Uh, no making Sabrina throw up again guys. I was more thinking to see if we could make a tool which could determine whether a soul was originally Meguca/human or not.
inb4 Sabrina spends all day long randomly having attacks of pure disgust, and by the end of the day actually needs to run to the bathroom to throw up.

Mami herself is worried sick; Oriko and Kirika less so.

All because Sabrina couldn't stop thinking about the less ethical applications of her power.
I think it's well established that this is a Paragon run. If you wanna try Renegade options, do it on our next playthrough of the quest, or at least wait until the next save point. :p

I suppose to be more hip I should be using Undertale terminology...
Some part of her mind will always betray her perception of self. It's just worse this time because of stress from too many responsibilities piled on her shoulders. Oriko, Mami, Sayaka, Asunaro. Walpurgisnacht. So many things to do in so little time. huehuehuehue :p
Well then, how to do dewitching...

Perhaps I should first analyze the witching process itself, to know what is happening and to begin tests on how to reverse it.

This would mean, however, that I would have to see it in action, and that would mean that I have to find a Meguca to-

No... No... Don't think about it... Don't think about it... Don't think about it...
... I wonder if that's why Hildegard is weird? She's a witch hatched from a true magical girl and our other seeds are witches grown from familiars, or vice versa?
How is Hildegarde weird? We've got only two Empty Seeds, counting Aurora who's being used by O&K.

If anything, Aurora's behaving weird, now seeming to remain active while completely empty of Grief.
A PMAS-scale quest is certainly an ambitious undertaking...

Maybe something of smaller scale next time? Some examples are Memento Mori by DrZiztah, Contrivit Magica by Noka, and Restitutione Divinus by Sereg...
I got one for you Winson:
Sneeze Quest. You've always wondered what it was like to sneeze, but since your birth no matter how bad the feeling got, you couldn't actually sneeze! But last night, a prophetic dream told you of an ancient secret held by [bad guy(s) here] that could unleash your full sneezing potential. Now you set out on a dangerous journey to fulfill your only goal in life: You're Gonna Sneeze.
Also it's in the PMMM verse for some reason but it doesn't matter because you're a dude.

Better jump on this idea fast or someone will steal the masterpiece.

So in other news, we went back to nausea thoughts? Let's keep thinking about it. If we think the bad thoughts hard enough, eventually they'll get tired and go away, right?
Just been looking over Kinematics' model from the viewpoint of trying to work out what the most beneficial strategy for the Incubators would be. While I haven't really gone over the numbers yet, it's reasonably solid for densely populated areas and it seems that the Incubators might actually benefit from keeping the Witch population low.

1. The Incubators seem to get their main payoff from Witchouts. So Familiars turning into Witches isn't particularly useful for them.

2. Fewer Witches means fewer Grief seeds so girls will Witchout faster. It also means fewer fights so the mortality rate from fights drops. Of course fewer fights means they'll burn through magic more slowly - ideally a magical girl will burn through magic faster than she gets it from Grief Seeds.

3. Magical girl teams are less likely to die in fights but have to hunt more often. They are more likely to Witchout through Grief starvation. However the results of one of them Witching out may be unpredictable (Pleiades Saints) or result in wasteful death (Tomoe Mami, earlier loop).

A couple of other considerations: Witches are also great for prompting contracts which might not otherwise occur. It's still possible to convince people to contract without them though, in for instance life-threatening situations. There also seem to be some indications that a magical girl who lives for a long time has a weaker Witch - I guess the question is whether the strength of the Witch affects the payoff obtained. I would argue based on Kriemhild Gretchen that it does, in which case it becomes a delicate balancing act of trying to make sure new magical girls can actually take down existing Witches.

Actually, from this viewpoint Walpurgisnacht is a failure, (at least in the first loop) because it simply kills lots of magical girls rather than causing them to Witch out. On the other hand, it does seem to draw Witches away from other areas, which is potentially useful if the Witch population is too dense elsewhere.

tl;dr: Sayaka was the perfect magical girl from Kyubey's perspective. She killed Witches, and Familiars, reducing the chance of death of other potentials and magical girls before Witching out promptly herself at the peak of her power. Mami was almost as good, except for her (non-Witchout) death - I'm willing to bet this didn't happen in previous loops because Madoka's potential wasn't as great. Basically, Kyubey had a greater incentive to keep her alive to later Witchout, whereas later, he was trying to pressure Madoka to contract.

I may have to rewrite this post a few times to make it clearer...

Edit: The problem is that for all this logic, everything else becomes expendable the second someone with Madoka's potential appears...
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To clarify, that's concept art from the Madomonogatari exhibit, detailing the Witch from Episode 12 and also Kriemheld Gretchen's familiars. The fact that they're being brought up and effectively witch-carded is making people concerned that removing Madoka (Hope itself) from the Law of Cycles is causing it to witch out.

Like, think about it. She absorbs the karma of all Magical Girls, and then her Soul Gem hatches into a personification of all regrets of all Magical Girls who ever existed and ever could exist.

And then Madoka, the radiant goddess, appears and destroys her own Witch, because she'll never despair.

But Homura ripped that last part out.

So. Uh. Shit.
The part that is fundamentally Madoka Kaname, and thus the part that wished to save all Witches, and thus never despairs.

Madoka is hope itself, and the hope and identity was ripped out of what is effectively the largest Magical Girl of all time.

Also, so there was this at the Madogatari event, and after someone uploaded it to the wiki it got translated. Spoilered for size.
