There is no reason to wait.

You... do know that stress is a real thing, right?

When a set of discussions can be spread out over 24 hours instead of rushed in 10, and there's no compelling reason to rush, why take the more stressful approach?

You want to avoid stalling? Well I want to avoid time-dilation based rushing that will harm Mami's psyche for no compelling reason.
You... do know that stress is a real thing, right?

When a set of discussions can be spread out over 24 hours instead of rushed in 10, and there's no compelling reason to rush, why take the more stressful approach?

You want to avoid stalling? Well I want to avoid time-dilation based rushing that will harm Mami's psyche for no compelling reason.
Because that isn't the actual scenario here.

"But stress" falls apart when you factor that Mami needs to know about Kyoko soon, or it really WILL seem bad. Sayaka's timelimited by QB's goodwill and it's extremely ill-advised to pray he doesn't take an obvious opening to open a schism when we give him days to do it.

If anything, caring about their psyches means letting them know the truth. In Mami's case, before we actually have the actually seriously stressful discussion in the form of the metabomb.
It doesn't do anything at a time when we have every reason to get some of our increasing pile of problems out of the way.

It's the conversational equivalent of treading water, and planning to keep doing so, never mind the currents about to drag us down. We can just always swim to shore later when we're been dragged underwater and dashed against the rocks, right?
They're not going to drag us down in the single day it takes to spread things out so we're not rushing things stupidly.
They're not going to drag us down in the single day it takes to spread things out so we're not rushing things stupidly.
"Spreading things out" looks suspiciously like "pretend the problems aren't there so we can read fluff...until it blows up in our faces, entirely predictably".

But, hey, not like their lives are on the line or anything, right? What could go wrong by withholding vital information or not talking with people to avoid miscommunications?

Not like PMMM is a series where lack of communication kills, after all.
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You... do know that stress is a real thing, right?
[Q] We've obviously hit Time Stop Fatigue.
-[Q] Break away from the group.
--[Q] Calm down Mami and Homura when they either follow you or pull you back.
---[Q] You were just saving everyone a brain damage headache.
----[Q] Sit back down like nothing happened.
-----[Q] Tell Homura you're Metabombing Mami tonight.
------[Q] Does she want to be there? She knows how to handle bombs.
Because that isn't the actual scenario here.

"But stress" falls apart when you factor that Mami needs to know about Kyoko soon, or it really WILL seem bad. Sayaka's timelimited by QB's goodwill and it's extremely ill-advised to pray he doesn't take an obvious opening to open a schism when we give him days to do it.

If anything, caring about their psyches means letting them know the truth. In Mami's case, before we actually have the actually seriously stressful discussion in the form of the metabomb.
"if we actually care about their psyches, we should tell them stressful things. In Mami's case, before we actually have the actually seriously stressful discussion in the form of the metabomb." Yep. Makes sense. Totally.
"Spreading things out" looks suspiciously like "pretend the problems aren't there so we can read fluff...until it blows up in our faces, entirely predictably".
No, that would be "we don't need to go to Asunaro any time soon" or "Oh, Ono will be fine for an extra week". Not the entirely reasonable spreading out of bombs so we aren't rushing to pile everything up due to unsubstantiated paranoia that "SOMETHING WILL GO WRONG, I JUST KNOW IT".
"if we actually care about their psyches, we should tell them stressful things. In Mami's case, before we actually have the actually seriously stressful discussion in the form of the metabomb." Yep. Makes sense. Totally.

No, that would be "we don't need to go to Asunaro any time soon" or "Oh, Ono will be fine for an extra week". Not the entirely reasonable spreading out of bombs so we aren't rushing to pile everything up due to unsubstantiated paranoia that "SOMETHING WILL GO WRONG, I JUST KNOW IT".
Get a relatively minor conversation done before we have the majorly upsetting conversation that'll require major support afterwards and make further revelations kind of impossible to safely handle? Yes. Your comprehension or lack therof doesn't make it wrong.

Frankly, Sayaka is a priority and if Asunaro was an issue, it's much less of one than a cornerstone of our keep-everyone-from-dying-to-Gretchen problems. Also, we're checking on Ono regularly.

So no, that's not a good comparison and I think spreading out is begging for problems.

It has been 9 days since we caught Oriko. (On Wednesday, last week.) The ship on giving QB openings to tell Sayaka has well and truly sailed.
And of course he hasn't been waiting for certain conditions- such as being contracted. Hasn't been observing us and deducing from that. He wouldn't try and get the damage done before he loses the chance if we stall too long. Nope. All clear, totally safe, no rush- why tell her ever, right? Not like anything could go wrong there.
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What conditions Ugo.

Basically, if QB wants to derail things with a contracted Sayaka that's lost trust in us or generally requires attention to mend bridges...he's probably going to do that very soon.

I mean honestly watching Sabrina talk to Oriko- and he inevitably would know we're talking to her about stuff we don't want him to know given we can't exactly hide privacy screens- he can probably put two and two together and guess our plans. And act accordingly if we let him.
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Kyuubey strikes when we're not in a position to do anything about it. If we're in the city then we can intervene and the Oriko bomb fizzles even if he does drop it.
Or not at all because unfounded Kyubey paranoia is unfounded.
It's QB.

Burden of proof is on you that it's unfounded rather than a reasonable expectation from the main antagonist who consistently outplays and predicts his opposition in series.

Kyuubey strikes when we're not in a position to do anything about it. If we're in the city then we can intervene and the Oriko bomb fizzles even if he does drop it.
Or if we don't do anything. I think he'd probably bring it up- not like us being there stopped him from twisting the knife with Mami, did it?
My point is that stalling is both useless and actively begging for things to go wrong. Giftwrapping QB a chance to make it do so, in fact.

So of course it seems superficially appealing.
You think it's useless. I think it's telling that out of 17 votes, only two of them actually agree with you.

And? Show me where he's been actively hostile, or even unhelpful. Because I don't remember it.