On second thought, I messed up on one big thing: we are trading with people in Horse Mountains, not Salt Sea itself. Which means Dam is actually a step in that direction. I forgot it.
[X][Main] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Trade Mission - Forhuch
[X][Secondary] Influence Subordinate - Tinriver Colony
[X][Secondary] Expand Econ
[X][Secondary] Grand Hall Annex
[X][Secondary] Change Policy - Passive (Forestry + Forestry -> Infrastructure + Infrastructure)
[X][Guild] Plant Poppy
[X][Guild] Snail Cultivation
[X][Guild Secondary] Snail Cultivation
Econ: -2 (Dam) -2 (Influence) -2 (Grand Hall x1) -3 (Poppy) -4 (Snails) = -13.
Wealth: -2 (Trade Mission) -2 (Influence) = -4.
Econ: +6(Expand Econ)+12 (Balanced Main Expand Econ) = +18
Wealth: +7 (Poppy) + 4 (Snails) = 11.
Net: +5 Econ, + 7 Wealth, no negatives in either. Result: 19 Econ, 11 Wealth.
Problems addressed:
- 1/4 Great Halls for government upgrade,
- trade with Salt King continues (counts as NOMADS addressed, to a degree?),
- markets and baths will be done in time,
- mild support of subordinates,
- snails have a potential of becoming signature good (red-dyed flag and all).
- Dam started
Problems unaddressed:
- government upgrade is moving a bit too slowly.
- not enough army upgrades or fortification
- no roads (connectivity)
- no docks (connectivity, western subordinates)
Reason for "no docks in secondary guild slot": I don't want to see Econ 0, even if it is not, strictly speaking, starvation-level.