[X] [Gylruv] Education reform (0.8x)

[X] [Outside] Send diplomats to Tortun and Styrmyr groups to solidify a peaceful western land border (1x)
[X] [Outside] Continue to assist the Black Sheep in having control over their internal and external policies (1.2x)
[X] [Outside] Increase aid to groups opposed to the Syffrynites (2x)

Not sure what Focus would be good for us, but I reckon it is Admin (as always). But the thing is, the more we oppose the Syffrynites, the more we can engineer multiple breakaways throughout the world, breaking the back of colonialism. Though there is something to be said about leaving a job half-done. But the way AN hints to our outer spheres of influence....gives a sense of ill foreboding that I am not sure would be wise to ignore.
[X] [Gylruv] Administrative reform (2x)
[X] [Gylruv] Education reform (0.8x)
[X] [Outside] Increase aid to groups opposed to the Syffrynites (2x)
[X] [Outside] Continue to assist the Black Sheep in having control over their internal and external policies (1.2x)
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[X] [Gylruv] Education reform (0.8x)
[X] [Outside] Collaborate with the Khemetri on mutually strengthening measures (1.5x)
[X] [Gylruv] Administrative reform (2x)
No love for Admin reform? Weighting sure shows that People think it's needed. @Academia Nut, do we think that integrating with Gylruv will cause problems if we don't update our admin?
[X] [Gylruv] Mutual integration (1x)
[X] [Outside] Subtly push the Black Sheep into splitting along an East-West fracture point so you can dominate the Western break (0.9x)

This vote is all in on Greater Ymar.

[X] [Gylruv] Education reform (0.8x)
[X] [Outside] Send diplomats to Tortun and Styrmyr groups to solidify a peaceful western land border (1x)

This is more long term interests. I'm cool with either.
[X] [Gylruv] Mutual integration (1x)
[X] [Outside] Subtly push the Black Sheep into splitting along an East-West fracture point so you candominate the Western break (0.9x)
[X] [Gylruv] Administrative reform (2x)
[X] [Gylruv] Mutual integration (1x)

Administrative reform because we know from experience that having a big empire requires improving your administration. Mutual integration because THE PLAN.

[X] [Outside] Collaborate with the Khemetri on mutually strengthening measures (1.5x)
[X] [Outside] Continue to assist the Black Sheep in having control over their internal and external policies (1.2x)

Ancient Empire Bros. and solidify our eastern land trade. Maybe we'll even start sinking our conversion memes into the Black Sheep, too, since if our bond is strong enough and the Black Empire is sufficiently stable they might start educating their noble children in our universities as well.

Also, a reminder to everybody: the runners up in the vote matter, even if they don't matter in the same way as the winner. Please, be considerate, and if your favorite option is already winning, try to vote for your second favorite instead, or approval vote like myself.
Not sure we WANT the British Isles to go east and start contesting our routes?

Pretty sure the idea is to get them to focus east of them (i.e. into Europe to fight with the Vortugs, Hespranxer, etc.) but not so far east as to reach us or our interests.
[X] [Gylruv] Mutual integration (1x)
[X] [Outside] Subtly push the Black Sheep into splitting along an East-West fracture point so you can dominate the Western break (0.9x)
[X] [Gylruv] Social reform (1.5x)
[X] [Gylruv] Administrative reform (2x)
[X] [Outside] Continue to assist the Black Sheep in having control over their internal and external policies (1.2x)
[X] [Outside] Send diplomats to Tortun and Styrmyr groups to solidify a peaceful western land border (1x)
[X] [Outside] Collaborate with the Khemetri on mutually strengthening measures (1.5x)
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[X] [Gylruv] Administrative reform (2x)
[X] [Outside] Collaborate with the Khemetri on mutually strengthening measures (1.5x)
[X] [Outside] Continue to assist the Black Sheep in having control over their internal and external policies (1.2x)
[X] [Outside] Collaborate with the Khemetri on mutually strengthening measures (1.5x)
We have good influence on 3 relevant bodies of water; time to pick up a 4th.

[X] [Gylruv] Social reform (1.5x)
If I have the right read on what this means, then it presents the smallest barrier to us later separating from the Gylruv. We either need to go for unification or ensure an easier time breaking. I think this would work on getting the Greater People on the same page on some important social issues, making them more like a single culture.
[X] [Gylruv] Administrative reform (2x)
[X] [Gylruv] Education reform (0.8x)

I don't know what to do for the Black Sheep option. I want Not!Persia, but breaking up the Black Sheep Empire will disrupt the over-land spice trade. Spice trade will die down over time, but still...

[X] [Outside] Send diplomats to Tortun and Styrmyr groups to solidify a peaceful western land border (1x)
[X] [Outside] Subtly push the Black Sheep into splitting along an East-West fracture point so you can dominate the Western break (0.9x)
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[X] [Gylruv] Administrative reform (2x)
[X] [Outside] Continue to assist the Black Sheep in having control over their internal and external policies (1.2x)
[X] [Outside] Send diplomats to Tortun and Styrmyr groups to solidify a peaceful western land border (1x)
[X] [Outside] Collaborate with the Khemetri on mutually strengthening measures (1.5x)
[X] [Outside] Collaborate with the Khemetri on mutually strengthening measures (1.5x)
[X] [Gylruv] Land reform (1.8x)
They are a mess of feudal and semi-feudal obligations, with their administration less a bureaucracy and more a bunch of military nobles and backbiting merchant princes who can be knocked into line by a strong Patriarch or cajoled through honeyed words or outright bribes by the People.
Ah, so hmm...thats basically perfect for an educational reform to touch their next generation with our ideas, and thus reduce resistance to the idea of "Fix all this shit".

But the clock ticks and I'm not sure how many approaches are going to go through in the end, so we're probably wanting to go Educational/Social.
Leave their administration in a mess for now, makes it less likely that they can resist our influence while we change their culture to align.

[X] [Gylruv] Social reform (1.5x)
[X] [Gylruv] Mutual integration (1x)

[X] [Outside] Send diplomats to Tortun and Styrmyr groups to solidify a peaceful western land border (1x)
[X] [Outside] Subtly push the Black Sheep into splitting along an East-West fracture point so you can dominate the Western break (0.9x)

Probably final barring new intel
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[X] [Gylruv] Administrative reform (2x)
[X] [Gylruv] Mutual integration (1x)

I don't know what to do for the Black Sheep option. I want Not!Persia, but breaking up the Black Sheep Empire will disrupt the over-land spice trade. Spice trade will die down over time, but still...
The BlackSheep are wholly interested in India (who wouldn't be) while the Khem have interests on our lands. The BlackSheep are unstable so they rely on us guiding them so we can push for more influence while keepin trade stable in the area. I would say push for admin reform since they are such a mess.
They are a mess of feudal and semi-feudal obligations, with their administration less a bureaucracy and more a bunch of military nobles and backbiting merchant princes who can be knocked into line by a strong Patriarch or cajoled through honeyed words or outright bribes by the People.
And the reform options generally affect both sides to find a compromise, I assume? So if we did something affecting their feudal arrangement, then unless our methods were just judged to be way better, then we'd adopt some of their methods, right?
Select an area to increase ties with Gylruv
[] [Gylruv] Land reform (1.8x)
[] [Gylruv] Social reform (1.5x)
[X] [Gylruv] Administrative reform (2x)
[] [Gylruv] Financial reform (1x)
[X] [Gylruv] Education reform (0.8x)
[] [Gylruv] Mutual integration (1x)

Select an external focus
[] [Outside] Increase aid to groups opposed to the Syffrynites (2x)
[] [Outside] Collaborate with the Khemetri on mutually strengthening measures (1.5x)
[X] [Outside] Send diplomats to Tortun and Styrmyr groups to solidify a peaceful western land border (1x)
[] [Outside] Continue to assist the Black Sheep in having control over their internal and external policies (1.2x)
[] [Outside] Subtly push the Black Sheep into splitting along an East-West fracture point so you can dominate the Western break (0.9x)
[] [Outside] Attempt to convince the Sketch that they would be better off looking east than west (0.9x)
Adhoc vote count started by Chrestomanci on Feb 24, 2018 at 1:05 AM, finished with 34 posts and 26 votes.
Still, damn, this was a master stroke by the Ymaryn diplomats. They just played most of the Greater Ymaryn factions like a fiddle, with those nations not even caring that they did so because of how huge the benefits they got out of it were.

And they just shattered any peaceful naval trade in the Atlantic (I assume) for at least a generation.

Not!Russia must be loving us so much right now.
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