@Ugolino we need to be a little more clear about exactly when we want to break the news to Saya, because the current flow of conversation is talking about doing it on Saturday, and (presumably) your vote is for doing it this afternoon instead:

[x] Thanks for the help, both of you. I'll just have to try and get her to understand that while what Oriko did was wrong, while she was wrong, she thought she was helping. That they were misguided, not evil.
-[x] Maybe we could even link their choices to Sayaka's own philosophy, her own inability to think things through? Making a Wish without talking to anyone first, her obsession with paying debts, and the need to personally be the heroine of the story, are all choices that Sayaka made that are actually uncomfortably similar to things Oriko might have decided.
[x] I'm thinking that we should probably tell her today. Sure there's a good chance it will be a downer on the picnic, but she needs time to absorb everything, and it's not like we're ever going to be less busy than we are now. After she's done with afternoon training, maybe?
-[x] We might also need to regularly check on her for cleansing, maybe even involuntary cleansing, over the next few days. We already know that Sayaka has a tendency to make bad decisions when left to her own devices; now that her soul is strapped to a device that can negatively affect her behavior that tendency will only get worse.
[x] Talk to Mami. Ask Homura if she minds giving us a moment. Tell that you actually were hoping to get through to another magical girl through Sayaka as well. Tell her you wanted to pay Kyoko to spar with Sayaka for training. We actually asked her about if she'd do it. We told her it was to help Sayaka, but it's really more to try and get through to Kyoko than because we think she needs someone other than Mami to train her. We trust her training. We really do. Apologize deeply for not running the idea by her first- Sayaka's her student and friend too, and...Kyoko.
[x] Hugs for both Mami and Homura before timestop ends. Ask Homura if she wants to talk about anything else if we get the chance solo before timestop ends.

That wildly misreads Sayaka's character and actively insults her and the Oriko reasoning doesn't work.



Of course we're stalling.

Of course we are. As always.


Edit 2:
We aren't telling Mami anything about what we're doing in that last version, Redshirt. We aren't talking about Sayaka there at all, instead resorting to various babbling that has nothing to do with the issues at hand. In fact, as of that last edit, I don't see us saying much of anything in the vote which of course means people will leap on the chance to Play. It. "Safe".

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Of course we're stalling.

Of course we are. As always.


Moving the Sayakatalk isn't ideal, but I don't think pushing Mami on it is worth it - and remember that doing it after the picnic was Oriko's first suggestion as well. And... well, the timing of events works out much more smoothly this way. I'm not sure telling Sayaka today is possible without shooting the picnic to shit.

The Kokotalk needs to happen soon. I personally think that slotting it in with the Metabomb makes more sense, for reasons I've mentioned, but I'd be willing to get it out of the way now given a compelling argument/vote.
Moving the Sayakatalk isn't ideal, but I don't think pushing Mami on it is worth it - and remember that doing it after the picnic was Oriko's first suggestion as well. And... well, the timing of events works out much more smoothly this way. I'm not sure telling Sayaka today is possible without shooting the picnic to shit.

The Kokotalk needs to happen soon. I personally think that slotting it in with the Metabomb makes more sense, for reasons I've mentioned, but I'd be willing to get it out of the way now given a compelling argument/vote.
Not doing anything because of paranoia of agency theft has gone from possibly justifiable to massively overreacting- even Homura was baffled by Sabrina's fear of agency theft leading her not to do anything about Walpy.

Oriko is giving suggestions based on her extremely limited actual knowledge. Not precog mandates. Consider but don't treat as gospel.

Picnic works best as damage control given all Sayaka's other friends are there.

Metabomb and Kokotalk is double whammy. Why put them together rather than getting a potential problem out of the way well BEFORE maybe-breaking Mami rather than stacking the trauma triggers right after each other?
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I think you're underestimating the magnitude of shitstorm we're looking at with Sayaka.

We're gonna need quite a bit of time to get Sayaka reasonably calm, and picnic preparations are still in the "hypothetical ideas" phase. If we drop Orikobomb tonight, the picnic might not even happen, and if it does, it's not gonna be the funtime social bonding experience we're hoping for.

Now, the picnic isn't exactly critical in and of itself, but... well, Mami's been really looking forward to it. Give me a few minutes and I can get you like five different quotes where she's all exited about it. So... I basically want to delay the reveal with Sayaka slightly because I care about the Mumi. And frankly, I don't think 24 hours of delay with quite a bit of bonding interspersed within it will worsen our position with Sayaka much.

More selfishly, I kind of want to read about fluffy baking with Mumi and picnic shenanigans more than us morosely sitting around Mami's apartment hugging her tommorow.

Kokotalk can happen sooner, I just don't think it should happen right this instant, since the moods already kind of sour. We could do it during/before Sayaka's training, but that might be a melancholy reminder of what Mami would be losing. During shopping/baking, maybe?
I think you're underestimating the magnitude of shitstorm we're looking at with Sayaka.

We're gonna need quite a bit of time to get Sayaka reasonably calm, and picnic preparations are still in the "hypothetical ideas" phase. If we drop Orikobomb tonight, the picnic might not even happen, and if it does, it's not gonna be the funtime social bonding experience we're hoping for.

Now, the picnic isn't exactly critical in and of itself, but... well, Mami's been really looking forward to it. Give me a few minutes and I can get you like five different quotes where she's all exited about it. So... I basically want to delay the reveal with Sayaka slightly because I care about the Mumi. And frankly, I don't think 24 hours of delay with quite a bit of bonding interspersed within it will worsen our position with Sayaka much.

More selfishly, I kind of want to read about fluffy baking with Mumi and picnic shenanigans more than us morosely sitting around Mami's apartment hugging her tommorow.

Kokotalk can happen sooner, I just don't think it should happen right this instant, since the moods already kind of sour. We could do it during/before Sayaka's training, but that might be a melancholy reminder of what Mami would be losing. During shopping/baking, maybe?
I don't believe Sayaka's response is beyond our ability to handle assuming we don't vote for anything particularly counterproductive in said handling.

Stalling. Good idea. Pick one and only one.

I don't see putting off a vital conversation as being worth Sayaka being a bit less irritated at the picnic.

If we don't do something monumentally stupid and put off telling Mami about anything at all for the rest of the day, we ARE going to HAVE to dampen her mood tonight. Inevitably.

I think >WE NEED HAPPY FUNFLUFF over actual plot events is assuming that won't bite us and acting extremely short-sightedly. I don't think that's a good vote strategy but what does it matter when PLAY IT SAFE is going to be the order of the day yet again because SV is nothing if not utterly predictable in its turtling?
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so just incase you wake up on the couch wondering how you got there--you came home at 7am, put ice in the cup--then you proceeded to put the cup in the microwave and melt it because you "wanted water". you then fell down the stair while saying "you don't know me" then crawled up to the couch.
Pfft... Brain damage at its finest.
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Stalling. Good idea. Pick one and only one.

I don't see putting off a vital conversation as being worth Sayaka being a bit less irritated at the picnic.

If we don't do something monumentally stupid and put off telling Mami about anything at all for the rest of the day, we ARE going to dampen her mood tonight. Inevitably.

I think >WE NEED HAPPY FUNFLUFF over actual plot events is assuming that won't bite us and acting extremely short-sightedly. I don't think that's a good vote strategy but what does it matter when PLAY IT SAFE is going to be the order of the day yet again because SV is nothing if not utterly predictable in its turtling?
Because SV is deathly afraid that one tiny screw up would mean the death of someone involved, that or they don't want to deal with the fact that one way or another our relationship with others will suffer once the truth comes out.

We can't please everyone, I would rather say the truth and hope that the others understand us in time rather than waiting until the last moment.
Can we not be so... 'completely fine' with the idea?

Because stalling this means we're keeping this secret from Sayaka even longer, and that sucks balls in how unfair it is, and in how Sabrina's lived with secrets her whole life.

If we need to postpone, at least try and justify it for Sayaka's well being, since she's going through a bad enough time as it is.

[] "I'd hate to keep this secret any longer, but... Do you think it'll be better for Sayaka if we wait until Sunday?"
Stalling is a complete and utter mistake and I think it doesn't have a basis in actual planning for anything beyond the next post to do so.
It's the internet. Everyone has been shipped with each other.

I'm not just talking about fiction.

There's these two guys, go by Ugo and Mura, they got married 'cause of aggressive shipping.


Wait, everyone has been shipped? :confused:

How did I miss the Wally/Homura ship? ;)

Brushes a feather away and turns around-

I am so dead . . . :cry:
I don't understand the rush to Orikobomb Sayaka. We knew Oriko burned her house down Wednesday night, last week - the third day of the quest! Another day shouldn't be a problem, especially when Oriko hasn't foreseen a disaster in the near future, despite explicitly having seen futures where Sayaka kills her.

The Kyouko talk I'm more amenable to doing now, since we're going to visit her right after lunch, though I don't have a strong opinion. I do agree with Ugolino that even if we delay it, it shouldn't be at the same time as the metabomb.

EDIT: Woah, there's some weird stuff going down. Redshirt Army and I both have post #88650? Did we post at the same millisecond or something?
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I wasn't kidding about the Mami quotes.

Well... maybe we could go on a picnic sometime?" Mami says, and quickly adds, "It's just a thought."

"Oh, that's an idea," you say. "Not sure when's good, though...?" You look around at the others, receiving some shrugs in response. "We'll settle these as they come, eh?"

She nods, smile becoming a little stronger. "Just a little disappointed," she admits. "It would have been nice to cook for everyone again."

"Hey, there's still the picnic," you say, squeezing Mami's hand in reassurance. "And many more days to come after that."

She exhales, turning her hand over so that she can grip your hand, squeezing lightly. "Alright," she says, voice soft. "Shall we go, then?"

know!" Sayaka says. "But Mami's cooking is amazing. Are you going to bake another cake any time soon?"

Mami perks up, looking up from your shoulder. "We could do that for the picnic? Today looks like it might be a bit too full to fit that in."

"I was just thinking out loud," you say. "Oh! I had a thought - do you think we could make patatas bravas for the picnic tomorrow, maybe?"

"Ah... patatas... bravas?" Mami asks, stumbling over the unfamiliar words.

"It's Spanish, I think," you explain. "Lightly fried potato, with a savoury and slightly spicy tomato sauce? It's quite simple to make, and talking to Miss Bennouna made me think of it."

"That sounds good," Mami says. "We could try that! Um... Isn't Miss Bennouna Moroccan, though?"

"She is," you agree as you wing past that one flue stack. It's practically a landmark by now. "Still!"

"... alright, then," Mami says. She... sounds better. A touch more cheerful.

Say, Mami, what do you think we should do for the picnic?" Simultaneously, you reach out to Kirika. "Hey, Kirika."

"We're baking a cake, right?" Mami asks, voice brightening. "Ah, I was thinking of a vanilla cake? With cream? I haven't made that for a while."

Anyway, since we end up alone in timestop with Homu in my vote... should we hunt Sasa now?

Proposed vote edit:

[ ] Hmm. Do you think more time to... settle into magical girl life, I guess... will help Sayaka cope? Saturday after the picnic, then? We're meeting with Miss Benouna and dealing with commitments out of town on Sunday, and I don't want to leave this unresolved in the long term...
[ ] Lean back a bit.
-[ ] Speaking of the picnic, you're coming, right, Homura?
[ ] Sheepishly: Could we use your shield to store some stuff instead of a cooler? It'd be a lot more convenient for ice cream and such...
[ ] One last thing about Sayaka: Because of her power, she'll find it difficult to specialize in her wish magic. We're certainly capable of getting her up to speed on the basics, but I think it's worth looking into advanced melee training later for later on. With her power, she should be as skilled as possible with her base abilities, and... *gesture around* we're all ranged specialists. What do you think?
[ ] Anything else?
-[ ] If not, hug teh Mumi, let her know we'll be there for her. Ask to discuss a few last things with Homura. Drop Mami from time-stop.
[ ] Face Homura.
-[ ] Hey. Sayaka's my friend. I... She's a puella magi because I messed up, so I... I owe it to her to make sure she does as well as she can. I certainly won't stop her from yelling at Oriko - I just want to make sure that things don't escalate. The Incubator... keeping this secret from Sayaka would be a huge weak point it could hit to fracture our group at the worst possible time. I... I just want everyone to live, Homura.
--[ ] Hugs?
[ ] Ask if now would be a decent time to hunt down Sasa and see what's up with her.
So I'mma copy Onmur-senpai and give this text thing a try.

Kirika said:
pesky things like morals, self-preservation and cowardice are not needed. overkill is nothing but a word. there will be blood.
Madoka said:
she started chasing me through the forest like a horny serial killer

Sayaka to Sabrina said:
that is either the most profound and meaningful thing i've ever heard, or someone got high before noon again.

Sayaka to Oriko said:
don't worry, i'm not mad. i'm just angry. and furious. and about to set your ass on fire.

Sayaka said:
In my defense, there are at least three ways to die doing that, and I'm still here. America, Fuck Yeah!

Kyoko said:
So what if I got a tattoo on a bus, it was sterile.

Kyousuke to Hitomi said:
Come over. I have beer, your weird ass vegan pizza, and a raging hard on.

Marry me.
Sayaka said:
In my defense, there are at least three ways to die doing that, and I'm still here. America, Fuck Yeah!
Shit, I thought Sabrina was the one who'd get lost around the world.

Maybe it's contagious through power copying?

... And stop tempting me!

Sabrina said:
Just tried calling my phone on my phone because i thought i lost my phone.

Sabrina and Mami said:
Come find me please? Im in a ditch.

That doesn't help me much...

I'm right under the moon!

Tomohisa to Madoka said:

Cops showed up at 4 am to address a noise complaint and she called them pussies for not doing shots with us.

Kyouko said:
this is a mass text: i just made a grilled cheese with an iron and pasta with the coffeemaker in the hotel room. bow before your new god.

Hitomi said:
Omg. In the pub, there's a guy shouting at the olympic channel 'yeah! Kill that motherfucker!' we're watching figure skating.

Sayaka to Kyouko said:
You put a nerf gun to his head and demanded him to take you to taco bell..

Junko said:
I just found out that AAA will pick you up if you're drunk for free if you're a member. How did I not know about this?

Mami to Sabrina said:

you were saying "i am the vodka queen!" and then in a different voice replying to yourself "all hail the vodka queen! you are so beautiful!"

Kyouko and Sayaka said:
All I want in this world right now are Doritoessssss

OK. You going to get home safe? Who are you with?

Madoka said:
I got so high last night I started crying because i couldn't stop thinking about how scary space is

Madoka to Homura said:
Not only did I hold your hair back as you puked, i french braided it. I am such a great friend.

Kirika said:
on the last problem of the exam i just drew a picture of a cat and left

Kirika and Sabrina said:
Why am I in a dog kennel?

It was for your own safety

Kyouko and Sayaka said:
lol whn u cming hre I nd 2 c ur fce

Sabrina and Homura said:
did i by any chance text you anything about feathers last night?
you mean faeutihaers?
Madoka said:
I managed to convince my mom that my hickey was a birth mark I have always had. She cried for an hour about being a terrible mother for never noticing it.
Sabrina and Mami said:
Why is there a cactus in the microwave?

Don't worry about it.
Sayaka to Kyouko said:
you refused to leave the drive-thru at mcdonalds until the cashier took a jello shot
Sabrina and Mami said:
I just found out me and my parents buy from the same drug dealer.
you should get a family discount.
Mami said:
I just walked into a room at this party and someone yelled "dibs!"
(Plot twist: It was Sabrina)


Sabrina said:
The bubbles in my bathtub are singing to me in german....

Sabrina to Kirika said:

You were humming mission impossible as we ran from the cops

Kyouko said:
I woke up this morning with a bag of pepperonis in my bed.... and my facebook status was "pepperonis"
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