[x] Let Mami take the lead if she feels up to it, but don't push her if she doesn't.
[x] Drop the lichbomb
[x] Tell them about QB and the fact that he keeps that tidbit hidden from potential contractees, and that he likes to lie by omission.
[x] Observe their reaction.

I've stated it before, but it seems like I'll have to state it one more time, just drop the bloody lichbomb escalate based on how they handle it. There's no need to go balls deep into unknown territory before we even know their reaction.
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[X] Cannongerbil

Well, here we go. Hoping for that sweet spot in between 'bad' and 'horrible' that'll keep Sayaka from contracting due to meguca awesomeness and that'll keep Madoka from contracting due to meguca horribleness.

[] Observe their reaction.
Sayaka and Madoka hug each other, "We're surrounded by zombies!"
Mami claps her hands together. "Ah! You're right, Homura! Uhh... Taniguchi, I think?"
We must meet and confer with our fellow pants wearing meguca.
Sayaka sticks her tongue out at you, and then turns to Madoka. "Her brain damage is acting up again," she says in a stage whisper.
Yay, it's an in-story joke now as well.
Madoka shakes her head. "I think Miss Saotome was drinking last night!" she confides to you in a scandalized whisper.
I wonder if she was out with Junko. They're drinking buddies, right?
[x] Cannongerbil

One thing at the time, folks. This is a delicate subject we need to manage as much as we can.
In an attempt to mitigate the trauma associated with them learning the truth, I'm thinking we should put some effort for the lichbomb line instead of a generic point.
I think this is about the best buildup we could hope for to telling them. It's still going to suck, but it should suck less than it otherwise might.

Possible ideas for ways to make them feel useful ranked by likelihood and usefulness:
-Ask them to think up new ways to use your Grief. Pretty useful, they might think of something cool.
-Get them gathering information from news/internet about disasters that might be Meguca related. Kinda difficult what with Kyubey controlling the airwaves, but it should keep em busy and provide an early warning of anything massive going on.
-Get them to find someone deserving who you could sneakily heal. Possible: Good deed but takes up valuable time, best only use in an emergency if they're feeling really useless. Probably not even then.
-Make them into tactical command centre during combat using telepathy and maybe floating webcams held in grief. Might be helpful in combat situations, on the downside they'll be exposed to brutality of war, become legitimate targets to enemy forces. Recommend against.
-Ambassadors to nearby Magical Girls? Nope: too dangerous and possibly counter-productive, Meguca unlikely to respect non-Meguca when it comes to deals or other matters.
SCIENCE IDEA! Stick webcams in grief balls, make a command centre with screens inside mobile oppression palace, fight entire battle without being even slightly vulnerable. Not needed if we can figure out how Mami sees through ribbons.

Edit: changed vote to

[x] Cannongerbil
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In an attempt to mitigate the trauma associated with them learning the truth, I'm thinking we should put some effort for the lichbomb line instead of a generic point.

I don't think so. I'm not advocating hitting them with a club, metaphorically speaking, but there's not use in softening the punch.

They're not meguca, so some trauma won't kill them.
In an attempt to mitigate the trauma associated with them learning the truth, I'm thinking we should put some effort for the lichbomb line instead of a generic point.
I would too, but it's 1 in the morning and this week has been hard on me. I got as far as:

[] Well, it's about being a meguca.
[] We make it seem glamorous, but being a meguca isn't exactly all fun and games
[] No, I don't mean having to fight witches, though that is part of it too.
[] I mean, okay, look, you see this soul gem? *materialize soul gem* This name isn't just for show. This gem literally contains our soul. Your soul, if you choose to contract. If this thing gets more than a hundred meters away from me, this body will literally fall over dead.
[] Why? Well, to make us better fighters, supposedly. Even if our brains get crushed, or every drop of blood drains from our bodies, or if we get bisected, as long as the soul gem is intact, we'll still be alive.
[] That isn't hyperbole, by the way. I've seen a girl live on with only half her body. It's not a pretty sight.
[] something something Kyubey duplicitous bastard something something

before my brain said nope! and keeled over. Someone less sleep deprived take over please.
Meguca! Meguca! Meguca!
I love how we used that term twice by this point. Once in front of O&K, and the second while we were headed off to the trenches of that war going on. It's just funny.
Hey we haven't seen Kyouko recently. Think we should get her on our side? It increases our territory size a fair bit which we might need if we plan to start Empressing it up plus I kinda wanna see what happens if she meets Sayaka.

Someone less sleep deprived take over please.

I think we should add on

[ ] Make sure they know they shouldn't tell other Meguca about this, because telling them can literally kill them (be non-specific as to how).

Because we don't want that biting us in the arse later. Madoka accidentally lich-bombing an ally at the worst time would be pretty terrible.
Trying to hash together something based on the various ideas put forth. Obviously, this is only written from the perspective of Sabrina speaking; if Mami wants to make additional points, that's outside of this scope.

It's easy to say "drop the lichbomb", but there's numerous ways to present that info, and the lichbomb is composed of several individual points.

Basic progression looks like this:

1) about being a magical girl (topic intro)
2) deglamorize
3) risks?
4) soul gem/lich
5) reasoning
6) kyuubey deception

Needs to allow for secondary considerations (eg: you're still human). The info on Kyuubey being deceptive can lead into what he's being deceptive about, or it can go at the trailing end as a caveat against his misinformation. The actual soul gem statement can be at the start, or in the middle. 'Deglamorize' can present several different methods, some of which also mesh with the 'reasoning' section. The reasoning is an explanation to balance the soul gem effect with the risks of being a magical girl.

And all of it needs to walk the tightrope between the danger issues of all four girls.

Writing up varying approaches. They're not complete, but they give a general idea of the focus of the conversation.

Option 1:

This one focuses on Kyuubey as the 'villain', so moves the Kyuubey deception to the top.

[] It's about being a magical girl.
[] Kyuubey paints a rosy picture of what being a magical girl is about, but he leaves out a lot of details. And, as they say, the devil is in the details.
[] One such detail is exactly what happens to you when you become a magical girl.
[] Your soul is actually removed from your body and placed in a piece of jewelry — a Soul Gem.
[] Your body still works, but the thing that is 'you' is a separate object. Take it too far away and your body stops working.

Option 2:

This one focuses on the risks.

[] It's about being a magical girl.
[] Despite how it may look from the outside, it's not all fun and games. There are risks and difficulties that you face every day that you'd never have imagined.
[] You're constantly risking your life. While that may sound trivial and cliche, it's no laughing matter. Your body can be torn to shreds, and you'll feel every bit of it, but you'll still keep moving — as long as you still have your soul gem.
[] Because your Soul Gem — this little trinket — is now where your soul resides. If you make a wish, it's taken from your body and put into this little object.
[] Kyuubey won't tell you about this. There's lots of things about being a magical girl he won't tell you.

Option 3:

This one focuses on soul gem and consequences.

[] It's about being a magical girl.
[] This — this shiny piece of jewelry — is a Soul Gem. It means exactly what it says. This is my soul.
[] You saw it when I made a wish, right? The light that was extracted from my body and turned into this orb? Well this is where 'me' is, now.
[] There are numerous risks and dangers to being a magical girl. Kyuubey would tell you that this is necessary for you to be able to fight, but more likely he wouldn't tell you anything at all.
[] There are many things he won't tell you about being a magical girl, because there are many things that make your life — and the lives of those who care about you — far more difficult than you'd imagine. You don't realize what you're giving up until it's already happened.

Option 4:

Play up the secrets.

[] It's about being a magical girl.
[] A magical girl is all about secrets. Secrets that are kept from others, and secrets kept from you. Kyuubey is a master at playing with secrets, but there are some you need to know before you even consider thinking about making a wish.
[] One of the first is this — a Soul Gem. It's where your magic resides; but more than that, it's where you reside — your self, your soul. This is, quite literally, the soul of a magical girl. This is me.
[] Your body can be torn to shreds — and you will feel every bit of that — but you can still keep functioning as long as your Soul Gem is safe, because that's where you are now. Sort of. In a metaphorical, true self sense, I guess. I mean, your body is still you, and you're still human, but the Soul Gem is also you. Well, it's tough to deal with, and it can be tough to deal with others once you realize this.
[] And it's not like that's the only secret you have to deal with. There are many things he won't tell you about being a magical girl, and many things you may not even realize you've lost until you look around and they aren't there anymore. The people you care about, and the people who care about you... Don't think that a wish will necessarily make things better.

There are other variants. Anyone like to offer an opinion on what you think the best focus and order sequence is? What to emphasize, and what to downplay? What to bring up, and what to ignore?
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