And here I thought someone made a catana.
Looking out of the window, Mami asks: "Have you found Sabrina yet, Homura?"

"No. Though she must be around, I can't find any track of her body." is Homura's honest answer.

Gazing out of the window, Kyoko gestures with a spear: "Well, her grief is still there. Is she one of those girls who have creations stick behind?"

Behind her is downtrodden Yuma. "..I'm sorry for destroying Sabrina, big sis Mami."

Homura grabs hold of Kyoko's spear about to hit the furniture, frowning. "No. She has clarified numerous times that her grief dissipates outside of her range."

"It is fine, Yuma, she'll show up eventually." says smiling Mami, though it is clear she is worrying.

"Hey, is this normal behaviour for her?" begs attention from Madoka as she pets Amy who is enchanting katana to change shape.

Homura blinks. For five seconds, nobody says anything, just watching the cat mold the steel sword with her paws.

Then she slowly facepalms and breathes out: "Catana."

"Oh, Sabrina." says the now easily smiling Mami and rests her jaw on her hand.

The sword promptly breaks in two.
She reaches the first rack - pistols by the dozen. Mostly Berettas, sleek, dark L-shapes sitting quietly in row after row, with a few oddities here and there, like the two Desert Eagles. Seems like even here in Japan, there's always someone going for the loud, flashy weapon in complete disregard for cost. None of them are particularly golden, or even gold-ish, you note. You're not sure why that's important, but indeed none of them are.

Are you referencing what I think you're referencing? That is fucking amazing if you are ahahahehe
Are you referencing what I think you're referencing? That is fucking amazing if you are ahahahehe
There is a certain small omake.
'Lement, consider having your posts make more sense. Otherwise, it's meaningless natter that just pointlessly inflates the post count.
When the discussion is so distanced from initial work that another joining in the middle is only confused does it truly stand alone. An outsider wouldn't be confused by page 1, but they easily could be by page 1234.

That said, it being only 3 posts is far too little for that. Can you point me to where you (or @Onmur) failed to make sense?
Mine was just copy/pasted from someone else. Did I mess up somehow?
I felt like picking the last instead of first, but check the vote tally and compare:V
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There is a certain small omake.

When the discussion is so distanced from initial work that another joining in the middle is only confused does it truly stand alone. An outsider wouldn't be confused by page 1, but they easily could be by page 1234.

That said, it being only 3 posts is far too little for that. Can you point me to where you (or @Onmur) failed to make sense?

I felt like picking the last instead of first, but check the vote tally :V

Oh my god that is wonderful, thank you LOL
...In Onmur and Landcollector's behalf:
It would have interesting implication if wSabrina would work like the music.
Things such as "The randomness in pi Sabrina's mind contains all that is, was, or will be." spring to mind, or whether they could be used as superluminal transporters of information by syncing their random musings.
Of course, if we have to split our attention that is much less scary and nice backup clone who we don't have to worry about starting to think they're the original and going all Gilgamesh on us.
'course, come to think of it, if our body and our grief are puppeted exact same way we could be able to puppet absolutely anything at all within our range. Something to test, maybe
...How did you arrive from "Body and grief controlled by same way" to "puppet everything else"
The boat or the blade?
[] Ultimately, Oriko will surely protect Madoka for she knows you [Homura] will end the world if she dies.


"I..." you look at Homura, worried. "I'll try and be more careful going forward, ok? You... yeah, maybe you're right, and Oriko's dangerous and lying. But... I think she's trying to help us, Homura."

The time traveler shakes her head slowly, eyes not lifting to meet yours. Her shoulders are hunched in a tight, tense huddle.

Hesitantly, you touch her gently on the shoulder, and she flinches slightly at the touch. You take a step back, letting your hand drop back to your side.

You consider what to do next. The flinch says physical contact won't help and you just tried to explain why Oriko's goals and yours were aligned. You need to know...

"Sabrina?' Homura asks, interrupting your thoughts. You realize she's squared her shoulders, looking you in the eye. "You believe in her, don't you? Even after..." she glances toward Sayaka's greyed out form, swallowing, and waving her hand to encompass... well, everything.

"Yeah." A deep breath. "Yeah, I do. Before I met her, I was so sure she was our enemy. But now... She was trying to save us all, however wrongheaded her methods."

Homura steps closer, pulling you down into a hug. Quietly, "She entrusted her wish to you, and so I entrust her to you," her right arm releasing the hug to reach further behind you. "But Oriko? I-I can't. Still, I trust Madoka," Homura's shield produces a ratcheting sound, "and you, her chosen champion."

She's not... she can't! You reach for the grief churning in her soul gem, but even as you start to pull, it flies away at right angles to reality before it disappears from your senses. Simultaneously, Homura slumps in your arms, her transformation dispelling in flecks of purple light.

You're such a failure! Homura fled the timeline rather than watch your disaster unfold.
You realize you're on the ground, holding Homura's body, crying. You look up, searching for Mami. Surely, she wants nothing to do with a loser like you. Catching sight of her grey-scale profile, you realize she's still in timestop. And that means...

Pulling the grief from your soul gem, you shudder as you are freed of its unnatural weigh, and examine Homura with your mage-sense.

She's shining, the network of mana tracing through her body as strongly as ever. Now, however, instead of connecting to her soul gem, the network centers... behind her sternum, and you notice two more things. First, that her mana is flowing into a sub-network on her left arm that twists in and out of three dimensions. Second, there's grief moving along her mana network, slowly accumulating in a reservoir behind her navel.

Bunnycat has a lot to answer for.
"Homura! Homura, wake up!" Huh? A voice I don't recognize calling my name? Did I have a treatment scheduled? No, I was getting released in the morning, going back to school. It was going to be hard - all those people! - but I'd finally be out of the hospital. But that didn't explain what was happening now.

I opened my eyes and looked around my room.

This wasn't my room. And who's that foreign girl holding me? Why had she been crying? Did I faint again? Did I worry her? "Are you ok, miss? I didn't mean to worry you." She just stared at me. "I-I have a heart condition and sometimes it gets the better of me." <sniffle> "I must have forgotten to take -- mmph!"

The white-haired girl hugged me tightly, cutting me off. "When you collapsed, I was so worried! After... wait. You don't know who I am, do you?" She grabbed my hand, stood up, and with surprising strength pulled me to my feet. "I'm sorry. I have you at a disadvantage. Akemi Homura, my name is Sabrina. Just Sabrina. A pleasure to meet you." A crooked... no, a broken attempt at a smile.

"I - A pleasure to meet you, Miss Sabrina. How did you..." Something is wrong with the world. Everything except Sabrina and myself looks... grey. And none of it moves, not even the other people. "What is wrong with the world? Did you do this?"
God's not in her Heaven,
"Actually, nothing is wrong with the world. We're just... between two moments. And it's your power that brought us here. I think," she said, gesturing vaguely at my left arm, "if you stop that we'll get back to normal time."

My power? I don't have any power. I'm just a sick-
I look at Amy, relieved that at least one of Madoka's triggers for contracting is easy to avoid. I never told anyone (who would I tell?) but saving that kitten is one of the pillars that gives me the strength to go on. It's so simple, she's grateful even without understanding, and unlike, say, Miki, she stays saved. As much as anything can.

twist of will, a whirring from the shield on my arm, and the world stops. My refuge from the insanity, the terror, the failure that my life has become. Ironically, I don't have the time to enjoy it; I'm going to need all the magic I can beg, borrow, or steal for Walpurgisnacht. This time, absolutely, I'll save you, Madoka!

Sprinting through the paralyzed traffic, I pause just long enough to pick up the black-and-white kitten before running to Madoka. Once there, I stop, nod firmly to myself, and give Amy a good scratch behind her ears before setting her (now purring) down. Conserving magic when I can is necessary, but some things are

Back across the road to where I started, and with another thought a catch releases in my shield while color and motion return to the world.

"Homura?" the white-haired girl... Sabrina... asks, her hand waving in front of my face. "You awake in there?" The other is still holding my right hand, and I now suspect I know why. She begins to bring her hand back, but I catch her wrist with my free hand.

"That... won't be necessary, Sabrina." She frees her left hand, smiles, and makes a tally mark in the air, nodding at me. Holding up my shield arm, I can feel my power (my power!) pouring through the shield, even with it not exactly there. But a push with my thoughts, a flash of light, and my shield appears. One more push and the world around me returns to vibrant life.

Sabrina gives me an appraising look, nods again, then raises her voice and calls, "Mami! Everyone! We're heading into overtime. Something just came up."


Current Objectives:
  • adfligo systema
  • Save all the meguka
  • Uncover the truth behind Oriko's 'black feathers' and counter them
  • Unlimpet Mami
  • - restore ojou/best girl friendship
  • Prevent Madoka/Sayaka from contracting
  • Help Oriko find her path
  • - Oriko danmaku get!
  • Convince everyone: Totally not a witch
  • - Unless Sakura asks.
  • Oh, yeah. <yawn> Defeat Walrusburgers, I guess.
  • NEW Find/retrieve/save looping!Homura NEW
Note: New objectives are unsorted.
Residue Processing pt. 8
"Weeeeellll," you say, putting down a soaped plate and stepping away from the sink. Mami's gaze follows you, looking curious.

You throw one hand wide, gesturing in Homura's vague direction. "The unapproachable beauty, talk of Mitakihara, Akemi Homura teamed up with-" your other arm swings in front of you, dipping down slightly as your twist your body away from Mami, "-the mysteriously appearing foreigner Sabrina!"

You sweep both arms around you, curling your middle and ring fingers in on each hand before crossing them over your chest. "Together! They used their secret identities and superpowers to fight crime and correct injustice!" You grin proudly at Mami as soap suds slide down your hand, soaking into your blouse.

Mami stares at you, mouth open. You can hear a faint groan behind you.

"Sabrina, did you j-jus- pfff-" Mami doesn't make it to the sentence, dissolving into quivering giggles that grows into clear peals full bodied laughter. She wobbles half a step forward, collapsing against you for support.

Her laughter's contagious, and you join in, delighted, as you support her. You can see Homura out of the corner of your eye, rubbing at her forehead in exasperation.

Mami laughs until she runs out of breath, wheezing helplessly in your arms, gasping fits of giggles bubbling from her. "S-so-" Mami chokes out between giggles, "-did you punish anyone in the name of the moon?'

"Sure," you say with a grin. "I helped Homura, ah, chastise some Yakuza by, shall we say, restocking her weapons. I, uh, kind of got some souvenirs, too."

Mami peeks up at your face, trying to see if you're serious this time, her mirth fading a little. "You... robbed the Yakuza?"

"Well... yes," you say sheepishly. "I was careful! And Homura's done it before! We made sure not to leave any fingerprints or anything, and she was using her power the whole time!"

"Ah... so it's safe?" Mami asks.

Homura answers for you, to your surprise. "I've done it many times," she says, tone utterly bland.

You shoot her a smile and a nod of thanks.

Mami nods, smile returning. A thought seems to occur to her, and she giggles again. "S-Sabrina- does that make Homura Tuxedo Mask? Or is that you?"

"... you know I have no idea?" you say, considering that for a moment. "I vote Homura, she has the hair and the dark bishie look for it. And she's more than mysterious enough."

"True, but... who would be Usagi, then?" Mami asks, glancing back at the sink.

"Not Homura," you say immediately. You gently nudge Mami towards the sink, and the both of you move over. "Maybe Madoka? What do you think, Homura?" you ask, looking back over your shoulder.

She shrugs. "Madoka is... Madoka."

"Yeah, not really that good a fit, I guess," you concede.

You and Mami demolish the stack of dishes in short order, and retire back to the living room, where you flop on the couch, Mami cuddled into your side. To your faint surprise, Mami doesn't really seem to be concerned about the raid on the Yakuza at all, apart from wanting to cling to you.

But then, what else is new?

You glance at the clock. It's only eight... well, approaching eight. Still relatively early, though the day feels like it's been dragging on forever. Still, things to attend to. "Mami, Homura?" you say.

"Mmm?" Mami lifts her head to peer up at you, drill hair rustling slightly. Homura simply looks over at you silently.

"I'm thinking we should go and see Miss Ono?" you suggest. "And um, Homura, if you'd like to come along, you're welcome too."

"Ah... yes, we do need to," Mami says, looking down. "I was hoping we could do it tomorrow, though... I was hop- I have homework to do tonight." She looks hopefully up at you, though there's a bit of dismay in her expression.

[] Write-in


Hmm? What's wrong, Mumi?
We can't keep putting this off.
[q] Procrastinate

Firnagzen said:
"Sabrina, did you j-jus- pfff-" Mami doesn't make it to the sentence, dissolving into quivering giggles that grows into clear peals full bodied laughter. She wobbles half a step forward, collapsing against you for support.

Firnagzen said:
She shrugs. "Madoka is... Madoka."
Madoka ain't no fictional character!

Firnagzen said:
"Ah... yes, we do need to," Mami says, looking down. "I was hoping we could do it tomorrow, though... I was hop- I have homework to do tonight." She looks hopefully up at you, though there's a bit of dismay in her expression.
Time to decipher what was Mami planning on doing. OK everyone, we've got 20 hours. More, maybe.
Maybe she wanted to study with us? We did offer, after all; I could see her just wanting to chill after all the various happenings. Not so much studying in particular, but a normal night with her best friend?
"Oh, did you check on her?" Mami asks with a frown. "That's not a smart thing to do. Her magic, I mean."

Homura shrugs fractionally, lapsing back into silence, spoon darting between the bowl and her mouth.

"I think we need to talk to Miss Ono," Mami says, biting her lip and looking down at her bowl. "It's... not wise."

"Yeah," you agree. "Sooner rather than later."

Mami nods, looking concerned. "It's still early tonight, so... maybe?"

"Maybe," you agree. "Let's finish dinner first."

She nods again, looking thoughtful.
Then dinner and timestop happened.

If we really want to put this off, we can arrange to meet Ono for cleansing near her school, after accompanying Mami to Mitakihara Middle School.
Also, as a side note: Both MGZL and "In the Name of the Moon" have resulted in a cheered up, non traumatized oujo. Clearly, this means that Sabrina being a nerdy goofball is the optimal path for maximum happiness. :V
[q]use your new supply of cash to go buy a Sailor Moon cosplay outfit
-[q]attempt to combine it with your magical girl outfit
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"... you know I have no idea?" you say, considering that for a moment. "I vote Homura, she has the hair and the dark bishie look for it. And she's more than mysterious enough."

I am vaguely disappointed no-one here had the presence of mind to say "Yeah, but you're the one wearing pants".

If only Kirika were present for this discussion.

Though as the mysterious foreigner who sometimes says silly things, we're obviously Minako (who is Japanese, but lived in England for a while so is more like a foreigner than anyone else).
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