Our Benefactor pt. 14
You bite your lip, worry churning your stomach. You fight the urge to throw caution to the wind, to race to Mami's side by every means you have available to you. It wouldn't help, not here.

You think.

You desperately hope you're not making a mistake.

"Mami, I..." you say, looking around the bare rooftop. Nothing really here, apart from a small entranceway to what you presume are the stairs to the rest of the building. "Don't push yourself too hard, please? Take your time."

Mami doesn't respond for a moment. "I... It's hard."

You lower yourself to sit on the roof, legs crossed. You can see the towering glass edifice of Mitakihara Middle School just beyond the park, so close you can almost touch it. And somewhere within that school is Mami. Mami, Homura, Madoka, Sayaka, and Hitomi. Your friends.

"Mami," you say, keeping your voice gentle. "Um, have you checked your Soul Gem?"

A pause. "Oh," she says, voice small.

"Hey. It's alright," you say, trying to keep your voice soothing. To hide the worried tremor that wants to sneak in. "Do you have a Grief Seed with you?"

"I, yes, of course," she says. "I... let me make sure the nurse isn't looking."

"That's fine," you say. Absently, you check the time on your phone. Not too much longer to go. Would they let Mami out when school's finished? She's in the nurse's office, after all. "But hey. Do you want to talk about it?"

Mami doesn't respond for a moment. You worry at your lip, brow furrowing as you stare at the school in the distance, but... you don't push her, letting her gather her thoughts. Instead, you spare a sliver of attention to dissolve the... you suppose you could call it an Ioun stone. Grief streams away from the azure blue stone as it shatters and the colour drains.

"I cleansed my Soul Gem," Mami says, a minute later.

"OK, good," you say, relieved.

"I-it's hard," Mami whispers. "I... I want. S-Sabrina, I'm trying."

"I know," you say. "And... you don't need to force yourself, Mami. Really, you don't. Just, please. Take as much time as you need?"

"I... I'll try," Mami replies, and falls silent again.

You wait, but Mami doesn't seem inclined to start speaking again. "Well, I'm on my way to school. Do you want me to drop by now? Or maybe ask Madoka and Homura to come visit you?" you ask cautiously.

"N-no," Mami says hurriedly. "I-I'll come out as soon as I can."

"OK," you say. You hop to your feet in one smooth motion, and your wings pump once, just enough to send you over the edge. You plummet to the alley below, and begin walking towards the school at a fast clip, threading past the few people on the streets at this hour. "I'll be there, OK?"

"A-alright," Mami replies, a tiny trace of relief in her voice.

"Won't be long until school's dismissed, right?" you ask, more out of wanting to say something, anything - you already know it is, after all.

"I, yes," Mami says. "I'll ask the nurse to let me out."

"Mmm... Don't push yourself, OK? I can come up, if you like?" you offer. You're still not entirely sure how you'd get up there, but it's not insurmountable, by any means. More of a matter of how subtle your arrival is going to be. And how much not-really-bitching you're going to get from the furry white rat.

"It should be fine..." Mami says.

"Alright," you agree. "I'll be there."

A few minutes later, you're waiting at the school gates when the bell rings.

Scant moments later, Mami's form appears at the doors, moving almost at a sprint. She crosses the distance in moments, slowing to a tremulous walk a few steps in front of you. Behind her, the few students who don't have club activites for the day finally begin leaving the school, sending confused glances at Mami.

[] Write-in


So Familiar Oriko is a Psyduck?
That's exactly what I was thinking while writing that. :p

Dammit, Sakura I'm a magical girl, not a witch!
*Sabrina's spinning on a spinny chair while saying this, then starts to laugh at her own joke*
Homura: *Wide eyes* "Laughter..."
Sabrina: "What was that?"
Homura: "S-Spinning..." *Flashbacks to Walpurgisnacht*
Sabrina: "Homura, are you OK? You look like you've seen a ghost."
Homura: "Those colors..." *Arm twitching*
Sabrina: "Ah, shit."

EDIT: Oh, hey look at that, best kind of ninja'd.
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That could have gone worse!:D

Okay. Now, we have students staring at us, which we don't care about, but Mami might. Mami s desperately wanting to get to us, so we don't want to do anything that says we're rejecting her ... hmmm ...
That could have gone worse!:D

Okay. Now, we have students staring at us, which we don't care about, but Mami might. Mami s desperately wanting to get to us, so we don't want to do anything that says we're rejecting her ... hmmm ...
Instead of greeting her normally with hugs, we could...

[] Smile. Hold out your hand for her to take.

No hugs. Not right now while there's other, curious kids watching, at least.
Seeing Mami try so hard to hold back even though she clearly wants to hug us or take our hand is heartbreaking.
But that really shows that she's making progress even if it is hard for her.

Why not both? Seems like a good vote start.

[X] "I'm here."
[X] Smile. Hold out your hand for her to take.
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[x] Guilop

Seems good to me. I don't want to plan too far ahead until we know more
Er, holding someone's hand is a more intimate gesture than hugging them. Seriously, friends hugging each other is common in the Western world--holding hands? Not so much. Amplify what is considered intimate by Japanese standards, and the same difference holds true.

Plus, hugging is more comforting, so it's more practical too.

[X] Smile. "I'm here."
[X] hug teh mumi
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Why, brain? Why do you always think of the worst things to do at any given moment?

"I'm here." Sabrina says, smiling while holding her hand out.

Mami hastily reaches out and takes Sabrina's hand. Immediately, her trembling stops; she sighs as tension leaves her shoulders. Her lips twitch into a tentative smile.

"Actually," Sabrina's grip on Mami's hand loosens. Mami's breath hitches and she blinks confusedly at Sabrina, "I'm not actually here." Mami desperately tightens her grip on Sabrina's hand as this one starts to bend and shift like clay.

Mami's mouth moves but no sound comes out of it, as Sabrina's smile trembles, her whole body shaking once, before her colors start to drain and her skin melts down into a black sludge until all that's left of her are a little pile of black marbles.

As Mami looks down, trembling hand still held out trying to grab onto something, the marbles dissolve into a black mist, spreading out and vanishing into thin air.

... Oh, um... Behold!... A nightmare!
Thinking a hug is definitely called for here. If there's ever a time or a place not to hold back, this is PROBABLY it. Seriously, there's no reason for it and teh Mumi needs hugs.

[] "I'm here."
[] Smile. Hug Mami.
[]Ask Mami if she wants to just head back home.
[]If so...
-[]Telepathy Ono. Apologize, and say something came up. We can meet her later or tomorrow, if she's alright with that.
-[]Ping Madoka and the others. Don't give specifics.
-[]Head back with Mami.
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While offering our hand is a nice gesture, didn't some of the people who had RL experience with this type of thing suggest that we don't initiate physical contact? I know we technically are leaving the decision up to her, but we're putting pressure on her to accept. If she wants a hug, she can still hug us.

[X] "I'm here"

I like this for it's simplicity. It's both reassuring, and non-pressuring. All Mami has to process is that we are here, now.
Kyousuke'll live without healing for a day, and Ono orientation doesn't need to happen right this minute.

While offering our hand is a nice gesture, didn't some of the people who had RL experience with this type of thing suggest that we don't initiate physical contact? I know we technically are leaving the decision up to her, but we're putting pressure on her to accept. If she wants a hug, she can still hug us.

[X] "I'm here"

I like this for it's simplicity. It's both reassuring, and non-pressuring. All Mami has to process is that we are here, now.
We're not a Vulkan and this is a case where Mami'd clearly be willing to accept it.

That line's practically a nonvote in terms of content.
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Kyousuke'll live without healing for a day, and Ono orientation doesn't need to happen right this minute.
Well, it's up to Mami, though I don't think she'll take the offer to skip on today's plans. Partly because she doesn't want to seem needy and partly because she'll be feeling a lot better now that Sabrina's there. And partly because she won't want to skip when she agreed to help someone.

I'm kind of worried that she won't like the idea of us leaving to go 'shopping' with Homura, even if it happens during timestop; she might feel excluded. I doubt we would or maybe even could hide it from her, but it should be OK?

While offering our hand is a nice gesture, didn't some of the people who had RL experience with this type of thing suggest that we don't initiate physical contact? I know we technically are leaving the decision up to her, but we're putting pressure on her to accept. If she wants a hug, she can still hug us.

[X] "I'm here"

I like this for it's simplicity. It's both reassuring, and non-pressuring. All Mami has to process is that we are here, now.
She crosses the distance in moments, slowing to a tremulous walk a few steps in front of you.
Right now Mami's... trembling? Unsure?

I think she might need the encouragement.

I don't know. I think I'll sit this one out.
[X] "I'm here."
[X] Smile. Hold out your hand for her to take.

Mami'll probably tackle-hug us anyway :V
...so we should not do the right thing because someone else will probably do it anyway? What kind of reasoning is that?

Even then, it's not likely. Mami is...Mami. If she sees us not initiating, welcoming, or indicating a hug, she'll hesitate herself no matter how much she wants one. She's trying to stop doing these kinds of things even if it means forcing herself to (even though it's clearly hurting her a lot), which is something we don't want to encourage because it is unhealthy. Her breakdown today is the direct result of that approach to solving one's issues.
Gonna point out that physical intimacy is very heavily frowned upon in public in Japan. Huging her out here could well be humiliating for her.

@AuraTwilight, what do you think?
....jesus christ what the fuck

We've been doing EXACTLY THAT time and time again for a while now. Why the hell is everyone suddenly acting like it's unprecedented or entirely different?

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We're not a Vulkan and this is a case where Mami'd clearly be willing to accept it.

That line's practically a nonvote in terms of content.

Of course she'd accept it, she is in no position to refuse. She's wracked with guilt over her dependency on us, with worry and fear of separation from us. Even if she'd rather not hug us right now, here, in front of the school, she wouldn't refuse us. And that is why I am against hugging her.

And as for lack of content, it has as much content as the other votes. There are two decision points for both, one one which we agree. The other is whether we initiate physical contact or not. Deciding to wait and let Mami try to stand on her own two feet is also a decision.

However, of the two other options, I like the offering a hand much more than simply hugging her.
...so we should not do the right thing because someone else will probably do it anyway? What kind of reasoning is that?

Even then, it's not likely. Mami is...Mami. If she sees us not initiating, welcoming, or indicating a hug, she'll hesitate herself no matter how much she wants one. She's trying to stop doing these kinds of things even if it means forcing herself to (even though it's clearly hurting her a lot), which is something we don't want to encourage because it is unhealthy. Her breakdown today is the direct result of that approach to solving one's issues.
The thing is, almost anything we can do isn't helpful as well. This is frankly far beyond us.