We've been doing EXACTLY THAT time and time again for a while now. Why the hell is everyone suddenly acting like it'd unprecedented or entirely different?

Because it is different. Most of our intimacy with Mami has been in relative privacy. This is in front of the school as all the students are coming out. As in, Mami's entire non-magical life is looking at her here.

If Sabrina doesn't see how that's entirely different, then it's no wonder Sabrina is so bad at social.
Yep, sitting this one out, again.

Firn is playing very serious issues (in this case, co-dependency and aspects of trauma) so straight, so "real", that it is beyond our (as in the questers') ability to handle, or at least directly on our own. This level of seriousness and uncertainty is causing major "decision paralysis" for many of us.

We need to find professional (in universe) help.
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Yes, Japan, public shows of affection, that's a thing.

Not that it's stopped Sabrina from hugging Mami goodbye at the school gates before, though I imagine there's less of a public when school opens than when school finishes, though... Don't most students in the well off parts of Japan participate in after school clubs? It's not literally the whole student body out there, specially since Mami came outside so quickly.
Mami is the center of attention, and if we are overly affectionate with her here the whole school is going to know very shortly. Which could do very bad things to her reputation.
you spare a sliver of attention to dissolve the... you suppose you could call it an Ioun stone. Grief streams away from the azure blue stone as it shatters and the colour drains.
@Firnagzen: was Sabrina still able to detect Mami and Homura after this, or did that go away when she dismissed the stones?

[x] "I'm here."
[x] Do not pressure the Mumi into physical contact.
[x] Ask Mami if she wants to talk or if she'd rather hear about Sabrina's afternoon.
Mami is the center of attention, and if we are overly affectionate with her here the whole school is going to know very shortly. Which could do very bad things to her reputation.
Could is the operative word. It could. It also could not. Or it could, and Mami wouldn't care that much or the rest of the cast would get defensive of her or...

...you see where I'm going with this?

So; let me propose and addendum.

[x] Smile. "I'm here."
[x] Offer a hug, verbally.
-[x] Walk as close to her as she wants, regardless of if you two hugged.
[x] Ask Mami if she wants to talk about it or if she'd rather hear about Sabrina's afternoon.
Checking back on previous occasions, it's mostly quick hugs, regardless of who's watching:
the teacher on duty fixing you with a gimlet stare. Mami stops, turning to you as the others go ahead. You smile at her. "I'll see you after school, OK?"

Mami nods, trying to smile. "I... alright."

You pull her into a hug. "And there's always this, right?"

She nods against you. "Yes. It's not the same, but... yes."
Finally, you're standing at the school gates, Mami pausing and turning to face you, while students flow around you and into the school.

You smile at her. "I'll see you at lunch, OK?"

Mami bites her lip, already looking worried. "Alright," she agrees. She seems to steel herself, and then steps forward, throwing her arms around you in a quick hug, which you return, squeezing her lightly. She backs away, keeping her eyes on you, while you just smile at her.

You remain waiting, watching Mami walk into the school. Finally, with a last backward glance at you to fix you in her mind's eye, she disappears inside the school building proper.

You break out into a brisk trot, and make it to the school gates just as the school bell rings to signal the end of the school day, audible even from out here. The voices of the students rise to a hubbub, a few people beginning to trickle out in ones and twos.

Mami bursts from the school doors a moment later, school bag in hand. Her head swivels wildly as she hunts for you, and upon spotting you standing outside the gate, runs over, golden drills bouncing. She slows to a walk as she approaches, expression becoming apprehensive. Fearful and apprehensive, afraid that you've found some reason to discard her.

Your heart aches at the sight. Mami... shouldn't be this way. She shouldn't be jumping at shadows, worried that the slightest mistake she makes will offend you. She shouldn't be terrified of being alone.

But this is something that will take time to heal. Time, and friendship, and acceptance.

You smile at her, hiding your own worry, and you hold out a hand to her. She reaches out and takes it in her own, fingers interlacing with your own.

"I'm here," you say, squeezing her fingers between yours. "I'm here, Mami."

Mami takes a shuddering breath. "I... yes," she says.

It might be a little late to avoid rumours?

Right now, there's:
Scant moments later, Mami's form appears at the doors, moving almost at a sprint. She crosses the distance in moments, slowing to a tremulous walk a few steps in front of you. Behind her, the few students who don't have club activites for the day finally begin leaving the school, sending confused glances at Mami.
A few students, though yes, Mami is the center of atention.
[x] Smile. "I'm here."
[x] Offer a hug, verbally.
-[x] Walk as close to her as she wants, regardless of if you two hugged.
[x] Ask Mami if she wants to talk about it or if she'd rather hear about Sabrina's afternoon.
I think we're past the point of worrying about how physical intimacy is seen.

I also think there's a certain nonverbal poetry to offering our hand or hug and her accepting it. It reinforces that we're always here for her, but also that she can make her own decisions about what she wants from us.
[x] Rook

I like this vote because it (verbally and explicitly) offers Mami choices.

I have no personal experience with codependency. I looked it up on Wikipedia, but the article mostly dealt with codependence specifically relating to substance abuse and enablement, which doesn't really apply here. And it was extremely vague on treatment options. Does anyone have any recommendations for reading?
[x] Rook

I like this vote because it (verbally and explicitly) offers Mami choices.

I have no personal experience with codependency. I looked it up on Wikipedia, but the article mostly dealt with codependence specifically relating to substance abuse and enablement, which doesn't really apply here. And it was extremely vague on treatment options. Does anyone have any recommendations for reading?
This is not something we can or should be doing solely by ourselves.
I don't think the meeting with Megane can wait. She's going through her available cleanses rather fast. What I get from that is either her soul gem capacity is really awful, or she's using her seeds improperly.
I don't think the meeting with Megane can wait. She's going through her available cleanses rather fast. What I get from that is either her soul gem capacity is really awful, or she's using her seeds improperly.
I also think it'd be rather rude (and not at all helpful - perhaps the opposite of that), considering the current situation; our attention ought to be on Mami. Miss Ono can wait an update or two, yeah?
I also think it'd be rather rude (and not at all helpful - perhaps the opposite of that), considering the current situation; our attention ought to be on Mami. Miss Ono can wait an update or two, yeah?

Of course. It's just there was talk of putting off the meeting for later or even tomorrow. I found that to be rather problematic.

[x] Rook