@Ugolino we need to be a little more clear about exactly when we want to break the news to Saya, because the current flow of conversation is talking about doing it on Saturday, and (presumably) your vote is for doing it this afternoon instead:
[x] Thanks for the help, both of you. I'll just have to try and get her to understand that while what Oriko did was wrong, while she
was wrong, she
thought she was helping. That they were misguided, not evil.
-[x] Maybe we could even link their choices to Sayaka's own philosophy, her own inability to think things through? Making a Wish without talking to anyone first, her obsession with paying debts, and the need to
personally be the heroine of the story, are all choices that Sayaka made that are actually uncomfortably similar to things Oriko might have decided.
[x] I'm thinking that we should probably tell her today. Sure there's a good chance it will be a downer on the picnic, but she needs time to absorb everything, and it's not like we're ever going to be
less busy than we are now. After she's done with afternoon training, maybe?
-[x] We might also need to regularly check on her for cleansing, maybe even
involuntary cleansing, over the next few days. We already know that Sayaka has a tendency to make bad decisions when left to her own devices; now that her soul is strapped to a device that can negatively affect her behavior that tendency will only get worse.
[x] Talk to Mami. Ask Homura if she minds giving us a moment. Tell that you actually were hoping to get through to
another magical girl through Sayaka as well. Tell her you wanted to pay Kyoko to spar with Sayaka for training. We actually asked her about if she'd do it. We told her it was to help Sayaka, but it's really more to try and get through to Kyoko than because we think she needs someone other than Mami to train her. We trust her training. We really do. Apologize deeply for not running the idea by her first- Sayaka's her student and friend too, and...Kyoko.
[x] Hugs for both Mami and Homura before timestop ends. Ask Homura if she wants to talk about anything else if we get the chance solo before timestop ends.