Wait, if she can do that, then why the hell did she never demonstrate that ability in our battle? She could've cause us to suffer deep bone freeze, which would've lasted longer and be more effective than trying to drown us.

Alternatively, the water she was using back then was created with her magic, and thus dissapears when she stops maintaining it.
Well, I agree that most obvious next step for me is to dump water on her and see if that snaps her out of it. Where to get it? Well if it's still raining, we can finally make that grief awning to collect rain water, just enough for a bucket of it.

Second option would be to get an empath/magical therapist/healer who can also affect minds. Considering how connected their group is thanks to Akiko's efforts, there's a good chance they've met at least one. Might be a good idea to ask Yumi or Sakura if they recall anyone with one of those powers.

And if we can't snap her out of it in a few minutes, and Akiko's really out of it, I think it's safe that we could leave her with her group for now, and try again tomorrow. Kirika needs her beauty sleep.
Why do I feel we're either gonna stay put or poke Akiko further into madness?

[X] Ask Mami to unbind Akiko.
[X]Let Sakura handle things for now.
[X]Ask Yumi and Tamiko to shed light on the situation.

Can't think of a better vote. Somehow, I don't think Akiko's enablers will be able to deal with this shit, either.
Wow, Akiko has indeed stahped.
I'm going to hazard a guess here and say that Akiko's wish is most likely something along the lines of "Never fail again." or "to be able to come back from her failures" or even "to be able to roll with the changes". This is ultimately just a guess, but it seems to fit the clues we've gotten so far. It would explain why she has a breakdown once she realized that she doesn't have a way out.
I thought Wishes always came true. How could she have wished to never fail or roll with changes when clearly neither of those things are true?
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I thought Wishes always came true. How could she have wished to never fail or roll with changes when clearly neither of those things are true?
Wishes are fulfilled to the letter and spirit of the wish, up to the degree provided by the contractee's potential. Akiko's potential is probably around Kyouko's level, which means that she probably isn't strong enough to warp fate such that she never fails in everything she does. She does have the potential, however, to change her thought processes such that she is supernaturally resilient to setbacks, as well as being able to quickly find a way to turn that failure into a success.

Well, that's the idea I was working with, anyway. As usual, bear in mind that this is just a hypothesis.
Well Akiko...

Let's fly grief seed sideways from under her nose?
Let's create a simulacrum of Kato Setsuka?

@Cannon: The second one, methinks.
So I was sitting here looking at cat pictures and I realized:

Kittens are sort of the universal mood lifter.

[] Make grief kittens, give to Akiko for cuddles

How bad of an idea?
Stray thought:
[] Cleanse Akiko as needed.


Well, unless she once pet kittens in a Barrier and they ate her hand, it should be fine.
So I was sitting here looking at cat pictures and I realized:

Kittens are sort of the universal mood lifter.

[] Make grief kittens, give to Akiko for cuddles

How bad of an idea?
Eh, it'd probably be a decent way to bring the mood up were Akiko not borderline Catatonic right now. Can't exactly cuddle a kitten if you are barely coherent of your surroundings, you know.

Hold on to the idea, though. Going to a kitten petting cafe will probably make for a good unwinding session after this is over.
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I don't think there's much we can do right now that won't make the situation a whole lot worse.

Waving a Seed under her nose like smelling salts is funny, but probably not actually going to help
It occurs to me that google would be helpful here

*searches how to handle people in shock*
Treatment for Emotional Shock:

Treatment options may include therapy as an effective method of resolving traumatic issues, desensitization therapy may help you work through anxiety about the source of the trauma, anti-anxiety medication may treat anxiety, panic, and phobias, and mood-stabilizing medication may help even out your mood.
Ya, best to just back off for a bit. Though we are the only person that she has reacted to since getting in to this state ('not you' and flinching away from the grief), so we might have to step in, yell at her to get herself together to catch her attention and then deliver an epic inspirational speech.
Though we are the only person that she has reacted to since getting in to this state
Good point.
We should make Akiko a blanket. TV has taught me that those are omnipresent in the aftermath of traumatic events. They must do something. :p
Never seen that myself, but a blanket is like a hug, yes?

I'm not sure hugging Akiko is a bright idea, though, given she is Akiko and we are Sabrina.
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-[X]You're all she has left, right? Most everything she's done, she did to keep all of you comfortable and safe.
-[X]Maybe she didn't win the battle. But as long as all of you are alive and well, she hasn't failed.
[X]Let Sendai continue to handle this.
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