"Weeeeellll," you say, putting down a soaped plate and stepping away from the sink. Mami's gaze follows you, looking curious.
You throw one hand wide, gesturing in Homura's vague direction. "The unapproachable beauty, talk of Mitakihara, Akemi Homura teamed up
with-" your other arm swings in front of you, dipping down slightly as your twist your body away from Mami, "-the mysteriously appearing foreigner Sabrina!"
You sweep both arms around you, curling your middle and ring fingers in on each hand before crossing them over your chest. "Together! They used their
secret identities and superpowers to fight crime and correct injustice!" You grin proudly at Mami as soap suds slide down your hand, soaking into your blouse.
Mami stares at you, mouth open. You can hear a faint groan behind you.
"Sabrina, did you j-jus- pfff-" Mami doesn't make it to the sentence, dissolving into quivering giggles that grows into clear peals full bodied laughter. She wobbles half a step forward, collapsing against you for support.
Her laughter's contagious, and you join in, delighted, as you support her. You can see Homura out of the corner of your eye, rubbing at her forehead in exasperation.
Mami laughs until she runs out of breath, wheezing helplessly in your arms, gasping fits of giggles bubbling from her. "S-so-" Mami chokes out between giggles, "-did you punish anyone in the name of the moon?'
"Sure," you say with a grin. "I helped Homura, ah, chastise some Yakuza by, shall we say, restocking her weapons. I, uh, kind of got some souvenirs, too."
Mami peeks up at your face, trying to see if you're serious this time, her mirth fading a little. "You...
robbed the Yakuza?"
"Well... yes," you say sheepishly. "I was careful! And Homura's done it before! We made sure not to leave any fingerprints or anything, and she was using her power the whole time!"
"Ah... so it's safe?" Mami asks.
Homura answers for you, to your surprise. "I've done it many times," she says, tone utterly bland.
You shoot her a smile and a nod of thanks.
Mami nods, smile returning. A thought seems to occur to her, and she giggles again. "S-Sabrina- does that make Homura Tuxedo Mask? Or is that you?"
"... you know I have no idea?" you say, considering that for a moment. "I vote Homura, she has the hair and the dark bishie look for it. And she's more than mysterious enough."
"True, but... who would be Usagi, then?" Mami asks, glancing back at the sink.
Not Homura," you say immediately. You gently nudge Mami towards the sink, and the both of you move over. "Maybe Madoka? What do you think, Homura?" you ask, looking back over your shoulder.
She shrugs. "Madoka is... Madoka."
"Yeah, not really that good a fit, I guess," you concede.
You and Mami demolish the stack of dishes in short order, and retire back to the living room, where you flop on the couch, Mami cuddled into your side. To your faint surprise, Mami doesn't really seem to be concerned about the raid on the Yakuza at all, apart from wanting to cling to you.
But then, what else is new?
You glance at the clock. It's only eight... well, approaching eight. Still relatively early, though the day feels like it's been dragging on forever. Still, things to attend to. "Mami, Homura?" you say.
"Mmm?" Mami lifts her head to peer up at you, drill hair rustling slightly. Homura simply looks over at you silently.
"I'm thinking we should go and see Miss Ono?" you suggest. "And um, Homura, if you'd like to come along, you're welcome too."
"Ah... yes, we do need to," Mami says, looking down. "I was hoping we could do it tomorrow, though... I was hop- I have homework to do tonight." She looks hopefully up at you, though there's a bit of dismay in her expression.
[] Write-in
Hmm? What's wrong, Mumi?