I wonder what people would do if we made a grief body then accidentally forked ourselves. Two Sabrinas at the same time, the world could not handle it.
I wonder what people would do if we made a grief body then accidentally forked ourselves. Two Sabrinas at the same time, the world could not handle it.
How would that work? Would one of them be an NPC? Would we control both, in a de facto hive mind? Would it externalize the differences of opinion in the thread, with our companions being surprised to see what is very nearly the same person arguing so much?
I remember it happening. It was maybe around the same time we tested the blasters? Anyway, the normal magic hammer made a much bigger crater than the grief hammer. It's one of the main reasons I suggested using hammers for the rail gun actually. If it's a force multiplier not just an addition then the effects would be quite stunning. Ah well, the railgun can wait. As long as we finish it before walpurgis it doesn't matter hugely.
Well, we'd solve the Mami school problem...
100m range though :(
we confirmed that Sabrina does not need to breathe when we first tried the barrier thing to block everything out.
Checking... Not really.
Firnagzen said:
You sigh softly, considering what to- well, actually. You seal the book away in Grief again and dissolve the sphere, taking deep, grateful breaths of the fresh air outside the sphere. You're pretty sure you don't actually need to breathe, but the air in there was getting rather stale.
[jk] Make manifestations of all the questers in the thread.
[jk] Argue with yourselves furiously.
[jk] Tug of war to decide where to go, Sabrina is dragged by the rope.
Wait a second. If we end up with two Sabrinas, we're obligated to go to Asunaro posthaste. The clones demand it.
I doubt there's any danger of AI turning against us if we make a grief construct of Graf Eisen. On the other hand, creating a Unison Device, like Reinforce, out of grief is probably a very very bad idea. Way too many ways that could go wrong.
I remember it happening. It was maybe around the same time we tested the blasters? Anyway, the normal magic hammer made a much bigger crater than the grief hammer. It's one of the main reasons I suggested using hammers for the rail gun actually. If it's a force multiplier not just an addition then the effects would be quite stunning. Ah well, the railgun can wait. As long as we finish it before walpurgis it doesn't matter hugely.
I mean creating 'normal' magic hammers in different sizes, something that's being covered by the current vote.

justinkal said we tried it once, but found the hammers unwieldy. I think I remember some discussion about bigger hammers and them not being useful since we couldn't handle them, but now we know we can make giant grief hands...


EDIT: If we want try and create a definetly non-evil AI, we can start by ordering witchy grief to become JARVIS from Iron Man, or Dragon from Worm. Not likely to work, but super unlikely to turn against us!
I mean creating 'normal' magic hammers in different sizes, something that's being covered by the current vote.

justinkal said we tried it once, but found the hammers unwieldy. I think I remember some discussion about bigger hammers and them not being useful since we couldn't handle them, but now we know we can make giant grief hands...

One of the reasons I suggested making grief constructs of hammers that can change size but remain wieldable instead of the more simple task of making unwieldable giant hammers and giant grief hands to use them is that if it works, the spacial expansion and compression aspects of the task may get us closer to learning how to make either a barrier or a Bag of Holding (like how Homura stores her weapons).

That was the intended primary purpose of the test I proposed. AI creation was a secondary thing that could by the same construct, killing two birds with one stone if successful.
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I don't think an AI will work for meta reasons. The second you build an AI the quest is over for all intents and purposes. The correct answer to every problem from then onwards is just

[ ] Tell the AI the situation. Ask it what the perfect move to make is? Implement its suggestions.

And that's just boring as all hell. We'd have to move over to user fiction
I don't think an AI will work for meta reasons. The second you build an AI the quest is over for all intents and purposes. The correct answer to every problem from then onwards is just

[ ] Tell the AI the situation. Ask it what the perfect move to make is? Implement its suggestions.

And that's just boring as all hell. We'd have to move over to user fiction

Ehh, the kind of AI in Graf Eisen is nowhere near advanced enough for that. It's more meant for stuff like helping with spellcasting and giving you warnings to prevent surprise attacks.
@Jackercracks: That is kinda like what we do with Oriko already.

And in some ways, Oriko is better than AI for this.
I was thinking that myself, but there's a difference. Oriko gives predictions, AI gives solutions. Oriko goes 'that will end poorly, come up with a new plan'. AI goes 'this is how to solve everything forever in sequentially ordered steps'.
Size shifting would be cool, but I'm a little more hesitant about the idea of creating a sentient AI (for familiars or for anything else). That's a dangerous box to open (and a difficult one to close), so we should be sure that all of our bases covered before we try it. The potential benefits of creating a friendly AI are extremely tempting, but the potential downsides are... well, just look at Kyuubey for an example.
Hah, I thought we were on the save wavelength quite often. We've been reading the same stuff. High five.
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I don't think an AI will work for meta reasons. The second you build an AI the quest is over for all intents and purposes. The correct answer to every problem from then onwards is just

[ ] Tell the AI the situation. Ask it what the perfect move to make is? Implement its suggestions.

"Of course! It's so obvious!" Sabrina shouts, before embarking on a journey across the world to find a man in glasses with a red and white striped sweater and beanie.
Oriko has functional omniscience for the predictions and can try those until you find one that works.

AI does not have such omniscience, and won't be able to create long-term predictions due butterfly effect, limitation of light speed and 100m range no matter how good an observation it has.

Besides, we already know some solutions to some problems that we are unwilling to implement, or unable to due our own lack of skill (earth and enchantment). It is entirely possible that the solutions such hypothetical AI gives fall under "already know this".
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Oriko has functional omniscience for the predictions and can try those until you find one that works.

AI does not have such omniscience, and won't be able to create long-term predictions due butterfly effect, limitation of light speed and 100m range.
Yeah, I know. By the time you've finished step 9, step 10 is completely different from what it was when you were doing step 1. Plans altered and remade on the fly to suit changing outcomes. A'course, one of the first steps in most plans an AI would spit out is probably 'ask Oriko the following questions'.
Yeah, I know. By the time you've finished step 9, step 10 is completely different from what it was when you were doing step 1. Plans altered and remade on the fly to suit changing outcomes. A'course, one of the first steps in most plans an AI would spit out is probably 'ask Oriko the following questions'.
Hm. Could this mean that Sabrina is an artificial intelligence?
Remember that Kyubey is ultimately trying to save the world. Screwing over magical girls is merely the best way to achieve that.

If we can solve entropy, or demonstrate an ability to do so, then Kyubey ceases to be a threat.
AI does not have such omniscience, and won't be able to create long-term predictions due butterfly effect, limitation of light speed and 100m range no matter how good an observation it has.
Depends on the amount of information it has access to and how good it is at working from that. One AI way back before Earth was built managed to deduce the existence of income tax and rice pudding from "I think therefore I am".
In meta terms, our wish could not give us precog. Getting functional precog through our powers by producing a sufficiently powerful AI therefore is probably impossible, because the author disallowed it specifically in the beginning.

Something simple like combat assist might be possible though.