I wasn't kidding about the Mami quotes.

Anyway, since we end up alone in timestop with Homu in my vote... should we hunt Sasa now?

Proposed vote edit:

[ ] Hmm. Do you think more time to... settle into magical girl life, I guess... will help Sayaka cope? Saturday after the picnic, then? We're meeting with Miss Benouna and dealing with commitments out of town on Sunday, and I don't want to leave this unresolved in the long term...
[ ] Lean back a bit.
-[ ] Speaking of the picnic, you're coming, right, Homura?
[ ] Sheepishly: Could we use your shield to store some stuff instead of a cooler? It'd be a lot more convenient for ice cream and such...
[ ] One last thing about Sayaka: Because of her power, she'll find it difficult to specialize in her wish magic. We're certainly capable of getting her up to speed on the basics, but I think it's worth looking into advanced melee training later for later on. With her power, she should be as skilled as possible with her base abilities, and... *gesture around* we're all ranged specialists. What do you think?
[ ] Anything else?
-[ ] If not, hug teh Mumi, let her know we'll be there for her. Ask to discuss a few last things with Homura. Drop Mami from time-stop.
[ ] Face Homura.
-[ ] Hey. Sayaka's my friend. I... She's a puella magi because I messed up, so I... I owe it to her to make sure she does as well as she can. I certainly won't stop her from yelling at Oriko - I just want to make sure that things don't escalate. The Incubator... keeping this secret from Sayaka would be a huge weak point it could hit to fracture our group at the worst possible time. I... I just want everyone to live, Homura.
--[ ] Hugs?
[ ] Ask if now would be a decent time to hunt down Sasa and see what's up with her.
I think I'm OK with vote edit.

EDIT: I was imagining everyone grown up for the texts thing, but OK.
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[x] Hmm. Do you think more time to... settle into magical girl life, I guess... will help Sayaka cope? Saturday after the picnic, then? We're meeting with Miss Benouna and dealing with commitments out of town on Sunday, and I don't want to leave this unresolved in the long term...
[x] Lean back a bit.
-[x] Speaking of the picnic, you're coming, right, Homura?
[x] Sheepishly: Could we use your shield to store some stuff instead of a cooler? It'd be a lot more convenient for ice cream and such...
[x] One last thing about Sayaka: Because of her power, she'll find it difficult to specialize in her wish magic. We're certainly capable of getting her up to speed on the basics, but I think it's worth looking into advanced melee training later for later on. With her power, she should be as skilled as possible with her base abilities, and... *gesture around* we're all ranged specialists. What do you think?
[x] Anything else?
-[x] If not, hug teh Mumi, let her know we'll be there for her. Ask to discuss a few last things with Homura. Drop Mami from time-stop.
[x] Face Homura.
-[x] Hey. Sayaka's my friend. I... She's a puella magi because I messed up, so I... I owe it to her to make sure she does as well as she can. I certainly won't stop her from yelling at Oriko - I just want to make sure that things don't escalate. The Incubator... keeping this secret from Sayaka would be a huge weak point it could hit to fracture our group at the worst possible time. I... I just want everyone to live, Homura.
--[x] Hugs?
[x] Ask if now would be a decent time to hunt down Sasa and see what's up with her.
Signs Sabrina is embracing her heritage turning into a witch #22:
The bubbles in the bathtub sing to her in not-german Witch.
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@Redshirt Army Aren't we supposed to be specifically bringing up Kyoko in this conversation too? I thought we were supposed to get Mami's okay for that, since we're planning on bringing her in specifically to train Sayaka in melee and start setting them up on dates.
@Redshirt Army Aren't we supposed to be specifically bringing up Kyoko in this conversation too? I thought we were supposed to get Mami's okay for that, since we're planning on bringing her in specifically to train Sayaka in melee and start setting them up on dates.

I think opening with the topic of melee training, and then discussing Kyoko in particular later, potentially during shopping/baking, is better in terms of order of operations. The mood is kinda somber now, whereas if we bring it up after training with Sayaka, while getting ready for an excursion the next day she can look forward to, I think she'll handle it better.
I think opening with the topic of melee training, and then discussing Kyoko in particular later, potentially during shopping/baking, is better in terms of order of operations. The mood is kinda somber now, whereas if we bring it up after training with Sayaka, while getting ready for an excursion the next day she can look forward to, I think she'll handle it better.
Fair enough.

[X] Redshirt Army
It's just stalling because talking about unhappy things is hardddddddddddd.


Nothing in that vote solves anything at all, it just puts the problem off for later and hopes things won't go wrong. We'll have to talk about it AGAIN with them.
It's just stalling because talking about unhappy things is hardddddddddddd.


Nothing in that vote solves anything at all, it just puts the problem off for later and hopes things won't go wrong. We'll have to talk about it AGAIN with them.

I disagree.

(Obviously, I guess, since otherwise I wouldn't be making that vote? :p)

We're committing ourselves to a firm time to tell Sayaka about it after consulting with Oriko, Mami, and Homura. We're raising the topic of future training for Sayaka, after reaching a joint conclusion that she'll be facing Walpurgisnacht with us. We're maintaining our promises with regards to Mami, instead of putting yet another burden on her schedule, excusing ourselves with the fact that she "won't complain", when we know damn well how dependant she is on us.

It is possible to be proactive without tripping over yourself in a rush to get every single thing done at once, and the key is to break big issues into smaller chunks and work on them piece by piece.

I'm not making the current vote out of any sort of ideological bent, it's all based on practical concerns. Convince me why doing the Kokotalk or Sayakatalk now would be better, and you'll probably convince the rest of the thread too.
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I'm also going to have to disagree.


[x] Redshirt Army

Piling on despair bomb after despair bomb is not a good approach. PMMM quests have always been a balancing act of dealing with the issues and maintaining our friends mental state (fluff helps). Mismanaging this is in part why we're still dealing with Mumi limpeting issues (though Mami has shown remarkable improvement there). I see no good reason to rush this. Mami and Oriko have already agreed on the time of when to talk to Sayaka. And that's not that far away from now. It just seems that way because of the pacing. We have plenty to do in the mean time.
Piling on despair is exactly what leaving this mess for when we metabomb Mami is doing and I seriously hope no one'd want to put it off indefinitely instead. That leaves getting it done.

We're not telling Sayaka vital information in Redshirt's vote because >fluffy happytimes. By his earlier admission. There's no real reason for it in terms of quest goals or actual sense other than "conversations about problems that won't go away on their own are harrrddd"

I disagree.

(Obviously, I guess, since otherwise I wouldn't be making that vote? :p)

We're committing ourselves to a firm time to tell Sayaka about it after consulting with Oriko, Mami, and Homura. We're raising the topic of future training for Sayaka, after reaching a joint conclusion that she'll be facing Walpurgisnacht with us. We're maintaining our promises with regards to Mami, instead of putting yet another burden on her schedule, excusing ourselves with the fact that she "won't complain", when we know damn well how dependant she is on us.

It is possible to be proactive without tripping over yourself in a rush to get every single thing done at once, and the key is to break big issues into smaller chunks and work on them piece by piece.

I'm not making the current vote out of any sort of ideological bent, it's all based on practical concerns. Convince me why doing the Kokotalk or Sayakatalk now would be better, and you'll probably convince the rest of the thread too.
And none of that matters one bit when the real issue we're shoving under the couch is the Sayakatalk- not just "talking about it and forgetting about it", actually doing it. We JUST consulted them about it. You're spinning your wheels and calling it progress when it's making a vote that literally does nothing and says little.

The Mami argument has no actual basis in quest events or anything we should be doing. What promise is being broken by not stalling indefinitely on vital actions or telling her about things she has every RIGHT to know as of several updates ago?

This is stalling plain and simple. Nothing is being actually done or changed for the better from before that vote in that vote. It's effectively a vote to [q]Tread water rather than do something scary with vague promises to not-stall-at-some-point-maybe.

But hey maybe turtling is playing it safe- except it isn't. It's just closing our eyes to the problem at hand when leaving them to blow up isn't a good idea. It makes things better- except that by definition it isn't. It's nice to read happy fluff constantly...except that we're just putting off the timebombs until they go off which is basically more trauma than just being proactive.

Stalling is not a plan that has good results. Mostly because it's not a real plan at all.
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As a Sayaka, I have to say that I disagree with the Other Sayaka.

[x] Redshirt Army

Clearly, I am right, because I am Sayaka and we're discussing Sayaka.
This logic is flawless. :V