Err, Crasian, these are ten meter wings that let us fly by generating propulsive force on the downswing. They have more in common with jet packs than airplane wings or even bird wings. The closest analogue would be the wings of a hummingbird or perhaps insects. Having multiple wings will help with stability because one pair can always be on the downswing, thus exerting a constant force that allow us to hover in place.
And also, multiple wings just look cool.
Well, insect and hummingbird wings are theorized to work only because of *tiny* Reynold's Number. Basically, viscosity at the scale of an insect/hummingbird enables them to fly by flapping really quickly. This phenomenon *does not* scale, and so it's not reasonable to use that as a model for 10 meter long wings.
Multiple wings doesn't really help necessarily, since the problem is one of vectors and getting the *exact correct* direction of thrust at any given moment in time. Also things like moment arm, etc, which help keep you from nosing into the ground. That's difficult, but sure it's doable. You will have interference issues in steady level flight, but magic should take care of that nicely.
More to the point, however, is that *gliding*. I can do the math for gliding *very easily* because gliding flight is the same math for literally anything on the order of a meter or larger. I know this because I've build airplanes with a wingspan of about 1.5 meters and the math was the same as something with a wingspan of 100 meters, and the airplane flew *beautifully*. Just having the figures for gliding would be useful, because we can then figure out how many people we can carry. If we have a ten meter long wingspan and a 1.5 meter wide wing (guessing at Sabrina's height here), then we might be able to carry stupidly large things, and wouldn't that be a useful ballpark to have, at least?
Also, if nothing else, I find it super entertaining to make these spreadsheets because I am, and will continue to be, a ridiculous nerd. So even if it's *completely useless*, I want to do this.