You really think Firn would hand us "get out of social free" card?

Not that I expect to have much time for SoL while conquering Japan :rofl:

I meant after we've dealt with all the immediate threats (like Walpurgisnacht and possibly Asunaro) and have mostly worked through everyone's psychological issues, but still have to figure out a bunch of science before we're ready to go all King of Conquerors on the rest of the world.
I'm pretty content to be limited to Sabrina's POV, right now, otherwise it opens the can of worms to metagaming more than the original premise intended.
We can always write bad non-canon Omake about what other groups might think about Sabrina.

Sakura had dropped me off in the middle of our territory and taken of again almost immediately, only stopping to tell me that they would contact us, if something happens in Sendai.

I don't really know what to tell the others.

This started with a simple job offer, a way to repay Hamasaki and earn some grief seeds. Nothing complicated.
Well, that was before Miss Sabrina got involved. I mean, really, grief powers?
I still can't believe they are real.
She even can cleanse gems and seeds!
If I hadn't seen her cleanse my soul gem, I would have just thought she was lying or crazy.
Well, I'm still not sure about the crazy, but I guess with her powers she can afford to act like that.

I mean, she beat Sendai and Fukushima, had them at her mercy and then allows them to go free, just like that?
She even got everyone to help with the search and rescue after the fighting was over. Who does that?
In Tokyo you would make sure the competition stays down after such a curbstomp.

The University girls also don't know much about her.
From what they told me Miss Sabrina just came over to help them out of the blue, tried and failed to negotiate between them and Hamasaki's group and then Hamasaki ambushed them and paid for it.
That's it.
Miss Sabrina's reason for helping is that she wants to help. No ulterior motive, they know of.

Unsuprisingly Sakura wasn't really talkative on the way back. No new info from her.
It doesn't help that I now understand, why she called Miss Sabrina witch girl all the time on the way to Sendai.

Not really much to work with. So what do I know?

Ridiculously powerful. I didn't even see her coming. One second I'm talking to Hamasaki and the next I'm bound in Grief.
The University girls told me a few things about the rest of the battle and I really, really, really don't want to fight her after hearing that.
Flying grief razor blades? Tanking building vaporizing lasers? Stealing your soul gem?
No, thank you.

Tries to help everyone? Maybe some sort of hero complex? Just a really nice person?
There aren't many magical girls that will just jump into an ongoing conflict just to stop it without expecting something in return.

And then of course her offer.

Cleansing soul gems and refreshing seeds.
She can do it of course and seeing the way she treated the Sendai girls after they lost, I makes me think she was serious about the offer and will go through with it.
She seems nice enough for that.

But convincing the others that this really happened?
That the offer is real and not just a bad joke?

This might take a while.

Changed the formatting a bit, to hopefully make it easier to read.
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Miss Sabrina's reason for helping is that she wants to help. No ulterior motive, they know of.
Of course there's an ulterior motive! We're setting up our meguca empire! Or we're planning to get expand our influence and use it to create better ways to harvest energy and using that to demand Kyubey stop offering contracts. Or just planning to kick Kyubey off planet. Or we're planning to put hats on everybody's heads. Or making the meguca world a nice place where we can ship everybody...

OK, look, I don't know what our ulterior motives are, but they sure exist! I can tell you that much.
OK, look, I don't know what our ulterior motives are, but they sure exist! I can tell you that much.

We're too obvious about the motives we develop to have an 'ulterior' one. A conversation would probably go something like this:

Random suspicious meguca (or Sakura, whatever): "No-one can be as nice as you claim to be. What's your real motive?"
Sabrina: "I want to put hats on everyone's heads!"
(loud aside, in front of everyone) "And work out how Mami does that thing with her teacups."
We're too obvious about the motives we develop to have an 'ulterior' one. A conversation would probably go something like this:

Random suspicious meguca (or Sakura, whatever): "No-one can be as nice as you claim to be. What's your real motive?"
Sabrina: "I want to put hats on everyone's heads!"
(loud aside, in front of everyone) "And work out how Mami does that thing with her teacups."
Mami: "I could teach y-"

Sabrina: "Hush Mami! I'm trying to not fail at diplomacy!"
(loud aside, in front of everyone) "And failing miserably."
I'm pretty content to be limited to Sabrina's POV, right now, otherwise it opens the can of worms to metagaming more than the original premise intended.

Not saying you're wrong but isn't that a little presumptuous?

If the quest was proceeding as intended, we'd probably still be up against Oriko. Sabrina's meta was intended to act as counter to Oriko's precog. Firn is perfectly capable of saying no, or revealing just enough for us to arrive to the wrong conclusion like in the Sendai arc.
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Not saying you're wrong but isn't that a little presumptuous?

If the quest was proceeding as intended, we'd probably still be up against Oriko. Sabrina's meta was intended to act as counter to Oriko's precog. What if requesting meta is a valid option? Firn is perfectly capable of saying no, or revealing just enough that we'd probably arrive to the wrong conclusion like in the Sendai arc.

This. How are we supposed to find our next Arc boss if it has to come to us first? We must have world-building chapters, so we can learn the cheat codes of the universe!

Also, randomly switching topics here, Dedolare would be an anti-Madokami. She'd have hope, and Dedolare'd have Grief, or anti-hope. This, of course, means that Homucifer is not actually Homucifer, she's Homuthulu, because the factions are always the Good, the Bad, and the Squid, and since Hope = Good and Grief is the opposite of hope, Grief = Bad, so Homu has no choice but to be squid.

You are now imagining Homuthulu's hair as combat tentacles.
Not saying you're wrong but isn't that a little presumptuous?

If the quest was proceeding as intended, we'd probably still be up against Oriko. Sabrina's meta was intended to act as counter to Oriko's precog. Firn is perfectly capable of saying no, or revealing just enough for us to arrive to the wrong conclusion like in the Sendai arc.

Honestly, though, the Oriko-meta you're referring to is slightly different from what's now being proposed because at the end of the day it's basically confirmation that Oriko as just similar enough to our canon knowledge that we could approach properly based on said knowledge.

I'm not sure I'm okay with having meta-awareness via omakes of Firn's OCs or other things that wouldn't fall in the scope of the canon media.

Of course I'm completely down with omake visions set in...ASURANO!!!!

Also, randomly switching topics here, Dedolare would be an anti-Madokami. She'd have hope, and Dedolare'd have Grief, or anti-hope. This, of course, means that Homucifer is not actually Homucifer, she's Homuthulu, because the factions are always the Good, the Bad, and the Squid, and since Hope = Good and Grief is the opposite of hope, Grief = Bad, so Homu has no choice but to be squid.

You are now imagining Homuthulu's hair as combat tentacles.

Nah, Homura's the devil because she opposes God. Dedolere would be Cthulhu because, like...look Sabrina's already basically an eldritch abomination to other Magical Girls, might as well run with it.
Eh, if Sabrina/Dedolere is the child of god sent to save everyone, that makes her meguca Jesus.
Honestly, though, the Oriko-meta you're referring to is slightly different from what's now being proposed because at the end of the day it's basically confirmation that Oriko as just similar enough to our canon knowledge that we could approach properly based on said knowledge.

I'm not sure I'm okay with having meta-awareness via omakes of Firn's OCs or other things that wouldn't fall in the scope of the canon media.

Of course I'm completely down with omake visions set in...ASURANO!!!!

Or we can leave it to Firn and he can decide what he's ready to reveal and what he isn't. The world of PMAS is huge. Whatever Firn writes doesn't have to be relevant to our circumstances. We have enough on our plate as is to the point we're struggling to come up with enough time to deal with it all.

That doesn't stop me from being curious what's going on outside our neck of the woods though.
Or we can leave it to Firn and he can decide what he's ready to reveal and what he isn't. The world of PMAS is huge. Whatever Firn writes doesn't have to be relevant to our circumstances. We have enough on our plate as is to the point we're struggling to come up with enough time to deal with it all.

That doesn't stop me from being curious what's going on outside our neck of the woods though.

I can think of another way to make an argument for more story posts not involving us (At least not directly): It's more story posts not involving us, which means that Firn will write more (If he feels like it), because he won't require our input for the advancement of the plot, meaning that such posts could potentially be larger than our average story posts.

I am aware that my argument sounds like I'm advocating greed here, but I, personally, enjoy reading what Firnagzen writes, and any chance to be given more of it is good, regardless of what we'll get out of it IC.
Madoka is also Kannon, the first Bodhissatva and the Goddess of Mercy. A new form of her is invented for pretty much every issue, including contemporary ones like abortion and alzheimer's, so we could also just be Kannon, She-Who-Absolves-Grief.
Madoka is also Kannon, the first Bodhissatva and the Goddess of Mercy.
Likewise, Akuma Homura is not only Lucifer, but Mara, a tempter demon who's all about preventing enlightenment.

Which amuses me, because it means that if the Church of Madokami actually became a thing it would sound so much like a syncretism of Buddhism and Christianity.
If we're writing silly things...

"I think that's everybody!" Shouts Sabrina, trying to make herself heard over the heavy rain.

"Not yet!" Says Mami. "Tachibana-san's bringing one more group..."


"...And here they are." She finishes.

A group of girls in frilly outfits materializes out of the blue in front of their eyes. Immediately, they start looking around, dazed, before realizing they're getting soaked in rain water and running for the nearest cover. Unfortunately...

"Witch!" Weapons of all sorts are brougth out of nowhere in an instant.

Mami sighs, stepping forward before anybody could start swinging. "Greetings, everybody! Please ignore the witch-like signature, it's simply a byproduct of our friend Sabrina's power!"

Everybody stops and looks at the white haired girl, awkwardly waving at them. Before a word could be spoken, there's some yelling as somebody shoves her way out of the tense Magical Girl group.

"Get off! Let me through! Teleporting so many people's tiring work!" Forward comes Sakura, who simply looks up at the grief construct while holding a Soul Gem out to Sabrina, who quickly cleanses it. After a moment, Sakura looks as Sabrina, raising an eyebrow. "Really? You want us to meet in your Labyrinth?"

Sabrina pinches the bridge of her nose, eyes closed. "It's not my Labyrinth, it's just a building made out of grief. We needed to get out of the rain, and I've been warned against grief awnings."

Sakura narrows her eyes at Sabrina, before sighing and moving on inside, though not without a parting shout: "And why a warehouse, of all things!"

Sabrina looks down, morose. "I... I had to. After what happened to Warehouse-kun..."

Mami goes to move closer to Sabrina, but hesitates, a look of plain confusion in her face. Before she can decide on what to do, a clap interrupts Sabrina's thoughts, as she looks to see Kirika standing beside her, supporting hand in her shoulder.

Sabrina gives Kirika a grateful smile, before turning to the other Magical Girls, who seem to be reconsidering their presence at this particular place and time.

"Well," she says, "come on! With you here, we can get this meeting started!"

Sabrina, Mami and Kirika turn around and enter the grief-warehouse, leaving the other girls looking at each other for a moment, before they consider they're now short one teleporter and they'd rather get out of the rain, than going back home on foot.

Inside is controlled chaos. Girls in outfits representing all the color of the rainbow moving around, shouting conversations, some sitting around, snacking on some food and drinks spread around for that purpose. The sound of the rain could barely be heard over the general chatter.

A few big tables are set up in a big circle, one of them slightly raised; there sits Oriko, calmly observing the room, shouting a sharp word here and there to the mass of magical girls; waving at Kirika as this one claims for her attention; sometimes quickly stealing a nervous glance to Homura standing behind her. For her part, Homura's eyes twitch back and forth, trying to keep track of everybody moving around, but mostly she rests her gaze on the back of Oriko's head, and waits.

Sabrina takes a seat on the table to the left of Oriko's and, after waiting for Mami and Kirika to sit at her sides, she gives the girl with the bucket-hat a thumbs up.

*THUNK* "Order!" Calls Oriko, hitting a gavel on a sound block.

Only the sound of rain remains for a moment as the mass of Magical Girls looks around, and slowly starts taking seat.

The mood shifts a bit, as everybody finishes settling down, some of the previously animated girls now tensely looking around, as if just now realizing something big is going on.

Oriko starts: "Welcome everybody, to the first meeting of the Magical Girl Foundation. It is my pleasure..."

"Hey," Kirika elbows Sabrina, "Magical Girl Foundation?" She smirks.

Sabrina grumbles, "I wanted to call it Mahou Shoujo Youkai, but everybody just looked at me weird when I said it."

Kirika raises her visible eyebrow at Sabrina, and snorts.

Sabrina huffs and rolls her eyes.

Mami absentmindedly puts a hand on Sabrina's elbow, and they both take a moment to smile at each other.

Sabrina looks around. Every Magical Girl she could find in the surrounding areas is in this room, everybody forming their little groups sitting slightly apart from everybody else: The girls form Ishinomaki are mostly paying attention; Kyouko and Yuma are still snacking, though Kyouko does seem to be lending an ear to the proceedings; both Sendai groups sit at opposite sides of the circle, everybody present, even Akiko, though the straight jacket gets some odd looks...

"Hey!" Kirika elbows Sabrina again. "They're talking about you!"

Sabrina starts, realizing Oriko's stopped talking, and now a girl in a grey and green armour, Ueda, is standing, talking to the room at large:

"...d such concerns aside, we're hopeful that this arrangement will improve the lives of magical girls everywhere. Already, we're seeing benefits, simply due to the reduced necessity for hunting Witches, though we'll continue to do so as is our duty." Udea stops for a moment, before continuing. "Anyway, I wanted to thank Miss Sabrina for her generous work in helping all of us instead of using her powers for ulterior motives."

Ueda goes to sit down, when she's interrupted.

"Wait, what?" Exclaims Sabrina. Ueda stops as everybody's attention turns to the white haired girl. "Of course I've got an ulterior motive!" Sabrina smiles while banging a fist on the table.

Everything's silent. Only the sound of raining remains. Up at her table, Oriko grabs her head in her hands, while Homura's mouth hangs open, hands twitching. Besides Sabrina, Kirika and Mami give her looks, clearly questioning the wisdom of such a proclamation.

"I KNEW IT!" Sakura stands, pointing at Sabrina. "You admitted it, Witch Girl! You're up to no good!"

The chatter starts back up, heightened in intensity, now not so half casual, half nervous as when everybody was settling in, but alarmed, a feeling of fear filling the room, as girls start looking around at the very walls which surround them, wondering if it was a good idea to enter the crazy white haired girls' terrain.

"ORDER!" Bellows Oriko. In the brief silence that follows, she throws a glance at Sabrina, seeming to weight her chances. Before an uproar can erupt again, Oriko points at Sabrina. "Explain."

Sabrina smiles, confident as she stands up. "I want a world where no Magical Girl must fear for her life! I aim to rid our world of the constant need for hunting, for seeds; to do away with that Sword of Damocles you're all so very used to have hanging above your heads. I want to destroy the bad blood that stands between us, so we may live our lives, happy as we should be! So we will support each other, not fear each other!"

"Get to the point!" Shouts Sakura.

Sabrina closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, before re-opening, a burning passion within. "I will destroy this wretched system. I will give back to every single one of you, the closest I can give you to a normal life, one without the constant fear of death, without worrying that your life might expire any day you can't keep up the constant fighting; I'll erase the fear you have for each other, so you won't be enemies of necessity, no territories to protect. You will never lack for Grief Seeds, you will never hoard territory, you'll never hope to find a Witch you can kill.

Sabrina smirks, "And once all that is done, once you all can live happy, normal lives, and you accept your new circumstances, free of hate and fear... I... Will... Be able... TO SHIP EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!" She bellows and throws her arms up in the air, laughing maniatically. *KRACK-A-THOOOM* The room is suddenly filled with light, as thunder roars outside. Sabrina stops laughing, frowning at the ceiling, "So now it works." She mutters.

Once more, the room goes silent as everybody processes the news. There's some uncomfortable glances thrown at Sabrina and between many girls of each group. Sakura's eyes slide over to Rin, sitting beside her, before snapping back forward. Just in time, everybody turns to look at her, waiting for an answer.

"I... Ah... That's... not so bad?" She stammers.

There's murmurs and quite a few blushes around the room as girls debate the merits of being "shipped" with each other and whether that's worth a life without needing for Seeds. Some are rather positive, or uncaring, while others seem to give the matter some deep thought.

"I can live with that."

"It's mad, but... in a good way?"

"That's crazy enough to work..."

Sabrina smiles at Homura and Oriko, giving them a thumbs up, to which they just give her resigned nods, before Sabrina turns to to Mami and opens her mouth to talk.

Before she can say anything, she's interrupted by a hand gripping her shoulder, as she's forcibly turned around to look at Kirika. This one firmly looks at Sabrina in the eyes, with an intensity she's seldom witnessed. "Sabrina?" asks Kirika.


Kirika looks down, eyes shut tight. "I... I didn't know..." Suddenly, her eyes openwide as she smiles radiantly, "you had such noble goals!" Kirika takes Sabrina by both her shoulders. "I want you to know, I'm with you on this, all the way." She states solemnly.

Sabrina tentatively smiles, "Ah... T-thanks, best buddy." Sabrina lifts a fist in the air between them.

Kirika grins. "You're welcome." She fistbumps Sabrina.

"Order! Order!" Calls Oriko...
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That snippet made me realize that when we should totally use our barrier to make a laboratory for all our SCIENCE. Maybe even include a clean room for when we want to try fabricating magitek.