Being human is hard. In retrospect, I can't really blame the Incubators for not understanding.
Being human is hard. In retrospect, I can't really blame the Incubators for not understanding.
Ooooh no. Let's not start feeling sorry for Kyubey. Out of all the people we've felt bad for mistreating, I don't think Kyubey should be one of them. He is essentially an intergalactic oil baron, except instead of oil he harvests the souls and suffering of little girls. He's evil, pure and simple.Being human is hard. In retrospect, I can't really blame the Incubators for not understanding.
Ooooh no. Let's not start feeling sorry for Kyubey. Out of all the people we've felt bad for mistreating, I don't think Kyubey should be one of them. He is essentially an intergalactic oil baron, except instead of oil he harvests the souls and suffering of little girls. He's evil, pure and simple.
Also, yeah, if Sendai can't calm her down, we'll have to intervene; if we leave her like this in their care, she'll almost certainly witch out.
I know. It's just that sometimes people start murmuring something to the effect of "well he's not really evil", and it annoys me. Sorry about that.I'm not sorry for him at all. I think I made my feelings clear in my vote post. But I understand the "I don't understand.".
Eh, nothing to flame war over. Still, we both agree he's not to be trusted and that he can go suck a lemon, yes? If so, we haven't really got much to disagree about.I... disagree with this characterization of Kyubey. To a fairly strong degree, if I'm honest. Just expressing my disagreement I suppose.
He's ok with driving humans to extinction, at the very least. That makes him an enemy of my species, and by extension, myself. Regardless of morality.
Eh, nothing to flame war over. Still, we both agree he's not to be trusted and that he can go suck a lemon, yes? If so, we haven't really got much to disagree about.
You're insane.Yeah, these are all things that get my murderboner going. Nuke them from orbit, then nuke them again.
No, no, that's a perfectly logical reaction to the Incubators: they can all go die in a fire. A large, nuclear, ball of it, in fact!
Akiko shrieks, eyes wild and crazed. You're not even sure if she's actually reacting to you sending her Soul Gem away or continuing her apparent insanity. "No! I must- No, no, no!" She squirms wildly, thrashing like a maddened animal in her binding of ribbons.
It understands people enough to manipulate them. That's enough for me hate it, personally.I really want to emphasize this. His actions are horrifying to us but he can't even begin to understand why.
Do bear in mind that evil is subjective. What he is doing is ultimately better for his species and the galaxy at large, so to him and his civilization what he is doing probably seems perfectly justified, but from our perspective he's willing to cause suffering to millions of people in order to benefit himself, so from our point of view he appears as an evil existence. It doesn't help that the Incubator civilization is physically incapable of empathizing with other civilizations.It's been said before but Kyubey isn't evil. If coobs is as utilitarian as he seems what he's doing would seem perfectly reasonable, better that a few suffer/die than have the whole universe slowly fade away.
I really want to emphasize this. His actions are horrifying to us but he can't even begin to understand why.